Vi is Manor

0059-A reason for everything

Author notes

0059-A reason for everything


"8D no worries no worries! i just moved recently =w= so i cant really get on as much as i'd like to so my comments will always be a little late now -sadness-
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0A0 a vet!? How incredibly awesome is that?! lol Dr. Mitchell. Dr. Michael. Its just kind of funny to me XD Question! Considering that Noir is a cat, Would he go to the vet or the doctor? 0w0
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Disturbing/strange/awesome news XD Last night i was scratching out an older character in my notebook and without realizing it I drew Vi's dad! lol so i drew Vi next to him in fancy wear XD -when im totally moved in and have interntet ill post it xD-
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Oh! Nine is cute how hes worried for the animals. Im really more of a cat person myself."
Wow, fanart of my dad? Fanart of me is surprising enough. Man, moving is a pain in the ass, always. I hope you don't get too stressed out.
"Hmmmmm. I smell dramaaaaa. What's the scoop on Doctor Michael and Doctor Mitchell?"

Hey, it's 3 minutes to 24 Hour Comics Day! Are you gonna do ittt? Are youuu?? 24 pages, or 100 panels if it's an infinite-canvas comic. Pssh! You could easily do it. You practically do it every time you update!

Well anyway, I hope no animals get really really lost. Or stuck in the fire. Or magically amplified by the fire to have fiery super powers."
ARGH, I forgot to respond to this, the 24 hour comic thing. Yeah, I did not though I have always wanted to. I came back from a concert that day at 3 a.m. so it was sadly not meant to be.
Hey guys, sorry I'm late. You know, the usual. Well, mostly this time I just didn't want to, I haven't been feeling too good. Emotionally and physically. I'm having a hard time with the people in my department but drawing the comic made me very happy so all's good.

Now for some news!

For the fanart strips I completely forgot to link back to the fanarts last time, why didn't anyone tell me? To fix this problem I uploaded them all into one crappy spot until I figure out this thing called the internet. I titled all of them with dates which correspond to the comic uploaded on said date. There's a subfolder of all the crap Alex has drawn for me. Well, some of it, most of it is somewhere at my house and the rest are in a beat up old orange folder somewhere, I'll scan them all soon.

Here's the link:
The link is also located in the author's comment on the first comic.

I will update the character list soon, it's woefully behind.

Last is something I'm very angry about, I was going through the archives here and I've been noticing more than one my reader's comments being reported, not only have they been reported but they have also been deleted.

One comment was by Ninjapunk that said she would still draw fanart of me and no matter how many times I've read this I cannot find anything offensive by it. Second was a comment by decidedlyanonymous, I can't remember the comment exactly but as far as I can remember decidedlyanonymous has never said anything remotely offensive to anything.

I guess I just want to say to whoever it is, fucking stop. Is there any reason for this? Since there isn't anything possibly offensive are you just bored? Also, why the fuck are they getting deleted? I cannot see any reason why the admins thought they were worthy of deletion. If someone could bring this to my attention, that would be great.

Sorry for that guys, enjoy the comic! I wanted to draw more but I was afraid of being too late so… Yes. Man, I love drawing this so much. Thanks, guys.
Ok, yet again, a comment by The Derkomai is under admin review. Does someone have something against this comic? Would you like to talk it out instead?


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