Veteran players only. The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice
No encore performance. As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from previous games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal. What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? Make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.
I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

Start publishing on
DD Comics!
GM Election for Mafia 16!
Introducing MYSTERY MAFIA!
The roles are the traditional roles but there are just a few changes.
Only Mafia knows their roles when the game begins: The only people who get their roles at the beginning of the game is mafia. Everyone else will get their roles after the mayor elections.
Beefed up security in town hall: The detective can only get into town hall once. He can only investigate the mayor or the pardoner but not both.
The Paranoid needs to see a psychologist: The paranoid is unaware of the fact that he has an alter ego. He will not know that he is paranoid but think he is just a townie.
There might be a slight problem with cycles. I can do 6 pm CST every day except for Friday. Because of work, I don't get near home until 10 pm CST at the latest. But that will be the only foreseeable problem
TheFlyingGreenMonkey was late. He clutched a rectangular object tightly to his chest. He would pay dearly if he didn't deliver it in time. He decided to take a shortcut to his destination through Cutthroat Alley. Normally, this would not be a good idea, but FGM was armed and dangerous.
As he hot footed it through the alley, a shadow rose up. FGM was clearly shaken as he raised his gun and fired.
The rat that he had shot at scampered away with a squeak. FGM breathed a sigh of releif. He stepped out of the alley and saw the glimmering front of Gamestop. He knew that he was safe.
"You are a bit late aren't you?"
FGM turned around quickly to face the alley. There was no one there. His breaths came in sharp bursts. That was when the piano wire was slipped around his throat. His assailent used the momentem and a the added height of a trash can to hoist FGM into the air.
Death came slow, but it came all the same. The figure dumped the body into the alley for the butcher or the police to find. All the figure took with it was the rectangular object.
[spoiler] Ok, I know this was an odd one. This would most likely be a first day one. I will just explain it like this:
FGM is carrying a rectangular object and he is late.
He would pay dearly for it…
The rectangular object is a library book. And I am the librarian. I know that is a little odd, but I thought it worked.
Especially since we don't have a Blockbusters to hurry to.[/spoiler]
All right people. I'm throwing myself in the ring.
Picture by Harkovast
This game version of the game will be a back to the basics game with standard setup and rules. However, there's a twist….
Don't you just hate it when you don't get to be a detective?
How about when someone get's to become a paramedic for the 3 time while you're a stinking townie again?
And what about the time when you didn't get one of those elusive kill roles, despite there being 5 or 6 in each game.
Let's just face it, being townie sucks.
That's why I'm promising you that in this game there will be no townies.
Everyone will receive a special role.
But Product? How would a game with 5 paramedics and 3 detectives be fun?
Did I say anything about that? No this game will have numbers of one time roles that I'll hope will spice up the game.
The Corrupt Politician.
The Corrupt Politician has played the system for a long time and knows how to maximize his earnings from it. While he doesn't except bribes anymore (since stuff like that is heavily frown upon) he knows how to make the treasury money "disappear" and not get blamed for it. Even though an extra floor just mysteriously popped up on his house. Should the corrupt official win a seat in the election, be ready for a sluggish and inefficient government but you can be certain about one thing:
He isn't mafia.
Automatically Running; The Corrupt Politician is running for a seat as soon as the game start. The GM will also make a really lame looking campaign poster which will give him a poster bonus. :P While running, the player with that role does not need to come forth and reveal himself, people can simply state in their votes that they're electing the Corrupt Politician.
If he wins he gains the powers of his elected seat with this side effect:
Inefficient Government: Since the Politician is siphoning of money from the town treasury, into his off shore account, there's a 20% chance that the lynch will fail. This could happen because the prison was undermanned, allowing the prisoner an easy escape, the rope used to lynch the person was made of inferior material and snapped, thus postponing the execution or something similar.
Alternatively, should the Corrupt Politician not win, he will be given the option of working against the town as an act of revenge for not being voted. What that entails can only be found out, should he not win in the election.
The Raging Berserker.
The Raging Berserker is a man filled with rage. Most of his time he keeps his broiling anger bottled up but if the right conditions occur he will snap. If somebody attempts to kill him, he will be thrown into a death rage that he's unable to snap out of. For the rest of the night he will prowl the streets killing everyone in sight before falling down dead.
Hulk MAD!!!: Oh crap! Somebody attacked the Raging Berserker. Up to three individuals will die now by his hands. The Raging Berserker can choose who he will attack and he can choose to attack fewer then three but he must attack at least one person. Should he fail to pick a person to kill, the GM will randomly choose his victims for him (the GM will also randomly decide how many he will attack).
The Pimp.
The Pimp controls the red light district of Townstown. With an army of seductive prostitutes and professional gigolos, nobody is safe from his lustful taint. The Pimp excels in extorting, blackmailing and using his pimp hand.
Digging up the dirt: The pimp collects information that he likes to use against his many customers. And since people tend to reveal things during pillow talk, allot of spicy info can reach his ears. Each night, the Pimp can find out the role of one of the townstonians. What he does with that info is up to him.
The Flasher.
In the night, there hides a insidious man. A man with a questionable intention. Whenever someone is spotted walking about in a trench-coat, mothers are quick to cover the eyes of their children for the Flasher could be on the prowl.
Say hello to my little friend! As a part of the thrill, The Flasher likes to expose himself in front of the decent villagers of Townston. The whole thing is so traumatic that the intended target will lock himself at his home and refuse to come out for the next day and night. During that time, he's forbidden to use his powers. He's allowed to yell out from his window though, if he wishes to vote for someone.
The Duelist.
Few people have egos as fragile as the Duelist. If somebody wrongs him in any way, expect retribution for he will challenge you on the spot.
I demand satisfaction!: The Duelist can challenge an opposing player for a duel. Should that happen the player will be called out with the demand to accept the challenge. Should the challenged accept there will be a fight to the death. There's a 50/50 chance of victory for either side. Should the Challenged refuse to compete he will be labeled a yellow bellied chicken and treated negatively by the town (he'll also can't use his powers for this day/night cycle. Challenges are made at day and performed in the evening (covered in the end of day narration).
I was the junior champion at the Camp Kickyourass The Duelist has survived many duels and knows how to survive them. Therefore he will effectively have 2 extra duel lives(total of 3 lives) when it comes to duels. Should the Duelist loose a match he will loose one of those duel lives instead of dying. The extra lives will not help him though, should somebody attack him at night.
The Copycat
Envy is a terrible thing and there's none more envious then the copycat. Whenever somebody performs a special action, this individual is filled with the intense desire to imitate it.
I wanna try too!: The Copycat is capable of imitating any action that's been previously performed. If somebody's been killed, he can kill. If somebody received a horsehead, he can send one as well. If the detective is on the case, he can tag along and learn his moves. If the Mayor declares a double lynch or the pardoner pardons somebody, he can pretend to be them as well. The only requirements are that the powers are not responsive (like the abilities belonging to the paranoid and the berserker) and that they've been used before (can't kill until someone's been killed already). The Copycat can only copy a move once per day/night cycle and he will only perform a specific action once since he quickly becomes bored of them (can only kill once, horshead once, declare a duel once, etc)
Jack the Ripper
A serial killer with a twist. This late 19th century doctor, turned mass murderer, is famous for his crime spree in the misty streets of London. What he's most famous for is the fact that he mysteriously disappeared. What happened to him? Well fortunately I can provide you with this answer today. You see, long ago when Jack was tracking down a prostitute to vivisect, the planets in our solar system lined up in a clockwise spiral which opened up a time portal, right where he was standing. Now, over hundred years later, the planets have formed a counterclockwise spiral, opening up that portal again and dumping the mad doctor out.
…. What? …. It could happen!
…. Anyways Jack the ripper will use his medial background to masquerade as a paramedic.
A new test subject: Jack the Ripper will be able to kill each night like the good old days.
I used to be a doctor, you know.: Although old fashioned, Jack's medical skills are sufficient enough to pass of as a Paramedic. He is also able to protect someone each night and this practice will become his alibi. Anyone digging up info about his role will see him as a normal paramedic.
The Twins (two separate roles)
These two twisted siblings enjoy the texture of blood, the taste of panicked sweat and the sound of a helpless cry. They are Townstons serial killers and will not stop until everyone are dead. Whatever they do, they do in unison and are always ready to back each other up.
We act as one: The twins are practically collective in their decision making although sometimes they disagree with each other. They kill as one and can not kill separately. Both have to send in a kill request, targeting the same person. Should they fail to do so, the GM will decree that the brothers spend the night bickering about who they'd should kill. However let it be known that their kill attempts are counted as two separate attacks and thus they could boycott protections made by paramedics and the paranoid.
I got your back brother: One twin can not be killed as long as the other is around. They protect each other ferociously and will stop any attacks made on their other half. In addition to that, should one of them be discovered by the town and subsequently lynched, the other brother will bust him out before he is killed.
The only way to get rid of them is to double lynch them or target them both during the same night.
The Mad Scientist
Few could attempt to imagine what depraved thoughts could reside inside the Mad Scientist. Using the cover of darkness, he performs twisted experiments that are certain to turn the town on the other end.
Side effects may include…: The Mad scientist has targeted a individual of his choice to perform crazy experiments on. The ordeal will change the individual, possibly granting him additional abilities. What those abilities are and whether or not they turn out to be beneficial, remains to be seen.
It's alive!: Nothing is sacred to this foul man for he has turned to grave robbing. After stealing one of the recently deceased, the Mad Scientist has performed the impossible. Reanimation. Now a walking dead, the shambling townie may attempt to incorporate himself among the living.
Other possible roles
In addition to these new roles, all the old roles will be present. My goal is to make as many special roles as possible so that everyone can feel special.
Just like that guy:
And if lots of people sign up for this game, I'll simply have to make more roles. ^^
"Well this is something you don't see every day. How long have you been smoking, anyways?"
"Ugh… about 12 years… maybe 13" says TheFlyingGreenMonkey with a struggled breath.
"Oh I see. And now the tar has collected in you lungs like that?"
"…Looks like that…" replies Monkey as he coughs and struggles for air.
"Huh! Who knew that tobacco would be bad for you?"
"Actually… It's been a common knowledge for a long time now. Prolonged use leads most commonly to diseases affecting the heart and lungs, with smoking being a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, emphysema, and cancer. Particularly lung cancer, cancers of the larynx and mouth, and pancreatic cancer." continues monkey, about to pass out.
"Wow. I guess I should stop smoking Benson & Hedges then"
"You really should" states monkey before passing out.
"Well thanks for that. You've been a great help. I know so much more about the long term effects of smoking. Better stay away from that stuff yourself. It could kill you" Says Jack the ripper as he picks up his bloodied surgeons tools and walks out of TheFlyingGreenMonkey's house.
Monkey, who's tied to his kitchen table, with his chest cavity wide opened and exposed, takes his last breath before giving up.
TheFlyingGreenMonkey the paramedic is dead.
[spoiler=clues]Not much to go on in this narration. The only thing I do is mention a cigarette brand name which is a form of Product Placement. Also interstingly enough, Benson & Hedges is a brand of cigarettes that existed during the times of Jack the Ripper and still does today, hence the reason why I picked it as a logical brand name for him to smoke.[/spoiler]
My goal is to ditch the serious tone that has been present in my past narrations and adopt a more humorous tone. However, I never said anything about ditching graphic descriptions. >:)
This is my 4th or 5th time running in a row, and I will eventually win!
and introducing, for the 4th or 5th time…
Mafia XII: District Townston
Townston was having an unusually quiet few weeks. It seems that the mafia had left their cocaine dealings in Townston and gone to Miami. The only interesting occurance had been the strange influx of new people… And with it a crime wave. As the day went on, gunfire could be heard in Main Street. Two rival gangs were battling it out. East side and West Side. The mayor sat in his office, scared to death. He couldn't handle this. He didn't know what to do. The mayor sat worrying all night. Just before sunrise, though, there was a knocking at his door. He got up and opened it. No one there. The mayor was turning around when *BOOM* a massive explosion vaporized him out of existance. Later that morning the town gathered in front of the newly burnt Mayor's Office. They called for balot boxes. Townston Election '09.
In order for the good people of Tonston to win, both gangs must be completely dead.
Mayor: Elected
-Mayoral Importance: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
-Twice as Nice: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
-Secret Service: Cannot be killed during the night while his bodyguard(s) are alive. Only the Mayor will know who the bodyguards are.
-Celebratory Killing: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1 once he's won the election. No voting takes place.
Pardoner: Elected
You can pardon two lynches. Two single lynches or one double. You are also protected by the mayor's bodyguards, but if one dies, you are defenseless.
Two Random townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor has been elected. The mayor alone will know who these people are. The bodyguard cannot be a gang member, local, or special role, he can only be a regular immigrant. The Bodyguards protect the mayor and pardoner BUT If one bodyguard is killed, the mayor takes priority and the pardoner will become defenseless. If both bodyguards are killed, then the mayor will become defenseless.
Police Officer: (Vigilante)
You have been commissioned by the mayor (although strangely he doesn't know who you are)to take out the gangs fighting in the streets of Townston. You have the ability to kill once every night. each time you kill a clue is left pointing to you. Although during the third day, one of the gang members reveals your identity to the town, better hope those paramedics aren't inactive.
You have the ability to watch one other player during night, which you must tell me about before the end of night (this move can be made during the day cycle). When a player is watched he cannot die unless the number of people attacking him outnumbers the number of people watching him or his night lives. In other words if two mafia attack a person being watched by one paramedic, the person will die. The narrative will indicate that the target was attempted but saved, but it will not explicitly say who the target was. It does not matter if the paramedic chooses to watch someone before or after he is attacked; he will protect the person regardless.
Walt Kawalsky: (He's Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino. It seemed appropriate): (Veteran)
You have lived in this town since the '50s, back in the days when Townston was not corrupted by the mafia and gangs. You also fought in the Korean War so it'll take more than one hit to kill you. You have to be targetted twice to be killed.
You have three abilities you may use. You have the ability to ask me whether or not a specific clue points to a specific person and get a yes/no answer, you can ask me what role a specific person has, or you may ask me how many mafia voted to lynch a specific person after the conclusion of voting. You may only use one ability per day/night cycle.
Ex-Gang Member: (Paranoid)
You used to be part of the West Side Gang, but you traded that life in and became a good person. Even though no one knows this, your paranoid that the one of the gangs will find out and kill you. Anyone who targets you (be it Paramedic, Police Officer, Gang Member) you will kill.
Immigrant: (Townie)
You have immigrated into Townston.
in order to win, a gang must have killed the rival gang and the entire town.
There is the Blood Gang and the Crips Gang, each gang has the following:
The Boss:
Being the head of your gang, you can do a lot of things. If you choose to, you can attack a player every night. You can only be killed in a lynch or by the rival boss.
-Drive-bys: This has the same effect as the horsehead. The Boss can target a player with a drive-by, only once in the game, and said player will lose her/his special abilities for the following day and night.
-Rain on their Parade: The Boss can cancel a lynch once in the game. If it is a double lynch, Both lynches are canceled.
-Beagle Puss Glasses: The Boss will appear, to the detective, an immigrant.
-Protective Goons: The Boss cannot be killed by the Police Officer or rival Gang Members unless all of his/her gang members have been killed. If the Police Officer or rival Gang member does attack, s/he will die.
Molotov Maker:
Each night you can plant a bomb on someone or detonate an excisting bomb. You can plant only two bombs at once.
Gang Member:
You have come to Townston with your gang. Each night you can kill one player.
Elected posts
Mayor: 1
Pardoner: 1
Townston (8+the Immigrants)
Bodyguards: 2
Police Officer: 1
Paramedics: 2
Walt Kawalski: 1
Detective: 1
Ex-Gang Member: 1
Immigrant: The Rest
Bloods (4)
The Boss: 1
Molotov Maker: 1
Gang Member: 2
Crips (4)
The Boss: 1
Molotov Maker: 1
Gang Member: 2
TheFlyingGreenMonkey was eating his morning bowl of cereal when it happened. His house shook from the large BANG of a pipe bomb. He got up, spilling the cereal flakes all over himself. As scared as TFGM was, he couldn't stand not looking good. He went over to his bedroom to get a fresh shirt. POP POP POP. He heard the bullets racing through his house. Now TFGM didn't care about his look. He ran for his basement. Outside the Crips were making mince meat of his humble abode. They were just cruising down the street when they were attacked by a Blood Gang member. That member had retreated into poor TFGM's house which started the Crip's onslaught. After many bullets had passed through TFGM's walls, a Crips member smashed down the door. He went inside. As he searched the place He couldn't even find anyone… yet. He found the basement. TFGM had heard the gang member ransack his house. TFGM. thought that was all they were doing, robbing his house, but he couldn't be more wrong. POP POP POP POP POP. The basement door splintered into many pieces. TFGM was trapped. POP POP POP. TFGM was bleeding. He looked down and saw the three bullet holes in his chest.
[spoiler]TheFlyingGreenMonkey THE IMMIGRANT IS DEAD[/spoiler]
"As he searched the place He couldn't even find anyone… yet."
My profile said "I can't even ollie yet"
Just about everything else. My clues will be hard.
And I take clues from anything on profiles (The whole thing, not just the description) and signatures.
First off, for those of you who didn't know, I'm InuYasha_Rules. I finally decided to change my profile to something, less hateable? lol For those who wheren't happy about me doing this during the last game *cough* *NICCEA* *cough*,…I didn't mean to affend anyone. I wanted to introduce myself when everyone was around, and since it was the end of the game, I decided to go ahead. Sorry it upset you. *cough* *NICCEA* *cough* And again, I'd like to thank pp for leading the mafia to victory! Whenever I came up with an idea, he would have already come up with it AND several other points AND put them into action already! All I did was point out that there was still a seiral killer to deal with, and "solve" clues for everyone to believe and act upon! 8D As for the election, I'm a bit busy right now, so I'll decide who I'm voting for later.
And no, my avatar and pp's aren't the same. And yes, that is what I look like. Sexy eh? lol!
Oh yeah, I am no longer InuYasha_Rules, so don't bother pq'ing him any more. lol
Dangit!!! It's a tie between Parker Farker and Product Placement. They both have awsome games! Parker said hello to me when I swaped accounts, but PP gave the mafia the win! PP is an awsome gm, but Parker has been waiting forever for a chance! :( How long until elections end? I need a lot of time to think this through!
t's a tie between Parker Farker and Product Placement.
good decision on the name change there, it is very un-hateable now! You should vote for me for a few reasons…
1. Two mafia gangs meaning a greater chance of being a mafia
2. With the extra mafia, there will be less people being Townies
3. I haven't been a GM before! I've run many times though, I am dedicated! Also Product has been GM quite a number of times (3 that I've played in)
4. I guess I am willing to do bribes.
4. I guess I am willing to do bribes.
0.0 What, your willing to allow us to bribe you to give us an awsome role!
no, that would be against the rules or something wouldn't it? I'm willing to do fan art of your comic or comment heaps on it. So I guess that one doesn't apply to you does it? I guess I could do some fan art of something else for you?
RDP election hasn't even started yet. I'll start them tomorrow 12GMT.
Also I only accept Avi art for bribes. The art must be in your own avi style or if your avi is just a picture the art style of your comic. I will eventually collect an avi art from each person >:D
You have yourself a bribe! I didn't draw my avi, but can I make you all egyptian with lightning and stuff? Or should I just draw you in my own style?
And my game promises that everyone has a special role.t's a tie between Parker Farker and Product Placement.1. Two mafia gangs meaning a greater chance of being a mafia
2. With the extra mafia, there will be less people being TowniesAnd that's better then a game that won't have any townies at all, how?
3. I haven't been a GM before! I've run many times though, I am dedicated! Also Product has been GM quite a number of times (3 that I've played in)That only proves that I know what I'm doing :P
4. I guess I am willing to do bribes.And so am I.
Introducing circumstantial narrations:
What will happen should the duelist challenge the Rampaging Berserker?
How would the pimp react if he's targeted by the Flasher?
What would the Mad Scientist and Jack the Ripper do if they ever encounter each other?
People will treat each other differently, while some might hate each other even more so, others might team up or the experience might empower the other person, giving him more powerful abilities. The nights will be full of constant surprises.
Vote for me and I'll promise you a game full of shock and laughter.
Also… did somebody ask for Avatar art?

Well, I don't plan on running, but I did have an idea for a game that anyone can steal if they like. Basically, its a traditional game with the addition of one role that adds a whole new level of uncertainty to the game. Its a mafia role with no kill power whose purpose is to confuse and disorient the town.
The Master Manipulator
Powers include:
- can make any one player appear as any role to the detective for one turn (unlimited, but cannot be used on the same person twice).
- can make one player appear to be something else upon their death (can only be used once per game, however if it is used on a player and that player doesn't die at the end of that turn, it may be used again).
- can silence one player, forbidding them speak, publicly or privately, for one turn. (can be used once. This power can be used concurrently with another power).
- can alter the evidence of one crime so as to point to another player of their choice (can only be used once per game).
At the end of each cycle, a small clue will be given that implicates the manipulator. Small enough that it will only become solvable after several turns.
If I didn't have such a weird schedule, I'd GM it myself, but I think it'd be a fun game to play.
Product, I am going to have to respond to such harsh cut downs with my own… harsh cutdowns!
Product Placement is destroying the very grounds that the DrunkDuck mafia was built on! He is boycotting this game and not allowing other members to take a seat at the control panel. His game may sound cool, but having the same GM 3 times in 6 games would be tiring. He may not be directly breaking the "No encore performance" rule, but he is hardly giving fresh members a chance at it. So I urge you, vote new members to be a GM. I have played 7 games. That's more than enough to know how a game should be run. Am I guaranteeing the best game you'll ever play? No. But I am guaranteeing change! Vote ParkerFarker for GM election in XVI!
Also Product, I bribed TFGM first! I don't have the avi for him yet, but I will.
Naruto slash fiction! My only weakness!
Seriously though, I don't think I'll be voting this time cause I don't think I'll have the time to play the next game.
it's cool! You can vote anyway!
You know what voting can start now. People are already sending their votes so why not.
Also PP I love that avi but Parker's speech makes a lot of sense and has moved me. So I can't accept it in all good faith. If PF can only supply me with an avi in his own style he would have my vote ;D
Product Placement is destroying the very grounds that the DrunkDuck mafia was built on! He is boycotting this game and not allowing other members to take a seat at the control panel….This is very unfair statement and I recent it. Your respond to my campaign is to attack me personally. Is that an action of a mature person that wishes to take the game seriously?
My initial reasons for jumping in again is not because I wish to monopolize the game. Heck, I created the "no encore performance" rule. I'm participating because I wish to have fun and I like to practice my writing skills.
I've been sitting away for 2 consecutive games and thought now was a good time as any to come and promote my next game. Saying that I can't run because you haven't had your chance yet sounds equally unfair in my ears.
With that being said, I know the pain of not winning the GM election. I've run and lost myself. However, the fact that you've been constantly promoting your game, never getting your chance must suck allot but that's hardly my fault. I've voted for your game in the past and was actually considering doing it this time as well.
I feel you owe me an apology, Parker. I've contributed allot to this game and the last thing I want to be accused of is damaging it.
If people wish to vote for Parker only because he hasn't had his turn yet then so be it. Let me ask you this question though. Where was this mentality when people decided to vote for Humorman?
If people wish to vote for Parker only because he hasn't had his turn yet then so be it. Let me ask you this question though. Where was this mentality when people decided to vote for Humorman?
Humorman had been GM once instead of your ((Insert Bigger Number HERE)). Also I did cause his clues were easy and I was hoping it could help him change his evil ways. That failed but the clues were easy :D
Humorman had been GM once instead of your ((3 times)). Also I did cause his clues were easy and I was hoping it could help him change his evil ways. That failed but the clues were easy :DAnd I was pretty certain that it was a futile practice (which it turned out to be).
You yourself just had your second turn and Niccea has had at least two terms herself.
While I like the spirit of putting new blood in the game, it will not stop me from running myself. But I will not tolerate this claim. It was rude and accusing.
Parker creates bullet points saying why his game is better when random(aka Inu) states he's having difficulties choosing between my game and his. I respond with my reasoning about why my game is better. Parker chooses to personally attack me as a retaliation. It's a low down tactic and very unprofessional in my opinion which caused me to loose my respect for him.
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