I would just like to know what is the percentage… or if you believe in supernatural entities. Replies can be in numbers or in paragraph or outline format. up to you.
Since alot of comics in here feature them.
1) God
- 100%
2) Devils
- 100%
3) Angels
- 100%
4) Heaven and Hell
- 100%
5) Reincarnation and Karma
- Reincarnation… 40% Karma… 50%
6) Aliens
- 100% If there are no aliens, then the universe must be very small.
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
- Maybe around 50%. Back in the Philippines, there were NEWS STORIES about women's babies being sucked out by a manananggal (A Philippine type of vampire). But I never seen one or heard stories from people I knew who encountered them.
There is NO frankenstein or zombies.
8) Ghosts
- Around 80%. I heard family member stories about ghosts visiting them or appearing in dreams. But I never seen one before. If there is an afterlife, then ghosts must be real.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
- I don't believe in goblins and orcs… but I do believe in the possibility of dewendes (A Philippine type of elf) existing. I have faint memories of getting an incurable high fever as a kid. Medical doctors cant cure it. All I could remember was this old lady… and she was grinding some herbs in a bowl… and the smoke was getting in my face. And then the high fever was gone. Very blurry memories.
Whenever I walk in grassy areas back in the Philippines… and I see "anthills" that have a perfect dome shape… I say "tabi tabi po" (excuse me I'm just passing through… I dont plan to hurt you) because I might accidentally step on a dewende and get cursed. Dewendes are said to live in those kinds of things.
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
- Around 90%. I heard a story from my grandma that when she was in her late 20s… she was told that she would have two children and will be able to go abroad. It came true. Coincidence? Maybe.
I also remember one time I was in a very bad mood and I was standing at the back of the church. And then it was communion time (people have to go out and line up in the middle of the church to receive it)… and there was this woman who passed me.
For no reason at all, she jumped back in terror and was looking at me. Her boyfriend gave me a nasty look… as if I did something bad to her. I looked away from him because I dont wanna start a fight in church…
I mentioned this incident in a forum or maybe in one of my authors notes rants… and I got a pm from a woman claiming to be a "psychic" and was told I got this dark evil aura or something… thats just weird.
Though it could be argued that it was my body language that was causing people discomfort (bad mood) and that woman is highly sensitive.

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The Supernatural Survey...
1) God
- 5%. Existentialism and Neuroscience have me cognitively convinced, but something in me won't let go of "bigger purpose" ideas. Traditional "god" image, 0%.
2) Devils
- 0%
3) Angels
- 0%, though I love certain "angelic" ideas and really want to get some down in writing/art some time.
4) Heaven and Hell
- 0%
5) Reincarnation and Karma
- Wishful thinking% :P
6) Aliens
- 99%. It makes sense, but I don't think we're being visited, or that it's really possible to find out.
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
- 0.5%. I mean, to an extent I believe people see them, but they're cultural misinterpretations. Porphyria, hairy people, etc. And there -are- zombies on my campus, so… :P
8) Ghosts
- *sigh* I don't know anymore. I used to. I want to. I don't, I guess.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
- 0.5%, like #7. Also, hallucinations. Also, critters we haven't discovered yet.
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
- 99%. I've heard some great quantum theory extrapolations that account for psychic phenomena, and I've experienced enough in my life that it seems plausible. Not as a "supernatural" linkage or anything, just another kind of "radio wave" effect, if you will. I don't know, but I've heard good arguments.
1) God
2) Devils
Oh, si si.
3) Angels
4) Heaven and Hell
Of course.
5) Reincarnation and Karma
Ja, and jjjjaaaa!
6) Aliens
Would be pointless if there wasn't any.
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
Actaully, yes I do to be truthful. You never really know.
8) Ghosts
Yes, I've actually seened them. My house is haunted like that, ja.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
Again, yeah, I actually do belive in them.
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
Yep, I have a vvveerrryy small about of ability to do strang things, but its enough to do things. *Like, if I think of a list of songs I want to listen to, they'll be all planed in the order I think of on the radio.*
So yeah, I belive in them.
1) God
- 100%
2) Devils
- 100%
3) Angels
- 100%
4) Heaven and Hell
- 100%
5) Reincarnation and Karma
- Reincarnation… 70% Karma… 100%
Funny thing about Karma I've seen to many first hand incidences to dismiss it.
6) Aliens
- 63% They're out there, but I doubt I'll ever see them
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
- 90%.
I could see zombies existing in some form or another.
8) Ghosts
- Around 100%. one of the few things I believe in completely
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
- 95% I believe they existed at one point in history at least. I think they all died out though.
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
- 99%. Could be hocus pocus but I've had too many near experiences to dismiss them outright.
Too be sure I am a VERY skeptical person. I come from a default position that something is not real and proceed to investigate it until I've either proven or dispelled a thing.
I've got two replies for each listing because while intellectually I believe in none of these whatsoever, viscerally, where I cannot help myself, I believe somewhat in many of them.
By viscerally I mean that when it's dark and I don't know what may be nearby looking back at me, my credulity factor can sometimes elevate. It just so happens that once upon a time in my younger years I spent about a decade working alone and unarmed in very dangerous areas of a major metropolis. There were knee shaking, palm-moist times when I KNEW that devils and various evil creatures were stalking me in the darkness.
There were times when I swear I aged a year or two overnight. Invariably, however, come the dawn reengaged the intellect and then, of course, I knew that there were no such things as supernatural beasties in the darkness.
Intellectually and Viscerally
1) God
0% and 30%
2) Devils
0% and 60%
3) Angels
0% and 0%
4) Heaven and Hell
0% and 0%
5) Reincarnation
15% and 30%
100% and 100%
6) Aliens
100% and 100%
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
0 for each% and yet also 60% for each
8) Ghosts
0% and 100%
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
0% and 30%
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
0% both intellectually and viscerally, however I do believe in the sheer force of personality to generate the impression of these elements.
So that's the rough breakdown of intellect compared to BELIEF in the dark, but it can be quite entertaining to play with the concepts in fiction and cartooning.
1) God
- Whose? :3 I believe in the Divine Force, it just doesn't take the shape the monotheistic God.
2) Devils
- Absolutely not. Well, not in the supernatural sense; there are self-created devils and demons.
3) Angels
- These, on the other hand, I believe in, in a sense. I believe there are protective spirits around us that guide, guard, and aid us.
4) Heaven and Hell
- Nope. I believe in an afterlife, but not Heaven or Hell.
5) Reincarnation and Karma
- Yes, both. :D 100%.
6) Aliens
- "100% If there are no aliens, then the universe must be very small."
Agreed, fully. :D
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
- Nnnnnno- Well, uh, no. I think there are also dark spirits that try to harm us, but I don't believe in those creatures, not as they're popularly represented anyway.
8) Ghosts
- Yes. *shiver* Personal experience to account for.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
- No. I feel those are created in fantasy and live there. At least, if you're talking Tolkienesque versions.
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
Absolutely! I think more people are psychically inclined than they themselves realize. Sort of a "Dormant power", an atrophied muscle that we don't practice.
1) God
2) Devils
60% - In a way…
3) Angels
70% - In a way…
4) Heaven and Hell
….ehm, too complex to make a percentage. >_o
5) Reincarnation and Karma
Reincarnation… 0% Karma… 35%
6) Aliens
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
Vampires - 1% This may shock ya'll. Not saying there aren't crazies that drink blood, but monstrous/magical ones? Nah, probably not. Some old stories made me push it up to one percent though. XP
Werewolves - 0%
Demons - 50%…almost goes in the same category as devils for me…again "in a way".
Zombies - 0% …but I do think a zombie plague is possible, it would just be a hell of a long shot.
8) Ghosts
60% - Another complex one…I don't really believe that people 'hang out' after they're dead…I believe moreso in images/feelings that are left behind.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
0% ….unless there are aliens like these? No. XD
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
Psychic ability - 25% ….I believe in intuition; strong feelings…but not really outright predicting the future or "seeing all".
Chi/Chakra - 80% Inner power does exist, bitches.
1) God
- 5%
2) Devils
- 0%
3) Angels
- 0%
4) Heaven and Hell
- 3%
5) Reincarnation and Karma
- Reincarnation… 5% Karma… 10%
6) Aliens
- 80%
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
- 5% - The demonic creatures are called humans. I'm of Haitian descent, so I can't not believe in voodoo and shit.
8) Ghosts
- 2%
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
- 20%
Well even if I don't believe in them they're still fun to work with in a story.
1) God
- 0% Nup. Just nup.
2) Devils
- 0% Can't not believe God without not believing in devils.
3) Angels
- 0% I think I used to when I was really young.
4) Heaven and Hell
- 0%
5) Reincarnation and Karma
- Reincarnation… 0% Karma… 40% Odds are karma will occur.
6) Aliens
- 50% I dunno. Some water creatures on mars? Bacteria?
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
- 0% - People that are really into these things usually just annoy me. :/
8) Ghosts
- 0% Often wind.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
- 50% Some people have strange bonds. Twins for example.
With all those things it depends on how you define them personally, and given that; how likely you think it is that something matching the description of your definition might have once existed or is possible that it may yet exist.
For example, your "aliens" could fulfil every single one of those concepts. It's a very academic, intellectual exercise.
But, if we're going to be prosaic, and consider reality on a simpler level: the here and now, what we are able to discern with our senses, and our current knowledge of the world only (what is factually known and provable, not what is believed or speculated)- then the answer to all is zero percent.
Personally, I'd have to say I just don't know. Extra terrestrial life is very possible, and we don''t know all there is to know about the nature of the universe and reality in general by a long shot, so a lot of things beyond our current understanding are also very possible. But I don't encounter any of those things in my day to day life except possibly knowing ahead of time the result of certain random events occasionally, so there's nothing to make me believe in them except belief itself, and so I don't believe.
I still speculate though -intelligent speculation isn't belief.
Agreed, Ozone…that being said, I'm game for a survey =)
1) God
In the definition of a supreme being or beings, then 100%. I don't think there's a single religion out there that has it completely right in the definition or concept of "God."
2) Devils
Um…maybe about 50%. I subscribe mostly to the Christian faith, but my mind doesn't fully accept the ideas of "benevolent, loving, forgiving God" and "hell." I'm very wishy-washy about this.
3) Angels
50% again - I think this depends on the day. Again, I'm very wishy-washy about what happens after death.
4) Heaven and Hell
75% - I'm not a big believer in Hell…it's really hard to think that there's anyone out there who really, truly deserves eternal torment.
5) Reincarnation and Karma
Oooh, a tough one. Karma 100% - that's just the natural flow of things - but I think this is only because we WANT to believe in connections like this. Reincarnation…um, 50%. It's the wishy-washy thing again.
6) Aliens
100% - I think it's pretty selfish to believe we're the ONLY living creatures in the entire universe.
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
0% - Nah - they're fun to read about or think about, but I don't think they're factual.
8) Ghosts
60% - There's a grain of truth in every joke, and I joke about being haunted by ghosts or infested with poltergeists enough that I can't really discount them.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
0% - *snort*
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
Um…50% - I think you develop bonds with people (twins, best friends, soulmates, whatever) that can be misconstrued as psychic ties…but what do I know, eh?
1) God
89% I would be extremely surprised if there wasn't a god, but it is possible.
2) Devils
5% I only give it any because so many cultures have believed in them, but that is just human nature really. This at least goes for how we, as humans, think of them.
3) Angels
5% Same as devils.
4) Heaven and Hell
2% I just do. Afterlife on the other hand I feel 80%.
5) Reincarnation and Karma
Reincarnation: 60% in some form. Complete= 10%
Karma: Not necessarily the with the little things, but because of God, definetly some at some times.
6) Aliens
89% Universe=INFINITE.
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
8) Ghosts
In some form- 20%
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
89% but it is explainable by science.
1) God
100% (though not a physical entity, and not as something specific to a single religion)
2) Devils
100% (again, not physical, but as a force)
3) Angels
100% (same as God/devils)
4) Heaven and Hell
100% (in the abstract concepts – though not necessarily as places where souls go)
5) Reincarnation and Karma
Don't really care, though my brother accuses me of being too generous/gullible and I shrug it off as "building karma"
6) Aliens
Depends on the definition.
~The basic biological definition of life = 99% (include viruses, and the number is higher!)
~Humanoid = 0.0001%
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
Are we being all supernatural here or discussing the actual genetic diseases that cause hairgrowth and extreme sensitivity to UV radiation? Of course I "believe" in the actual things that these myths were exaggerated from and based on – but I don't believe in the "monsters" of literature outside the realm of exaggeration and imagination.
8) Ghosts
Like karma/reincarnation, I just don't care.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
0% (See #7)
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
I believe that people and/or animals can be more sensitive to some things (electrical fields, temperature, odors, facial expressions) and pick up on or interpret those. I don't believe there is some kind of "additional" senses or signals that are beyond scientific comprehension.
Wow, I have very few uncertainties these days. I used to keep all my beliefs in the 60's to 80's%… I guess it's because I have relaxed my definitions of all those things from the traditional story book crap of my youth.
1) God
- 20%
2) Devils
- 100%
3) Angels
- 100%
4) Heaven and Hell
- 100%
5) Reincarnation and Karma
- 100%
6) Aliens
- 100%
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
- 50
8) Ghosts
- Around 80%. I heard family member stories about ghosts visiting them or appearing in dreams. But I never seen one before. If there is an afterlife, then ghosts must be real.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
- 50
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
- 80
1) God
- 15%
There may be some form of Higher Power(s) out there… but I highly doubt it's the monotheistic "bearded and robed Old Man" whose face you rarely see. I think by now He would have shaved.
2) Devils
- 15%
I consider them to be the little voice in the back of your head telling you to do something that you know isn't wise/right. If you listen to it, then it's on you, no matter who/what you blame.
3) Angels
- 15%
This would be the opposite voice. I know it sounds cliche, but there are times those little voices have kept me from doing some things that I wouldn't be terribly proud of.
4) Heaven and Hell
- 35%
I think that the super/sub conscious minds that make up your 'soul' has to end up -somewhere-… I just don't believe that is the prescribed ideal of Heaven is a lovely happy place among the clouds, and Hell is a dank festering pit of suffering.
5) Reincarnation and Karma
- 65% on reincarnation, and 110% on karma.
I've had karma bite people in the ass in the same day. And it does it to me all the time.
And I'd so rock the Wheel of Reincarnation. Keira Knightly's panties be damned!
6) Aliens
- 45%
I'm sure that some form of sentient life exists somewhere else. I mean… all you really -need- are the right kinds of amino acids, protein chains, and the right environment.
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
- Medically 60% Supernaturally 45%
There are too many genetic anomalies and herbal poisons out there.
8) Ghosts
- 95%
I've had what I can consider 'personal experience' on this… but it might just be mental impressions left by the families that used to own my house. You never know.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
- 15%
It's possible that there are things that science hasn't caught up with yet…
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
- 95%
I'm phone psychic. (I know who's calling… or at the very least, who it's for, even when I can't even see the phone.)
Everyone has some kind of personal energies (or at the very least, the ability to manipulate the very small electrical field that comes from having a heartbeat.)
man, a lot of people are either pretty convinced or not at all in the belief of these things. so i'll have to go:
1) God
2) Devils
3) Angels
4) Heaven and Hell
5) Reincarnation and Karma
6) Aliens
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
8) Ghosts
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
there, now if they do exist, i could say i told you so, and if they don't, i can still say it.
1) God
- 80% something or someone must have created us
2) Devils
- 10% sounds like bull actually
3) Angels
- 50% kinda unsure
4) Heaven and Hell
- 20% we must go somewhere
5) Reincarnation and Karma
- Reincarnation… 60% Karma… 30%
6) Aliens
- 70% no proof about it exsisting or not exsisiting
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
- 20% i think maybe theyre all jus fiction not sure tho
8) Ghosts
- about 90-95%
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
- 30% just mithical
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
- 80% seen em on tv
1) God
2) Devils
3) Angels
4) Heaven and Hell
5) Reincarnation and Karma
Yeah. I believe in past lives and fate/destiny. …In college I would put splattered blood all over my paintings, and my art professor used to say I was a warrior in my past life. Which was cool with me, because I was a huge Xena fan at the time.
6) Aliens
Fuck yeah. If we were the only ones out there, I would be damn lonely.
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
…Would I be drawing a succubus if I didn't?
8) Ghosts
I can sense ghosts, actually. The ones I sense are usually not very nice. They scream in my face and tug at my jacket and throw things.
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
I draw them a lot, but I don't think they exist on this plane of reality. They're around, but not here, if that makes any sense.
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
Not really. I'm not into all that "one body, one mind" new age/crystal reiki crap. I had a friend who was, and she got out a drum and started playing the drum all over my body with a freakin' feather. I started laughing hysterically and left. She probably thought I had demons in me.
1) God
2) Devils
See (1).
3) Angels
See (1).
4) Heaven and Hell
See (1).
5) Reincarnation and Karma
See (1).
6) Aliens
Gotta be something somewhere, surely!
7) Vampires, Werewolves, and other demonic creatures
See (1).
8) Ghosts
See (1).
9) Goblins, Orcs, Elves, etc…
Well … the ones in LotR looked pretty real, so …
No, not really. See (1).
10) Psychic abilities/ chi / chakra
Probably not in as wild a form as many would like to think but, yeah, all that unused brain matter has to be good for something, doesn't it?!
100%-(our spark of life, our true creator)
100%-(pun intended) hell yeah
Heaven and Hell
100%-according to life standards, people are sent based on their life
Reincarnation and karma
50%, and 75%-reincarnation is possible, karma can and probably will happen
100%-where do you think our DNA sequence came from
Vampires, werewolves, and others
Demons-100% (I have one in my soul)
Zombies-25% (a virus that reanimates the dead tissue is quite possible)
100%-there is too much proof to deny their excesstance.
Goblins, orcs, elves, etc.
25%-also they may have lived on Earth at one point and time, many parts to lagends and myths are based on facts
Psychic abilities/chi/chakra
Psychic abilities-100% premonition is my main psychic ability
Chi/chakra-(same thing guys, it's also called aura) 100%, I can also see the electric aura of people, so I can prove that it is real. I also am stronger than is physically possible for a person of my size, so yeah, I agree.
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