Drunk Duck Mafia XXXII - Anarchy in Townston.
Art by Zeph.
The impossible has happened. Our beloved Mayor and the tree hugging Pardoner have been viciously attacked and killed. Townston has been thrown into chaos with the power vacuum that they left behind and the Mafia intents to take full advantage of that fact.
For new players:
This is a standard game with all the classic roles with few minor and major changes.
Players are placed into two teams, villagers and criminals. The criminals, most particularly the mafia, is trying to take control of the town and won't hesitate killing those who stand in the way. The villager's job is to prevent that from happening.
The game breaks down into turns/cycles, alternating between days and nights. Each cycle lasts 24 hours and what you do during that time depends on what type of a turn it is.
During day cycles the villagers try to figure out who the criminals are and put them to justice. They do that by lynching those who they think is guilty.
The night cycles are then dominated by the criminals, which is when they go out to to strike. Few villagers, like the vigilante and the bodyguards have night powers as well which they use in order to keep the town safe.
Normally a classic game starts with an election for a new leadership but in this version we will be forgoing that. The town operates under majority rules where the largest group gets to have their say. Of course, should more then one large group form, with different opinions, things may boil over.
Lynch rules:
During days, players will form lynch mobs where they vote to lynch a player that they believe is a criminal. Like usually, criminals in disguise are free to attempt to manipulate those votes. Since there is no central figure around to help organize the town these lynch mobs will operate under different rules.
Basically it works like this: If Suspect 1 and Suspect 2 are both suspected of being criminals, we can assume that people will flock and vote for those two miscreants. However, votes are not depicted as calm people politely standing in a line to cast votes for the one they wish to lynch. Instead they form mobs. Players who vote to lynch Suspect 1 represent one mob while the ones who vote for Suspect 2 represent another.
If either Suspect 1 or Suspect 2 receives more votes, it will mean that the winning mob that promoted the death of their player grew to such high number that all other mobs submitted to their will. However in the case where both suspects receive equal amount of votes and we end up with a tie, chaos occurs…
Lynching complications:
In a case of a tie, during lynch votes, two of the mobs (or more in case of a three way tie or more) will have formed great support for their cause and both sides will refuse to back down. The heated debate will end up in a street conflict which will cancel the lynch. During these conflicts, ONE player of EACH side will die. A randomizer will determine the casualties and the players who were voted to be lynched can breathe a relieving sigh about being ignored during these street fights… that is of course unless they happen to be part of the conflicting mobs. In that case they're free game, like all the other players participating in the fight.
In case of a game with 20 players, the number of starting roles will be:
8 Townies
2 Bodyguards
1 Paramedic
1 Veteran
1 Detective
1 Vigilante
1 Paranoid
1 Godfather
1 Mad Hatter
2 Hitman
Serial Killers:
1 Psychopath
Lynch a bad guy during the day. Survive the night. Rinse and repeat. These players are Pro-Town and are in business to save Townston from corruption.
As a townie, you stand to loose big, should the mafia ever manage to take control of the town. Be critical! Be suspicious! Most importantly, be on time to vote for a lynch or you won't have any fun at all.
As a bodyguard with no one to protect, you're pretty useless. Therefore it is advisable that you find someone who you prefer stays alive during the course of this game. You're free to pick any player as your protected target and you will defend him with your life. A protected player can not be killed during nights or lynching complications. Once you've picked a player to protect, you will continuously protect him unless you change your mind and decide to protect someone else (You need to notify the GM if you change target).
Since you're now able to actually stay in your clinic, you now have full access to all your medical equipment. After a good nights sleep, you spend the following day, looking over the newest victims to see if you can help him.
No wait! He's still breathing!: Pick a player who was killed during the night or lynching complication and revive him. This power can ONLY be used on a player who died during yesterday's lynching complications or the previous night (the corpse can't be older then two turns). This power does not work on people who were properly lynched. Using this power will leave a clue to your identity.
You've been around the block a few times and know how to escape an attack on your life. But for how long? The veteran gets two lives, meaning two hits must be made on him before he dies. A veteran can survive a bombing attempt or an attack during lynching complications, if he still has both night lives but it will count as a hit attempt.
The Detective
The detective is after the bad guys of Townston. His brilliant reasoning skills and numerous contacts makes him among the best investigators in the town. The Detective is capable of using his powers both day and night.
And you are?: Using this ability the Detective can find out much about the person that he's scrutinizing. Things like, what size of shoes he wears, his favorite brand of toothpaste, magazine subscription but most importantly, he can find out if the villager is a villager or a criminal. (Mafia and serial killers will show up as criminals, unless they have powers to help hide their identities.) This power can only be used twice.
Who dun it?: Whenever a crime has been committed, it's up to the detective to investigate the crime scene. Should he choose to investigate someone, the detective can figure out if that person was responsible for the crime (The detective can ask the GM if a specific player committed a specific crime and get a yes/no answer).
What's going on here?: During lynches, the detective can infiltrate a lynching mob and look for possible suspects. Should he choose to use this power he'll be able to find out if any criminals voted for a specific player and also how many criminals voted for that player (if any). This power can only be used during the day and he can only investigate the lynch mobs that form during that time (can not investigate lynches from previous times). The results of his investigation will be presented to him at the end of the lynch election.
Note: In order to activate this power, the detective HAS to vote for the same player that the mob that he's investigating is voting for, in order to infiltrate it.
You are the caped crusader of Townston. A masked man who has decided to take the law into his own hands. Each night you can target and kill someone who you believes to be a villain. Be careful who you chose though because you just might be taking out a friendly.
The paranoid is a wee bit unhinged by his experiences in some horrible and bloody war. During days, he's perfectly normal but during the night he keeps to himself and relives the horrors of his past. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be mafia or townie (such as a bodyguard opting to protect him). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons interact with him during the night, the first person will die but the second will not. Special note, investigation powers can be used on him without fear of death since the Detective is merely investigating him and checking his background and is not directly interacting with him. He can also be targeted with a horse head (although it will not affect his ability to kill someone). Also, the paranoid is not aware that he's insane and thus believes himself to be a normal townie.
The mafia’s win condition is to kill all the townies and rival opposition. Unlike townies, all mafia members know who each other are. All mafia members have kill powers in one form or another. With the exception of the Godfather, a mafia member cannot kill fellow mafia.
The godfather is the undisputed leader of the Mafia and has several special abilities in his arsenal.
Send him a message: The godfather is able to leave a severed horse head in the target's bed. This will scare the targeted player, causing him to go into hiding for the next day and night cycle. During this time the player can't perform any action at all. He can't vote for the next lynch and he can't use his powers if he has any. While the player is in hiding he can't be killed. A person who's already been targeted with a horse head attack can't be targeted again.
Call in a favor: The Godfather can once per game, cancel a lynch. If this ability is used during lynching complications, the fight will be prevented.
Welcome to the family: The godfather can turn one of the villagers into a made man, causing him to become a member of the mafia and can thus share in their victory. The target has to be a willing applicant and thus can not be changed into a mafia member without his permission. This will alter his alignment, turning him into a criminal (if he isn't one to begin with), and thus he needs to be lynched/killed in order for the town to win. This will not alter the role of the player in any way and he will still have access to his original powers. This power can only be used once.
The kiss of death: The godfather is the only mafia member who can kill other mafia members. Just remember that killing your own teammates is counter-productive.
Behind the curtains: The Godfather doesn't dirty his hands since he has his goons to carry out his orders. The godfather will appear as an innocent villager to the detective. He's also considered to be protected if he's attacked during the night or lynching complications.
Now it's personal: The godfather has decided to take actions into his own hands. By brandishing his pistol the leader has taken to the streets. He gains the ability to kill once per night but looses all benefits he received from his Behind the curtains power. If the godfather is the only mafia member left, this power is automatically activated.
Mad Hatter
Each night, the Mad Hatter is able to plant a single bomb on someone or detonate a bomb that's already been planted. He can't plant a bomb and detonate during the same night. The Mad Hatter can at most keep two undetonated bombs in circulation but is free to plant more once he's detonated or lost one of them. Every time he detonates a bomb, a clue is given about his identity. Should the mad hatter be killed either through a lynch or a night hit, all bombs in circulation will detonate, killing his targets. If a target of his somehow dies by other means, the mad hatter loses that bomb. That bomb is also discovered on the body, which gives the townies a clue who the Mad Hatter might be. Bombs can be intercepted by the bodyguard, giving clues to the identity of the Mad Hatter as well.
You are a mafia hitman. Each night you get to stab somebody in the face. Have fun with that.
While these individuals are not allied with the Mafia, they're none the less dangerous people. Their ultimate goal is to be the last people standing or cause as much chaos as possible.
If it moves, you kill it. If it's standing still, you shake it so it moves and then you kill it. You love the smell, taste and texture of blood. Your epiphany is the sound of a screaming victim. In short, you're not right in the head. Each night you must kill someone of your choice to satisfy your blood lust. Leave none left standing.

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Drunk Duck Mafia XXXII - Anarchy in Townston.
1: Mettaur the Atomic Mirelurk - Paramedic. Died during night 5.
2: I Am The 1337 Master the Goddamn Batman - Townie. Died during night 5.
3: Zeph the Psycho Leader - mafia recruited serial killer. Lynched during day 4.
4: Niccea the Great Deceiver and Keeper of Records - Hitman. Survived!
5: Salsa the Luckless - Townie. Died during night 5.
6: crocty the Usual Suspect - Vigilante. Died during night 3.
7: kitty17 - Townie. Died during night 5.
8: pastel the Mass Murderer - Townie. Died during night 4.
9: rokulily the Minister of Cuteness - Townie. Died during night 5.
10:same the Passerby Boy - Mad Hatter. Died during night 1.
11:jninjashadow the Town Drunk - Townie Lynched during day 3.
12:Hakoshen the Spartan - Bodyguard. Died during night 2.
13:TheFlyingGreenMonkey the Bearer of Too Many Titles - Townie. Lynched during day 1.
14:seventy2 - Hitman Survived!
15:herio - Detective. Died during night 3.
16:Anthony Mercer the Emotional Lurker - Godfather. Survived!
17:Kroatz - Townie Lynched during day 5.
18:maru the Last Rager - Bodyguard. Casualty of day 2 lynching complication.
19:Ochitsukanai the Trend Setter - Townie. Died during night 2.
20:harkovast the Patron Saint of Finger Pointing and Self Proclaimed Furry Pusher - Paranoid. Died during night 1.
21:gullas the impaler - Mayor. Died during the opening narration.
22:waff-man - Pardoner. Died during the opening narration.
Day 1 lynch Results:
Mob 1 - Lynching TheFlyingGreenMonkey (9) - Lynched-
Anthony Mercer
Mob 2 - Lynching Crocty (1)
Mob 3 - Lynching Zeph (1)
Mob 4 - Lynch Hakoshen (1)
Day 2 lynch Results: - Lynch Complications -
Mob 1 - Lynching Ochitsukanai (6)
maru - Attacked -
Mob 2 - Lynching Zeph (6)
Anthony Mercer
Mob 3 - Lynching Crocty (2)
Day 3 lynch Results:
Mob 1 - Lynching jninjashadow (4) - Lynched-
Mob 2 - Lynching I Am The 1337 Master (1)
I Am The 1337 Master
Mob 3 - Lynching Herio (1)
Mob 4 - Lynching salsa (1)
Mob 5 - Lynching Kroatz (1)
Day 4 lynch Results:
Mob 1 - Lynching Zeph (3) - Lynched-
Day 5 lynch Results:
Mob 1 - Lynching I Am The 1337 Master (2)
Mob 2 - Lynching Kroatz (3)
I Am The 1337 Master
End of turn narrations:
Day 1.
Night 1.
Day 2.
Night 2.
Day 3.
Night 3.
Day 4.
Night 4.
Day 5.
Night 5 - Final Narration.
Opening Narration:
The city of Townston!
Most people are likely to agree that this place isn't exactly well known for peace and tranquility. Yet tonight along with its antecedent nights have been unusually still. The villagers were starting to get used to the peace and quiet and travel agencies were actually contemplating about adding the town to their sight seeing routes.
And who's to thank for bringing the violence int Townston to an end? Why, our diligent Mayor and Pardoner of course. These streetwise individuals managed to singlehandedly (with the help of the town resources, of course) weed away all sources of crime and corruption… or so they thought…
"You think you've got me? I'll show you who's got who? I'll show all of you!"
This was gullas's favorite part in the hit blockbuster 'Gangsters and Ruffians'. The villain had just been cornered by the good guys and good was about to triumph over evil. However, the bad guys had one more ace up their sleeve. Reaching out for a fistful of popcorn, he instead finds Waff's hand, searching for traces of snacks at the bottom of the bowl.
"You finished the popcorn, you greed pig?" groaned gullas.
"Me!? You're the one who was practically breathing the stuff" snorted Waff.
"Whatever. We can get more." said gullas and motioned his bodyguard to refill the bowl.
"I'm sorry sir but that was the last bag of 'Popping Madness' " explained the bodyguard, showing him the empty box that used to be the holy source of microwavable popcorn.
"Well it's a darn shame we've never invented a way to replace it." stated gullas with a hint of irony "- Just go to the store and buy another one".
"But sir. I'm under orders to stay here and protect you-"
"- and thus it's your job to protect me from hunger as I watch my favorite movie. Now scoots"
With unsureness, the bodyguard leaves the room and heads out.
"You think that was wise?" asks waff "- We've already sent out the other bodyguard for another batch of corndogs."
"Hmm… Perhaps you're right." contemplated gullas "-we really should cut down on snacks".
"That's not what I-"
"-shush- the shit just hit the fan!"
The movie reached its highpoint as the two leaders were transfixed at the TV screen. So much were they engrossed in the movie that they didn't notice the four figures standing behind the couch, staring angrily at them.
"This part always reminds me of the time when we humiliatingly defeated the mafia" proclaimed gullas with pride.
"Oh yeah? How did that go again?" asked the Godfather, with disdain.
"Well first we- GAH!"
Waff and Gullas bolt off their couch, obviously surprised.
"But, what… Where… How did you survive?"
"Good healthcare" said one of the hitmen.
"We've been laying low for awhile, waiting for you to slip up." said the Godfather.
"Thanks for sending the bodyguards out, by the way." pointed the Mad hatter out.
"Well, we're not out of this fight yet." argued Gullas "-we have powers specifically to combat your evil kind."
[spoiler]The mayor just declared double lynch![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Lynch Results]
Gullas (4) - Due to be lynced
Mad Hatter
The other Hitman
Waff (4) - Due to be lynced
Mad Hatter
The other Hitman
Godfather (2)
*seal of the mayor*
Hitman (2)
*seal of the mayor*
Mad Hatter (1)
The other Hitman (1)
…. Well crap.[/spoiler]
"All right boys. You heard the results. Now let them have it!" Said the godfather, as the hitmen readied their Tommy guns. The mayor was consumed in a hail of bullets while the pardoner narrowly dodged, with only a graced arm.
[spoiler]Gullas the Mayor is dead[/spoiler]
Waff was lying on the floor, applying pressure on his wound as the Godfather approached him, with a gun in his hand.
"I… I thought you couldn't kill until you'd come out of the closet" said waff bemused.
"Curtains-" corrected the Godfather "- and I'm making an exception, this time."
"Well not if I can help it-" replied waff and activated his power - "TAKE THAT!"
[spoiler]The Godfather has been pardoned![/spoiler]
"Hey, Thanks! That really makes me feel less guilty for what I'm about to do." said the Godfather.
"Nuts. I guess our powers are pretty useless when dealing directly with the mafia" admitted waff, before taking one between the eyes.
[spoiler]Waff the Pardoner is dead![/spoiler]
The godfather looks over at the mad hatter and makes a notion to proceed. The mad hatter nods and walks out of the room while the leader turns to address his hitmen:
"Well boys. Looks like it's time to rebuild our little empire."
In the streets, you can spot a disgruntled figure, heading towards the Town hall.
"Make sure it's an extra spicy corndog. We're not interested in girly brands" muttered the bodyguard to himself, while carrying a large box of corndogs. "- This is so not part of my work description. Why I aughta-"
The bodyguard is caught short, on the steps leading up to the Town hall, when he bumps into the other bodyguard, carrying a box of microwavable popcorn.
"Wait! You're just getting back now?" asked the other guard.
"I had to go to the store at the other side of town in order to find the Chili-con-carne brand. What are you doing here?" replied the first guard.
"Popcorn errand" he replied, while shaking his 'Popping Madness' box.
"I swear, They should hire an errand boy. These 'go fetch' missions are becoming ridiculous. Now lets hurry up and get inside before-"
The two guards are picked up by a deafening shockwave, as they're flung across the town square. Carrying two charred boxes of snacks and with a nasty ring in their ear, the two guards look up in shock as they see what's left of the Town Hall, engulfed in a raging inferno.
"Oh, we're so not gonna take the blame for this" they muttered in unison as the two guards stumbled on their feet and high tailed out of there.
It didn't take long for concerned villagers to gather around the burning center to see the devastation that has yet again afflicted Townston.
"The mayor is dead" whimpered an old lady. "Someone has to answer for this!" demanded an angry man. "We allow these criminals to treat our town like their personal battlefield!" roared another. The more timid individuals started to flock around the loudest hotheads. Angry mobs were now starting to form. It was quite clear that this mafia hunt was not going to be civil in any way. There will be no proper rules that dictate the actions of these folks. These next few days will be greatly affected by the loudest voices, the strongest arguments. These days will be known as the days of the mob rules.
And thus begins the first day.
Now let the random accusations begin.
Day 1 lynch results:
Mob 1 - Lynching TheFlyingGreenMonkey (9)
Anthony Mercer
Mob 2 - Lynching Crocty (1)
Mob 3 - Lynching Zeph (1)
Mob 4 - Lynch Hakoshen (1)
AHHHHHH I was watching Full Life Consequences you could've waited. Jeez.
Oh well, my vote is obviously Ochi. I am not guilty, thus she must be. The bread kala paradox can not be ignored.
EDIT: FUUUUUUUU I should've changed my signature before this game started.
Oh well, now everytime I post you all get to stare at that creepy mess. D'oooooh what a cock-up!
SomethingYep, such a shame I'll have to keep that creepy signature.
Oh well I'm sure you'll all cope.
In unrelated news, I think my microwave is haunted. What should I do?
Fill it full of forks, knives and tinfoil, set it to 99 seconds, hit start and run like hell.
I find unplugging it works.
How shameless Crocty, you and Ochi as supposed to epically battle it out. Lynching each other is not enough!Ahhhhhh seriously?
Fine….But I'm keeping my vote for Ochi until a better candidate comes along.
I made a deal that if I don't use it, it won't make my food poisonous. I think we are in agreement.
If not I will fill it full of forks, knives and tinfoil.
AHHHHHH I was watching Full Life Consequences you could've waited. Jeez.
Oh well, my vote is obviously Ochi. I am not guilty, thus she must be. The bread kala paradox can not be ignored.
EDIT: FUUUUUUUU I should've changed my signature before this game started.
Oh well, now everytime I post you all get to stare at that creepy mess. D'oooooh what a cock-up!
last game when crocty claimed innocence, he was mafia. I vote crocty. from history, every game i've been in, he's been mafia.
last game when crocty claimed innocence, he was mafia. I vote crocty. from history, every game i've been in, he's been mafia.Would you think I'm innocent if I were to have instead posted "I'm mafia, come and get it, big boys ;o"?
i don't know, you've never been innocent…
Well my townie streak has picked up where it left off. Well this has made me apathetic for this game so BRIBE ME. Bribe me for my lynch votes. Bribe me to solve clues or to missolve clues. Mafia, town, don't care just bribe me.Vote for yourself and you get a picture of a monkey slapping himself.
Well my townie streak has picked up where it left off. Well this has made me apathetic for this game so BRIBE ME. Bribe me for my lynch votes. Bribe me to solve clues or to missolve clues. Mafia, town, don't care just bribe me.
Vote for yourself and I'll draw you a fancy hat.
Oh and to answer Niccea's questions about the Townston story idea from the previous sign up thread ie this
I would like to know what these will entail, and the requirements for them. Like will there be a max number of pages. Will Dealing with Mafia be a part of this, etc.These will be about what ever series of events the submitter desires to put the citizenry of Townston through. I will make the rating M to allow for more mature subject matter without allowing the ludicrous. I'd say submissions should be no longer than 20 pages at the most and that such long ones will only be posted few and far between. I'm still debating starting this as few have expressed interest, and I don't wish to waste the time if I'd get nothing. As for the posting of Zeph's… that's up to him.
Oh and since statistically it is near impossible to peg a mafia member with out clues, I declare the person who posts after this to be a mafia and therefore should be lynched post haste.
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