Imsies the Imthology
Pulsewarriors - Chapter 1: The Eclipser

Author notes

Pulsewarriors - Chapter 1: The Eclipser


So here we have the first page of Imsies the Imthology, Issue 1, and the beginning chapter of Pulsewarriors, the first story in this anthology. Numerous Illumid Marinitas, also known as "spongeboats", are travelling from afar across the brooks of El towards a common destination. What is this destination, for what purpose are they going there, and who is the mysterious illumid in the dark cloak tagging along? Well, stay tuned for coming updates to find out.

For newcoming readers I wanna inform that I'm currently only posting once a week for each of the four comics I got going here on DD, including this one. So the updating for this comic and for each of the other comics will be over the course of four weeks in between as it stands.

Possibly I might be able to muster up more updates a week down the line, but I can make no promise on that. So I hope that won't be too much of a time leap for you guys, if it is I can only recommend checking out my other comics to bridge time. The update for each comic each week will be lined up as follows:

Imsies the Imthology
Molly Lusc

Thanks for reading.


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