What laws would you change if you had the power to rule your country?
- Let's see… I don't know if Australia still has the death penalty or not (Don't think we do) but it'll be gone if we do have it.
- Harsher punishments for murder and rape (With psychiatric evaluations to help sadists and racists get really high sentancing)
- Councelling in prisons so cons can actually be rehabilitated
- Abortion is only allowed for rape victims or cases where the mother or child would be left in critical condition or death.
- Tobacco would be slowly become less available as time wears on until it's completely illegal. I'm still debating on legalising marijuana
- Schools/hospitals/nursing homes/day car facilities (Public and private) would be checked every 4 months (The ones being inspected wouldn't know when they were coming). There will be consequences for those not up to standards
- I'd bring back Gough Whitlam's free university policy
So, what about you guys? Any laws you'd like to make/break?

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If you were in charge
-Murders and rapists would get automatic death sentance.
-You would not be on death row for 10 years like it is now, it would be a maximum of 1 year.
-"White collar" criminals would be treated like everyone else.
-Drinking age would be dropped to 18.
-Drug dealing prison sentances would be longer.
-More money would be taken away from the government and put into health care and education.
-Control large buisness with anti-outsourcing laws.
If I was in charge, we would be living in a commune type enviroment, without all the hippy faggotry. All crime, ALL crime, would be punishable by banishment, and those crimes that actually have victims (rape, murder, stealing, etc) would be punishable by public death. I would probably have the deaths be hanging or impalement for dramatic purposes. We would be in constant war with every nation that so much as suggest our country wasn't the greatest nation in the world. We would have a strong emphasis on nuclear arms, as well as showing no mercy to our enemies. We would work only for the good of our own glorious nation.
Yes, I realize thats not exactly a nice nation or even nice. I'm an asshole, thats how I'd run the place. The 3 bs, Banishment, Beheadings, and Bombings.
I wouldn't want to be in charge of any place that would have a single person in charge. o.O Unless I'm the only one there, of course…
But if I could have my say anonymously (seriously, I don't like the idea of being assassinated by radicals or picked apart by the media…), I'm all for abolishing laws that micromanage people's personal lives. What a waste of funds… Legalize things and then tax them like crazy.
If I had such power, I'd have the following happen–
–For women who commit the same crimes as men to have the same equal harsh punishments. Seriously, it's competely ridiclous how light the women get off just for being the gender they are.
Take some wives of male pedophiles, for instance. There's actually wives out there that knew…they allowed for thier children to be fiddled, and even on some occisons joined in on such sick acts! Those women usually ends up marrying male pedophiles because they are female pedophiles, and together they have the appearance of being an "normal couple". often allowing for more access to children without supicions. And the police usually finds out about that too, but because they were women, usually nothing is done to them even though there was evidence that they willingly joined in on such acts. Half of them don't even get jailed! or they'd only have one year in Jail/probation while their husband gets like 10 years in Jail.
–For all states to have pro-choice laws effective right away, with reasonable limits on abortion. For instance… the reasonable limits would induce people in charge of abortions to inform all women about everything that has to do with Abortion. The effects on the body, etc.. and also allow for 2 weeks of waiting periods so that the women would have time to think it over before making sure this was what they really wanted. After all, abortion should be only used as an last resort, but not first resort.
Also, the third reasonable limitation to me, is no abortions after the second month.
I mean seriously…. if you're really sure you don't intend to have children, then don't take so fucking long!! Don't be an lazyass. having an abortion when you're pratically ready to give birth just seems so wrong. >=(
–All murderers, rapists and convicted pedophiles should have the death sentence.. BUT…. here's the catch.. that's only if there's plenty of pyshical evdience that leaves no doubt at all that they are truly gulity. If they were simply convicted based on cumstical evidence, only one witness, etc… Then they simply get jailed for life. And meanwhile, the crime labs and some of the police when on thier spare time must contuine looking into those cases even when it's conidsered "closed"….
You never know when evidence may turn up that actually clears an innocent person of an crime. It would also depend on whenever the relatives of the vicitims would allow them to be removed from death sentence upon an legal appeal from the criminal's side.
–Speaking of which, all people that are proved to be innocent with pyshical evidence even after being convicted and put in jail should have their records cleared, and not have it on their permaent record… and they also should have consceling to make sure that they didn't suffer any afteraffects from being in jail for a long time. Thus, this should give them a clean slate to start their lives again.
–Speaking of Conseling, all criminals (save for the serial murderers, rapists and pedophiles) should be given the chance to start thier lives anew too as well, and have help getting jobs so that they don't feel pressured to return to an life of crime again.
Hmm. that's all I can think of so far…
-More money would be taken away from the government and put into health care and education.
-Control large buisness with anti-outsourcing laws.
I agree on these two points, only I don't think money should be taken away from the government, but that the government should put that money into health care and education instead of putting near a trillion in the military, especially when it ends up not being able to even get better body-armor.
I would also pass laws to cut down on carbon emissions, make it harder to buy SUVs without a special permit, and really support hybrid cars and try to get the electric car back on the market.
I'd also try to negotiate more with other nations to avoid any wars and try to cut back on the amount of nuclear weapons in the world.
I think at the moment Britain is pretty well run… the main thing I dislike is how much money goes into the military. I wish some of that money would come back here instead of being blown up in Iraq…
- Rather than the death sentence I'd jail murderers for life and chemically castrate sex offenders. That way they have to live with their guilt locked away forever rather than being put out of their misery.
- Abortion would be fully legal for anyone who wants it up until the current cut-off point (I think it's 24 weeks here). The woman will be given time to think about her decision and counselling to deal with her final choice.
Also, the third reasonable limitation to me, is no abortions after the second month.Most abortions are done within the first three months of pregnancy - probably because that's when the woman actually realises she is pregnant. You can sorta dismiss one or two missed cycles - it happens - but by the third you go running to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test just in case. D:
I mean seriously…. if you're really sure you don't intend to have children, then don't take so fucking long!! Don't be an lazyass. having an abortion when you're pratically ready to give birth just seems so wrong. >=(
- Sex/relationship education is compulsary for everyone - regardless of all factors. It doesn't matter what religion you are or what background you have, every person needs to learn at the very least to respect themselves and other people - be it their feelings or their bodies - and they must be able to recognise inappropriate behavior within a relationship and learn how to deal with it.
- I'd Nazi everyone into recycling and cutting their carbon emissions~ XD To me there are so many little things people can do to keep this planet going yet they're too bone idle to try. Is it really that hard to just put paper and cans into one bin, vegetable waste in another and all the rest into another?
- I'd probably do something silly like fund much more public artwork - make everywhere insanely bright and prettiful. Every shred of grey painted in bright colours. And everyone would have to plant more trees. Yeah. And things like music~ I'd put lots of money into stuff that just makes people happy. Yeah, I'm a hippy…
I'm against forced recycling because, honestly, a lot of recycling produces more waste than just getting new materials. All paper produced by major companies is made from trees specifically grown for the purpose of making paper; no natural forests are destroyed for the sake of your book report.
Aluminum and other metals are really the only thing recycled these days that, ultimately, actually works. Mostly this is because the process of recycling it is so simple; crunch 'em up, melt 'em down, send metal to factories. Plastics, unfortunately, are very complex to recycle, and because of that it not only takes more resources to process them, but also the act of recycling them produces more pollution than just getting more plastic.
One word, feudalism
f**k democracy, it doesn't work that well.
Feudalism seemed to work just fine, I don't see anything wrong with going back to that.
I would split The US into three provinces, there would be a lord, or "president" of each. They would have compleate control over their provinces (as far as civil laws and such go) but they would have to report to City 3(CAPITAL CITY) which would be located somewhere in the rocky mountain range,(military reasons).
There would not be 3 classes… there would be two, Rich, and poor. if you are poor and wish to gain power within the upper class you must do so through military service and or government service. (which at this point would probably be mostly military :p)
If you are rich, you remain rich, your taxes will be higher, and you are to report all your earnings and exports (ect) at the end of a 4 year period.
Fighting, or any form of revolution will be put down quickly, Those who were involved will be killed. No matter the number.(exceptions will be made, every so often)
There will be no national religion (Atheism is the heart of this society), however, those who do have them will be frowned down apon and despised, hate crimes of this nature will not be punished unless of an extream nature. Other then that, you are free to practice anything you wish…
Children are required to go to school up till the age of 12, at which time they will have the option for higher learning. (high School). The punishment for acting up, will be physical, The scars that they will carry through life will remind them what happens to those who don't follow the social rules of their lords.
Above all else, the newest technology will only be givin to those of the upper class, those who wish to attain such technology must attain a position of power.
I pulled most of this from my comic XD, I think I just gave half of it away.
anyways, I don't really think this is how it should be done, but I think it would work to some extent.
feudalism > Democracy.
No smoking
No drinking alcoholic beverages
No eating red meat
No owning firearms
No profanity
and No extramarital sex
Residents of the United States that do not follow these laws will lose their citizenship and be deported to the Los Angeles Island. The Los Angeles Island is a wasteland of sin, like the maximum security prison of Manhattan Island. A containment wall has been built around the shores of the United States mainland. Armed guards and watchtowers are posted everywhere. Those sent to the island can never come back into the United States.
~Anyone found wasting town water will receive one night…
…stick across the face. On the spot. No questions or investigations, or fines, they'll need the money they save for the dentist.
~In fact, I'll make on-spot beatings a legitimate punishment for petty crimes. The only paperwork would be a single question, you'd have to circle either 'he' or 'she' in the sentence "He/She was being a jerk" (or something of that fashion). There's a big catch to it though.
~I'd fund the upgrading of all official federal beating equipment. Every single nightstick, sleeve and shoe would record the exact time, location and ferocity of the beating. They would also have audio, but no video, to prevent posting on the internet for glory.
If an officer is found to have been abusing the system, they would be beaten at a rate of one hour per blow delivered to the victim. Furthermore, appropriate charges would be filed.
~I would also push the development of high grade, energy and light based, non-lethal weaponry for the military. Aiming to provide arms capable of out doing current rifles and whatnot.
A ) Thus providing an upper hand for our soldiers, giving them the ability to knock entire crowds unconscious, even through barricades, without the usual effort and inevitable RSI.
B ) Secondly, leaving militants vulnerable for easy beating… or capture, whatever.
Oh and drones, funding for the research of Unmanned fighting vehicles, so tankers can fight from home and be awesome. Instead of getting shot twice to be awesome.
~Japanese whaling boats would be immediately impounded and scrapped, the whalers would be arrested and given the maximum possible punishment.
I would attend the inevitable meeting with the Japanese leaders, then slap all opposed to the original law, following that with a universal telling off.
~There would be no religion based tax exemption or grants. A non-profit group/organisation must provide a genuine service (using certified workers/certified volunteers) to the community in order to receive any funding. Simply existing, giving bibles to the homeless and trespassing on private property would not count as a legitimate service to society and/or the community.
Cheating the system would result in beating, and usual fraud charges.
Any organisation requiring devotion to any system of beliefs in order to receive aforementioned services would be closed, their assets placed in charity auctions.
Their employees would receive no punishment, leaders/elders/CEO…es? would be charged with whatever we're capable of pinning on them.
~I would write up an anti-Jihad law. No Jihads in my country, y'all.
~It would be as legal to smoke marijuana (or any other 'smokeable' ), as is tobacco.
~Tobacco would be phased out, then banned. Marijuana would remain for medical use only.
And, you know what, for anyone found abusing this system, alongside maximum punishment.
~Permits and hunting licences would be immediately revised/revoked and random pest hunting methods outlawed, in favour of more controlled, planned, and effective methods.
Only farmers with substantial property would be permitted to shoot/trap/poison/mince/slice/dice/beat/verbally abuse/maim/gas/pulverize/flatten/explode/vaporise/mutilate/sacrifice/flay wildlife.
Further, they must submit any skins/remaining fragments (intended for sale) to the usual health and safety regulations.
That's about all the nauseating bigotry I can handle from myself today.
Of coarse, in reality, I probably wouldn't slap anyone… in public.
Just killing time.
- Abortion would be fully legal for anyone who wants it up until the current cut-off point (I think it's 24 weeks here). The woman will be given time to think about her decision and counselling to deal with her final choice.Also, the third reasonable limitation to me, is no abortions after the second month.Most abortions are done within the first three months of pregnancy - probably because that's when the woman actually realises she is pregnant. You can sorta dismiss one or two missed cycles - it happens - but by the third you go running to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test just in case. D:
I mean seriously…. if you're really sure you don't intend to have children, then don't take so fucking long!! Don't be an lazyass. having an abortion when you're pratically ready to give birth just seems so wrong. >=(
- Sex/relationship education is compulsary for everyone - regardless of all factors. It doesn't matter what religion you are or what background you have, every person needs to learn at the very least to respect themselves and other people - be it their feelings or their bodies - and they must be able to recognise inappropriate behavior within a relationship and learn how to deal with it.
Well, here's the thing. If she's sexually active, then it's my opinion that she should check up on every missed period, even if it turns out to be nothing. After all, Birth Control pills and Condoms aren't 100% foolproof.
I mean, that one is an real No-brainer!
otherwise, I competely agree with your stuff up above. =D
Man, what a bunch of fascists and totalitarians! :(
And you're all forgetting the most important facet of being in charge: Self aggrandisement!
Not telling people when to have sex or not… you can do that too, but being in charge means making yourself look cool.
The fist thing you do is make a gigantic palace defended by 5000 elite soldiers which will be your personal guard. Have enormous statues of yourself put up in every public square, have huge banners hanging from every window with pictures of your face on them, (make sure you look stern and serious). Have a fancy salute that everyone can do for you -A fist in the air is cool, stay away from the Roman salute though: the Nazis screwed that one… Let's see, what else: everything you own has to be gold plated. You should have a helluva lot of "lovers". All kids in school should be taught an idealised version of your life history -you struggled up from obscurity and adversity, had a revelation and shot to power through your own genius and the people's love for you!- when in reality you got there by killing your rivals, extortion, bribes, bullying tactics, and ultimately a coup.
There you go. There's more, but when you get there you'll follow your own path and work the rest out for yourself ;)
Man, what a bunch of fascists and totalitarians! :(
Yeah, I don't think I want to live in too many of these countries! :-)
I would not focus on making any new laws, but I would try to make what we have run smoother. Improve public schooling, health care for everyone, and make the justice system run smoother. I would pay for these with an increase in taxes that would mostly affect the wealthiest people. I would also try and focus on foregn policy. I would hire popular and charismatic diplomats and ambassidors that are actually good at talking to people and they would begin repairing the damage done by the current US administration.
I do want to add, though, that many of these ideas, improving schools, health care, etc. are things that the real government has been trying to do, and that all of this is easier said than done, and that I actually do appreciate that there are many good people trying hard to make things work, even if I do complain about the government at large.
I'd stuff all the money into a rocket bound for the sun, nuke the country with randomly targeted bombs and send it into a state of total anarchy.
But, if I actually had to rule:
No smoking bans, people may smoke tobacco wherever and whenever they please (I don't smoke myself by the way), marijuana and other drugs would be legal for private use, but doing them in public will be illegal.
Vegetarianism is fine, but any veggie trying to claim moral high ground or berate normal people will be punished by firing squad.
Aburdism will be the national religion, anyone trying to prove that life has a meaning, and therefore constraints, will be beaten until they promise to shut the hell up.
Free thinking is encouraged, but don't expect anyone to actually listen to you.
Turnips must be consumed raw every third Wednesday of the month of July.
The first of every month will be 'Scarecrow Day' where people are encouraged to dress as scarecrows and murder each other.
No death penalty, for any crime. Life imprisonment for murders and rapers, but paedophiles will receive less harsh sentences, unless they actually harm the victim. They can;' help their natural urges after all.
As I said, rape is illegal, but if both partners agree to have sex (such as filling in forms, or agreeing to be recorded), then it is legal regardless of age, species, or even if the partners are related to each other.
Aspies will be considered a legitimate minority, and discrimination against them or other minorities is illegal.
Punishments will be no more or less harsh depending on gender, race or age, and judges enforcing these prejudices while judging will be punished by being dipped in a mixture of jam and glue and then covered with wasps, or bees if wasps are not available.
More money to the NHS so that less people die by being admitted into hospitals.
No government brain washing, those stupid whatsums on products telling you how much fat, calories etc will be illegal. And the consumption of salt will encouraged because salt is good for you. Yes it is. It really is. Shut up, it is.
Advertisements will be banned, if you want to promote your company, then you may use a specially designated area to tell people about it. Fifty quid an hour, no exceptions.
Privacy will be valued, it might mean a slight raise in crime, but tough shit.
Keeping Elks as pets will be mandatory.
Schools are for learning, any child unwilling to learn will be taken to be turned into cyborgs for the military, or brain washed slave drones.
All work will be done by robots, or the aforementioned slave drones, as such no one will need to have a job, the lack of need for money will eliminate most crime, and people can spend their time doing something constructive. Neighbourhood watch schemes will be set up for any remaining crimes, and of course, hobbies that make money no longer will, which will weed out the people who are only in it for the money and leave the people with actual creative talent to flourish and succeed.
Pancake Day will be a national holiday, with parades and young, naked, busty nymphomaniacs handing out free pancakes and blowjobs. There will be males versions for gays and non-lesbians of course.
Prostitution will be a recognized profession, of course no one will make any money off it, but I've completely descended into fantasy now, so remaining coherent seems a bit pointless.
The creation of Godzilla proportioned abominations of nature will be keenly encourages, as will mad science and alchemy in general.
Routine showings of Little Shop Of Horrors, Bugsy Malone, The Rocky Horror Picture Show and other such underappreciated (there is no way anyone could love them enough) musical films at cinemas will be mandatory. Also, each great series will have it's own specific television channel, and music channels like Kerrang and Scuzz will be forced to play good music for a bloody change (this applies to radio as well).
Am I actually going to embarrass myself by posting this? Why yes, I do believe I am.
Man, what a bunch of fascists and totalitarians! :(
And you're all forgetting the most important facet of being in charge: Self aggrandisement!
Not telling people when to have sex or not… you can do that too, but being in charge means making yourself look cool.
The fist thing you do is make a gigantic palace defended by 5000 elite soldiers which will be your personal guard. Have enormous statues of yourself put up in every public square, have huge banners hanging from every window with pictures of your face on them, (make sure you look stern and serious). Have a fancy salute that everyone can do for you -A fist in the air is cool, stay away from the Roman salute though: the Nazis screwed that one… Let's see, what else: everything you own has to be gold plated. You should have a helluva lot of "lovers". All kids in school should be taught an idealised version of your life history -you struggled up from obscurity and adversity, had a revelation and shot to power through your own genius and the people's love for you!- when in reality you got there by killing your rivals, extortion, bribes, bullying tactics, and ultimately a coup.
There you go. There's more, but when you get there you'll follow your own path and work the rest out for yourself ;)
You forgot that the textbooks need to make sure to call you "Friend to all Children".
First thing I would do is release the animals from the zoo and let the monkies rule!~ Bwahahahaha~ No, I wasn't serious :3…I would probably:
- make the legal drinking age 18, since in many other countries, the drinking age is 18. And besides, i'm just one year away out here xD ONE YEAR DAMNIT…I'll be 21 all the way next year :/
-Make the government cough up some more bucks for the poor, healthcare, and just crap that needs changing
-If you wanna be a caveman and build a mud house in the middle of nowhere, you can do so if you please, without getting busted…:3
-I'd make it so celebrities don't get off on serious crimes just because they are who they are…Cause if they were anybody else, they'd get screwed up the arse :x
-I'd make Paris Hilton go to jail for 10 years!!! mwahahahahaha~
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