Hear ye. Hear ye. By Royal decree, the Twelfth Mafia Games are to begin in the near future. Any who wish to participate are to sign their names in this thread.
OK welcome to the Sign up thread for Mafia XII. The roles are below.
Mafia: The Legend of TownstoniaDays and nights alternate. Each day or night last 24 hours in real time. For example, day one begins at 0:00 GMT then night one begins at 0:00 GMT the nest day.
They say that before the moon had a face, and the wolf learned to howl, there was a village that was ravaged by a battle between a Lord and a Mage of the black. The tale is lost to the murky depths of time, but the battle left scars that remain in the decedents of those that lived.YE OLDE VILLAGERS: aka Townies
Mayor=> Lord(1) elected
Witch Hunt: The Lord is able to pick one person to be lynched within an Hour of the first day ending. The Alchemist is unable to switch the person to be lynched with someone else.
In the Name of the King: The Lord's vote is also backed by the King so it holds twice the power(counts twice instead of once).
Blood sport: During the night the Lord can arrange for two combatants to duel to the death. The winner is turned into a pincushion. Each person submits two votes. One for each slot in the execu- I mean games. Note:this is a double lynch, both people die.
Meat sh- I mean My Noble Squires, Defend your Lord!: cannot be attacked or body switched while a squire is alive. This also applies to the Knight
Pardoner=> Knight(1) elected
For My Lady's Favor: Can cancel two lynches during the game. If the Lord has declared a bloodsport and the Knight invokes his Lady's Favor, only one of them will be spared.
Librarian=> Scribe(1) The scribe is told the role of one villager and one villager only.
Detective=> Diviner(1)
Cure the Damned: the diviner can remove two curses during the game. If the power is used on a person who isn't cursed, it is wasted. The diviner can also remove the curse from himself.
Message From the Gods: The diviner can ask what role a person is twice. The diviner can also ask if a person is connected to a crime. He can do only one a day though.
Paranoid=>The Crazy Mage(1)
Booby trapped: The Crazy Mage has his house booby trapped with a mess of magic traps guaranteed to blow the first person to bits that tries to open the door. The Crazy Mage has no idea who they really are due to a few too many magic mishaps.
Veteran=> Tracker(1)
Son, I've fought Dragons!: Due to being awesome and tough, the Tracker must be attacked twice before he can die. Lynchings still take only once though.
Paramedic/Vigilante=> Valkyrie(3)
You Shall Not Pass!: Valkyries can protect one person from one attack at night. they cannot protect each other though.
To Arms: Valkyries can kill one person a night, but not if they're protecting someone
Bodyguard=> Squire(2)These poor saps are your standard MK. I meat shield.
Townie=> serf(who ever is left over) After a hard day's lynching, they're easy pickings, but after a good night's sleep, the torches and pitch forks come out.
The Agents of EVIL: aka Mafia
Godfather=> Black Mage(1)
I Curse Thee: Can curse two people a game, but only one at a time and only at night. The curse takes until the end of the day cycle after the curse was placed to kill it's target. Curses cannot be switched after the night cycle has ended. Curses involve two narratives. Both point to the Black mage, but only the first gives a clue to the victim. The Diviner can remove both curses however.
I was always good at illusions: Appears as a villager and cannot be attacked while in effect. he can still curse people though
I will make your life hell: Appears as the Black Mage and now has the ability to kill directly, but must choose whether to curse or kill in the night.
He's innocent, you can trust me: can cancel on lynch or Bloodsport. Spares everyone in the latter case.
Mad Hatter=> Alchemist(1)
Explosive Runes : Can be placed on two people at once, but only one person can be targeted a night. They are activated when A ) the Alchemist chooses, or B ) when the Alchemist dies.
I don't like you: The Alchemist can switch one person with one who is going to be lynched. It can only be used once a game and Only one person will be switched when the Lord invokes a bloodsport and cannot be used on a witch hunt. The Alchemist cannot switch the Knight or the Lord UNLESS both squires are dead.
Mafia=> Orks(2) wez keel stuf, but only once a night.
Psycho=> Agents of Chaos(2)
We will water our new order with your blood. But we can only kill one of you each a night.
Days and nights will start at 0:00 GMT
I will not accept actions or votes after 23:45 GMT.
If you are not sure about what 4:00 GMT is in your time zone, see the charts below to find out.

If a person has not posted on the thread or voted in a lynching in two days (48 hours real time) they will be taken out of the game at the end of the current cycle. The only exception is if the person lets me know that they will be unable to post or vote ahead of time.
Actions: All actions and votes must be pq'd to me to be valid. I will stop accepting actions at 23:45 GMT so i can get the narrative written. Narratives will be posted at 0:00 GMT.
Clues will come from profiles, avatars, sigs, comic titles, and the first page of any comics a person has. Clues can be found in basically anything.
Note: I also reserve the right to ban anyone who is acting like a Jackass. Even if you don't know the people playing personally, please show them the same respect you should show you friends. I hate to be a jerk about it, but it isn't as much fun to play when you have a person calling you an idiot all the time.
Oh one last thing, actions and votes are done in the order that they are received. That means that if a Valkyrie places a hit on the Alchemist and then the Alchemist places a Greek Fire spell on someone, then the Alchemist is killed and the bomb is not placed. Same thing for a lynch. If there is a tie, it is the person who hit the number of votes first that dies.
Ok what are you waiting for? Sign up!!
1. Rokulily serf Killed night five
2. Crocty the usual suspectserf Killed night two
3. Product Placement Squire Killed day eight
4. therealtj Valkyrie Killed night one
5. Niccea the great deceiver ork Lynched day six
6. Inuyasha_Rules serf Lynched day seven
7. GarBonzo Bean Squire Killed night four
8. Waff-ManOrk Killed night two
9. kitty17 Agent of Chaos Killed night one
10.exzachly serf Killed night five
11.TheFlyingGreenMonkey the everlasting pardoner. Lord Agent of Chaos Killed day eight
12.Hakoshen the Spartanserf Lynched day two
13.ParkerFarker Tracker killed night seven
14.Harkovast the patron saint of finger pointing. Diviner Killed night three
15.Gullas the impalerValkyrie Killed night two
16.Aghammer Alchemist Killed day eight
17.humorman serf Killed night one
18.blergness serf Killed night six
19.Anthony Mercer Scribe Killed night four
20.Sea_Cow Valkyrie Killed night two
21.KillerBob Knight The Black Mage Lynched day five
22.herio Crazy Mage Lynched Day four
23.D_Dude serf Killed night one