Moonlit Shadows

Chapter 1-Darkness on the Edge of Town-Title Page

Author notes

Chapter 1-Darkness on the Edge of Town-Title Page


Hi-de-ho, Rogue here again!

So…um…not too much exciteness this week. Just a title page. I like parodying things, for those of you who are trying to figure out where in the hell you've heard that title before….

Next week there won't be an actual page update, just thought I'd let you know. I'm going home to Spokane, WA tommorow for Thanksgiving break (I go to school in FL-long plane trips suck arse), and I won't be back until Monday the 27th. My house in Spokane doesn't have a scanner that works….so…no update.

I'll try and tablet doodle something to amuse you guys on that Monday, but I can't make any guarantees…

Listening to: Bark at the Moon - Ozzy Osborne


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Moonlight meanderer

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