As an assigment from school, I had to create a survey. Answer each in as many words as it takes for you to express yourself. What do you think of/what is your opinion of the following? Answering this by word association is also fine. It's very open-ended. Thanks in advance!
1.Miley Cyrus
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
3.fat people (not obese)
4.obese people
5.tall people
6.short people
7.Britney Spears
8.self-mutiliation groups/sites
10.Sarah Palin

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Random Survey
I'll give it a wack!
1.Miley Cyrus
Ciley Myrus
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
How come I'm not understanding this survey!? Theatre?
3.fat people (not obese)
Harder to kidnap!
4.obese people
Should give me a twinkie.
5.tall people
ALWAYS play B-Ball
6.short people
"Short people got, no reason! Short people got, no reason!" ~Frank Zappa
7.Britney Spears
Emo, sad, should stop. groups/sites
Sad, should stop, I hate society ;_;
10.Sarah Palin
Trig :lol:
I hope that works for you!
(More of a word association, for me, I guess.)
1. Miley Cryus
Hot piece of jailbate ass
2.Scene peope/thoe whole Scene movement
The chicks are hot and the guys are weird as shit. Scene clubs are actually fun, and when you throw in Kill Hannah, you have a win
3.Fat people
Need to loose weight and get off their ass
4.Obese people
May or not be a genetics problem..but get off your ass!!!!
5.Tall people
Get more leg to get around
6.Short people
Less leg to go around
7.Britney Spears
If it's actually mutilation, then WTF man?!
9.Pro-anorexia groups/sites
Today in America, chicks could be thinner. "Average" is chicks thinking that being 5'2" and 160 lbs is "average"
10.Sarah Palin
……i actually think this is kinda interesting topic um, 'hamsterfreak4ever/obvious alt'
1.Miley Cyrus
That blonde wig she wears is gaudy and her show is in my opinion the worst disney has to offer right now.
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
Didn't this die out already like emo? well the girls are hot, the guys creep me out. Very egotistical and self centered.
3.fat people (not obese)
Become less fat. It's really not that difficult it just takes time and non-laziness
4.obese people
They're okay the way they are-they can't chnage/just gain it back
5.tall people
Seems like any guy over 6'1 is a guaranteed ass. at least in my experience. I mingle with the 5'4-5'10 people thx
6.short people
got the lower end of the gene pool stick yes.
7.Britney Spears
Seriously how fucking dumb do you have to be? Attention whores… groups/sites
Sure whatever. Cheerleaders need some kinda support group.
10.Sarah Palin
I don't know who she is, god it's probably someone really famous too.
……i actually think this is kinda interesting topic um, 'hamsterfreak4ever/obvious alt'OK, lolno.
We are friends in real life, and when I posted my survey here, wew were talking on aim, and thought it was a good idea, so COPIED ME.
But I forgive her.
(If you want proof, when she first joined DD to post a comic that she abandoned, I kinda plugged her in a Pancakes comic.)
Also, if I wanted to use an alt, I'd use humorman ;D
1.Miley Cyrus
I'm just really tired of all these 12-year-old "musicians". They need to go back to school, stop hurting my ears and brain, and learn some real skills other than doing whatever Disney tells them to do. God, Disney sucks.
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
Scene guys can be really hot sometimes. But those people often just really scare me. Whenever I think of scene people, I think of this one scene guy who popped up beside me in one of those stores and laughed when I screamed.
3.fat people (not obese)
I feel kinda sorry for them, depending on how they feel about their own size.
4.obese people
Obese people are just kind of icky to me.
5.tall people
I love them when they're my friends, because it's always fun to hang out with someone like a foot and a half taller than you. But I hate them when they walk into me, which happens a lot. Actually, normal-sized people do that too.
6.short people
Me. :D
7.Britney Spears
I never cared about her before, and I still don't. I don't like her music.
As in, cutting? I feel sorry for some people who cut themselves, and hope that they get help so they can feel better. But then there's the emo fags who show you every time they cut themselves and make it obvious it's just for attention. Those people should kill themselves and get it over with so they can stop bothering me. groups/sites
That's pretty horrible. What the hell is wrong with humans?
10.Sarah Palin
I'm Canadian. I'm tired of hearing about US politics in my newspapers.
1.Miley Cyrus
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
What? I have no idea to what this is referring.
3.fat people (not obese)
Have self-esteem issues. Most people I know who call themselves "fat" are not. Rib cages are not sexy.
4.obese people
Probably die young. -_- Often need some medical intervention. (Once I get some health insurance or money…)
5.tall people
Can reach the high shelves!
6.short people
Don't bump their heads on things.
7.Britney Spears
She's one of those kids that sings things; right?
It's your body. Do what you want. – Seriously, it is a step away from suicidal, so please get help. (And stop holding your friends and family emotionally hostage.) groups/sites
More food for the rest of us. This also goes back to the "fat" question.
10.Sarah Palin
Never heard of her.
1.Miley Cyrus
Uh…the achey-breaky heart guy's daughter?
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
*grumble grumble* damn hipsters and their skinny pants and elitest attitudes. I live in Austin, and they're EVERYWHERE! Like mice in the walls. Grar.
3.fat people (not obese)
unmotivated, mostly, or they've developed really lousy eating or exercise habits. a lot of us have desk jobs - that's not helpful at all ^.^
4.obese people
again, unmotivated. sometimes it's a body chemistry thing that can only be corrected with medications - in those cases, diet/exercise simply don't help.
5.tall people
We're always being asked to get things down from shelves. Oddly enough, the tallest people are the ones most likely to wear high-heels. Err, girls at least.
6.short people
Figments of my imagination ^.^ Probably more useful for crawling through duct systems than tall people.
7.Britney Spears
Sad. Attention monger.
I've never understoof this, really. I thought, as a species, we were sort of pre-programmed to *avoid* pain. groups/sites
Uhh, those exist? How about ridiculous? What a skewed way to view beauty.
10.Sarah Palin
The only thing I know about her is from the comic Sore Thumbs where she's biting a moose or something. *shrug*
1.Miley Cyrus
These Disney pop singers are getting on my nerves. Montana this, Jonas that, bleh.
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
3.fat people (not obese)
They've fallen in a hole that they can't get out of. Exercise is hard for fat folk.
4.obese people
I don't really know what makes "obese" any different from "fat", really.
5.tall people
6.short people
Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work they go!
7.Britney Spears
Seriously, does anyone care about Britney Spears anymore?
Go listen to My Chemical Romance, emo kid. groups/sites
How do they live with themselves, sending people with insecurity issues to their graves…
10.Sarah Palin
You mean, "Sarah McCain".
1.Miley Cyrus
A tween fad sensation that for no real reason has preteens up-in-arms for shoddy merchandise that will, along with Guitar Hero and MySpace, will lead to the downfall of Western Civilization.
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
Gone the way of Ska Bands and Razor scooters, the "scene" was a thing people did in the 90's where they hung out at "dives" drinking frappucinos and schmoozing with fellow yuppies. Nowadays, people socialize by playing World of Warcraft and making blogs about Japan.
3.fat people (not obese)
The representation of 60% of America. They are the symbol of the American dream; other countries like Ethopia and Sudan envy our awesome and righteous power.
4.obese people
The other 40% of America. You would think that the stockholders would be the ones keeping companies like Wal-Mart and McDonalds thriving, but the truth is that these are the people that make up the foundation that hold up facade that is the American corporation.
5.tall people
The Yao Mings, Abraham Lincolns, Paul Bunyons and Larry Birds of Society. These types of people serve only one purpose in America: competitive basketball. Those who do not follow this purpose are either assassinated or become fictional beings in corny folk-tales concerning industrialization.
6.short people
The Verne Troyers, Gary Colemans and Wee-mans of society. The purpose of these people are to star in mediocre comedy movies as characters consistently mocked for their size because in America, people who are different from American people should be persecuted because something must be wrong with them and therefore must be punished with the gravest consequences.
7.Britney Spears
A hollywood trainwreck exacerbated by the tabloids and TMZ. Originally, in America, people were rewarded for acting in movies and earning the respect of their fellow peers. However, we eventually realized that was boring, so we decided to reward people who upload sex tapes on the internet, get into DUIs, and expose their crotches because it's much better to ridicule the lives of others, even if they aren't much worse than our own.
Unfortunately, their are some people in the world who are unfortunate. There are thousands of teenagers that only receive lousy 2004 VW Beetles for their "sweet sixteens". These teens' parents make barely over $20,000 a month and only have a meager 7 or 8 dozen friends. These teens deprived of so much only desire attention, and it is these same teens that have found the perfect way to garner that attention: by cutting themselves with used razor blades…
…in private…
…and then denying it whenever anyone brings it up. groups/sites
In nature, the best mates are usually the ones that of moderate weight and a healthy mentality. However, like everything in nature, it is utterly repulsive and wrong. The best type of women nowadays is one with a visible ribcage, a healthy orange-yellow complexion resulting from a spray-on tan and jaundice respectively, thinning bleach blonde "white-as-a-sheet" hair, and on the verge of death. Remember, beauty is something that can never be absolutely defined – by you anyways; other people, however, can define it, and they're usually right. especially when they criticize your weight.
10.Sarah Palin
A republican of America. Sure the democrats will slander her name because one of her children has down syndrome and another is a pregnant teenager – and they should because this information is correct. America was founded under yellow journalism; all important periodicals like the National Enquirer and TMZ the Magazine use slander and mudslinging to bring out the horrific "truth" in people. Besides, if you were smart, you'd vote for the only good American political party: the Neo-fascist communistic Illuminati-that-kills-puppies-and-eats-babies-when-your-heads-are-turned-and-while-they're-turned-we'll-shoot-and/or-stab-you-in-the-back.
1.Miley Cyrus
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
War memorial
3.fat people (not obese)
4.obese people
Need help
5.tall people
6.short people
Majority of my friends
7.Britney Spears
Samauri groups/sites
10.Sarah Palin
Married to Micheal Palin?
1.Miley Cyrus
Never heard of him/her/it. Sounds like an infection.
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
Something else I'm not familiar with. Happy to dismiss them as a fad until proved otherwise!
3.fat people (not obese)
Unless it's a medical condition, they should probably eat less but, hey, it's their life.
4.obese people
As 3.
5.tall people
Give me a pain in the neck. Because I'm not.
6.short people
We're great!
7.Britney Spears
A sad case, but more sinned against than sinning. I do so loathe the paparazzi and wonder how much longer a civilised society can defend not having privacy laws.
Insane. Get help. groups/sites
Pro-anorexia?! It's up there with pro-cholera, pro-measles and pro-schizophrenia.
10.Sarah Palin
No opinion. Even if McCain wins, what Vice President has ever left a mark?
Hmm, well since I have an opinion on nearly everything, and always take the opportunity to share it, why not! :)
Miley Cyrus.
A teen idol. Mildly annoying, but seems to have a brain. I only hope she doesn't waste it away and become a sad, drug-addicted adult.
Scene people/the whole Scene movement.
Oops, looks like I lied a teensy bit. I don't have an opinion on Scene, mostly because I've never even heard of Scene. Sounds dangerous, like Yuppies.
Fat people (not obese).
Depends on what we're calling fat. Mildly overweight? Really overweight? Well, not obese, as it notes, but a lot of people have nasty reactions to overweight people, and it annoys me. I feel that many of them should try harder to take better care of themselves, but then I feel that way about most people. :P
Obese people.
Often it's a medical condition, and it saddens me that more can't be done sometimes to aid their health. Unless of course they got to that weight through an addiction to food or something, in which case they need counseling and now!
Tall people.
Me. :) Eh, honestly? Not much, but we can reach higher shelves. ;)
Short people.
Micheal Hurst. lol! No, seriously. Not much. A lot of people are shorter than me, so what? Half my family is over 6-foot and the other half are short little French-Canadians. :)
Britney Spears.
Proof that the tabloids can and will destroy your life if you let them. Too much fame too young, and it doesn't help matters that her mother's a daft idiot.
A sign that you have troubles. If you don't get help, or at least talk to somebody sane and relatively good at listening, you could end up down an even worse path!
Pro-anorexia groups/sites.
Okay, so we've got people who actually encourage other people to damage their bodies in a manner that makes no sense at all? Great, I never would have imagined it. It's just misguided and stupid overall.
Sarah Palin.
I feel sorry for her family right now. Maybe she wants to be Vice President, maybe not, but I sincerely doubt the rest of her family enjoy having their life thrust into the public spotlight. Otherwise, so what? VP means less than Governor of Alaska actually.
1.Miley Cyrus
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
3.fat people (not obese)
not living to their full potential
4.obese people
full actualization
5.tall people
lack of oxygen…big dogs die young
6.short people
have nobody
7.Britney Spears
train wreck
crave attention and should take up widdling groups/sites
means more food for 3 and 4
10.Sarah Palin
Hottest political candidate ever
Miley Cyrus
Pop tart. The tweenies will forget about her when the newest Disney Channel Flavor of the Month comes around.
Scene people/The whole scene movement
Plenty of this in Philly. Main Line yuppies that think that they're cooler than you because they're part of a clique.
Fat people (not obese)
Sometimes changing your eating habits (stay away from soda) and walking will do the trick (Seems to be working for me).
Obese people
Most of the time its because of a medical condition and its just unfortunate.
Tall people
Get to play in the NBA. Have to watch their heads around doorways, ceiling fans, low-hanging lights, etc..
Short people
Get to be horse jockeys. Really hate those creeps that measure you to see if your tall enough to ride the roller coaster.
Britney Spears
The E-pit-o-me of train wreck.
That's just sick. Sad, sad people. There are better ways to get someone's attention.
Pro-anorexia groups/sites
Also known as Hollywood. Seriously!! It's like every actress that makes it big there eventually turns into a walking skeleton. Its not beautiful. Get help!!
Sarah Palin
Her teenage daughter got knocked up.
1.Miley Cyrus
Sounds like a pirate from a children's book.
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
Probably haven't found or experienced enough things in life to form their own opinions or interests.
3.fat people (not obese)
Cuddly and easy to outrun if you piss them off.
4.obese people
Try to make up for whatever they feel their life is lacking by filling themselves with food. Unfortunately this just makes whatever problems they had before worse.
5.tall people
Can reach things from the selves that I can't. Combined with a pretty face is a deadly concoction of hotness.
6.short people
I probably fit into this group. Get treated like children too often and all the best clothes and foods are always out of reach.
7.Britney Spears
An attention addict who's gone completely off the rails. Hope she properly sorts herself out fot her kids sake.
Really saddening when genuine. Disgusting when its done for attention. groups/sites
Pick on the most vulnerable in society and end up making themselves into hideous bone creatures.
10.Sarah Palin
I want more woman in influential roles… but why do they always pick the women I hate?
Dear God! I must be bored filling this out.
1. Miley Cyrus
I'm getting pretty mad that her concert tics are more expensive than Rush tics.
2. Scene people/ the whole scene movement
Isn't every music "scene" just a relapse of new wave? And didn't everybody hate that too?
3. Fat people (not obese)
We're just too tired to exercise after doing A REAL JOB! I wish I had a simple job that paid enough to afford a gym membership, and low impact enough that I wasn't so exhausted to use it.
4. Obese people
I'm still trying to figure out where these people get the money to afford as much food that it takes to reach 500 pounds. Oh, and their gross.
5. Tall people
Why would I have anything against someone's height? Not like they made the decision to be tall.
6. Short people
I'm kinda short, but if your not medically diagnosed a midget or dwarf, than it kind of freaks me out. WHY WON"T YOU GROW! AH!
7. Britney Spears
Just needs to stop. I've never liked her music, neither does 90 percent of America. I recently did the math, even though she'll sell a million records, thats only 0.35 percent of America. She's only still in the news because the tabloid loving fat chicks and queers of the world still give them money to keep it going. Hold up, I'll add this in for you guys tl;dr
8. Self Mutilation
There are tribes in far off countries where its a special right of passage to stick beads in your skin or burn your skin for religious ceremonies. That's kinda cool. Cutting yourself cause Susie didn't like your poem? Bugger off.
9. Pro-Anorexia groups/ Sites
So your saying they shut down anything with the word Marijuana in it, but they let those things stay up? Talk about priorities.
10. Sarah Palin
Got two things about her. One, it's cool all the change she did out in West Bumblefuck Alaska, but if that change had occured over the past 10 years without stop, I'd have more respect. A few months don't cut it.
Two, I know it's probably sexist, but I think McCain wanted his own gimmick. Obama is young and revolutionary (I won't say black, cause I don't care about that) so he needs to be "The maverick with a hot chick by his side!" He's like Robin Hood and Marianne only he's already rich and she's got more kids than the average population of the surrounding towns of Anchorage.
1.Miley Cyrus
I think she's fake & manufactured, but I don't hold it against her personally. I was embarrassed the other day to realize I was humming along to one of her songs.
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
Lame, but innocuous I guess.
3.fat people (not obese)
Something I don't want to be. I try not to be judgmental about it.
4.obese people
Lately I've come to view obesity as just another way for people to deal with their issues. It's probably an addiction.
5.tall people
No opinion really, unless they're 7+ feet, in which case I feel bad for them since they look out of proportion and die earlier.
6.short people
I feel kind of awkward standing next to them trying to have a conversation (I'm average height), especially if I'm wearing heels. I'd rather be on the same level.
7.Britney Spears
I was never into her when she was first popular (when I was in jr high), but lately I feel bad for her since she clearly has mental health issues and the media won't leave her alone.
First of all, a lot of people take offense at that term, and it's properly known as self-injurious behavior (or just self-injury). Secondly, it's really misunderstood, as I can see from a lot of the other posts. It's NOT about getting attention. It's a coping mechanism, granted, not a very good one. Anyone who cuts (or burns, or whatever) is in serious pain, and I don't mean physically. I strongly encourage any cutters who read this to Get Help. It really is possible to stop, even if you don't think you'll ever be able to quit. Also, as you're probably already aware, there are a lot of risks and side-effects, such as scars which will stay with you, and the risk or permanent damage if you cut a nerve. groups/sites
These sites aren't quite as bad as you think. On the one hand they do give tips for getting further into anorexia, but they also give tips for getting back out. In a way they can be seen as a support network for people who are suffering, but not in the most positive way that they could exist. Again, if you're ED, get help! It's dangerous and it's possible to recover and have a normal life!
10.Sarah Palin
Well, I think she's cute. But I don't agree with her on any position. And I'm so insulted that McCain thinks he can win over the Hillary holdouts because we just want to vote for someone with boobs. Grr.
1.Miley Cyrus
So? She can sing and she's cute. I liked her dad better.
2.Scene people/the whole Scene movement
Hey look I can have a group identity and be a poser!
3.fat people (not obese)
Eat healthy would you? You'd lose weight and live longer. The modern aesthetic is horrifically skewed and some people are healthiest overweight. Just be happy with who you are already and be eat healthy before you become:
4.obese people
Eat healthy would you? Have that heart attack and die already cause I want your stuff. ;)
5.tall people
How's the weather up there? Just as bad as down there.
6.short people
The song was by Randy Newman not Frank Zappa
7.Britney Spears
Good to see she's getting herself healthy again.
A mentally ill person's cry for help. groups/sites
A mentally ill person's cry for help. The healthy weight for people is about 20 pounds heavier than modern western culture's standard. We'd be better if we went back to the aesthetic of the 1950's
10.Sarah Palin
Monty Pythoner Michael Palin's younger sister! If she has any of his talent I'd vote for her. You sure she's not Tina Fey?
First of all, a lot of people take offense at that term, and it's properly known as self-injurious behavior (or just self-injury). Secondly, it's really misunderstood, as I can see from a lot of the other posts. It's NOT about getting attention. It's a coping mechanism, granted, not a very good one. Anyone who cuts (or burns, or whatever) is in serious pain, and I don't mean physically. I strongly encourage any cutters who read this to Get Help. It really is possible to stop, even if you don't think you'll ever be able to quit. Also, as you're probably already aware, there are a lot of risks and side-effects, such as scars which will stay with you, and the risk or permanent damage if you cut a nerve.
I have to disagree with you. I don't think everyone who cuts themselves just wants attention, obviously. I have a close friend who used to cut herself, and she really was in a lot of emotional pain. Then I had another friend who also cut himself, and it was obviously just for attention. The difference? The girl hid it for ages…I found out only when we became very close friends. And she got help. The guy showed me less than two weeks after I met him, and began telling me and even showing me every time he cut himself after that. We would be sitting in a big group of people(who he hardly knew) talking about soul mates or something, and I would say, "I don't really believe in them," and then he'd say, "I used to…" At this point we were annoyed with him but also worried, so we talked to some people who offered him help. He refused. And continued to tell us every time he cut himself. It seemed very obvious to me he was just trying to get attention.
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