Pinky TA
Part 7 page 39

Author notes

Part 7 page 39


Page description:
Pinky sneaks out to her tiger tromper… Her killing spree proves it's benefits as an extra distraction- seems that the mother of one of the miscreants came upon the scene. If only she'd raised him better. :(
Meanwhile the two likely lads guarding the beast abandon their post with the best intentions, giving Pinky the chance she needs without resorting to further violence. She then proceeds to make merry hell with the poor village folk and there's even a bit of fan service with a pic of quite a kick-arse ass! WOW! O_O
And off Pinky goes into the baron wilds in search of her erstwhile partner, the jade Buddha and REVENGE!

Could this page have possibly taken any longer? Of course, but this was quite ling enough. On the upside the detail is really quite intricate. What you see here is the page at less than 25% of its actual size. I think that maybe I should cut down on panels (there's 12 here, even though they don't all have borders), TRY and cut down on detail (doing a tiger stripe mecha was an insane idea), and try and update more frequently.
Oh, I forgot to add the cuts and scratches to Pinky's wrists… I'll have to go back and fix that, Farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk!

*First up, Fanart from Genejoke of Malefic, Malefic Tales, Cubicle and Hero Factor

But also fanart from: Then Pit Face of Putrid Meat, Baconmoose of War of the Dogs, AQau ng mod of DD forum games and creator of Naive, A short 3D comic from Aurora Moon of Enless dream, and from kennatsu of out Sexy Bouncin Oppai Troopers (adult work)


Listen to the Quackcast! The beautiful Skoolmunkee and I have been doing this for ages now. we have 17 under our belts and another recording on Thursday where we'll be talking about the process of featuring comics. We talk about a number of things, we've even interviewed Amelius and Evil Emperor Nick from Charby the Vampirate and Cwen's Quest respectively! Mainly we discuss the week's features and then discuss some aspect of the whole webcomic experience… like Community projects, advertising your work, getting started or something like that. It's pretty fun, I'm thinking about introducing a radio play type thing in there too…
So Listen! And please tell us what you think.


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