- Yeah....
- Black History Month
- VASE 4
- VASE 3
- VASE 2
- VASE 1
- Our VD Special
- Fillerly
- Guest Comic Time Go!
- Filler
- B Movie Garret
- Jastra The Snowgirl
- Silly Wizard, Lies are for Rogues
- Pointy Hats
- Fing Fang Foom-Kaboom
- In the Endo
- Jastra Out, Shadow In
- Oh, NOW he's Serious?
- Women can do it from behind
- Faster Then A Speeding Bullet
- Chop 'em Up
- Another Assasination? Jeez
- Black and Blue Balls
- Freaky Fuckin'
- Make it a Dickable Afternoon
- Late Night Rendevous
- On the Road Again
- Let's Do The Asswarp Again!
- Jastra Shadow Strike
Chapter 4: Road to Goldenrod
- 28 Days Later
- Time Egg
- Into The Negetive Zone
- Fat, Bald, Dead
- Showdown
- Sacrifice
- Dodged a Magic Missile
- Top of Things
- Nemesis
- Tastes Like Cabbage-Seriously
- Disbelief
- Best Bud-Balor
- Alfred Jeeves Walter
- Chocolate Flavored Bastard
- No Bone Puns
- Lobby Floor
- Enter Indiana Jones
- Hidden Elve's Temple
- Paladin of Love
- The Garret Way
- Stephenism's Creation Myth
- Elva Elva Elva
- Enter Olbaid
- And the halfling makes three!
Chapter 3: Elvastone
- Character Profile: Garret Jax
- Character Profile: Sidwarrious O'hewadrt
- A Potion A Day...
- Talky Talky Talky
- Wigga-What!?
- And one MORE Thing
- Shopping Spree
- Return of the King, er, Wizard
- Grande ol Wizard
- Rock Me Amadeis
- Emo or Goth?
- Who's That Girl?
- Meet The Flintstones
- But Where is he?
Chapter 2: He's a Wizard!
- Payday > 100 Grand
- Down Boy
- Maybe it was Mason Akabane
- Waken Warrious
- Hulk Angry
- He Moves Like They Do
- Dante-I Mean Sid's Awakening
- Bad Reacharound
- Ludacris Speed X 2
- Garret's Recovery
- Let's Set it to Ludacris Speed
- Matrix Moves
- Sid=Sam Jackson
- OMFG! He's Wolverine!
- He Stole Vash's shoes!
- It Sucks, I know
- He Must Be a Creative Lover
- Let it Shine
- How the WHAT?
- Lay on Hands
- Jumpin' Shade
- Owies
- Shadow Man
- Cocky Cocksucker
- Enter Mason
- Jump, Jump
- Melodrama is Lame
- It's a Talky
Chapter 1: Target Alucade
- Please read more!
- It's Tricksey!
- First Blood
- Is That Possible?! Nvm...
- Crazy Crossbows
- Double Your Pleasure
- Back That Thang Up
- Hit it From Behind
- King of Hearts
- Shadow Jumpin' Punk
- Catch Phrase Already
- Katars V. Longswords
Prelude to chapter 1
Mercs Title Page
- Yeah....
- Black History Month
- VASE 4
- VASE 3
- VASE 2
- VASE 1
- Our VD Special
- Fillerly
- Guest Comic Time Go!
- Filler
- B Movie Garret
- Jastra The Snowgirl
- Silly Wizard, Lies are for Rogues
- Pointy Hats
- Fing Fang Foom-Kaboom
- In the Endo
- Jastra Out, Shadow In
- Oh, NOW he's Serious?
- Women can do it from behind
- Faster Then A Speeding Bullet
- Chop 'em Up
- Another Assasination? Jeez
- Black and Blue Balls
- Freaky Fuckin'
- Make it a Dickable Afternoon
- Late Night Rendevous
- On the Road Again
- Let's Do The Asswarp Again!
- Jastra Shadow Strike
Chapter 4: Road to Goldenrod
- 28 Days Later
- Time Egg
- Into The Negetive Zone
- Fat, Bald, Dead
- Showdown
- Sacrifice
- Dodged a Magic Missile
- Top of Things
- Nemesis
- Tastes Like Cabbage-Seriously
- Disbelief
- Best Bud-Balor
- Alfred Jeeves Walter
- Chocolate Flavored Bastard
- No Bone Puns
- Lobby Floor
- Enter Indiana Jones
- Hidden Elve's Temple
- Paladin of Love
- The Garret Way
- Stephenism's Creation Myth
- Elva Elva Elva
- Enter Olbaid
- And the halfling makes three!
Chapter 3: Elvastone
- Character Profile: Garret Jax
- Character Profile: Sidwarrious O'hewadrt
- A Potion A Day...
- Talky Talky Talky
- Wigga-What!?
- And one MORE Thing
- Shopping Spree
- Return of the King, er, Wizard
- Grande ol Wizard
- Rock Me Amadeis
- Emo or Goth?
- Who's That Girl?
- Meet The Flintstones
- But Where is he?
Chapter 2: He's a Wizard!
- Payday > 100 Grand
- Down Boy
- Maybe it was Mason Akabane
- Waken Warrious
- Hulk Angry
- He Moves Like They Do
- Dante-I Mean Sid's Awakening
- Bad Reacharound
- Ludacris Speed X 2
- Garret's Recovery
- Let's Set it to Ludacris Speed
- Matrix Moves
- Sid=Sam Jackson
- OMFG! He's Wolverine!
- He Stole Vash's shoes!
- It Sucks, I know
- He Must Be a Creative Lover
- Let it Shine
- How the WHAT?
- Lay on Hands
- Jumpin' Shade
- Owies
- Shadow Man
- Cocky Cocksucker
- Enter Mason
- Jump, Jump
- Melodrama is Lame
- It's a Talky
Chapter 1: Target Alucade
- Please read more!
- It's Tricksey!
- First Blood
- Is That Possible?! Nvm...
- Crazy Crossbows
- Double Your Pleasure
- Back That Thang Up
- Hit it From Behind
- King of Hearts
- Shadow Jumpin' Punk
- Catch Phrase Already
- Katars V. Longswords
Prelude to chapter 1
Mercs Title Page
Author notes
I don't know if I have to delete this comic now or not. But if I do, I'm gonna wait a few days so everyone gets the message. I don't want to because I really liked reading the happy nice comments that made me feel warm and slimey on the inside. But yeah go to Sid the Merc to see actual updates. Bout time. I missed you guys. Well, I missed Walrus and Seventy_2. I hate everyone else. Unless you don't hate me. Then we cool. *Looks at crowd* Only Walrus and Seventy_2 then? Tis what I figured…
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