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i'm looking for an artist to collaborate on a ZUDA entry with.

i've got a few ideas, one a fantasy story, one kind of sci-fi, and one that's more horror based, but not really something i'm sure i have the taste for yet.

the fantasy story involves going to sea(kind of magellean's circumnavigation set in a D&D inspired world), hopefully a good old fashioned adventure story. think along the lines of the aubry-maturin books, to get an idea of where i'd like to go. it's also the story with the completed eight page pitch script.

the sci-fi styled story is a near-future, somewhat military story. think… marines with mecha? action, opinions, and some good old fashioned machinery should make it fun. a manga-esque approach to mecha would probably be best, but it remains to be seen.

the horror story… the reaction i've gotten in the past has been fairly positive, and i have the first couple chapters mapped, but not really scripted. it's a bit rough on me to plan out, due to subject matter. but if you're into darkness, hell and monsters, it might be for you.

any interest, and i'll respond with pitches/scripts.