Molly Lusc
Close Call, Page 5 - Open for business

Author notes

Close Call, Page 5 - Open for business


Molly start to recount what happened three days ago.

This page got finnished a bit later then I would have wanted due to me being busy making an FYC page for this years DD awards. Thought I'd jump back to one of my older comics this update just to ensure you readers that though I've recently set up two brand new comics, I haven't given up my work on any of my older stuff.

I intend to work on all of these stories, because that's just how I do things now. Also I'm thinking about scrapping the whole odd weeks only updating schedule and simply have it be one page update at minimum every week if nothing intervenes.

I do intend to avoid long hiatuses like the ones I've had (and informed you about) in the past. Short little breaks now and then should be enough (which - as usual - I will inform you about when it comes around).

Feel free to comment on my use of textures, for the walls, floors and ceilings, in this page, it's quite a new thing for me. Til' next time.


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