Tales of Kenah

005: Found

Author notes

005: Found


Grr. I don't like how this page turned out. The drawing bit could have been better - maybe if I drew at a table… I shrunk it on the computer and it went all pixely. When I went to upload it, I realized I hadn't done the shading. I don't like shading, and I wanted to get it done. So I rushed through that. One of these days I'll come back and redo this page.
As you can see, the pattern in the corners of the bubbles is different for most of this page. That is because a different character is speaking/thinking. This character's corners are a pain to make because the only line-drawing tool on Paint Shop Pro is the pen tool and they register as objects (like text, squares, and circles), not ink (like the brush and eraser). That means I can't erase then if I need to. Thus I proceeded to the infinitesimally simple Paint and made lines. It took forever.
One thing I do like about this page is the ideas. This guy does things, he doesn't just stand around and think. Another thing is how panel 3 goes outside the lines. I think it's pretty. I'll have some different layout-stuff here and there. I'm half-experimenting, half-not-being-too-boring.
- XeaRi


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