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Kiah onPoster design for next year's Anime Boston. Yeah, I'm ahead of the game what of it? Oh yeah and you haven't a couple of these characters yet. Oh well! I really wanted to draw them! haha
I wanted to post here to fill people in on what's up. As it stands, I've decided not to bother printing issue 1 just yet. I'd like to go ahead and start doing chapter 2 next week. Once that's complete, I figure I'll combine the first two chapters into one big 70-80 page issue. The goal is to have this done before Anime Boston next year. If things start looking bleak, I'll just print the first issue and take it with me. During this time I hope to get some other stuff done like better button designs, more poster designs, and maybe some other stuff. We'll see how it goes.
Anyway, new pages starting next week (I hope). I've been busy with work and school stuff so I still need to get some writing done…
Until then, you can check out my sketch blog that I do with my girlfriend if you want or watch my deviantART stuff. I update them a good bit. - blog - dA
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Login or RegisterAnnie2495 at
Whoa. that's a lot of action!
Nako at
Wow… Must. Drool. =O_O=
deepcheese at
This looks awesome!
Mirre at
Just read through your comic and I toootally love your style. Five and faved!
JustNoPoint at
Dude, that is SO professional looking! WOW!
BlkKnight at
That's going to make a superb poster!
mattchee at
diggin it!
mattchee at
diggin it!
argonsassistant at
This page looks GREAT
Demons_and_Purgatory at
Wow. That's freakin' amazing. The coloring is fantastic!! I'm really impressed! If I was going I'd buy it off you for 300 bucks!
worstcase at
ooooooooooooooooo…look how cool it is!