This question has been pondered over by folks like you and I for millenia (okay, more like the last thirty years). What I enjoy most about talking about this topic is that everyone seems to have some plan about what they would do- even if it's simply "kill myself". So, enlighten us. Tell us your plans. Where do you go? Who do you go with? Are you scared or confident?
And, for the record, let's establish from the outset that these are slow zombies. The dumb ones that limp, like from the original Night of the Living Dead.
Alright, survivors. Let's hear it.

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In the even of a zombie apocalypse, what would YOU do?
I used to think that I had a good plan, but there were a lot of holes in it. I think that the chances that the outbreak would happen when I'm not at home are very high.
I think priority one would be to latch onto a group with a leader that has a good head on his shoulders. Anyone who can act calm in that sort of situation is fine by me.
Finding a firearm would be difficult. That's why I'd probably go to a local anime store and get a sword, provided it wasn't ransacked already. My biggest issue is that whatever plan I could come up with, someone else probably had already. That means that Wal-Marts, Targets, and Home Depot would be madhouses, and therefore places to be avoided.
I suppose my first goal would be to figure out if there are any safe zones. This planning thing is way tougher than I thought…
Feed them zombie guts. ^^
No way in hell a zombie would ever get my cat.
I have some good choppy choppy swords, in the form of cavalry sabres, and very large machete that will lop off a limb Your own) if you don't use it very carefully.
but… I'd rather not be hanging around stinky dead people. So my plan is to gather a harem of lovely females and live with them in splendid isolated bliss for the rest of my days. Zombos are as dumb as crap so I've no fear of worrying about fighting them off in an isolated area.
The thing I hate about Romero's zombies is the fact that anyone who dies and I mean ANYONE, will turn into a zombie. If somebody got hit by a car, got shot, drowned himself, was hanged, died from old age, had a page maker and walked to close to a microwave, or anything that made your ticker stop ticking, you had another zombie to deal with. The only way out of the deal was to shoot yourself in the head. Then if you got bitten by one of them, even if it was just a nibbled pinky finger then BAM! It's zombie time. So wait? They're infectious too?
In short, I always felt like the whole scenario was unwinnable. Even if you managed to create a safe haven for refugees to go to, sooner or later somebody who wasn't being monitored would croak and you were faced with the problem all over again.
It's one of the fundamental reasons why I found Land of the Dead to be a highly unlikely scenario.
With that being said, I'd probably do one or the other. Barricade like a crazy person but if that's not an option, try and take out as many of them before joining their ranks.
I would put Apollo (my puppy) in some sort of cage that I should carry around. I would then take one of my parents' cars (either my dad's truck, or my brother's car), put Apollo in it, and drive to the mall.
Upon getting to the mall, I would get out, and take Apollo with me, if I found any sort of zombies, I would just run past them, carrying the case with me. Then I would run to the nearest weapon shop (wouldn't actually be a shop full of weapons), and probably grab like, a baseball bat, sword (there's actually a store where they have a few), and the like. I'd probably lock myself with tons of spare food in a store with just enough space, close the door on it like they do when they're about to shut down, and just keep myself occupied.
Preferably the book store, so I have plenty to read. :)
I'd also let Apollo run wild.
As long as he didn't chew up any of the good books.
I'm going to go with "Dead Rising" style zombies who are slow and stupid, but the zombification is due to a bloodborne virus (let's just skip the insect bit), since we would have to decapitate and burn all casualties otherwise.
But priority number one is securing at least a week's worth of food and a car, and from there head to the nearest military base (assuming it's safe). From there we can fortify up, work on renewable energy sources and if we're not totally overrun by a million zombies, eke out a living while whittling down the hordes of undead.
Along the same plans as Ryu;
-I'd modify one of those reverse backpack baby carriers to put my cat in, and use her superior hearing, smell and sight to be aware of zombies.
-I'd also wrap myself in about 2-3 pants/jackets/neck scarf so in the event a zombie bites me it wont pierce through. (i live in AZ so i'll rely on pure fear to resist the urge to take everything off.
((i'm assuming this is a high level zombie break-out and very few are still human))
-After reaching the highway i'd steal a suitable large truck capable of running over zombies.
-I'd plow my way to the sword shop, ramming through the big glass window and cheap drywall seems to take care of the fact that it's locked. I grab a couple swords and toss them into the truck which conveniently parked itself right into the building. I'd also grab some guns and being a tard, just grab as many of those heavy shit ammo boxes as possible hoping one will work with the gun.
-before leaving i'd also dismantle the replica suit of armor they have for gauntlets and feet guards so i can ditch my clothing fortress later.
-I'd then plow my way through the horde of zombies that were surrounding the building and make my way to barnes and nobles-the ultimate fortress.
-Barnes and nobles has not only that lovely book smell AND internet access, but it has two entrances; one fortified with a steel dropdown guard and another double door entrance that leads back to the highway for escape. And of course the bookshelves make perfect anti-undead weaponry.
Assuming on if there were other people that had my plan to come there or not i'd start the next phase of my plan; safewayyy
i'd be the leader of the zombies.
A Zombie Queen?!?
Honestly, I'm more worried about an onslaught of Twilight vampires stealing the hearts of teenage girls out there than I am of zombies. I carry a sledgehammer in my car and I have a handheld one in my room with me…
Now if the crimson heads from Resident Evil show up, I've got something to really bash their heads in.
I would try my best to get in touch with my close relatives, and 'get the hell out of dodge' so to speak…probably head to an isolated area and wait for the bomb to drop. Logically it would happen sooner or later, to deal with the zombie population…so you might as well spend those last few precious moments with your loved ones.
I would try to find as many milk crates as I could find. I would go to my nearest grocery and liquor stores and just try to collect as much milk crates I could find. Then, I would stack them. One by one, I'd make them into a tower at least 500 feet tall. Then, I would try to ask someone for a healthy baby. I'd promise that no harm would come to the child. Once I had an infant, I would take it up to the top of the tower and throw it off, sacrificing it to the Dark Lord Kramdar. Then, I would make the Tower of Power, a tower so tall it would guarantee me safety from the zombieks. It would be 3000 feet tall and be covered in neon lights. Of course, I would purposely smash in some of these lights so cool sparks would *BZZZTT* out of it. After the zombieks died from starvation, I would overload the electrical power of the tower, causing it to explode and annihilate myself.
The more I think about a zombie outbreak the more I'm reminded that I don't have a decent weapon– I'd really like to start with a baseball bat for one. I guess my U-lock has enough heft to be a decent bludgeon but I'd prefer something with more reach.
I'm not sure the interior doors in my building are zombie-proof and I'm pretty sure that I could kick through the interior walls but the exterior walls and doors are solid enough that it's a good fallback holdout place.
My first course of action is try to meet with other survivors, we probably have a better chance of surviving and defending ourselves if there's at least a few of us. We'd then have to arm ourselves with whatever we could find or improvise and try to fight in defenseable positions whenever possible. I'm thinking hallways where we can at least fight zombies one at a time, or stairs where we're at the top so we can push them down if we have to. Of course with the aim being to survive, not go zombie hunting we'd probably avoid fighting them unless the odds were stacked heavily against the zombies– just for the sake of minimizing loss on our side and theoretically preventing future infections.
I'd also armor-up as best I can. My leather jacket would reasonably stop a zombie bite, unfortunately if these are Romero zombies I'd be dead wrong. (hee hee, I made a pun!) I also have some heavy-duty leather gloves for my hands– again, probably worthless against Romero zombies but they seem like they should work. I'd only be interested in a car if it were owned by one of the survivors just because the time and effort needed to steal a car would leave us vulnerable, not to mention if we had to break a window that could alert zombies in the area especially if the car was alarmed. Otherwise I'd stick to traveling by bicycle, again never alone if I can help it. True, a bike can't plow through hordes of undead but I can outrun them easily which is really all I need. Bikes are also less subject to mechanical failure and require no fuel.
Other than that, I'll stick to traveling by daylight and in open areas– they'll see us but we'll see them too and we can react faster.
Gather up my friends/supplies, head to the north mountains, and not look back.
My thinking is this. Any city or town is, at least initially, a deathtrap. Simple enough to imagine. There's probably some places quite defensible, but the greater situation is going to come from fast dwindling supplies, and then what? If the humans manage to drive off enough zombies, there still exists a pretty fair chance at gang or tyrannical rule developing from the survivors. I have no interest in being part of that group.
Zombies, by the older Romero era, are mindless; attracted to the presence of prey. Since plants can't be zombified, I'm not worried about zombified trees. Since there's only so many animals up there to begin with, zombies aren't likely to go seeking them out. Zombified birds, should animals be capable of being undead, will eventually rot to the point of not being able to fly. Those that are infected, will enjoy the pickings of the cities like a swarm of locusts, rather than a place of meager finds and high winds combined with the lack of speed and coordination zombies have. One might have less to fear from a zombified cougar than a living one in that respect.
Further, a mindless being will have a harder time navigating higher, rocky, more slippery ground, and either fall to its maimed destruction or just not bother since it takes more effort to head up hill than down. And come winter, can a zombie be frozen? I'm thinking quite possibly. Easy pickings for any eliminations that need to be done without real threat.
While food might be scarce in the mountains, at least its a natural spot to find some rather than some concrete clad deathtrap waiting for Twinkie deliveries. With any luck, the infection might not ever meaningfully hit the mountains.
And if I never saw another human face around post infection, so much the better.
Gather up my friends/supplies, head to the north mountains, and not look back.
Now there's an idea. The mountains are pretty defensible, I guess. And the zombies will stay in the city where food must be plentiful. Just one problem I see though…
The mountains may be remote and pretty high and while you'd think no zombies would think to look for food up there, they seem to have this knack for detecting surviving humans no matter where they are…
I've planned out my… plan… in easy steps:
Step One:
I don't live in any big cities, and Australia, so I'm going to assume I hear about the zombies in other countries first. The zombies would not have arrived here yet so I would go to a hardware store, buy a whole bunch of shit, go to a supermarket, buy a whole bunch of food.
Step Two:
I would go to my grandparent's house. It is on a hill, has big gates… it'll be an easy house to zombie-proof.
Step Three:
Zombie-proof said house. I'd reinforce all of the fence with extra wood from the hardware store. I live in the countryside so I'd go and get the barbed wire fences from paddocks and use the barbed wire to line all of the fences and windowsills of the house.
Step Four:
I'd put all the food I got from the supermarket and store it upstairs. Upstairs would be my main zombie-fighting hang-out. I have easy roof access from the windows and if they break into my house (unlikely) they have one way up; the stairs.
Step Five:
As for weapons I know some gun-clubs close by and I could get access to some rifles. I would've bought a lot of melee weapons (hammers, knives, bats) from various places.
(There aren't a whole lot of people where I live (18,00 I believe) so I could fend them off easily as they wouldn't all get me at the same time.
And thus, I will survive the zompocalypse!
Oh man… I'd be dead meat because I live in cities and I sold my car…
However, I found out how easy it is to get a hold of machetes and axes in places like Walmart. If you've gone postal and wants to decapitate some people, you don't even need to bring your own weapons along… just go to the gardening aisle of Walmart, choose something with a good feel for you, and have fun from there.
They're not expensive either… you can even pay for them… then have fun from there.
Step One:Your assumption there may cost you dearly. If it's infection zeds, then Australia will be relatively safe (along with many other island nations) but if it's Romero zombies that we're facing, then anyone who dies anywhere is a potential gut muncher. The zombie outbreak would occur everywhere at once, creating mass confusion.
I don't live in any big cities, and Australia, so I'm going to assume I hear about the zombies in other countries first. The zombies would not have arrived here yet so I would go to a hardware store, buy a whole bunch of shit, go to a supermarket, buy a whole bunch of food.
Romero zombies don't make much sense…
So basically, every dead human body which has not decomposed to the point of immobility, will become a zombie? At least that will take care of the stupid Christian custom of expensive burials…
What about dead animals? Every single organism with a cerebellum can become a zombie, right?
Romero zombies don't make much sense…Romero doesn't explain how they got up. There was some crap about radiation being the cause of it in his first film and then he hinted that it might have something to do with god. The quote "When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the Earth" came originally from his films. The Romero films never did zombie animals but some movies unrelated to him made it a possibility. His films are the only ones I know of where you only have to die to become a zombie. In all other films, you have to be bitten first.
So basically, every dead human body which has not decomposed to the point of immobility, will become a zombie? At least that will take care of the stupid Christian custom of expensive burials…
What about dead animals? Every single organism with a cerebellum can become a zombie, right?
This is what defines a Romero Zombie.
* Newly dead corpses reanimated by radiation, chemicals, viruses, sorcery or acts of God
* Human, although some depictions include zombie animals
* Very strong, but not very fast or agile
* Impervious to pain and able to function after sustaining extreme physical damage
* Invulnerable to injury, except for decapitation or destruction of the brain
* Relentlessly driven to kill and eat
* Afraid of fire and bright lights
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