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Moonlight meanderer
Comic Talk and General Discussion *
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I always have bad dreams, damn my morbid imagination.

One that really creeped me out was when I was walking with friends through a pine forest silhouetted against a sunset red sky. We were talking and laughing together whilst continuing up the path towards the top of a hill around which some crows were flying. The closer we got to the top the more there appeared to be and I started to feel uneasy, knowing that something was about to happen. They plunged down, ripping at my friends' flesh with their beaks and talons as I stood shaking and frozen. I turned away, feeling sick, and saw my mum standing there with a meat tenderiser in her hands. She told me to take it and end their suffering. Then I turned back to see the torn up carcases coated in blood with wild pain maddened eyes and it was my responsibility to stop their pain…

When I woke up I could hear crows cawing outside my window. I think I almost had a heart attack scrambling for the light. Looking back at it now makes me laugh.

Last night I also had a dream about zombies with spikes on their heads that kept trying to charge at me. I had found some guns and so when one came angrily around the corner I began shooting at it… then it started firing water and only washing its muddy skin clean. I remember thing 'Sh*t!' and making a run from the corridor into open space before getting impaled by about three of them.

The next day I find out there was heavy rain at night, stupid weather making my dreams even crazier.

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I just remembered something else that frightened me as a kid though it isn't directly a nightmare. I saw a movie, can't remember what it was, where this guy was held down and they put these blue glowing worms next to his ears and they crawled in and ate his brain and made him crazy. So when I'd go to bed, and had my head on the pillow I would hear this noise that sounded like something was rhythmically crawling through the pillow to get to me. I used to freak out and tell my parents and they'd shush me and send me back to bed. Went on forever.

I finally figured out I was just hearing my own pulse. So dumb. :)

Oh wow. That's hilarious. When I was about 4, I used to like to put my head entirely under the bathwater. And whenever I did, I'd hear my pulse….but in my mind I pictured a huge cluster of fur trees slowly hopping forward to that beat…getting closer and closer to me. I don't understand WHY that scared me, but whenever I thought of it…I'd immediately sit up.

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I get night terrors… not so much nightmares.
They're pretty much the same thing except I wake up kicking things and screaming and rolling off my bed. It makes having a bedside table soooo much more interesting.

Almost no one believes me that I have them though. Because statistically they stop at around the age of 12 and usually affect boys. I'm a girl, almost 19. Sooo yeah. They range anywhere from getting hit by a train to slipping on a banana peel.

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I'm not sure if I have night terrors or not. When I dream (or think) in my sleep, whenever there's something surprising or I believe I am falling, I kind of 'vibrate' in my bed.

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When I was a kid, my closet had no doors. So when it was dark, there's lots of little shadows and sometime it seems to be moving. Having toys in closets doesnt help when they have beady eyes… I usually have nightmares of things watching me, but I couldnt see them. Oh yeah… Other nightmares was either monsters under my bed or freaks behind my feet in my bed who will rise and grab me.

Lots of good memories of my childhood. Sigh.

I've sleepwalked and often wake up with vague memories of my nightmare. One of my experence was of people locking me up in a room and I was pounding along the wall/door and begging them to let me out. After awhile I saw a switch and reached to use it. Then I woke up holding my door open and facing my Dad who asked why I was tapping along on the wall above my bed in the middle of the night and turning on the light.

I was so confused at that time. haha.

My most recent nightmare was this morning. I dreamt that I wasnt brushing my teeth enough so now its turning black, crusting and falling apart with some teeth missing. I was desperatly trying to brush my teeth in hope of reversing the problem. My mouth became every dentist nightmare… It was gross.

The first thing I did after waking up was check to see if it was true and then brush vigorously. lol!

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well, I had a nightmare just now. (woke up).

it started out cool at first. I was doing this charity work like I used to, and it was to raise funds… anyway. our theme was "zombie acyclose" where we'd have tons of things to do that would educate you on what to do in case of an zombie acyclose, and even had like this educational short on the different types of zombies.

anyway to finish of this recreation we had tons of volunteers who were working with us dress up like zombies, and I would have all those who came to the charity event sit in those built model fake houses where it elevated them high off the ground where it'd be hard for a zombie to get to them. and they were given paint-ball guns, so any time any fake zombie ever tried to get into their model scale house, they'd have to practice their target practice by shooting the "zombies" with their paint ball pellets.

yeah, I know it doesn't sound scary but it was mostly what happened in my head. it was like in the dream I started to get this weird feeling, and think: "What if this 'fake' acycosle turned out to be real? then it'd be my fault that those people coming here to learn about zombies got killed by real zombies because they thought the zombies were fake!"

and one came too close to me, and I was like telling hon not to since I worked the charity event…but he didn't listen to me and just kept on coming closer and closer like an zombie which freaked me out. so instead of the paint ball gun I had, I pulled out a huge real gun out of my big purse, and shot the zombie in the head. and I was thinking: "damn, what if I shot an innocent person just trying to prank me because of my paranoid mind?!"

and then that was when I woke up, feeling bad even though it was just a dream. actually I think this dream was inspired by the zombie thread… I blame it!

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I had a dream when I was 3 that I was eaten by a desklamp.

I'm now afraid of desklamps.

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I had this dream the other night that I was popping a pimple on my nose except there was a huge amount that came out at once and it ripped the skin on my nose in half and I played with the flap of skin hanging off my nose for the rest of my dream.

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I don't know if this could be classified as a nightmare, but I think it almost was.

I was walking around in a forest with two other people. We were looking for rare wildlife(I think). Then the forest began to flood. So, we ran to a different part of the forest, which was somehow unaffected. Then, we saw this old guy with a skunk the size of a dog. When we asked him why he was there, he said he was looking for his cousin, who was a vampire. I then said "Wait, did you say vampire?". And he said yes. So I said "OK. I'm done. See ya." And they said "OK. See ya." Then I walked into this cave-thing and then I woke up.

Like I said, it could've been a nightmare.

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Nightmares… *sigh* Where can I begin? I have tons of those!

Recently, I'm having college/universtiy nightmares (although, I graduated 2 years ago), but dammit… it's haunting me again. It's like you're in the middle of a fucking exam and you're stuck like forever and this exam determines your future… time runs out… and I go: "Holy shit! Holy shit!" After a week, I'm ready to see my result but there were so many students and papers and I'm sweating like crazy… I reach to my name and PUFF… end of dream! I wake up in horror! It has been happening to me recently… it gives me the chills!

Another nightmare… it was the end of 2005 or beginning of 2006, I dreamt that I didn't watch the entire Fifa World Cup 2006! I woke up like crazy!

Another nightmare… this one was fucking scary! I was in a cemetery and I enter a room and the door suddenly closes. I look in front and I see a huge set of open caskets, and what I saw is an entire family is dead WITH THEIR EYES ARE WIDE OPEN. There was a dead woman looking at me and she has those freaky hair and it kept on staring at me and I can't stare away. It's fucking eerie!

Another nightmare… Since I live in the Middle East, I dreamt that a nuclear bomb had hit Iran and the explosion was spreading from Iran to Lebanon. To this day, my heart is pumping me! It's like a sign that it will happen in the future… I'm scared of it.

Another nightmare… when I was younger around 15-16, I used to have these constant dreams that I'm trapped under ice or something and I cannot breathe… it felt it was real… I thought I was suffocating and I can't open my eyes… FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE SOMEONE WAKE ME UP! I managed to open one eye, to see my mom wondering in the room… I'm trying to yell: mama… it's not coming out… I'm yelling to my brother: Sam… Anyone… just wake me up! In the end, I wake up from both the trapped under ice and one eye open… both were dreams, at the same time! To be honest, I was suffering this sort of nightmare for a friggin' month! I told my parents that I don't want to sleep… the nightmare is waiting for me!

It's funny how my family wakes me up on the nicest dreams and NEVER comes in to wake me on a nightmare… HOW FUCKING IRONIC!

Those are some that I could think of… and thankfully, I was living them as I'm typing every word!

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Starting 5 years ago, and ending 3 years ago, every 3 months I would have just one nightmare.
It would be in front of my old house, with this red or white car (it changed). My whole known family would be standing in a circle in the mdidle of the street, talking about who-knows-what, and then suddenly the Jeepers-Creepers guy would fly and land on the car, now with a bang, but like a cat. He would be holding this baby, and then he would throw it on the ground, and the baby bounced a few times, and then would be very still. I'd be trying to say something to my family, who apparenty couldn't see it, but they would just shake thier heads like I was being stupid, and keep talking.
I would wake up crying everytime.

In a related story, i've been having bullshit dreams that are the equivalent of nightmare, but i think end up alughing at them. Liek WTF.

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I have nightmares, but they are all conceptual, and defy any words in my vocabulary. :(
All concepts of 4th dimension, time-travel, etc. I like to ponder.

Also, I sort of have a nightmare that I chose. I have Lucid Dreams–that is, for those of you who don't know, a dream where you realize you're dreaming… in which you can usually control the dream. Well, when I have a lucid dream, what I do carries over into the next one… I've spent countless nights building my own imaginary world. It's an interesting sort of activity, being a god of your own little imaginary place…

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I think I must have had some doozies of nightmares as a kid because by the time I hit my teens, I made a conscious/unconscious effort not to remember any of my dreams. So 95% of the time, even if I dream, I don't remember it when I wake up. I do every once in a while have some good dreams and some nightmares.

Probably the most vivid I remember was being put in a position where I was forced (in my dream) to shoot someone (a nazi-esque soldier type, I think) to protect myself and my family. I woke up before I saw whether my finger finished pulling the trigger. Talk about waking in a sweat!

Keep in mind, in real life, I don't own any weapons or know how to use any. Strange (and scary) what you can know in a dream.

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I stopped having nightmares about monsters and such when I started to use them as ideas for characters/monsters in stories. Now my nightmares mostly deal with losing people I care about.

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I used to have nightmares about a creepy old chandelier growing eyes and arms and coming down to strangle me. At first it was just the one chandelier in my grandparents' house, then it was every overhead light I knew of, and the sparse nightmares I have now of this creature he can come from anything, like my bedside fan or a houseplant. The difference between now and then is I've practiced lucidity and taking control of my dreams, and for the past couple of years these things haven't been able to touch me. There was only one at first, but I wrote them in as the Lraenu of 20 Galaxies, they started to multiply and fit that story. For a few years the first one (Kestrel) even seemed to become a guardian rather than an enemy. But every time I've restarted 20G, even just coming off a hiatus, he attacks. o_0 I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean.

In high school and college I had frequent nightmares about natural disasters - mostly tornadoes, meteors/the moon crashing into the earth, and also about people destroying the world - but I usually was given the chance to stop them. Sometimes I did, sometimes I didn't.

Lately I don't have many nightmares, though. Sometimes I dream about being really late for work and I keep getting stopped trying to get there - but I would just call that a really annoying dream rather than a nightmare.

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I don't have nightmares often, but when I do, they tend to be a doozy(at least for me).

The most recent one to memory had a shadowbeast, with eyes that flickered red deep within the's hard to describe the shape, because it shifted a lot. Mostly, it was four-legged, with jagged, uneven spines that erupted from its back. The beast was unrelenting in pursuing me. Every time it caught up, I would be more injured; my palm sliced open, the muscle and other tissue leaking out, my opposite arm, my legs, my stomach, my neck. I was getting weaker and weaker, before I collapsed on the doorstep of an old house, half on the porch.

I looked up, and a woman in a white dress and long black hair was looking down at me. Her eyes flickered with the same red as the beast, and her skin turned a bluish white. I knew, as one knows ANYTHING in a dream, that if she touched me, my life would become that of the shadowbeast. She grabbed my shoulder.

I woke up with the cat happily pushpawing my shoulder. XD

Another really weird nightmare…It started really happy. I was at White Farm, which was a farm near where I lived growing up. Arts and crafts were being done in the main building, and I walked home with a few projects in hand, whistling. I remember looking down the street at an intersection, and seeing a man running, screaming for his life on the next street down. An axe murderer followed.

I thought that was weird, and was worried for the guy, but I wondered even inside the dream if I was seeing someone else's nightmare, since that didn't exactly scare me, since I wasn't the one being chased. I got home, and a nice neighbor tapped on the glass of our sliding door. I opened up to see what she wanted, and she stepped back, gesturing to someone unseen to make their move. I looked, and it was the Axe murderer!

I grabbed the phone and dashed into my room, locking the door, calling the police. I curled up on top of my bed as the axe-wielding murderer broke into my room. I woke up in the same position on my bed as I was in my dream, thus causing me a few minutes of terrifiedly looking around my house for a killer, before settling on the "It was just a dream" realization.

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Not to cut anyone down, but does anyone get those moments when they love talking about their dreams and nightmares, but feel odd sitting there to listen to someone recount theirs?

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I dreamt a nightmare just this morning … it went like this … *starts singing* oooh- *stops singing* wait I´ll just say it and Not sing it … well anyway I dreamt I was alone in a dark and scary room, and I was tied to a chair in what look incredibly much like the room in the castle from the indiana Jones movie the last crusade … and well suddenly all of these disgusting creatures that looked like those thing that came out of the Ark in raiders of the lost ark and like a gazillion bugs were all OVER the floor like in the Temple of Doom and suddenly bugs started pouring out of my mouth and snakes were slithering out of my eyesockets and suddenly SEAN CONNORY WAS THERE TOO DRESSED LIKE A CLOWN … ALL MY WORST FEARS COMBINED … 1!!1!!11!!1! really that GUY is SCARY … REALLY … and I couldn´t go back to sleep cus I wus afraid I´d hae another dream about Sean Connory as a clown …

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He would be holding this baby, and then he would throw it on the ground, and the baby bounced a few times,
Bouncing baby boy

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Hm. I don't have as many nightmares as I used to… I believe the last real nightmare I had was last year. I didn't sleep all night.

I guess the worst nightmare I had was that time… In the dream, my parents got divorced and they both stranded me in the cold, heartless artic.

I told my mom about it the next day. She said it was a stupid thing to be afraid of and yelled at me.

Yippie… supportive…

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i had a nightmare where i was walking along the street a guy tried to mug me but i ate him in one gulp and then ppl were screaming fiend at me as i ran like hell

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Yes bouncing baby boy Ahahaha.

Anyways, reading about how some peoples dreams feel real, I remebered this one.

I would be at this 'mall', which is really two planters, on a tiled floor, everything else is covered by black fog, so it seems small, with anonymous people walking by. I would jump onto the edge of a planter and look down, and instead of plants, it would be like this huge bottomless hole. For some dam reason, I would jump into it, and my stomach (in real life) would do thsoe flip-flops like I was on a roller-coaster. I would fall, and before i disappeared from view, "GAME OVER" would flash in my mind, and I would be standing at the planter's side again. I would then jump onto the edge, and then look dow-
And it went ON and ON and ON like that, and i felt so sick. It was really a nightmare because I wanted it to end, but it just kept going. The whole time I just though 'Please stop, not again, I want to wake up, please stop'
It was horrible.

Oh ya, and for about a week, I would drift off to sleep, and 5 mintues later, I would dream a bowling ball (or some ball) had hit me, I'd jump awake, and my head would hurt, not to mention my heart was racing and all those other things.

Don't you just love real-feeling dreams? x)

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The worst nightmare I ever had was when I was in my mid-teens. At first I was riding on an el train that looked like it was just pulled out of a fire. The whole interior was scorched. I was looking out the window of the train, and the streets were littered with slaughtered animals (which bothered me because I love animals).

I got off the train at the next stop. And when I walked out of the station, I noticed people were walking toward this huge church. There was a eerie light and fog surrounding the place. I sensed that there was an evil presence in there. I tried to warn people to stay away from the church, of course they didn't listen. Then something came out of the church and started coming after me. I never really saw it, because it was almost like the nothing in The Neverending Story. It engulfed everything in darkness. So I started running for my life. And I woke up shortly after in a cold sweat and shaking.

After that, I really haven't had any real bad nightmares. Just odd dreams.

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Moonlight meanderer

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