So last night I had come to bed late. My wife was in bed all ready snoozing. So as I slip into bed, my wife says, "Nice old man's outfit." I go, "Huh?" She then replies, "It looks awesome!" I respond again, "Huh?" She then states, "I love your 70's outfit! It looks hot! Heeeey!" and the "Heeey!" was drawn out in a holla'back girl fashion. In 2 seconds she was snoring. I laid there laughing as she sawed logs.
This is not the first time but thought it would be a good starting point to share stories of talkin' in your sleep or over hearing someone talkin' in their sleep.
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Talkin' In Your Sleep!
My brother talks in his sleep all the time - while it is nearly impossible to hear what he's saying, he goes on these long, rambling monologues while sleeping. Most of the time, it sounds like he's ordering people around. Once, he shouted "Potato!" in the middle of the night - which woke me up, on the other side of the house. Through two closed doors and three walls. Yeah.
As far as I know, I don't talk in my sleep. At least, no one's told me I do.
I walk, talk and move things in my sleep. I will get out of bed and be holding a conversation with someone and realize I'm asleep and what I'm saying makes no sense. Once when I lived in a bad neighborhood I kept a knife by my bed and in the morning found it on the other side of the room (I must've thrown it in my sleep). Someone I dated went through a window in his sleep. They're called waking dreams or night terrors and they're fuhreaky.
I've been sleep walking for years - I'd wake up halfway across town in my pajamas sometimes! In my old apartment, the lock would always stick, so when I was asleep, I guess I couldn't open it - and I'd wake up curled up on the floor in front of the door. In this current apartment, I haven't done the sleepwalking thing (knock on wood), and I've been here almost a year. It would be hysterical if it weren't so scary.
I think I mumble in my sleep, but nothing coherent or interesting.
I'm told that I sleep-talk quite a lot.
So extensively that I videotaped myself sleeping one night just to confirm all the crazy stuff they told me I said. Apparently (as my shrink explained it) my unconscious mind is so highly developed that it has created a universe for it self in Which I'm the emperor of a steampunk realm. They gave me crazy pills for it, but if I forget to take them I start ruling the realm in my sleep.
Really I'm not kidding.
My brother, sister, and father all talk in their sleep. And it really ticks me off some times. >=(
My Dad starts talking about random things in the night, my sister will talk like there's someone with her, and my brother talks so loud in bed that my Mom sometimes has to come all the way up stairs to make him shut up! >< A couple of days ago he yelled 'YOU SUCK!!!' really loudly in his sleep.
That did not please dah Ninny. D=<
Plus, my dog is a hhheeeeaaavvvyyy snorer. @_@
We had just gone to bed and minutes later, my girlfriend at the time suddenly said, "…and hand me the PostIt! notes." Confused I asked, "What???" She goes, "You know…the yellow ones that put up on the fridge like…", as she was lifting her arm up like she was putting a sticky note up, she stopped and went, "What the hell…OH MY GOD!"
I realized at that point she was talking in her sleep and woke herself up doing it. I tease her to this day (the only ex I ever talk to) about it.
I used to talk in my sleep – only when my dreams were intense, and I was screaming in them (often names of my close guy friends, which was weird, because I roomed with my sister and she had the *wrong* idea).
Funniest talking in sleep moment was my roommate Bethany in a shared hotel room during a trip. She rolled over and mumbled, "Whips can be fun."
I often have those highly detailed dreams, a small universe if you will. In those dreams, I'm often some shape-shifting Mage chick or something. And with me, there's always those reoccurring characters. A knight on a bike named Johan appears quite frequently out of all those reoccurring characters. I sometimes think that he might represent that masculine side of me, but then again I dunno.
Anyway, I remember one night my parents were staying the night… and my mom choose to stay in my bedroom on the floor. As seeing my dad was on the sofa snoring way too loudly for her tastes.
Anyway, I guess I must had been in one of my typical action packed dreams…because the next morning my mom told me that I was thrashing around in my sleep. And also mumbling nonsensical things. But I did keep on saying the name "Johan" in my sleep.
Apparently, my mom got the wrong idea, and asked me if I was seeing a boy without her knowing. -_-;;
only when i'm sleeping uncomfortably, or somewhere new…
my grandpa once told me that i sat up and had a full conversation with him…but i dont have any memory of doing that….
i remember one dream vividly….and at the end of it, when i turned to see what was chasing me….i heard a scream off in the distance….and my mom woke me up saying i was screaming in my sleep….
I've been told that I sleep talk a lot. I sleepwalk on occasion, too.
Things people said I said at camp.
"I'm an emo! (three times) SHUT THE FUP UP!" (I actually said Fup; there was no censorship involved in that quote.)
"WHAT THE F*CK" I censored that one. I don't know anyone that can pronounce an asterisk. I collapsed and went back to sleep after that.
"I wanna see the waffles."
As far as sleepwalking goes, I once wandered around my campsite looking for the campsite I was already in. (If that makes any sense.)
Most of the time, I just mumble really loudly.
I used to walk in my sleep, and then later to just talk. I don't seem to do it any more, except for a few periods when I have been really overtired and stressed. Apparently when I still lived at home (and worked 4 jobs trying to save money to move out), I walked into my mom's bedroom while she was reading and was trying to explain some nonsensical work-related procedure. When she told me to go to bed I got really angry and said things like 'but you don't understand!' She actually had to take me back to my room and tuck me into bed, then I was okay. :kitty:
this thread rawks >D hahaha, i talk in my sleep all the time. i've woken myself up many times, actually. isn't that bizzare? i've woken my self up by giggling, whimpering, saying very random things, but what takes the cake is when i was little, i had the words to this 80s jpop song "hohoemi no bakudon" memorized, and i was singing them so loudly in my sleep that i woke myself up. xD i've also heard my friends say some pretty hilarious things at sleepovers.
i used to have really odd boyfriend.
right before he fell asleep his body would always twitch it was weird…anyway.
When he was asleep he would sometimes sit up eyes open and say something along the lines of "the blahblahblah of the therom is the the philosophy of confabbilism"
he would just rattle of nonsense Einstein stuff and big words. We could have whole nonsense conversations …he would never ever remember.
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