Rules and Conditions.
Veteran players only.
The GM needs to posses a fair understanding on how the game runs. Therefore we require that the applicant has played the game at least twice
No encore performance.
As the current GM, it is up to me to pass the title to someone new. Once you're done running a game, you will also be expected to give someone else a chance. Don't start a new game. Instead you will run an election like this one where we pick a new GM. Also, you can't be a candidate yourself. This will ensure that we get new blood into the game and that the rules are regularly picked at from a different perspective. GMs from older games are free to run again and are encouraged to do so. Who knows? If they were good enough, people will flock to play their game again.
Explain your goal.
What do you plan to do as the new GM? Are you going to run a standard Mafia game? If so, will you change the rules/roles and/or introduce new ones? Are you perhaps gonna play a game with a different theme? Reverse Mafia perhaps or maybe zombie apocalypse? If so explain the new structure of the game. Changing the formula is OK. It happens in almost every game. Just be careful not to introduce a change so radical that it could scare people away from voting you. You can discuss rule changes and different themes here to see if people would like it.
Pick a schedule and stick with it It is important that the GM is punctual in maintaining the game. Do you plan to post narrations every 24 hours at a specific time? If so, make sure that you'll be here to on time to do so. If something comes up that would force you to be early or late, post a warning to let people know with an explanation. It's encouraged that you run the game using GMT timezone schedule since the players hail from all over the world, spanning different time zones and a GMT conversion table is the easiest one for everyone to access. If you plan on using a different time zone schedule like an American one, Make sure you advertise it well and post an appropriate conversion table for everyone to access.
An example of a GMT conversion table:
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time that the GM gives (as long as he's using GMT, that is). For example, if the GM says that something will happen at 6 pm and your living in a -5 zone, it means that it will happen at 1 pm, your time. If you live in a +5 zone, it means that it will happen at 11pm."
Also for those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Show us your stuff The GM is expected to write narrations to explain what's going on throughout the game. A good writer can make the game come alive and encourage players to come back to read what's going on. Show us your stuff and create a scenario where YOU(the applicant) kill ME (the election holder). In this narration it is important that you do not directly tell us that it was you who committed the crime but instead leave a clue that's based on your name, avatar, signature, profile, comic(if you have any), something that can link you to the crime. Try making a link to you that can be figured out with some research, while at the same time is not blatantly obvious. You can throw in red herrings but please refrain from directly connecting the herrings to innocents. Make them instead vague things that could point at many people. Finally, be creative, funny, dramatic, brutal, serious, descriptive, vague, long winded or short and to the point. Pick the style you feel comfortable with and would like to use. Impress us with what you can do. At the end of the narration post an explanation that shows people how the clues link to you so that we can understand your logic.
I'll be posting the applicants sample narrations in the second post for people to quickly read through. Once we have enough applications I will announce when it's time to vote for your favorite GM. Applicants do not need to vote since it's given that they'll be voting for themselves. Although if they wish to vote for someone else, they can do so.

Start publishing on
DD Comics!
Mafia XXXX: GM Elections
reserveded for awesomeness.
Seventy2 sat behind the counter at the PX while the night ground on. Due to construction at the barracks he had no where to sleep so had been put on continuous all day shifts. His glazed over eyes seemed to look over the racks of food, reading material, and slightly less credible credible reading material, such as Playboy 9000.
Bored out of his mind, and slightly sleepy from his 983 hour, 27 minute, 23.0000001415 second shift, Seventy2 almost missed the note that fluttered down from the air vent.
The note had some details on the author and a short, if not intriguing, message.
"Hey I know this guy!" said seventy2, but now sooner had he said it, what was written on the note happened.
Seventy2 the Quartermaster went boom.
Clues: Construction points to all of the pages of my comic AC-12-666 Sympathy for the Devil.
the note refers to my profile which has some details about me and the word boom in it.
Narrations will be at 18:00 CST unless stated otherwise. (that's 0:00 GMT) actions end an hour before that.
Clues will come from profiles, comic thumbnails, friends, the first few pages of any comic and the author's notes, favorites, and avatars. They will be hard (as hard as I can make them anyway) and they will be attached to any action. Killings and protections being the most obvious.
I will also incorporate any zany, crazy, inane, asinine, and otherwise weird request you may have into the narrations, if I can. Keep it clean please.
First person to submit an action or vote each cycle gets to request a drawing, which will be displayed in the next narration, quality may be suspect, but I will try my best.
Seventy2 was going out on a leisurely stroll in the middle of the night. He was always told it was dangerous, but he never though much of all this violence going on, he figured he could handle himself. As 7two walked down the darkest alley he could find, he was stopped by a sketchy figure.
"Hey, man, can I get by?" 7two attempted to push past the person, but the person was so big it was almost impossible to get by them. Before 7two could squeeze past the person, 7two was stabbed, dying almost instantly.
Seventy2 the Gamemaster of the last game has been murdered
Clues you say? Okay.
[spoiler]He figured he could handle himself - Refers to my signature. I LOVE BEING STRONG.
Sketchy figure? What's more sketchy than that horrendous picture of a bear with a shotgun on my page?
Killer was so big? Like a dinosaur![/spoiler]
First kills made by people will have few clues. Possibly only one, in fact. If the town is breezing through the game I may make the narrations longer, while keeping the same amount of actual clues. (Making more red herrings) The dinosaur clues will get more and more obvious as the dinosaur continue killing. That is all.
Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go cleanse my body of impurities. By showering.
In holy water. BAM!
There was once such occasion where seventy2 felt unhappy with the way he looked and sought to better himself. After looking through the pop up ads for a good solution (because everyone relies on pop up ads for just that), he discovered one that caught his eye. "Loose weight in 3 seconds flat! - Miracle treatment discovered."
3 seconds? Why, how on earth is that possible? Seventy thought to himself and clicked on the ad.
There was a knock on his door, prompting seventy to minimize all his unsightly windows, before checking who was there.
"Good evening, fine sir-" Said the man on the other side. "-I heard you were looking to loose weight."
"Oh wow. That's pretty fast service you guys got." remarked seventy surprised.
"Oh, we always aim to please." said the salesman, firing up his flamethrower.
"Uhm… what are you doing?" asked seventy, concerned.
"Well… It occurred to me that all these exercise videos talked about the need to burn of the fat. Thus I came up with this wonderfully speedy solution."
"I'm not quite sure that works like that." remarked seventy just before being bathed in a stream of flames.
"That's right! Feel the burn!" yelled the maniac, as he watched seventy flail around in pain.
[spoiler]Seventy2 the vegetarian has been flame broiled.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Clues:]Pretty obvious ones here. Pop up ads and salesman. A reference to my name and avatar.[/spoiler]
I think the roman numeral you're looking for is XL (L-> legion= ~50 or in this case 50)
Oh and I'm in. I just need to find my game concept and make a new banner (no longer have gimp, but I wanna try getting used to the flow in PS)
Duck Wars
three thousand two hundred forty-two years, seven months, two weeks, three days, seven hours, six minutes, and 14.34578978 seconds in the future there is a war going on between the Humanity Union Meta Bureau of Unlimited Gruesomeness and the Federal Republics of Orion are at War. An epic struggle takes place among the stars. Fleets numbering in the thousands do battle over pivotal locations. Each one flinging the fury of a hundred suns at each other. This has nothing to do with New Townston, a colony on a small backwater world belonging to H.U.M.B.U.G., except that a band of resistance fighters has now taken root. And pouring liquid oxygen over the whole damn mess is a recon pilot whose been shot down. And for the piece de resistance, the town has been conscripted to fix both problems. There goes the the neighborhood.
HUMBUG Infantry
You've been assigned the task of ridding your town of the resistance fighters that have cropped up as well as capturing the recon pilot for interrogation. There are also rumors of an alien menace terrorizing the citizenry, investigate and neutralize any threat. Failure in these objectives will result in paperwork, lots and lots of paperwork.
The Commander(1) Elected: Due to some flub up at central, the town is left with out a commanding officer, so they elect one. As the CO you have several abilities:
This is a democracy: you cast two votes instead of one.
Discipline is the root of efficiency:This is war, efficiency is the key to victory so lynching two people at a time is more efficient and helps get the troops to work a little harder to find those pesky resistance fighters. Can be declared twice.
Surrounded by a layer of ablative meat:You're the CO, you don't take bullets your troops take bullets for you. Cannot be killed at night while both of his Honor Guard troops are alive, lynching is fair game though.
Fire at will: For one night all your non-specialists will be able to kill one other person. Use with caution because your Honor Guard is reduced by one for the night.
The Exec(1)Elected: You ran for the top slot but couldn't cut it. But hey, being second in command has it's own perks.
You're all on KP duty!:When things get out of hand you can cancel a lynch and put everyone on KP duty for the remainder of the day. Can be used twice. If used during a double lynch only one of them is spared.
Surrounded by a layer of ablative meat:You're the CO, you don't take bullets your troops take bullets for you. Cannot be killed at night while both of his Honor Guard troops are alive, lynching is fair game though.
Burning through the ranks:If The Commander is killed You become The Commander with all the powers and responsibilities all one shot abilities are restored and can be used along with you're normal abilities.
The Tank(1): You're a bloody tank. No one takes you down on the first try and you kill people and break their stuff, with kiloton yields. You have two night lives every night (tanks can be repaired) and get one kill every night. Attacking the paranoid, being attacked by the Demolitions expert, or getting lynched is an instakill.
INFINTOPS(1): You're the intel guy, you've got dirt on almost everyone.
Background check: reveals whether someone is HUMBUG Infantry or an impostor. If used on the Downed Recon Pilot, it's an insta-capture. can be used twice
HEY THAT'S NOT YOUR UNIFORM!: can check the results of any vote to find out how many enemies voted.
Medic(2): You took and oath long ago to "Do no harm," well at least not directly. You can protect one person a night, but you can't protect each other.
Black Ops (1): You are a black angel come from the heavens to bring fear to your enemies. You appear as a regular grunt to the Bug Man. You can kill anyone, anytime, but only once.
Paranoid (1): Gunfire, explosion and the muzak of the combat make you jumpy, really jumpy. You kill the first person that comes near you every night. The only exceptions are the Demolitions Expert and the Black Ops guy.
Quartermaster (1): You know people, people that do shady, but nowhere near treasonous things. You know the role of one of the infantry, you can completely trust this person.
Honor Guard (2): Your job is to take a bullet for the under-qualified, over-paid Brass. Sucks to be you.
Grunt (the rest of the lot): You stand at attention, get shot at, and lynch people to relieve the tedium. If you're lucky you live to fight another day. If you're really lucky you get to shoot back. If you're unlucky, well good luck being a human shield, hope you already got life insurance.
La Resistance!
VIVA LA REVOLUTION! You are tired of the way this way has brought out the worst in the government. Your solution? Rebel and establish a new government. or at least not get deaded. Your goal is to outnumber the HUMBUG Infantry, kill or capture the recon pilot, and kill the Black Marketeer and the Schlockinator.
Chief (1): You're tha big cheese of this group of misfits. You are cunning, your armed, and, most importantly, you've got cunning, dangerous friends to help you kill people and break stuff.
Smoke and mirrors: You can cancel one lynch, in the event of a double lynch, you cancel both of them. Can be used once.
Hard ball: You can arrange for someone break someone else's legs. This person can't do anything for two cycles. Passive abilities such as night lives and reflex killings still work. Does not work on the Tank. HE DRIVES A FRIGGIN' TANK!
Hiding in plain sight: You appear as a simple HUMBUG Infantryman. While in this state, you are immune from attacks.
Let's blow shit up: You appear as a resistance fighter. You can kill people and break their stuff. You can be attacked, but you can shoot back. triggered by A ) sending in a kill. B ) losing the rest of your team.
Demolitions Expert (1): You love your job, I mean REALLY love your job. You blow stuff up. You're also the only person that can one shot the tank. You can plant as many bombs and IDE's as you like, but you can have two in circulation. They explode on command or when you die. If a person with a bomb is killed, the bomb is gone. Poof, bye-bye. You can't blow up a bomb on the same night that you plant one, and you can only plant one bomb a night.
Bug Man (1): You're the electronics expert. You ride info currents as easily as you breath. This gives you some special abilities.
Ghost in the machine: You can gather clues to a person's true role, but only once. You can use this ability once every cycle, but be forewarned, they know you're out there.
Bug in the system: You're bugs are the best. You can get much better intel than the INFINTOPS guy, but at a price. While you can find out the true role of one person, you can only do it once. You can't use this on anyone who you have already used the GITM ability on.
Bob (2): Nondescript, uninteresting, unemotional, You can shoot an entire family in the face and not even flinch. You can kill once a night.
You're not for any of the above sides. Your goals are all different but one thing's for sure, you REALLY wish th HUMBUG was dead dead DEAD!
The Recon Pilot (1) getting shot down sucks. Getting shot down while over a rinky dink planet sucks even more. And being behind enemy lines just seems par for the course. You want off this damn rock and the only way to do it is to find a smuggler. if your attacked at night by the tank at anytime, or by anyone else while searching for the Black Marketeer, you'll be captured. instead of killed. The difference is that you can vote until the end of the game and are protected from further attacks. You just can't go anywhere. you can still be lynched though. If captured, the side that captures the Recon Pilot gets a boost during the next night or until the end of the game. Boosts include: Non-kill roles get a onetime chance to kill, Extra night life for kill roles. + 25% chance of survival, extra lynch cancel, extra Fire at Will, and extra shots on limited abilities for detectives.
Button up: You kill anyone who attacks you. It doesn't matter who and what manner. Unless it's the Tank then I guess it's a good thing you have a spare set of knickers.
Roll out:You're looking for the Black Marketeer. You pq the GM the person you're going to visit. If it is the Black Marketeer, yippee you're off this rock. If it isn't, well you just have to wait until tomorrow night. Since you listen before rushing in, you can't be killed by the paranoid.
The Black Marketeer (1): You look pretty and smile No one suspects you, but you deal in, ah, questionable items. Your goal is to live until the end of this whole mess. As a provider of cool, quasi-legal items you have a few tricks up your sleeve.
Harmless: you appear as a HUMBUG Infantryman to the INFINTOPS guy. You are immune from attack from the HUMBUG Infantry. You remain in this state until the recon pilot gets off world, dies, or is captured.
Mostly Harmless: You can now kill once per night, but you're also vulnerable to attack.
For a nominal fee: anyone can come to you for protection, but for a price. You can change the vote of anyone who seeks protection from you at any vote. However, you can only do this once per person and only once per vote. (You can't change seven people's votes on one vote, but you can change their votes over seven votes) Also you operate on a first come first serve basis.
Schlockinator (1): You burn your enemies to ash, then eat them. You love to kill and do it often. You have two night lives period. While you can be lynched, You can take one person down with you. you want to kill everyone except the Black Marketeer.
Seventy2 sat behind the counter at the PX while the night ground on. Due to construction at the barracks he had no where to sleep so had been put on continuous all day shifts. His glazed over eyes seemed to look over the racks of food, reading material, and slightly less credible credible reading material, such as Playboy 9000.
Bored out of his mind, and slightly sleepy from his 983 hour, 27 minute, 23.0000001415 second shift, Seventy2 almost missed the note that fluttered down from the air vent.
The note had some details on the author and a short, if not intriguing, message.
"Hey I know this guy!" said seventy2, but now sooner had he said it, what was written on the note happened.
Seventy2 the Quartermaster went boom.
Clues: Construction points to all of the pages of my comic AC-12-666 Sympathy for the Devil.
the note refers to my profile which has some details about me and the word boom in it.
Narrations will be at 18:00 CST unless stated otherwise. (that's 0:00 GMT) actions end an hour before that.
Clues will come from profiles, comic thumbnails, friends, the first few pages of any comic and the author's notes, favorites, and avatars. They will be hard (as hard as I can make them anyway) and they will be attached to any action. Killings and protections being the most obvious.
I will also incorporate any zany, crazy, inane, asinine, and otherwise weird request you may have into the narrations, if I can. Keep it clean please.
First person to submit an action or vote each cycle gets to request a drawing, which will be displayed in the next narration, quality may be suspect, but I will try my best.
I feel like there has to be a game concept called "Mafia XL - Bigger is better"
I'm not sure I'm up for running though.
But I would like to see someone else run :þ
This should be the game where the fast food concept is put to use…
That perpetuates the perfectly accurate stereotype that fast food is unhealthy!
I feel like there has to be a game concept called "Mafia XL - Bigger is better"This should be the game where the fast food concept is put to use…
I'm not sure I'm up for running though.
But I would like to see someone else run :þ

That's just too good of an idea and it actually reminds me of an old concept that we played with ages ago but never did.
A mafia game, where all the mafia members were personifications of the fast food industry. We even had the perfect mafia poster for the team:

AW HELL NAW. I'm sort of tempted to run actually.
But….Can mafia handle someone as awesome as me being the GM again?
A: Yes, barely. Okay let's do this, gimme a bit to get my narrative and stuff ready. I won't be doing the food concept though, I'll be running a concept which I will think up within the next 6 minutes.
Now….if only I can remember how this game is played…Hm.
Not as good as my last poster, because Kitty isn't online, meaning I can't beg her to make it for me like last time. I has a sad….
Shortly after Crocty's victorious and as always amazing trip to Far Away-ia, which was awesome, he has since discovered another threat that he was researching.
That threat was the moon. And also other things that aren't as cool, like global warming.
What he discovered was not just that the moon was now angry at the world for some reason, but also that a ninja, a robot, and a dinosaur clown (He had to take up that job after all his friends and family were murdered in the journey to far away-ia. This is compeltely canon and if you reread that thread you'll see a lot of foreshadowing to the clown dinosaur.) Where was I? Oh right, the ninja, robot and dinosaur clown were all angry too at the world.
These 4 had since been observing the recent gangwars, and decided that the world was just so disgusting or something that they had to destroy it, despite the fact the ninja, robot and dinoclown would die too, and the moon would probably go plummeting in to the sun (SCIENCE!) the mafia and the townies must now team up and destroy the moon, and also those other 3 that are just as dangerous as the moon.
Shit okay here's the roles you ungrateful people (If I can remember them)
I've made any new powers/roles in italics, so you guys can discuss whether or not you like them and stuff. Or maybe they're old news, I haven't been paying attention. I've also swiped a few roles from epicmafia, which will also be italicised.
Crocty is too disgruntled that no one believed the moon was going to destroy us all (until it was almost too late) and thus will do nothing to help the town. (Of course if he was going to, he would simply punch the moon out of time and space, and that's before his tea!
Leader: The town needs to decide on a leader who will help them throughout this time of need. Anyone can be the leader, it could even be the moon!!!!!!!(!!!!) The Leader has a few privelages that are as follows
VICTORY LYNCHING, YOU BASTARDS.: Once the leader has won, they have one hour to decide on a target that they can insta lynch. The insta lynch is unstoppable, whoever the leader picks will be instantly killed. The leader can only do this 1 hour after winning, and does not have to do it if he does not want to.
I am the leader and what I say goes, you commies: Any votes on lynches made by the leader count twice, he's just that amazing.
I am the leader and when I say I want to kill two people I demand it, you facsists: Can only be used once, the Leader can declare a double lynch, providing it is in the first quarter of the day, or during the night. At that point, everyone gets to vote for two people, but can't vote for the same person twice.
I am the leader and when I say block that bullet with your skull you do it, you frenchies!: The leader has two bodyguards to prevent him from attack during the night. Once the bodyguards are dead, the leader is free game.
Pardoner: Sometimes lynches can be cruel, or maybe wrong. The pardoner can pardon two people from being lynched, (Only once a day, meaning they can only save one person in a double lynch) The pardoner is protected by the bodyguards just as well as the leader is.
The good guys They win once all the bad guys and the godfather is dead.
(2) Bodyguards: Two townies will randomly be selected to become bodyguards. While they are alive, the leader and pardoner will be unable to die during the night. The leader will be PQed the names of the two bodyguards.
Changed up the detective a bit, I remember the detective was a bit overpowered in my game, so I just wanted to nerf him a bit
Detective: You thought you were out of this business forever, but it never seems to end. The detective has got his candy corn and his fancy trilby out, ready for investigations.
Interrogation: Once a night can go to someone's house for questioning, if they are home and available (Haven't used their night action, or are protected by paramedics or bodyguards) the detective will interrogate them on their role. Upon this happening, the person investigated will be PQed that the detective now knows their role.
If they are out, or protected by a paramedic or bodyguard, the detective will instead rummage through their trash. This will have a 50% chance of finding their role, and a 50% chance of finding clues to their role. (Short narrative PQed to them)
Cluesolving: Can PQ a narrative to the GM, with the name of who they suspect, and get a yes or no answer. There is a 50% chance their clusolving will fail, and they will just get a "maybe". (They will get a maybe if they are right or wrong, the maybe is just to let htem know they failed)
Vigilante: I am the light, I am the darkness….
The vigilante will take matters in to their own hands, and is able to kill once a night. However, clues will be left in narratives just as much as the Moon Brigade's killings will, so the vigilante should be careful not to get themselves found out.
(2) Paramedics: The paramedics will visit the house of anyone they choose, and then hide. If the person they have chosen is killed in the night, the paramedic will revive that player. The paramedic can not choose the same person twice in a row, nor can they choose a bodyguard or other paramedic.
Veteran: You have been in too many wars to let this be your last. With your combat gear on, you will be able to survive one hit before dying, essentially giving you two lives. There will be a full narration as usual whenever an attempt is made on your life, and you will be informed of your armour's now uselessness upon such an occasion.
Granny with a shotgun: This granny may be relatively useless, but at night she will guard her door all night with a shotgun. Anyone to come near her at night will be shot, good or bad. She will only kill one person a night, after she has done that, she will proceed to cry in the corner of her room about how she is a sick murderer. (This is the paranoid, basically. I know there's been a rule that the paranoids don't know who they are, but I was never fond of that rule. Of course, I can employ that rule too if enough people ask I SUPPOSE)
Reformed Mad hatter: This mad hatter ain't goin' down without a fight, see? If anyone attempts to murder the mad hatter, the mad hatter will set off their explosive hat, possibly destroying their killer. (This has a 75% chance of hitting) The hatter will only explode if someone attempts to kill them. Furthermore, if the mad hatter is attacked by the godfather, the bomb has a 0% chance of going off.
Reformed Mafioso:
This mafioso has some contacts, see? They can send a message anonymously to anyone they choose. The mafioso can do this once a night, they must PQ their message to the GM, and who they would like it forwarding to. If you message the godfather, your name will be included, however, you will not be notified of this.
Stalker: There's a war going on? Who cares. You're going to be busy stalking anyone you choose. Once a night, you can pick someone to stalk. This will allow you to see who they visited. If they stayed at home (Didn't use their night action) or were protected (Bodyguard, paramedic, granny) You will instead fail your stalking and go home to photoshop pictures of them on to naked pictures of yourself.
Townies: The townies have no powers unfortunately, other than voting. Two townies will be randomly selected to become bodyguards.
The neutrals Special win conditions
The gormless tosser: The way this guy acts, it's almost as if he WANTS to be lynched! And in fact, he does. If this tosser is lynched, he will have instantly won. Though the game will continue, the leader and paronder will instantly resign from such a failure. (The bodyguards will become normal townies again.) If he is killed in the night instead of lynched, he will not be counted as a victory, nor will the leader or pardoner resign. The tosser can visit one person every night, in an attempt to trick the stalker. You will not do anything to the person you visit, however.
The disgruntled godfather: With your team gone, you have decided you don't need them. You've lost all your godfather powers, but you still have a gun. You can kill one person every night. You will only win if you are the last man standing. You know how your lackies work, if you attack the mad hatter, you will not be blown up, and if you are messaged by the mafioso, their name will be included in the message. (Without them knowing of course!)
The bad guys They win once they outnumber the town, and the godfather is dead.
The moon: You've been orbitting this planet for years, to hell if you're letting these humans ruin that now. You have an array of fanciful powers to use.
I'm the moon, how do you kill a moon? You are completely impervious to attack during the night.
A master of disguise, that's for sure. The moon is so good at disguising itself, if a detective should investigate or interrogate the moon, the moon will always turn up as a regular townie. The moon just has a pokerface that can never be outmatched by the detective.
OH SHIT NO DON'T DO THAT LYNCH YOU GUYS Once a game, the moon can cancel a lynch, preventing any lynch targets from dying. In a double lyncn this will save oth of them.
Okay screw this: You've decided your lackies suck, and thus you will take matters in to your own hands. You lose your masterful diguise, and your unkillability, but gain the ability to kill once a night. When you choose to do this, it can not be undone. Furthermore, a short narrative will be displayed to alert everyone the moon is on the loose.
Robot: The robot knows a thing or two about explosives, like how to plant them on people. The robot can plant a maximum of two bombs on anyone they choose. (The bombs will be removed by the paramedic if the paramedic visits the target on the same night.) They can only plant one bomb a night, but can also detonate one bomb a night (However, they can't detonate and plant a bomb on the same night). Should the robot deactivate, all planted bombs will go off.
Ninja: This ninja is just that good at earning people's trust, they can pick one person a night, and stop them from doing their night action that night. They can not pick the same person twice in a row. No explanation will be given as to why their role did not work. They will be told they have failed (Detective cluesolving will be told a maybe, their rolefinding will fail, paramedic targets will die, etc.) The ninja can also kill someone every night, but can not stop a role on the same night as stopping a role.
Dinosaur clown: You will never forget what happened that night, when your entire family died. You have a huge grudge on this town, and will stop at night to exact revenge. The dinosaur clown can kill once a night, but can also once per game choose to kill two people. The dinosaur clown is so bad at sneaking, that every kill the dinosaur clown does will mention something clownish, or dinosaurish. The dinosaur must choose which order they want to kill the two people in however, and should the dinosaur die on the first hit, the second person will also fail. Because the dinosaur clown will be dead.
I'll get my narrative up in a bit HOLY SHIT I AM TIRED RIGHT NOW.
in the mean time, people can tell me if there's any common roles I missed, or any questions/suggestions for me. BLOOP.
EDIT: Yeah okay there's a lot of typos and stuff here, just ignore them. Also, added in the stalker and the tosser's ability to visit people once a night for fun.
Seventy2 was going out on a leisurely stroll in the middle of the night. He was always told it was dangerous, but he never though much of all this violence going on, he figured he could handle himself. As 7two walked down the darkest alley he could find, he was stopped by a sketchy figure.
"Hey, man, can I get by?" 7two attempted to push past the person, but the person was so big it was almost impossible to get by them. Before 7two could squeeze past the person, 7two was stabbed, dying almost instantly.
Seventy2 the Gamemaster of the last game has been murdered
Clues you say? Okay.
[spoiler]He figured he could handle himself - Refers to my signature. I LOVE BEING STRONG.
Sketchy figure? What's more sketchy than that horrendous picture of a bear with a shotgun on my page?
Killer was so big? Like a dinosaur![/spoiler]
First kills made by people will have few clues. Possibly only one, in fact. If the town is breezing through the game I may make the narrations longer, while keeping the same amount of actual clues. (Making more red herrings) The dinosaur clues will get more and more obvious as the dinosaur continue killing. That is all.
Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go cleanse my body of impurities. By showering.
In holy water. BAM!
All right. Gonna post these rules for the game concept. If nobody picks it up by tomorrow, I will be running it myself and will post a sample narration before the deadline ends.
Townston is going through the latest health craze, where celery munching is all the rave. Broccoli farming is a booming industry and tofu has never been more popular. For sure, the town has never been fitter.
But is it safer?
With the fast food industry almost out of business, the heads of the chains have descended to life of crime; backed by the infamous "Ron the Don". They ultimate goal is to get rid of all the biggest healthy lifestyle supporters, so that they can start selling their filth -sound of a gun cocking-…eh… I mean… their wonderful and delicious convenience food to the customers of Townston.
This game will use standard rules, using my interpretations on them. The mafia however will receive a drastic modification:
Important to read!
This game will feature a unique style of a mafia. Instead of the classic close knit group, the mafia will be a loose coalition of criminals, who under normal circumstances are rivals but have set aside their differences for now, while they're working at their common goal. They do not know the identity of each other. Also, while one of them is technically the Don, each one has a special skill, instead of the classic "pile-o-powers" that's bestowed on the Godfather alone.
The game takes turns, alternating between day cycles and nights. Each cycle takes 24 hours and will end when the GM posts his narration. Each narration is scheduled to be released around 12 AM GMT or 6 PM US Central. Since players can hail from all over the world, it is important that they know which time zone they are in so that they can know when to expect the next narration. Here's a GMT conversion table.
"Here's how it works. Figure out where in the world you live and locate that place on the map. Follow the line you're living in down to the bottom of the map and locate a number down there. Use that number to change the time. If you live in a +6 zone then the narration will be up at 6 AM. If you live in a +12 then it will be up at 12 PM (Noon).
For those living in America, here's a handy time table to show you at what time you can expect the narrations.
Obligatory standard list of roles:
With 20 players, the number of starting roles will be:
1 Diet Planner (Detective)
1 Sportacus (Vigilante)
2 Fitness trainers (Paramedic)
1 Recovering Sugar Junky (Paranoid)
1 Vegan (Veteran)
9 Vegetarians (Townies)
1 Ron AKA "the Don"
1 Sanders AKA "The Colonel"
1 Caesar AKA "Little Caesar"
1 Gwendolen AKA "Wendy"
1 B.K. AKA "The King"
These are additional roles and powers that can be granted to some of the players, via election or random selection. Use them wisely.
The biggest health nut is selected to become the Mayor during the start of the game and has numerous roles. His special abilities are:
Seal of the Mayor: Increased vote count of 2 during lynching.
Desperate times, desperate measures: The Mayor can declare 2 double lynches anytime during the game When double lynches are in effect each player gets two votes on two different people.(must notify me during night cycle or early on in the day so voting can be arranged accordingly).
We've got aides!: You heard right! Both the mayor and Pardoner got aides. They're supper skinny and healthy as a result. They wish they could give you aides themselves but they're hogging all the aides in townston for themselves and you can't have any. As long as the Mayor and the Pardoner have aides they can't be killed during the night.
Let's celebrate!: The Mayor has the option of insta-lynching one player by the end of Day 1, once he's won the election. No voting takes place. Whoever the Mayor picks gets lynched. Take heed though if you plan to use this ability since no clues have been given that could help point you at a criminal at that time.
As a check and balance to the Mayor, the pardoner is the runner up to the Mayor. The pardoner has the ability to cancel two lynches throughout the game. Pardoning both suspects during a double lynch will use up both powers but it's also possible to pardon one suspect while lynching the other. The pardoner will have to notify me within one hour of lynch vote results before the lynch is actually posted. He is unable to pardon on the insta-lynch. The pardoner also has aides and thus is safe for the night.
Two random vegetarians will serves as personal trainers for the town leadership, once the mayor has been elected. As long as the aides are alive, the Mayor and the Pardoner cannot be killed or targeted by any special power since the aides keep them safe.
Health Nuts!
Lynch a bad guy during the day. Survive the night. Rinse and repeat. Players who are Health Nuts are in business to save Townston from obesity and diabetes.
After watching one too many Lazy Town episodes, this interesting individual has decided to fight unhealthy lifestyles… quite literally. Each night he can target and kill someone who he believes to be the equivalent of Robby Rotten. Be careful who you chose though because you just might be taking out a friendly.
Personal trainer
These guys hate seeing someone unfit so they're likely to pick you off the streets and give you a good workout.
Come along stringbeans, we're pulling an all nighter!: The personal trainer can pick someone at night and trap them in their gym. They're doomed to work those weights 'til dawn but at least they'll be safe from attacks in the meantime. (This person is considered protected if he's targeted by the Personal trainer)
Note: A protected person can still perform night actions. I will rule that they managed to perform their action before they got carried away by the trainer.
Diet Planner
Nobody is as nosy and controlling as the Diet Planer. Chasing the villagers around and checking into their grocery bags, nobody will get away with sneaking a bite of a treat, while he's around. As a result, The Diet Planner might occasionally discover the identity of a member of the Fast food mafia.
Who said you could eat that!?: The diet planer will sometimes sneak into peoples houses and look in their fridge, to see if they're eating right. Should he discover fast food during one of these visits, he'll realize that the owner is a Fast food mafia member. This power can only be used twice.
Why, I believe I recognize that footprint!: Since the Diet Planer measures the weight of everyone in townston, he's has a complete record of how heavy everyone is. Since he saw in CSI once that you can figure out how heavy someone was by the dept of their footprint, he can look up to see if a specific player was behind a specific attack. (The Food Planer can ask the GM if a specific player committed a specific crime and get a yes/no answer).
There's grease on these ballots!: Looking up the vote results, the Diet Planer can figure out if any Fast Food Mobsters participated in the election. Should he choose to use this power he'll be able to find out if any mobsters voted for a specific player (mayoral or lynch) and also how many mobsters voted for him.
Recovering Sugar Junky
In the past you lived off the white stuff. You were binging 3 six packs of soda a day and everything you ate was glazed. Had Jesus been more like you, our communion vine equivalent would have been Corn Syrup. However, with all these recent sugar taxes and banns, sugar is almost nonexistant in Townston. As a result, you're suffering. You're suffering allot. You spend the nights sitting in the corner banging your head against the wall. Anyone who dares to walk into your house is a dead man, cause the slightest upsetting thing can make that fragile twig that's your sanity snap like a… twig.
You're the epiphany of dietary health. Nobody is as healthy as you.
My body is a temple: Staying away from such horrible disgusting things as cow gland fluids and bee dropping has really payed off. Not only can you rub your health into the noses of others, you also got got an extra night life. Two attacks must be made on him before he dies.
You're the average lettuce munching vegetarian. However, you still eat dairy so so you're not as perfect as a vegan. You get to vote during the days, like everyone else. You represent the majority of the town so numbers are on your side. If you can work together you can defeat the evil fast food industry.
This loose coalition of Fast food owners have banded together in an uneasy union. They trust each other as far as they can throw them so all conversations are done via courier service (GM handles communication between The Don and his teammates). As a result, the mobsters do not know the identity of each other so they might occasionally run into each other on the streets at night. When that happens they will not kill each other (unless specified otherwise).
AKA "the Don"
The organizer of this alliance; Ron the Don is the mastermind criminal of Townston. Nothing can be proven on him since he knows how to cover his tracks.
Mastermind Criminal: Ron has the Behind the curtains power of the classic Godfather which he never looses. That means that no dirt can ever be dug up about him and he can't be killed at nights at all.
Send them a happy meal: Serving under Ron is his notorious henchman, Grimace, who goes on errands for him. Every night he can execute on behalf of the his master. Should Grimace walk into the house of the Recovering Sugar Junky, he will die and Ron will lose this power. Grimace will not kill the other mafia members that he accidentally targets but will report their identity back to his master, instead.
Courier service: Birdie; Ron's second henchman delivers messages back and forth from his master and the other mobsters. This power is activated by PQing the GM. If the mobsters receive a message from the Don, they can reply back, should they chose to do so (Identities can not be transferred this way, since the mobsters don't want to reveal their identities to each other).
AKA "The Colonel"
The Colonel is a twisted sort. Under the cool and calm facade that he portrays, lies a sick, sick man, with strong Southern ties.
What are ya? Some sort of Chicken?: The Colonel thinks that anyone who can't handle eating a little bit of meat is a dam sissy and a coward so every night he can go out and accuse someone of being a yellow bellied chicken. Under normal circumstances the person who gets accused of such will either feel ashamed or angered by the verbal attack but in this case it's a more serious matter. The sheer idea that this person might be poultry sends the Colonel on a mad hunger rage, prompting in his attempt to eat him. Terrified of this madman, the person will run for his life and attempt to ditch town for the nigh but he'll have a 50/50 chance of actually escaping. Should he escape he will go on a hiding and disappear for the next day. During this time, he's immune to any other attacks (since no one can find him) but he's also unable to use his powers (including the ability to vote), during that time. Should the Colonel target another mobster, he will back down and leave him alone but he will now be aware of his identity.
AKA "Little Caesar"
"Little" Caesar, as he's often called, is a former bureaucrat with experience in bribing the right people, here and there. This has served him well in the past, keeping the food board of his back but times have changed, with this latest health craze.
Political ties: Once in the game, Caesar can force a lynch cancel.
My turn to stab!: Caesar can kill every night but will leave his comrades alone. Should he encounter another mobster, he will ignore them but be informed of their identity.
AKA "The King"
B.K.'s the type that knows no personal boundaries. People of Townston have gone accustomed to him popping out of their broom closet, finding him in their showers or waking up with him lying next to them; just so that he can introduce his newest product.
Wake up with the king: B.K. often peaks up at the strangest places, handing people some of his promotional items. This time he's presenting a delicious tofu burger for the health nuts, in order to stay in business. What the health nuts don't know is that the burger contains a special surprise…
(This is the mad hatter equivalent. Each night, B.K. can give a burger to someone or activate the special ingredient in a burger that he's already given away. K.K. can only keep up to two unactivated burgers in circulation at a time but is free to give away more, once he's activated one).
Should B.K. give a tofu burger to one of his teammates, they will refuse since the Fast food mafia won't eat crap like that. B.K. Will discover the identity of a mafia member that he gives a burger to.
AKA "Wendy"
"Wendy", as she prefers being known as, has always had great difficulty setting up shop in Townston, due to her competitors having saturated the market with their goods. As a result, she's the most resentful team-member of them all.
I'm sorry, I never got that memo: Wendy goes out at night and kills anyone she pleases. Should she encounter a mafia member, she will not hesitate in taking out her rival, in order to pave way to her success.
And that's it, I believe. If you'll ever play a game in mafia, let it be this one so please don't hesitate in giving this concept your vote.
I like your idea PP but I feel sense the mafia don't know who each other is, there is just 5 serial killers. One more seems like a good idea.That was the idea, actually. In essence, they are just like 5 serial killers, except they can share their victory. They also don't kill each other, should they accidentally target each other, with the exception of Wendy.
Also; you're sure you want the 6th killer, running around? The godfather is able to kill right of the bat, you know, so they're not exactly a weak group. However, I could add another one and there's plenty to choose from. The artist who made these 5 original Fast food mobsters, made an updated version.

…I just don't know what kind of secondary powers I would be able to give to the 6th member, since I kinda wanted them to share all the Godfather powers.
Edit: Also, If you want to run this game, you could modify it yourself, you know ^^
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