Introduction for newcomers: Drunk Duck mafia is a roleplaying game where we take on the roles of villagers who need to weed out organized crime out of their town. Every day will mark a beginning of a new turn which will alternate between night and day. During the night the Mafia will strike, killing the defenseless villagers but during the day the town will march up and vote to lynch someone who they believe is part of the syndicate. Winner goes to the side who manages to get rid of their competition.
New players are strongly encouraged to join. They will receive all the help they need to get into the game.
Now with the formalities out of the way, let's introduce this crazy thing.
I bring you:
Picture by Harkovast
Don't you just hate it when you don't get to be a detective?
How about when someone get's to become a paramedic for the 3rd frigging time while you're a stinking townie again.
And what about the time when you didn't get one of those elusive kill roles, despite there being 5 or 6 in each game.
Let's just face it, being townie sucks.
That's why I'm promising you that in this game there will be no townies.
Everyone will receive a special role.
But Product? How would a game with 5 paramedics and 3 detectives be fun?
Did I say anything about that? No this game will have numbers of one time roles that I'll hope will spice up the game. Additionally, I will introduce the neutral faction.
Neutral players have the option of allying themselves with whoever they please while the criminals have to get rid of all of their competition (for the mafia that includes the serial killers).
Understandingly this could mean that unique factions could form. For example, the Pimp could discover the identity of Jack The Ripper and the Mad Scientist and force them to work for him or have their identity exposed. The copycat could decide to help the town, using his wide array of powers to help them in any way he can. A mafia member who's lost most of his teammates is allowed to form alliances with neutral players if he ever finds himself in a position to forge them and so on.
The current roles available:
1 Celebrity Politician.
1 Detective.
2 Paramedics
1 Vigilante
1 Veteran
1 The Duelist
1 The Pimp
1 The Flasher
1 The Copycat
1 The Mad Scientist
1 Paranoid
1 Raging Berserker
1 Godfather
1 Mad Hatter
2 Mafia Members
(Serial Killers)
1 Jack The Ripper
2 The Twins
= Total of 20 roles.
The title of Mayor, Pardoner and Bodyguards will be granted additionally to any of those roles (Bodyguard roles exclusive to pro-townies).
If fewer then twenty sign up, I will remove roles with killing powers first, starting with the serial killers. If more then 20 sign up I will add more Pro-Townie roles. With that being said, I hope that lots and lots of people will sing up.
Signup Sheet:
1. TheFlyingGreenMonkey the Everlasting Pardoner and Bringer of Bloodbaths.
2. Randomdudeperson
3. kitty17
4. Waff-Man
5. Anthony Mercer
6. gullas the Impaler.
7. rokulily
8. crocty the Usual Suspect.
9. D_Dude
10.GarBonzo Bean
11.Niccea the Great Deceiver and Keeper of Records.
14.Harkovast the Patron Saint of Finger Pointing.
15.Salsa the Luckless.
16.pastel the Mass Murderer.
17.Hakoshen the Spartan.

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Mafia XVII Signup. The no child left behind program.
These are additional roles and powers that can be granted to some of the players, via election or random selection. Use them wisely.
The Mayor is elected at the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
Did you ever know that you're my hero…: Cannot be killed during the night while his bodyguard(s) are alive. Only the Mayor will know who the bodyguards are. The Mayor always has one bodyguard automatically assigned to him but is free to assign the second bodyguard to whomever he wishes.
Let's celebrate!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1 once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks, gets lynched. Take heed if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could point you at a mafia at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. This could be either two single lynches, one double lynch, one half of a double or whatever. The pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is also unable to pardon on the insta-lynch.
Random Pro Townies will receive the role of bodyguard once the mayor has been elected. The mayor alone will know who these people are. As long as the bodyguards are alive, the Mayor and the Pardoner can not be killed via night hits. A bomb sent to a protected person will also be intercepted.
PRO TOWN: Lynch a bad guy during the day. Survive the night. Rinse and repeat. Players who are Pro Town are in business to save Townston from corruption.
Celebrity Politician.
The Celebrity Politician is a washed up actor who's turned to politics. His ultimate desire is to become the next president. However, the road to the white house is a long one and before he can throw his hat in the big ring he'll have to gain some experience first. Even if that means running for mayor in Townston. You can guaranty that he will make mistakes on the way and probably be a terrible mayor but you can be sure of one thing:
He isn't mafia.
You may remember me from the movies, such as…: Everyone knows the Celebrity Politician. He's been in enough movies by now (whether you like them or not). The player who carries this role is known by everyone.
Automatically Running: The Celebrity Politician is running for a seat of power as soon as the game start. If the player is busy or wishes for assistance, the GM will help with campaigning.
Should he win the Celebrity Politician gains the powers of his elected seat with this side effect:
Inefficient Government: Let's face it. This person has been pampered all his live. He's lucky if he knows how to tie a shoe let alone run a town. Due to his negligent incompetence, there's a 20% chance that the lynch will fail. This could happen because the prison was undermanned, allowing the prisoner an easy escape, the rope used to lynch the person was made of inferior material and snapped, thus postponing the execution or an event similar to that.
A high profile murder: This person is always in the spotlight, 24/7. Should he be targeted and killed, the murderer will be quickly discovered since every single news medium will be covering the case (the identity of the killer will be named in the narration).
You are the caped crusader of Townston. A masked man who has decided to take the law into his own hands. Each night you can target and kill someone who you believes to be a villain. Be careful who you chose though because you just might be taking out a friendly.
You have the ability to watch one other player during night, which you must tell me about before the end of night (this move can be made during the day cycle). When a player is watched he cannot die unless the number of people attacking him outnumbers the number of people watching him or his night lives. In other words if two mafia members attack a person being watched by one paramedic, the person will die. The narrative will state that someone was attacked but save and the narration will include a clue pointing out the identity of the attacker. It does not matter if the paramedic chooses to watch someone before or after he is attacked; he will protect the person regardless. The Paramedic will also intercept bombs sent to a townie if he's being watched during the night of implantation.
You've been around the block a few times and know how to escape an attack on your life. But for how long? The veteran gets two lives, meaning two hits must be made on him before he dies. A veteran can survive a bombing attempt if he still has both night lives but it will count as a hit attempt.
The Detective
The detective is after the bad guys of Townston. His brilliant reasoning skills and numerous contacts makes him among the best investigators in the Town. The Detective is capable of using his powers both day and night.
And you are?: Using this ability the Detective can find out much about the person that he's scrutinizing. Things like, what size of shoes he wears, his favorite brand of toothpaste, magazine subscription but most importantly, he can find out if the villager is a Pro Townie, A criminal or Neutral. (Mafia and serial killers will show up as criminals, unless they have powers to help hide their identities.) This power can only be used twice.
Who dun it?: Whenever a crime has been committed, it's up to the detective to investigate the crime scene. Should he choose to investigate someone, the detective can figure out if that someone was responsible for the crime (The detective can ask the GM if a specific player committed a specific crime and get a yes/no answer).
This election has been rigged! Looking up vote results, the detective can figure out if any criminals participated in the election. Should he choose to use this power he'll be able to find out if any criminals voted for a specific player (mayoral or lynch) and also how many they were.
The Duelist.
Few people have egos as fragile as the Duelist. If somebody wrongs him in any way, expect retribution for he will challenge you on the spot.
I demand satisfaction!: The Duelist can challenge an opposing player for a duel. Should that happen the player will be called out with the demand to accept the challenge. Should the challenged accept there will be a fight to the death. There's a 50/50 chance of victory for either side. Should the Challenged refuse to compete he will be labeled a yellow bellied chicken and treated negatively by the town (he'll also can't use his powers for this day/night cycle. Challenges are made at day and performed in the evening (covered in the end of day narration).
I was the junior champion at the Camp Kickyourass The Duelist has survived many duels and knows how to survive them. Therefore he will effectively have 2 extra duel lives(total of 3 lives) when it comes to duels. Should the Duelist loose a match he will loose one of those duel lives instead of dying. The extra lives will not help him though, should somebody attack him at night.
These individuals do not care who wins the war. They're free to choose to root for the town, the mafia, serial killers or themselves.
The Raging Berserker.
The Raging Berserker is a man filled with rage. Most of his time he keeps his broiling anger bottled up but if the right conditions occur he will snap. If somebody attempts to kill him, he will be thrown into a death rage that he's unable to snap out of. For the rest of the night he will prowl the streets killing everyone in sight before falling down dead.
Hulk MAD!!!: Oh crap! Someone attacked the Raging Berserker. Up to three individuals will die now by his hands. The Raging Berserker can choose who he will attack and he can choose to attack fewer then three but he must attack at least one person. Should he fail to pick a person to kill, the GM will randomly choose his victims for him (in that scenario the GM will also randomly decide how many he will attack).
The Pimp.
The Pimp controls the red light district of Townstown. With an army of seductive prostitutes and professional gigolos, nobody is safe from his lustful taint. The Pimp excels in extorting, blackmailing and using his pimp hand.
Digging up the dirt: The pimp collects information that he likes to use against his many customers. And since people tend to reveal things during pillow talk, allot of spicy info can reach his ears. Each night, the Pimp can find out the role of one of the townstonians. What he does with that info is up to him. The Pimp can't look up the Mayor nor the Pardoner.
In case of my untimely demise…: Stored in a hidden safety deposit are details and dirt that the Pimp has collected over his time about important people in Townston. If he ever finds himself in the unfortunate situation of being dead, those details will be mailed to every tabloid paper in a 3 state radius. This is his safety insurance so that those who he'll blackmail won't send a hitman after him. Only those who the pimp has targeted with the Digging up the dirt power will be exposed. The pimp can't manually include roles that he's figured out via alternative means.
The Flasher.
In the night, there hides a insidious man. A man with a questionable intention. Whenever someone is spotted walking about in a trench-coat, mothers are quick to cover the eyes of their children for the Flasher could be on the prowl.
Say hello to my little friend! As a part of the thrill, The Flasher likes to expose himself in front of the decent villagers of Townston. The whole thing is so traumatic that the intended target will lock himself at his home and refuse to come out for the next day and night. During that time, he's forbidden to use his powers. He's allowed to yell out from his window though, if he wishes to vote for someone.
The Mad Scientist
Few could attempt to imagine what depraved thoughts could reside inside the Mad Scientist. Using the cover of darkness, he performs twisted experiments that are certain to turn the town on the other end.
Side effects may include…: The Mad scientist has targeted a individual of his choice to perform crazy experiments on. The ordeal will change the individual, possibly granting him additional abilities. What those abilities are and whether or not they turn out to be beneficial, remains to be seen.
It's alive!: Nothing is sacred to this foul man for he has turned to grave robbing. After stealing one of the recently deceased, the Mad Scientist has performed the impossible. Reanimation. Now a walking dead, the shambling townie may attempt to incorporate himself among the living.
The paranoid is a wee bit unhinged by his experiences in some horrible and bloody war. During days, he's perfectly normal but during the night he keeps to himself and relives the horrors of his past. The Paranoid will kill whoever was the first person to target him in any way during the night, whether it be mafia or townie (such as a paramedic opting to protect him). The Paranoid is unable to NOT kill, but will only kill one person a night. Should two persons interact with him during the night, the first person will die but the second will not. Special note, investigation powers can be used on him without fear of death since the Detective is merely checking up on him and the pimp is sending one of his prostitutes to his home.
The Copycat
Envy is a terrible thing and there's none more envious then the copycat. Whenever somebody performs a special action, this individual is filled with the intense desire to imitate it.
I wanna try too!: The Copycat is capable of imitating any action that's been previously performed. If somebody's been killed, he can kill. If somebody received a horsehead, he can send one as well. If the detective is on the case, he can tag along and learn his moves. If the Mayor declares a double lynch or the pardoner pardons somebody, he can pretend to be them as well. The only requirements are that the powers are not responsive (like the abilities belonging to the paranoid and the berserker) and that they've been used before (can't kill until someone's been killed already). The Copycat can only copy a move once per day/night cycle and he will only perform a specific action once since he quickly becomes bored of them (can only kill once, horshead once, declare a duel once, etc)
The mafia’s win condition is to kill all townies. Unlike townies, all mafias know who each other are. All mafia members can kill once per night cycle. With the exception of the Godfather, a mafia member cannot kill a fellow mafia member.
Like the Mayor, the godfather has several special abilities in his arsenal.
Send him a message: The godfather is able to leave a severed horse head in the target's bed. This has the effect of negating any special abilities the person may have had for one day and night cycle. A paramedic can intercept the message.
Call in a favor: The Godfather can once per game, cancel a lynch. If he uses that ability, during a double lynch, both lynches are canceled.
Behind the curtains: The Godfather doesn't dirty his hands since he has his goons to carry out his orders. The godfather will appear as a pro-townie to the detective, although the pimp will be able to see through him. Also, he can't be killed by anyone as long as this power is in effect.
Now it's personal: The godfather has decided to take actions into his own hands. He's brandished his pistol and taken to the streets. He gains the ability to kill once per night but looses all benefits he received from his Behind the curtains power. If the godfather is the only mafia member left, this power is automatically activated.
Mad Hatter
Each night, the Mad Hatter can do one of the following, plant a single bomb on someone or detonate a bomb that he's already planted. He can not plant a bomb and detonate it during the same night. The Mad Hatter can at most keep two undetonated bombs in circulation but is free to plant more, once he's detonated one. Every time he detonates a bomb, a clue is given who he might be. Should the mad hatter be killed either through a lynch or vigilante hit, all bombs in circulation will detonate, killing his targets. If one of his targets are killed by someone else, he loses that bomb. The bomb is also discovered on the body, which gives the townies a clue who he might be. Bombs can be intercepted by a protector, giving a clue to the identity of the Mad Hatter. Also if a paramedic chooses to protect someone with an undetonated bomb, it will be discovered.
You are a regular mafia member. You get to stab someone in the face every night cycle.
While these individuals are not allied with the Mafia, they're dangerous people, none the less. Their ultimate goal is to be the last people standing.
Jack the Ripper
A serial killer with a twist. This late 19th century doctor, turned mass murderer, is famous for his crime spree in the misty streets of London. What he's most famous for is the fact that he mysteriously disappeared. What happened to him? Well fortunately I can provide you with this answer today. You see, long ago when Jack was tracking down a prostitute to vivisect, the planets in our solar system lined up in a clockwise spiral which opened up a time portal, right where he was standing. Now, over hundred years later, the planets have formed a counterclockwise spiral, opening up that portal again and dumping the mad doctor out.
…. What? …. It could happen!
…. Anyways Jack the ripper will use his medial background to masquerade as a paramedic.
A new test subject: Jack the Ripper will be able to kill each night like the good old days.
I used to be a doctor, you know.: Although old fashioned, Jack's medical skills are sufficient enough to pass of as a Paramedic. He is also able to protect someone each night and this practice will become his alibi. Anyone digging up info about his role will see him as a normal paramedic (or a pro townie).
The Twins (two separate roles)
These two twisted siblings enjoy the texture of blood, the taste of panicked sweat and the sound of a helpless cry. They are serial killers who will not stop until everyone are dead. Whatever they do, they do in unison and are always ready to back each other up.
We act as one: The twins are practically collective in their decision making although sometimes they disagree with each other. They kill as one and can not kill separately. Both have to send in a kill request, targeting the same person. Should they fail to do so, the GM will decree that the brothers spend the night bickering about who they'd should kill. However let it be known that their kill attempts are counted as two separate attacks and thus they could boycott protections made by paramedics and the paranoid.
I got your back brother: One twin can not be killed as long as the other is around. They protect each other ferociously and will stop any attacks made on their other half. In addition to that, should one of them be discovered by the town and subsequently lynched, the other brother will bust him out before he is killed.
The only way to get rid of them is to double lynch them together or target them both during the same night.
I'm in…curse you Product, for you never lose!I've lost twice. Once to Parker(last game) and once to TFGM (Mafia X).
-.- You know I'm hanging around again. But, damn PP, you are are GM way too much. We might have to revise GM rules just for you.A new rule saying that Product Placement is no longer allowed to GM? That's harsh. This will become my 4th time GMing. I'll admit that it makes me the guy with the highest number but I'm certainly not the only one who's been more then once. TFGM has two games under his belt and you yourself were trying to run for the third time.
If it makes you guys feel any better, I have no long term plans to run again after this game.
And you will be beaten by me agian in Mafia XX. P.S. Vote TFGM for Mafia XX ;DWell I do recall just saying something along the lines of:
If it makes you guys feel any better, I have no long term plans to run again after this game.But you know I like challenges and I would take you on with those words. However, given the current mentality of the group, I say that the odds of me winning for the 5th time would be slim.
We got 15 players now.
I know we've had a hard time filling up the members list to 20 for the past few games but I really would like to see it reach the two zero mark. We're still missing few regulars so I have high confidence that we should achieve that goal. I'm aiming to launch the game at Midnight GMT tomorrow. That's approximately 24 hours from now (actually more like 21).
Well, my first recommendation would be "the viking," but then again, that hasn't really "come up" in a game has it?
While we're on the subject, does the mafia comic have a forum? If it does, we should keep a listing of all the threads related to the game for easy access.
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