After playing the first mafia game, I have decided to tweak a few things to make things more interesting and faster in a new game I'm going to create. These are the revised rules:
The Basics
- Each day and night in the game will last one day in real life.
- Each day and night lasts until 5pm PST the next day.
- The mayor has the ability to call to lynch as many people has he wants during the day until 3pm PST, at which his final decision will be locked.
- Everyone will be allowed to cast a vote to lynch until 4pm PST. At that time, the vote will be locked.
- Townies may also utilize the jail. The jail is a place where the mayor can send people who are about to be lynched. Instead of being eliminated from the game, these people can stay alive in the jail for the time being. Whilst in jail, you may still participate in talking to others and solving clues. However, you cannot use any ability affiliated with the role you have. After full day has passed, the mayor has the option of either freeing you, lynching you, or still keeping you in prison. If the jail-keeper is killed, all prisoners will be instantly released and the mayor may no longer place lynchees in prison. Prisoners may not be killed by anyone through the night phase.
The Townies
The townies' duty is to eliminate all of the mafia members, as usual. Unless specified in their roles, no townie can kill during the night.
The Mayor
On the first day, the townies will elect a mayor who has extra abilities:
- The mayor's lynching vote counts as 3.
- In addition to increased voting power, the mayor has the ability to cast a tie-breaking vote in the event of a tie.
- Until 3pm PST during the day, the mayor can call to lynch as many people as he wishes.
- From 4pm to 5pm PST, the mayor can pardon one of the doomed lynchees per day. Also during this time, the mayor can decide to throw any amount of the lynchees in jail rather than kill them.
- If a person has been in jail for one day, the mayor can either allow to set free that person or lynch that person at the end of the current day.
- The mayor can only be lynched if he receives the majority of that days vote. He can only be attacked if three people attack him on the same night.
- In the event the mayor is killed by mafia or through coup, no lynchings can occur until a new mayor is elected.
The mayor can also be a mafia member, as long as he's voted in. To counter the mayor's power, the townies can vote to allow a coup. In order for a coup to happen, the townies must vote to lynch the mayor with majority of the vote. When the limit is reached, the coup will take place at the end of day instead of the usual lynching and the current mayor will be killed off. The next day, the townies will be allowed to vote for a new mayor.
Townie Roles
The jail-keeper has the keys to the townies' prison. Should the jail-keeper die, all prisoners will be set free and the prison can no longer be used.
Vigilantes can kill once per night, like the mafia.
Paramedics may go to one house and attempt to save the life of someone they think may die in the night.
Paranoids will kill anyone who tries to kill them at night. If more than one person attacks the paranoid on the same night, however, the paranoid dies, and the two attackers remain alive.
Veterans has three lives in the game, every time he is attacked at night, he loses one life. Once attacked three times, the veteran dies. Lynching a veteran will instantly kill him.
The detective can ask for the roles of any three people throughout the game.
The masons are a small group of townies who know each other.
Mole (cut from game)
The mole will appear as a mafia member both to other mafia members and the detective. Although a townie, the mole will appear as a mafia member even to other members of the mafia and is even eligible to become a godfather.
In each game, there will be one townie with a random ability unlike any other person. Usually, this ability will be a double-edged sword, meaning that it's very powerful, but if used improperly, can hinder the townies. Only this person will know exactly what this random ability is.
Citizens have no special abilities
The Mafia
The mafia's goal is to kill all the townies. Every mafia member can attack once per night.
The Godfather
Like the townies, on the first day, the mafia must vote for someone to become a godfather. Only members of the mafia can vote and will know who will become the godfather. These are the abilities of the godfather:
- The godfather will appear as a townie towards the detective.
- The godfather can force one other mafia member to kill someone that the mafia member originally wasn't going to kill.
- The godfather can also force that mafia member to not kill at all during the night.
- A mafia member may only kill another mafia member during the night with the godfather's permission.
- The godfather may choose one townie to become part of the mafia, just as long as the townie agrees. This ability is renewed every time a different mafia member becomes the godfather.
- The godfather can assign anyone as his right hand man, and should the current godfather die, the right hand man will automatically become the next godfather
Unlike the townies, the godfather cannot be taken out through a coup. However, he may be killed during the night. If he is killed, and had not picked a right hand man, the mafia members must vote for a new godfather.
Mafia Roles
Mad Bomber
This role is similar to the mad hatter. He may plant two bombs on any two people in the game and should he die, those whom he planted bombs on would also die.
The Ripper
The Ripper attacks using the Swords of Osiris. He is allowed to attack twice during the night. However, whenever he does attack, the narrative of his attack will always mention the Swords of Osiris, linking all of the killings he may commit.
The Brains
The Brains has the ability of PQing any message to the moderator. This message will then be mentioned in a narrative the next day, making it useful for confusing the townies.
The assassin can kill once per night with the benefit of having no clues pointing against them in the next day's narrative.
Other Roles
Serial Killer
The serial killer is neither a townie nor a mafia member. His goal is to kill everyone else in the game, meaning he'll win if he's the only one alive at the end of the game. He can kill once per night.
Lynchees are players that have been voted to be lynched one hour before the actual lynching occurs. The vote cannot be changed at this point, so these people are doomed to either die or be put into prison, depending on the mayor's decision.
Prisoners are players who have been sent to prison rather than killed through lynching. While in prison, you may talk just like normal, but you may not use any ability your role has given you. Prisoners can only be freed by either the mayor's allowance or the death of the jail-keeper. The mayor may also instantly kill any prisoner by the end of the day.
The dead are players who have died through lynching, killing, or any other means. If you are dead, you may no longer post anymore messages as it would disrupt the flow of the game.
The Narrative
In this game the narrative will contain clues based on the what people have said in the previous day(s). This will encourage players to be involved as clues can be about anything people say (or don't say). Roles of people will not be revealed unless they die. Even kills that fail to kill anyone (AKA mafia trying to kill a veteran) may be mentioned in the narrative.
The Moderator
The moderator oversees the entire game. During the game, if you have any questions concerning your role or the rules, it is highly advised you PQ the moderator first in order to maintain your privacy among other players.
As of now, I (or Black_Kitty if she's willing) will be the moderator for this next game.
1. the2ndredbaron
2. waff
3. gullas
4. Dukat
5. Sea_Cow
6. Ochitsukanai
7. Niccea
8. Hakoshen
9. Skullbie
10. harkovast
11. ozoneocean
12. crocty
13. skoolmunkee
14. leaderofstars
15. mooglessaykupo
16. slasher
17. martinlo_23
18. theorah
19. odysseus55
If you thought you signed up but don't see your name on the list, just post again to confirm it.

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Mafia game: Expanded Edition signups
sounds complicated but assuming the current game doesn't overun your games start I'm in.
(incoming suggestion)also make one of the townies a little girl/loudmouth who should yell the name of thier killer unless they're killed by the assasin and that paramedics should be able to save someone unless both them and thier charge? are targeted.(thats my suggestion).
The whole mayor and jail thing is confusing me. Your descriptions of them kind of contradict each other in places. At one point you said the mayor has to lynch them or let them go, but at a different point it says he can continue keeping them in jail.
So prisoners can ONLY be people who have been voted for in lynching?
As many people as the mayor likes can be prisoners at any time?
By the end of a day, the mayor can choose to lynch ALL of the prisoners?
Why would the mayor need a pardon if he can just put people he wants to save into jail, and then let them go afterward?
When you say after a prisoner has been in jail one day- do you mean 24 game hours, or just to the end of a day cycle?
The mayor seems kinda crazy powerful… :| I'm afraid I don't see the point in voting for lynchings and stuff when it seems like the mayor pretty much has total control over it, I can imagine a lot of battles between mayor and townies. A coup also seems kinda hard to pull off if all but one votes are needed. I preferred the pardoner and the mayor as separate roles.
I am with skoolmunkee, some of this seems a bit weird.
I dont want change for the sake of change.
the mayor seems way too powerful and too hard to kill. He gets extra votes, votes in a tie, can put poeple in jail, pardon people. can he also fly and shoot lasers?
Why dont we just call him Barack Obama and have done with it!
The previous version had lots and lots of roles that could be confusing, I dont think we need more roles adding.
The previous game was fun, this just seems to make it more baffling. How many players are you expecting to take part? This looks like it needs about 30.You have 4 mafia roles. Does that mean everyone in the mafia has a role or are there just dozens of mafias? A guy who leaves no clues is no fun, get rid of that idea. Without clues the game has no point.
Also, since I live in England, Pacific standard time is eight hours behind me!
So I am going to struggle to be present for most of the important events.
I'll drop my thoughts in at one point of the day and by the time it gets close to the vote when all the important horse trading happens I will be in bed.
I wont have a chance of using any special powers I have at the right times.
Imagine if I am mayor and I want to pardon someone. There is no way I will be present when most of the votes are cast so I wont know who to pardon till it is too late.
So based on that system I think I will have to not participate, as it favours only those living in or around your own time zone (and as I've alreayd expressed, I think these chagnes are unnecssary.)
The whole mayor and jail thing is confusing me. Your descriptions of them kind of contradict each other in places. At one point you said the mayor has to lynch them or let them go, but at a different point it says he can continue keeping them in jail.
Let me clear that up. The mayor can either kill or pardon people that are in prison. However, the mayor can also choose to leave people in prison longer for interrogation, public safety, etc.
So prisoners can ONLY be people who have been voted for in lynching?Yes.
As many people as the mayor likes can be prisoners at any time?Yes.
By the end of a day, the mayor can choose to lynch ALL of the prisoners?Yes.
Why would the mayor need a pardon if he can just put people he wants to save into jail, and then let them go afterward?If he puts them in prison, that person can't use their ability over the night.
However, if he were to pardon him, then he'd be free to use his ability that same night. Basically, it's a matter of whether he wanted this particular person to use their ability that night.
When you say after a prisoner has been in jail one day- do you mean 24 game hours, or just to the end of a day cycle?For a 24 hour a day. Once it's near the end of the next day, the mayor can choose what to do with that prisoner. Before that time though, the prisoner must remain in prison.
The mayor seems kinda crazy powerful… :| I'm afraid I don't see the point in voting for lynchings and stuff when it seems like the mayor pretty much has total control over it, I can imagine a lot of battles between mayor and townies. A coup also seems kinda hard to pull off if all but one votes are needed. I preferred the pardoner and the mayor as separate roles.
I intentionally made the mayor this powerful. Remember, the townies can vote to overthrow the mayor. If they succeed, at the end of the day, the lynch would be canceled and the mayor would be instantly killed.
This makes both choosing a mayor and being a mayor a very critical task. Townies have to really consider who they're going to vote for mayor, and the mayor cannot abuse is power or else risk being overthrown by the townies.
I had to make the voting for the coup virtually unanimous just in case a few townies vote for a coup just for the heck of it.
However, if you'd like to change the amount of votes required to throw a coup, just give me suggestion.
I am with skoolmunkee, some of this seems a bit weird.
I dont want change for the sake of change.
the mayor seems way too powerful and too hard to kill. He gets extra votes, votes in a tie, can put poeple in jail, pardon people. can he also fly and shoot lasers?
Why dont we just call him Barack Obama and have done with it!
The previous version had lots and lots of roles that could be confusing, I dont think we need more roles adding.
The coup that the townies can throw gives the mayor a reason not to abuse power. It also requires the townies and the mayor to establish some type of trust between each other.
I put more roles into the game because it seemed that a lot of people who didn't have special roles were usually ignored or didn't even participate. More roles would entice participation.
The previous game was fun, this just seems to make it more baffling. How many players are you expecting to take part? This looks like it needs about 30.You have 4 mafia roles. Does that mean everyone in the mafia has a role or are there just dozens of mafias? A guy who leaves no clues is no fun, get rid of that idea. Without clues the game has no point.
Twenty players would be perfect for the next game, and yes, I plan on everyone in the mafia would have a special role. Also, the mad bomber can't leave clues, but you still say the assassin is worthless? I made all the mafia members able to kill at least once per night so we wouldn't end up stuck in the situation the current game is right now (where there's one mafia member left, no clues, and you know who's probably going to win anyways).
Also, since I live in England, Pacific standard time is eight hours behind me!
So I am going to struggle to be present for most of the important events.
I'll drop my thoughts in at one point of the day and by the time it gets close to the vote when all the important horse trading happens I will be in bed.
I wont have a chance of using any special powers I have at the right times.
Imagine if I am mayor and I want to pardon someone. There is no way I will be present when most of the votes are cast so I wont know who to pardon till it is too late.
So based on that system I think I will have to not participate, as it favours only those living in or around your own time zone (and as I've alreayd expressed, I think these chagnes are unnecssary.)
The times I set in PST are the exact same times in this game, except in my timezone.
Um I don't think the game should be changed that drastically. I have a list of a few things that could be tweaked. And I will only comic for the official game should BK continue to moderate. I'm not going to sign up for multiples at once because that would be too confusing for me.
I don't have a problem with changing the rules, everyone having a role, etc. Changing things will help keep it interesting, as will different people leaving more clues and stuff. The current game seemed to die off after the two hitmen were lynched and now it's mostly chit-chat about casino signs or whatever. I don't think new roles will be hard to adapt to. Brand new people might be a little mixed up.
I'm still a little confused about the jail but I suppose specific questions can be saved for when the game runs. All but one vote for a coup does seem like a lot though, especially if it has to all be done secretly and on a faster timescale- 3/4 sounds more doable, and a fairer balance to the power of the mayor, who could otherwise thwart a coup with just 2 loyal people.
I'd suggest you talk to BK about it too, I think people are kinda attached to her, she might be willing to help (and has lots of mafia experience). At any rate we won't want 2 games going at once so once the next game is sorted out I am happy to make a newspost asking for players. :] If there's only one game running, I'll play, as long as I'm not a mafia - too much work! lol!
Hark- as humorman said, the times are the same as what BK was running. Not sure how that makes you unable to play, as you played last time. Unless you figured out that didn't work (as I did). Unfortunately us England-dwellers sometimes must bow to the needs of the many, the times work for pretty much everyone BUT us, and there are more of them. :]
Also, since I live in England, Pacific standard time is eight hours behind me!yah me too :(
Well in my opinion, there should also be a 'pardoner' role instead of giving all the power to mayor. Ofcourse there would have to be more particpants dou to all the new class roles, buuuuuuuuut I'm definetly inI agree.
Niccea, you should see some of the stuff the Megatokyo Forums mafia games have come up with. We've had all sorts of different theme'd games there.I am a member of Gaia Online's Sniper Guild. That is all they do, play mafia. They are on game 30. All different themed. I just played a Sailor Moon themed one.
The current game seemed to die off after the two hitmen were lynched and now it's mostly chit-chat about casino signs or whatever.
That began in the first couple of days. Waff and I were getting bored of being the only ones on. It was also during the night phase when no one dared to act smart. (Might get them killed). When people were talking about clues, we engaged until we exhausted them.
it's true, we ran out of clues to pick at so we started chatting and managed to practically create an entire world.The current game seemed to die off after the two hitmen were lynched and now it's mostly chit-chat about casino signs or whatever.
That began in the first couple of days. Waff and I were getting bored of being the only ones on. It was also during the night phase when no one dared to act smart. (Might get them lynched). When people were talking about clues, we engaged until we exhausted them.
okay I tell a lie but I really fleshed out my online self from these chats we had (the box for one thing).
I thought I might as well post it here:
These are my suggestions for the original game that I already passed to BK.
As a human, I know that it is impossible to change human nature. But I can offer some things that I think will make the mafia game a lot better for everyone.
• In the words of the Joker, “Why so serious?†some people take this game just a little too seriously. Though following the clues imperative, conspiracy and some roleplaying should not be discouraged. It adds spice to the game and makes it interesting. (It also gives me ideas for things to put in the comic). Though spamming should be discouraged.
• I personally think that the pacing is just a little fast. It is distracting a lot of people from school work, jobs, sleep, etc. I’m not saying taking all the way down to once a week, but there must be a happy medium so we are not immersed that we live sleep eat and breathe this game.
• I personally think the clues that pointed to Odysseus were a little too blatant. Also, the same things with very little modifications were left in each clue leaving little information if any. I understand the clue writing can be difficult that is why I will propose something in my next bullet.
• Change the detective role a bit. The detective can ask who a person is or receive clues. This way the clues can be taken out of the narrative and be allowed to be vaguer. I understand that this subtracts from red herrings, but it is worth a shot. Of course if the detective dies, there will be no more clues. Might make it interesting because people will have to start using more brain power in that case.
• Organization: I think the first post of the thread should be kept up to date with the plot, roles remaining, and characters remaining. One of the biggest problems with analyzing the clues was that we had to go back and search for them because sometimes a lot of jibber jabber happens before anyone gets around to actually analyzing the clues.
That is all that I can offer at this moment, but maybe it would be good to get feedback from everyone this first time around so we know what improvements and where need to be made.
I've decided to change the rules for overthrowing the mayor.
The mayor can now be lynched off like normal. However, the mayor must receive the majority of the vote in order to be killed, and in the event this does happen, the lynch for that day will be canceled.
For example, if the mayor wishes to lynch ten people on the first day, and the townies decide to lynch the mayor and he receives the majority of the vote, even if there are six other people that have been voted to lynch off, the mayor would be the only one to die that day. However, if the mayor were to come in second, the mayor would NOT be lynched, and the remaining top votees would be lynched for that day.
Also, I'd like to remind you that the narrative for this game will be based on two main things:
1. What you say when you post.
2. Your attitude towards the killer/victim.
For example, lets say ozoneocean(paramedic) and skoolmunkee(the ripper) were very friendly with each other in a game, but one night, skoolmunkee kills ozoneocean. This is how the narrative would look like:
One of the townies was getting ready for bed, when suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and was relieved to see who was there.
"Oh, I'm glad you're safe. You know, you really shouldn't be out this late with the mafia about," said the townie.
He then offered his friend a cup of tea, but as he went to the kettle, he felt a tight pain within is heart. Unable to even gasp, he collapsed on the floor, and his visitor fled from the area. The next day, another townie went to check up on him. As she opened the door, she let out a ear-piercing shriek as she saw the gruesome sight of a body with a Sword of Osiris sticking out from its back.
ozoneocean, the paramedic, has been killed.
I really don't think the mayor should move to lynch more than two people. That is way too powerful.yeah I agree AND while I was looking through a database of dramatic whatchamacallits I had an attack of inspiration…
behold my creation…THE IMPLACABLE MAN
This monstrosity is completly invulnerable up to a point, 2 points to be exact.1)At the beginning of the first day the IMPLACABLE MAN is given an oscure series of clues leading him/her to someone (townie or mafia or whatever,randomised) to kill (this is intended to take several game days with the IMPLACABLE MAN slautering his/her way through mafia and townie alike, the clues pointing to the IMPLACABLE MAN will require excessive amounts of force used in the victim's defense inorder to stop the IMPLACABLE MAN but failing miserably) after the pre-determined target is done-in as they say the implacable is vulnerable to being lynched.2)vulnerable to be lynched if half or over the starting amount of mafias are dead.
If there are any holes in this let me know k? thanks.
-edit- another attack of inspiration
the IMPLACABLE MAN could only be given one obscure clue at the beginning and given further clues with each kill thus increasing the aspect of implacable-ness.
In the last one I had more then a day to figure out the state of play and make a decision.Yah. And PST doesn't work for me. (Granted there this no time that can work for everyone, but that means days should be longer than a day so everyone has a chance.
Now the last few hours of each day will be the crucial time and those who miss that will be lemmings, since every day is a real actual day.
I really don't think the mayor should move to lynch more than two people. That is way too powerful.
I gave the mayor this power to allow some freedom in terms of eliminating enemies. Of course, the mayor could choose to lynch everyone in the entire game, but then again, he would probably be overthrown if he did that. Then again, there may be some times where lynching large numbers of people may come in handy. As a rule of thumb though, if you DO become the mayor, you should at most lynch the number of mafia members that are still alive. However, the mayor may also choose to lynch no one on any particular day. Either way, you should follow what the townies say if you don't want to be overthrown.
In the last one I had more then a day to figure out the state of play and make a decision.Yah. And PST doesn't work for me. (Granted there this no time that can work for everyone, but that means days should be longer than a day so everyone has a chance.
Now the last few hours of each day will be the crucial time and those who miss that will be lemmings, since every day is a real actual day.
The times I gave are the same times for the game that's going on right now.
5pm PST = 8pm EST = 1am GMT
However, if you want the time to change so everyone can have a fair chance of voting, then just put up a suggestion. However, any actions can be PQed to the moderator at any time during the day/night phase, so no matter what, you'll have plenty of time to place a vote/action.
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