Picture provided by Crocty. Thanks man. ^^
Something to listen too while reading.
Those darn townstonians have done it again. The endless infighting has blown up the whole town and now they're all dead. At least the villagers will find peace in the afterlife.
Or will they?
Strained relations between Heaven and Hell has placed the two planes into a state of readiness for war is brewing on the horizon. Sure, there's always been some hostilities between these two worlds but this time it seems different. This time it could threaten to destroy one or the other… or possibly both. Normally the souls in Purgatory are put through a lengthy examination before their deserving afterlife is decided. However, due to the seriousness of the current situation, the two afterlives have sent agents to gather canon fo.. ehem.. valiant soldiers for the upcoming war.
All the way from cloud nine, weighing 190 pounds of celestial purity, I bring you the archangel.
From the deepest crevasses of the darkest misery comes the destroyer of hope. The instigator of misery. The one! The only! The Pit Lord!
These two agents will stop at nothing to claim these wandering souls.
But things are not so simple. One of those souls has a different idea. To him there's no such thing as a Heaven or Hell. To make such a claim is ludicrous for this man is an Atheist. He intends to stay right here in purgatory and make a afterlife that everyone can be happy with, whether they're evil and good. If his plans are allowed to come to fruition, both Heaven and Hell will be starved of souls, dooming them forever.
It's every soul for himself as the planes themselves come crashing at each other. Only one domain will survive. Will it be heaven? Will it be Hell? Will it be…. something else?
Ye olde rules.
Wandering souls.
Everyone except selected few will start in this state. You wander around purgatory, confused, not knowing what to expect. Agents from Heaven and Hell will try to recruit you, turning you into an Angel or a Demon. Once war is declared and the lines are drawn, the Atheist will rally you together, giving you a cause. When this happens you will be turned into a Rebellious spirit or a Guardian spirit.
A good Samaritan.
You've been a good and honest man in your life. Selfish thoughts never passed your mind and there isn't an evil bone in your body. Since your niceness is radiating from every pore of your body, the agents of evil are unable to recruit you. A good Samaritan can become a Rebellious/Guardian spirit. A good Samaritan that's been turned into an angel, can't be affected with the Fall of Grace power.
Practically Hitler.
Oh, you've been a bad, bad boy… or girl. (Hmm? If you're the female variety, give me a call. ;)) As a result the forces of good will have nothing to do with you. Practically Hitler can become a Rebellious/Guardian spirit. Practically Hitler that's been turned into a Demon, can't be affected with the Divine Redemption power.
The Atheist.
The Atheist is a strong willed individual who spent his life refusing to believe in the concept of afterlife. As he died, he believed that it would end with darkness and nothing more. Now that he's in purgatory, it's safe to assume that he's more then pleasantly surprised. At first he wanders the purgatory in a desperate state of denial, refusing to believe that he's here. When things become more clear, he will rally the nearby souls and stake a claim to this domain. He may have accepted that there's an afterlife but he refuses to accept totalitarian planes of good and evil. His world will accept everyone. His world shall be an afterlife where good are not rewarded, evil are not chastised. It shall be a world where everyone are equal for the American dream must exists everywhere. Also, this is his chance to become a God himself. Who would pass down an opportunity like that?
The Atheist has these following powers:
YOU DON'T EXIST!: In the beginning, the Atheist is in a deep state of denial. This can't be happening! None of this is real! This must be some crazy hallucinations that he's having as his brain is slowly dying. His state of mind may be unstable but his determination is not. He actually has the ability to will Angels and Demons, who attempt to approach him, from existence. The Atheist has no control over this power. It just happens if anyone approaches him. The Atheist can kill more then one people at a time, meaning that ganging up on him will not work. The Atheist can kill both those who try to recruit him or kill.
Radiating Persona: For every turn that passes, the Atheist will recruit a fellow Wandering Soul, turning him into a Rebellious spirit. The Atheist will not choose who will join him, his persona will simply attract other Wandering Souls.
We will make our own paradise!: As soon as the war between Heaven and Hell starts, The Atheist will come to his senses and create his favorable afterlife. At this point, all those are still wandering souls, will become Rebellious Spirits. Two of those will become his most loyal followers, turning into Guardian Spirits. Since the Atheist is no longer in his confused state, his YOU DON'T EXIST! power will disappear.
MINDCRUSH!: The Atheist may have lost his YOU DON'T EXIST! power, but his potential to destroy souls are still there. At the end of every turn, he will focus all of his willpower and eliminate a single target. In order to do so, he requires his followers to channel some of their powers to him and thus will be forced to obey which person they desire to be killed. This power can kill the Archangel and the Pit Lord directly, allowing him to circumvent his bodyguards.
I like you much more.: Once the Atheist gains his Guardian Spirits, he's allowed to turn one of them back into a rebellious spirit and give the Guardian role to someone else. He can only do this once, as long as he has at least one living guardian spirit.
Rebellious spirit
These are wandering spirits that have decided to follow the Atheist in his quest to form the perfect afterlife. When the war between Heaven and Hell begins, they will vote to kill off an Angel or a Demon of their choice. Rebellious spirits can not be turned into an Angel or a Demon.
Guardian Spirit These are Rebellious souls who will adamantly follow the Atheist in his quest to form the perfect afterlife. Each turn, they can target and kill an Angel or a Demon. In addition they'll protect the Atheist with all their might, meaning that he can't be killed as long as they're around.
The Archangel.
The holiest of spirits has descended to the Planes of Purgatory, in an attempt to gather forces for the upcoming fight against Hell. His powers are divinely and few can face his majesty. In order to succeed, the Atheist will have access to these powers.
Arise!: The Archangel can recruit a Wandering soul, turning him into an Angel. All angels will gain this ability as well. If this power is used on a Demon, Practically Hitler or a Rebellious spirit, then nothing will happen. The archangel (or the angel using this power) will be informed that the recruiting failed but will not be told what role his target carries.
Divine redemption: This power allows the archangel to make a demon turn from his wicked ways, placing him back into purgatory. It can also be used on a rebellious spirit, turning him into a wandering soul and turn practically Hitler into a wandering soul as well. If this power is used on a wandering soul, the soul becomes a good Samaritan. This can power can only be used before the war begins. This power can only be used twice. It can not be used on the Pit Lord or a Practically Hitler that's been turned into a Demon.
A cold day in hell: By focusing a large amount of Divine energy, the Archangel can quell the fires in hell. The forces of evil will need to work tirelessly in the hellish furnaces to get them working again. This will effectively deny the Pit Lord and his follower from recruiting additional Demons for a single turn. This is a one use power.
"A sword of Fire and Brimstone The Archangel can appoint one of his fellow Angels the chance to become his instrument of Justice. These legendary weapons are granted to the Heavenly agents of destruction, granting them kill powers during times of peace. Angels who gain these swords are allowed to kill before War is declared between Heaven and Hell. They also serve as guardians for the Archangel. This power can be used twice. If it hasn't been used before the war starts, the remaining swords will be distributed randomly amongst the Angels. In addition, the Archangel is treated to have a Sword of Fire and Brimstone on him as well, allowing him to attack during times of peace.
I am the Champion of Truth! Archangels are hardened soldiers of Divinity. A single blow is not enough to end them. The Archangel effectively has two lives during the course of the game. If he tries to recruit or attack the Atheist, in his confused state or suffers an attack when he has no Guardians, the Archangel will survive. It will weaken him though making him vulnerable for a final blow.
I challenge thee! The Archangel can call out the Pit Lord, demanding a duel between them. This power has several unique features which will be explained elsewhere.
These are Wandering Spirits that have been bathed in purity of Celestia. They are now angels, ready to serve the Archangel. During times of peace they will recruit other souls to follow the path to Heaven. When war breaks out, they will take up arms against the those who threaten to destroy their paradise.
At start they all gain the Arise! power which turns into a kill power when the war is declared.
Heavenly agent of Destruction These are Angels that have been granted A sword of Fire and Brimstone. They're allowed to kill during times of peace and will protect the Archangel from Harm. If the Heavenly agent of Destruction is killed or targeted with the Fall of Grace power, his weapon will be forever lost.
The Pit Lord.
He is an agent of Doom and despair. He lives to torture the wicked. To boil the impure. He takes great joy from tainting the minds of good spirits, dooming them to an afterlife of misery and pain. He has been sent to gather minions to serve in the unending tides of the Demonic Army. To do so he will be able to use these following powers.
Submit! The Pit Lord can recruit a Wandering soul, turning him into a Demon. All Demons will gain this ability as well. If this power is used on an Angel, a good Samaritan or a Rebellious spirit, then nothing will happen. The Pit Lord (or the demon using this power) will be informed that the recruiting failed but will not be told what role his target carries.
Fall from grace The Pit Lord can corrupt the heart of an Angel. Turning them back into a confused soul. It can also be used on a rebellious spirit, turning him into a wandering soul and turn a Good Samaritan into a wandering soul as well. If this power is used on a wandering soul, the soul becomes Practically Hitler. This can power can only be used before the war begins. This power can only be used twice. It can't be used on the Archangel or a good Samaritan that's been turned into an Angel.
St. Peter's day off: The Pit Lord is a master of confusion and can screw up the work schedule of the Angels, making them Believe that St.Peter is on a Holiday. It will take a whole turn to correct this mistake and during that time the forces of Good will be unable to recruit Angels.
Scythe of Despair: The Pit Lord can pick two Demons who he believes are worthy enough to wield some of the most horrible weapons ever crafted in the furnaces of Hell. The Scythe of Despair will allow the Demon, wielding it to kill during times of peace. He will also protect the Pit Lord until he dies. This power can be used twice. If it hasn't been used before the war starts, the remaining scythes will be distributed randomly amongst the Demons. In addition, the Pit Lord is treated to have a Scythe of Despair on him as well, allowing him to attack during times of peace.
You've seen nothing until you've experienced Hell! The Pit lord is a fighting machine that will not be easily stopped. The Pit Lord effectively has two lives during the course of the game. If he tries to recruit or attack the Atheist while in his confused state, suffers an attack when he has no Guardians, the Pit Lord will survive. It will weaken him though making him vulnerable for a final blow.
Come Out and Fight Me! The Pit Lord can call out the Archangel, demanding a duel between them. This power has several unique features which will be explained elsewhere.
These are Wandering Spirits that have been corrupted to the point where they know nothing but fury and hatred. They are now Demons, ready to serve the Pit Lord. During times of peace they will recruit other souls, leading them astray from the good path. When war breaks out, the demons will be enraged, ready to destroy everything in their path.
At start they all gain the Submit! power which turns into a kill power when the war is declared.
A Doomguard is a Demon who has been granted a Scythe of Despair. They are allowed to kill during times of peace and they will protect the Pit Lord from harm. If a Doomguard is killed or targeted with the Divine redemption power, his weapon will be forever lost.
Conditions that will trigger the War:
If either the Archangel or the Pit Lord is directly attacked by the opposing force or is somehow killed, the war will start. If the Archangel or the Pit Lord accidentally targets the confused Atheist, causing him to loose a life, the war will not be triggered. A direct attack made on these beings is considered an act of war.
The Archangel and the Pit Lord are allowed to declare war, thus starting the conflict themselves.
If the number of remaining wandering souls/rebellious spirits ever drops to 5 or lower, the war will start. The war will start with the announcement that a skirmish occurred between Heaven and Hell, elsewhere, triggering the start of the conflict.
Duel! Rules and terms!
This is an explanation related to theI challenge thee!/Come Out and Fight Me! power that the Archangel and the Pit Lord share. First of all, it can only be used once during the course of the entire game. If the Pit Lord has already challenged the Archangel, the power is considered spent for both parties. This power can only be used during peace time and will be considered spent if war is declared.
The Archangel and the Pit Lord are considered so evenly matched in a fight that only pure chance can determine who would win. The victor of the fight is randomly selected.
There are three types of duels that can be fought. Humiliation, First blood, and to the death.
Humiliation: The Archangel and the Pit Lord will duel until one of them is disarmed and is at disadvantage. Wager is allowed. This fight will not trigger a war.
First Blood: The fight will go on until one of the leaders is wounded, causing him to loose a single life. If the Leader who receives the wound, has already lost a life, he will die from his injuries. Wager is allowed. This fight will trigger a war if one of the leaders dies in it.
To the Death: The fight will continue until either party perishes. The fight functions like a multiple first blood fights, where the Archangel and the Pit Lord will duel until either one has lost both lives. Naturally, if one of the player has already lost a life, while the other one still has both of his, the one with more lives will have an advantage in that fight. Betting is not allowed since it's already an all or nothing fight. This fight will trigger a war.
The challenger can set terms that the one who's being challenged has to accept. If the challenged player refuses the terms, the fight will be canceled.
Making Wagers are allowed during non mortal fights. The challenger has the first right to make a bet. Should the challenged player accept the terms, he's allowed to raise the stakes if a bet was made to begin with. Otherwise, he can make a fresh bet. The challenger has to accept the new bet before fighting can commence.
The leaders are allowed to bargain their lives, their minions, their weapons or anything else they could think of (as long as the GM accepts it). Betting a live (can only be done during a humiliation fight, where both leaders still have both of their lives) means that the looser will sacrifice one of his lives to grant the other a third one. Minion bets means that the looser has to sacrifice some of his followers by downgrading them to wandering souls again. Betting weapons means that the leaders can wage their swords and scythes as currency. The winner will gain more legendary weapons to dish out, increasing his number of guardians. It's only possible to bet with weapons that have not been distributed. The leaders can also make different kinds of bet, like forbidding the looser from recruiting for a turn, or that the looser has to pull down his pants and run around in circles, singing praises to the victor. It's totally up to the one who's making the bet (The GM has to accept the bet though).
Additional note, since it takes time to organize the use of this power (the GM needs to inform the opposing leader that the challenge has been made and discuss the terms and bets), the player who uses this power is encourage to announce that he's planing to use it at the start of the turn. Making the challenge and accepting it will use up the leaders action for the turn. However, if either leader refuses the terms, the duel is canceled and both leaders are allowed to pick a different action for that turn.
Starting Roles.
The Archangel (1)
The Pit Lord (1)
The Atheist (1)
A Good Samaritan (3)
Practically Hitler (3)
Wandering souls (the rest)
Roles that are granted later.
Angels (lots)
Heavenly agent of Destruction (2)
Demons (lots)
Doomguard (2)
Rebellious spirits (lots)
Guardian spirit (2)

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DD Comics!
Mafia XIII - Heaven or Hell.
This post is reserved for election status, narration links and other important info.
1: ParkerFarker A doomguard. Destroyed during turn 5
2: Anthony Mercer A Rebellious Spirit Survived!
3: gullas the Impaler. An Angel. Destroyed during turn 8
4: waff-man. The Atheist Survived!
5: Hakoshen the Spartan. A Demon Destroyed during turn 7
6: Aghammer the Explosive. A Rebellious Spirit Survived!
7: GarBonzo Bean A Rebellious Spirit Survived!
8: D_Dude A Guardian Spirit. Destroyed during turn 9
9: kitty17 The Archangel Destroyed during turn 9
10:Niccea the Great Deceiver and keeper of records. A Good Samaritan. Destroyed during turn 4
11:Sea_Cow An Angelic Samaritan Survived!
12:crocty the Usual Suspect. A Heavenly Agent of Destruction. Destroyed during turn 5
13:Exzachly the Thirteenth Player in the Thirteenth Game. A Guardian Spirit (also Practically Hitler). Destroyed during turn 8
14:Ochitsukanai the trend setter. An Angel Survived!
15:therealtj A Heavenly Agent of Destruction. Destroyed during turn 7
16:humorman does not play well with others. A Rebellious Samaritan Survived!
17:InuYasha_Rules A Rebellious Spirit Survived!
18:Salsa the Luckless. A Rebellious Hitler Destroyed during turn 5
19:blergness A Demon. Destroyed during turn 7
20:harkovast the Patron Saint of Finger Pointing. The Pit Lord. Destroyed during turn 7
21:rokulily A Rebellious Hitler Destroyed during turn 7
22:TheFlyingGreenMonkey the Everlasting Pardoner and Bringer of Bloodbaths. A rebellious spirit Destroyed during turn 8
23:Aevalor A Rebellious Spirit Destroyed during turn 6
24:herio A Rebellious Spirit Survived!
25:martinlo_23 A Rebellious Spirit Survived!
Turn 1 Mock Mayoral election.
Humurmun (5)
Niccea (2)
Niccea. (she voted for herself a million times but it only counts as one)
DarthVaderS1999's lifeless corpse (2)
Rock Trap (1)
herio (1)
Exzachly (1)
Exzachly. (he voted for himself a million times but it only counts as one)
End of turn narrations.
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5
Turn 6
Turn 7
Turn 8
Turn 9 - Final Narration
Starting Narration!
There are few places like Townston. Beautiful mountain ranges, pristine lake, scorching desert, volcano. Many tourists would probably want to visit. That is of course if it wasn't constantly under attack.
The west side mafia had recently declared war against the east side mafia. Naturally the north side mafia decided to attack his two rivals in order to ascertain dominance over the other two and the south side mafia attacked as well because they were such a conformists.
The docks district had recently been overrun by a murderous computer that had somehow gained self awareness. Raving lunatics, nursing their Spanish mongoose wounds, were attacking everyone in sight that didn't have silly hats. Only the Mexican district was sparred from those merciless attacks, which was good since they were busy dealing with the invading chupacabras.
Rampaging dinosaurs ran through the market place, devouring any and all they could find. The werewolves were attacking a team of mages, sent from the past to destroy the future. The FBI agents were on the run from bloodthirsty vampires. The US military had received orders to destroyed the town, in hopes to contain this madness and sent in a long range bombardment force. They only managed to blow up couple of streets before being wiped out by the presidential zombie army.
King Kong jr, was having the battle of the century against the westernized Godzilla on the town square. A giant android, soon joined in.
And in the midst of all of this stood a laughing lunatic. He claimed to be a honest moderator but all this time he had been hiding a nuke inside his top hat. "You fools!" He shouted. "None of you shall take this town for I shall dance on your ashes". He pressed the detonation trigger, not taking into account that he should have ducked and covered first.
A bright light, so hot that it scorches the meat off your bones. A thunder, so loud that it knocks the buildings from it's foundation. A blast, so great that nothing is left standing around for miles.
Townston is gone. No more fighting. No more death. It's meaningless existence was crowned with a burning hellball, leaving nothing but a radioactive crater. Nothing shall live here, ever again.
Or at least for couple of weeks.
1: ParkerFarker The Ninja Pirate.
2: Anthony Mercer The Cyborg Caveman.
3: gullas the Impaler. The Overkill Butcher.
4: waff-man. The Underwear-over-his-pants Wearing Super Hero.
5: Hakoshen the Spartan. The Jack the Ripper.
6: Aghammer the Explosive. The Human Torch
7: GarBonzo Bean The Dancing Chiquita master.
8: D_Dude The Terminator.
9: kitty17 The Planeteer.
10:Niccea the Great Deceiver and keeper of records. The Aviator.
11:Sea_Cow The Juggernaut.
12:crocty the Usual Suspect. The Townie.
13:Exzachly the Thirteenth Player in the Thirteenth Game. The Luckiest Man alive (except he's dead now).
14:Ochitsukanai the trend setter. The Goblin Slayer.
15:therealtj The Kung Fu Master.
16:humorman does not play well with others. The Conspiracy Theorist.
17:InuYasha_Rules The Freakazoid.
18:Salsa the Luckless. The Samurai Warrior.
19:blergness The Transformer.
20:harkovast the Patron Saint of Finger Pointing. The Warrior King.
21:rokulily The Lion Tamer.
22:TheFlyingGreenMonkey the Everlasting Pardoner and Bringer of Bloodbaths. The Pardoner.
23:Aevalor The Macgyver.
24:herio The Judge and Jury.
25:martinlo_23 The Batman.
You're all dead!
Game over.
Good game everyone. I shall start a new GM election thread soon.
Starting Narration *continued.
"Where am I?" asks a voice. After a moment of confusion, you come to realize that this voice was your own thought. Where are you? What is this place?
It's…. nothing?
No… there's no such thing as nothing. If it's here, then it has to be something. Right?
All you're able to make out is white. You don't know, where you are or how you even got here. You don't even know how long it's been since you got here. Might be 5 minutes, might be 100 years. Now that you think about it, most of your life is just one big blur.
Wait! You see something now. There's someone else here… you think. You try to move to approach him but realize that you don't have any legs. In fact, you don't have a body. What are you?
Whoever it was that you noticed is gone now. I guess it's possible to move around here. Spending tremendous amounts of effort, you manage to will yourself forward.
Your sight is foggy. Either this area is dark and cloudy or you haven't gotten used to whatever it is that you're using for eyes. Before long you notice someone else nearby. You quickly move to approach and call out to great him. You hear nothing. I suppose you don't know how to speak out loud yet. Whoever it is that you're seeing is familiar, yet you don't know him. Wait! You do know him. You lived in the same place. He's studying you now and seems to be as confused as you are. Before you know it, you realize that more beings are gathering around you. You're all curious about one and other and spend great amount of time, examining each other. Some have more control of themselves, others are barely there. Some are in human form, others are just mist in the air.
Is this afterlife?
You're half right. It's the first stage. This is purgatory. Here is where souls are examined, judged and sent to their appropriate afterlife. Those who lived a honest, good, meaningful life would normally expect a future of peace and tranquility. Others would not fair as well. However, things have changed in recent times. The two afterlives, we commonly know as Heaven and Hell are becoming more greedy. Too many people are in the gray zone, those who could go either way. In their cases, it normally ends up that whichever side spots them first gets to take them. This gathering of souls have triggered the attention of the two afterlives. Each domain has sent a representative. They were chosen because they used to live with these spirits on the mortal plane. These two individuals were noticed by either side relatively early and rose in their appropriate rank. These two are an Archangel and a Pit Lord. They will fight over you, barter you like currency. You all are nothing but assets to them.
However there is one among you with strong will power. One who can resist them. He desires neither world. Unfortunately, his mind is still in a fragile state but once focused, this rebel will forge his own afterlife. One that is place right here, welcoming all souls that arrive. This will change the rules, If this is allowed to come to fruition, the other two established worlds will be starved of souls. It's is an unacceptable situation and will cause both their armies to be launched. Their hatred of one and other will cause such a roaring class that the nuke from your past live will pale in comparison.
The battle between Heaven and Hell shall soon begin.
Turn 1 has started.
WAILA mk1:…now what?As I mentioned the game, in the way it's set up, has a pretty dull beginning. There's no election. Everything happens behind closed doors.
I now require the Archangel and the Pit Lord to PQ me their action for the turn. Soon, something interesting should start, meaning that the game gets more exiting.
So, we lynch people right now? I can roll with that. Just clarifying, there are no elected positions and we are just killing people today…
Edit: Never mind you beat me…so…um
How is everyone?
Also, My avatar will change soon, I was just away from my avatar database the past two days.
Clarifying: Yes, there's no election. Unless you want to make up a mock role and elect someone as the mayor of wandering souls. He'll have no real power though.
It would be interesting though for narrative purposes. The fragments of memories that the townies share remember that they always held an election whenever they were confused.
And the humorman lynch was just a joke.
sooo… I'm a bit confused… Are the Rebellious spirits (when the war starts) the equivalent of townies?Yes. Their goal is to target the Pit Lord and the Archangel with the lynch power and kill them.
This power only activates when the war starts.
Also, the vote will be held secretly. I won't be displaying who votes for whom. That way, I can keep it a secret which side the Atheist is gonna attack, denying that side from reacting to the threat accordingly.
there's no election. Unless you want to make up a mock role and elect someone as the mayor of wandering souls. He'll have no real power though.So… anyone wanna to run for a mock election?
It would be interesting though for narrative purposes. The fragments of memories that the townies share remember that they always held an election whenever they were confused.
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