fufufufufu!!! I'm crying with joy! I never knew how happy being in a pairing could make me feel. Thank you! And how the heck do you draw so well so quickly? O_O heh heh… it looks like you're about to throw up. : )
Also, I love my clavicles in this picture. (I like clavicles.)
:3 Glad to make you happy.
I've always been able to sketch fast… Though when I'm in good mood for making art I'll sketch like no tomorrow, so heh. xD
Like I've said before, LaG's face in that is priceless.
Hey, do you know what's a pretty neat manga? Yakitate!! Japan. A shounen about making bread. Yeah. Quite funny how it pokes fun of the genre as a whole.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to try and bake Japan Number 2.
Like I've said before, LaG's face in that is priceless.
Hey, do you know what's a pretty neat manga? Yakitate!! Japan. A shounen about making bread. Yeah. Quite funny how it pokes fun of the genre as a whole.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to try and bake Japan Number 2.
Holy crap I remember when my brother was telling me about that a LONG time back. I never got around to read it or watch the anime.
Like I've said before, LaG's face in that is priceless.
Hey, do you know what's a pretty neat manga? Yakitate!! Japan. A shounen about making bread. Yeah. Quite funny how it pokes fun of the genre as a whole.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to try and bake Japan Number 2.
I saw the first episode a long time ago. I liked it and found it funny, but I never continued watching it.
Thanks you guys for like missing me and stuff and caring! *hugs you all*
Hey look guys! I got a hug! And it was from a girl this time!
Ooooh. DnD as in Dungeons and Dragons? What do you play as? Stain and I play as a human rogue and a half-elf fighter, respectively.
We're actually going to collaborate on a comic about our campaign.
Yeah, it's cooly and stuff!
I'm a human fighter yeah! And I get to hang out with a lot of Dragonborns! Once our campain starts a manga of it will come shortly. I GET MY FIRST DICE TOMORROW! *excitment*
Also, wb DCS and stuffs. You will be added to MSN. I'm still deciding on Shplane. But that will probably happen too. He's cute sometimes when ghe gets all worked up.