Go read The Fatman
- #271- Treasure Seeker
#270- Dungeons and David #2
- #269- Dungeons and David #1
- #268- High5
- #267- Mock the Weak
- #266- Fatman Smells a Rat #6
- #265- Fatman Smells A Rat #5
- #264- Fatman Smells A Rat #4
- #263- Fatman Smells a Rat #3
- #262- Fatman Smells A Rat #2
- #261- Fatman Smells A Rat #1
#260- The Boss GC
- #259- Epic Writer
- #258- ewBay
- Davids way
- The Author Your Way
- Saving Throws tester
- #257- Speed Freak
- #256- Bungenius
- #255-Lesson One
- Star Wars Day
- #254- House of Tears
- #253- Down to Earth
- #252-Eve-Ah!
- #251- Doth Protest
#250-Call of Celebration
- #249- What a walker
- #248-Loving Family Unit
- #247-God of Wrong
- #246- Kidulthood
- #245- Is there an Ian in the house?
- #244- A Nightmare to Remember
- #243- The Puppet Author: Wait... What?!?
- #242- Revenge
- #241- Revealing
#240 - Sleeper Agent
- #239- Boxed In
- #238 - Fatman Returns The Finale
- #237- Fatman Returns #13
- #236- Fatman Returns #12
- #235 - Snow Day
- #234 - GC- Seans Tale of Truth
- #233 - Fatman Returns #11
- #232 - Fatman Returns #10
- #231 - Fatman Returns #9
#230 - Fatman Returns #8
- #229- Fatman Returns #7
- #228 - Comic Jam
- #227- Fatman Returns #6
- #226- Fatman Returns #5
- #225- Fatman Returns #4
- #224- Fatman Returns #3
- #223- Fatman Returns #2
- #222- Fatman Returns #1
- #221-Voice of Opinion
#220-Expletive Deleted
- #219-Change of Character
- #218 - Character Flaw
- #217-Logging In
- #216- Sweet Memories
- #215- Inner Conflict
- #214- Wet Dreams
- #213 - Hair Netta
- #212- Snow Fall
- #211 - Heartbreak
#210- The Final day
- #209 - The eleventh day
- #208-The tenth day
- #207- The ninth day
- #206-The eighth day
- #205-The seventh day
- #204-The sixth day
- #203-The fifth day
- #202- The forth day
- #201 - The third day
#200 - The second day
- #199 - The first day
- #198 - Bat Crazy - Joff GC
- #197 - Fatman Begins #6
- #196 - Mario Warfare
- #195 - Fatman Begins #5
- #194 - Guy Fawkes Special
- #193 - Hollow
- #192 - Fatman Begins #4
- #191 - Fatman Begins #3
#190 - Fatman Begins #2
- #189 - Fatman Begins #1
- #188- Shooting Stars!
- I am The Fatman!
- #187 - Exe-Mass
- #186 - Madmen
- #185 - Homecoming
- #184 - Slave Labour
- #183 - Public Service Announcement
- #182 - Apocalypse Then
- #181 - Recycle This
#180 - Master of Puppets
- #179 - Breaking News
- #178 - It got worse
- #177 - Knife Fight GC
- #176 - Whipped
- #175 - Sweatshop GC
- #174 - Another EddsWorld Comic
- #173 - Its the thought that counts GC
- #172 - One Slice Please
- #171 - GC Bacon Strips
#170 - The Author starred in LWI
- #169-The Assisstant #2
- #168 - Respect - The Jimmy GC
- #167 - A Call to Arms
- #166- Wait, Stop!
- #165 - Break a Few
- #164- Hands On
- #163- No Hands
- We're on a boat - FILLER
- #162 - BOOM!
- #161 - Internet Porn
#160 - The A Road
- #159 - Eddsworld guest - Michaels 25th
- #158- Check up 'n' out
- #157- High Roller
- #156- It's contagious
- #155- Guest Comic by Living with Insanity
- #154 - The Survival guide #5
- #153- You Dirty Clapper
- #152 - The Survival guide #4
- #151 - Death Becomes Thee
#150 - 1 Fif Tea
- #149- Auf Goodbye
- #148- Gag Order
- #147- The Survival Guide #3
- #146 - Pet me
- #145- Special America
- #144 - Ice Ice Baby
- #143- The Royales
- #142- Towering Tumbler
- #141- The Assisstant #1 and only
#140- Goodbye my love
- #139 - The Survival Guide #2
- #138 - Over the Rainbow
- #137 - The Survival Guide #1
- #136 - Epic Christmas
- #135- De Ja Mayne
- #134 - Alex guest comic: Left 4 Dead
- #133 - A good read
- #132- On the Edge
- #131- Fell Over
#130- Oh Jeez Why?
- #129 - Alex guest comic week #2
- #128 - Alex guest comic week #1
- #127- Fable is Dead
- #126- Men @ Work
- Halloween 2008
- #125- Leggo my Ego
- #124- He's baaaaaack!
- #123 - Finger Picking Good
- #122 - Photoshop Beauty
- #121 - The Force Unzipped
#120 - Role Playa Hater 2
- #119 - Eddsworld Guest Comic
- #118 - Heroes and Losers
- #117- Ever title came out as racist
- #116- Duke Nuke Me
- #115- Misdiagnosis:Cottage
- #112- Too Feminine
- Laptop Got!
- #111 - Bacon and Noodles
- Please Read
#110 - Another Joff Guest Comic
- #109- In the air
- Then and Now
- #108- Spot the Difference
- #107- Lara Who?
- #106- ...And effect!
- #105- Cause...
- #104- Epic Guest comic by Alex
- Author SMASH!
- #103- The Incredible Bulk
- The Author needs YOU!
- #102- 16 Walls in total
- #101- Joff Guest comic
#100- Comic #100
- #99- Hairy Situation
- #98- Jebus Cripes
- I'm asleep
- #97- Wanna see my lightsaber?
- #96- Chest Raped
- #95- Aw carrots
- #94- Sixty Nine
- #93- The Joff - ORANGE!!!
- #92- Fase Base
- #91- Matt guest comic - Convention Crisis
#90- Con Vention
- Art- Rule of Two
- #89 - Finding Emo
- #88 - Joff guest comic - Authors Birfday
- #87- We Surrender
- #86- Hard to find
- #85- Time to Shine
- #84- Pick a card
- #83- Plumb Job
- #82- The Alex: Duty Calls
- #81- Mediiiic!
#80 - Sir Toss Sir!
- #79- Sudden Interest
- #78 - Lost and Found
- #77- Dn'Dn'En'Fn'G
- #76 - Bat Burger
- #75- Role Playa Hater
- #74- It givths...
- #73- Ass in Creed
- #72- Man Cold
- #71- Employee of the Month
#70 - Is it over?
- Wrapped up
- Ian v2.5
- The Author v2.0
- #69 - Legend of Author - Joff Guest Strip
- #68 - Mince Meat Pies
- #67 - Finger cramp
- #66- La.....aaaaaaaaag!
- #65- Douchebox
- #64- 42nd Aid
- #63- *Insert penis joke here*
- Remember Remember
- #62- Hello-When?
- #61- N00bish n00b
#60- Points don't matter
- #59 - Employees
- #58- Sheep
- #57- Fat Humour
- Working!
- #56- Ghost in the Author
- #55- Somewhere over the emo
- #54- Love be a boxy tonight
- #53- How not to save a life
- #52 - Poke me!
- #51 - Bayformers
- Filler : Minion Master
#50 - Episode 50
- Evolution of a freak!
- #49 - BFF...F
- #48 - All's fair in love and pyramids
- #47 - Serious Time
- #46 - All in a days work - Gibbo
- #45 - Riiiiiiidge Raaaaaacer
- One year and counting...
- #44- Birthday- Lsnewton
- #43- Birthday - Joff
- #43- Berrer Ran Mama
- #42- What the censored?
- Beauty Contest Announcement
- #41 - Metal Claw
- Better than Movies
#40 - She's part black?
- Beauty Contest - Talent
- #39 - Legend of prat
- Beauty Contest - Swimwear
- #38- God of damn he's stupid!
- Beauty Contest - Formal
- #37- Get a hair cut you hippy!
- #36 - Slippy
- #35- Land of the Triangles
- #34 - Go go web
- #33- Young Man
- Head2Head
- #32- Oblivion'd
- #31- Guitar Zero
- Fan Art : Gibs
#30 - Captain M
- #29 - Breakdown
- And it's over!!!
- Recruitment: A DD Civil War Event 3
- Recruitment: A DD Civil War Event 2
- Recruitment: A DD Civil War Event 1
- I'm with Riot: The Pun-isher
- I'm with Riot: The Author
- #28- Jackpot
- #27- Sk8ing Kills
- #26- X = 8
- #25- Roses part 2
- #24 - Roses, part 1
- #23 - What comes around
- #22- Go Something Something
- Compition entry- Joff
- #21 - Ker-reepy
#20 - Here today, hair tommorrow
- #19 - Those who don't learn
- #18 - Auld Lang Whats-his-name!
- #17 - The Tutorial
- #16 - PS University
- #15 - The end is nigh!
- #14 - Twas the night...
- #13 - Way to far...
- #12 - F.A.T.T.Y.S
- #11 - Been there, Saw it!
#10- Golden
- #9- Being Served?
- #8- The Author on the XBox 360
- #7- Gimme Gimme Gimme some booze!
- #6- Hari Kiri
- #5- Oh the EMO!
- #4- Alerted Appearance
- #3- Take That you!
- #2- How the Author got his new hair style
- #1- Introduction
Author notes
If you hadn't of noticed from the 2 year absence, The Author comic is officially dead! Kaput! As a doornail! However, recently I was contacted by Ian with a script for The Fat Knight. lt's currently an "update when I can" comic as since the last time I updated The Author, I got a full time, 5 days a week job. So please, go over to and enjoy the adventures of The Fat Knight!
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