Bleh. I was going to make this into a youtube rant but my mum did a wee linedance that she wants to show off to her friends at work so she stoleded my camcorder. >_>
anyways, this is something that has REALLY pissed me off.
Okay, so anime fans out there are definitely familiar with the likes of J-pop and J-rock, whether you like it or hate it. People who often watch subbed animes with the original japanese opening songs will be in agreement with me that quite a lot of recent animes have J-pop/J-rock songs that contain a few english words. For example, Lucky Star: "Let's get cherry pie", Death note: "Human(ningen) sucker/Human(ningen) fucker/WHAT'S UP PEOPLE?", Azumanga Daioh: "Raspberry Heaven"…bleh, too many to even note. One of my friends is a huge fan of morning musume, and they too also do this.
Now, I know it's because they are aware that their music is appealing westerners, so they use english words, despite they don't realise what context they have used it in, or are simply not aware of what the word actually means. I'm sure some of you are perhaps fans of Gaijin smash, and he too gave a good example of t-shirts that contain english logos that they do not even know what they mean (the whole "I love the kids" shirt, or a Morning Musume band member, wearing a shirt saying "Show me your breasts" ). Okay, now this is all fine and dandy, and quite spiffy in ways…
I'm not wearing any shirts that have japanese slogans, nor have I any tatoos of japanese symbols that are meant to represent "Love" or "peace" or that kind of crap. but I at LEAST know a few, simple words and phrases, thanks to befriending a japanese exchange student! Now, I'm not entirely keen on learning languages, not being a linguistic person, but I feel it is polite to at least know something in their language. In fact, when I recited a few lines from anime songs I've heard, she smiled and giggled, saying it was "kawaii!(cute)" that I was singing in her language.
So why is it when I apply this, I get flamed for being "wapanese" or some sort of "poser"? What I find slightly MORE deranged is that I have been flamed by WESTERNERS of this. I can understand if it were asian people that were offended by butchering their language, but instead I have a majority of 13-year old whiny american emo guys telling me to stop pretending to be something I'm not and quit trying to be japanese.
Now, am i right to finally conclude this with: WTF?

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Wapanese posers?
Well if being flamed pisses you off making a youtube rant of all things doesn't seem like the way to go.
Also, while in Japan it's socially acceptable to wear shirts or whatever with nonsense English phrases, it's not really the norm in the states. The US is just an intolerant country, plain and simple. We always have been, and we will be for a long time. So for us to see some crazy Japanese character on an anime nerd's shirt we're more likely to call someone out. It's like comparing apples to oranges I'm afraid.
Although to be perfectly honest I only read about half of your post and skimmed the rest, as this whole anime thing confuses me. All I know is FLCL is the sex, and Berserk is one of the most badass things ever. :/
It's because you're an anime fan. A lot of people think that the kind of people who like anime and can speak a few phrases are trying to be japanese or just trying too hard to be something they aren't. Interestingly enough, those who are not such fans of anime aren't considered to be trying.
At least that's the only explanation I can think of from personal experience someone like myself who speaks it somewhat fluently isn't made fun of while another person with the same fluency and an anime obsession is.
Both countries involved here have far different standards. Like lefarce said, it's apples to oranges. And if you don't want to get flamed, the internet is not the proper place.
I find hit humorous when they put english words in the anime songs.
But I find it more hilarious to put lame japanese.
Filipino song making fun of Japanese
Domo Arigato…
Toshiba Adokodeska
Sashimi wasabe tempura
sayaka koji kabuto…
kita kita sa tokyo
American song making fun of Japanese
sou jaboiapinaiyo
Wamikranki wamiyo
wamikranka sou jaboiasupaman daiho
awamiyuuuu!!!! AWAMIYYUUUUU!!!! UUUUUGGGHHHH!!!!
Ya kno wut I sayin?
lately, thanks to the intertubes and stuff, english has become practically the most important language worldwide, and it's by a large degree the most useful language to learn… it's not surprising that it's become a major component in juvenile japanese culture, a culture that's undergone an exponential process of occidentalization in the last, say, fifty years (plus, add the fact that it's 'trendy', blah blah yadda yadda).
on the other hand, in europe and USA, japanese culture is often associated with commercially abused and tipically not up-to-par crappy animation products (the last ones being Naruto, Bleach, etc.). so yeah, the risk of showing interest in japan is being tagged as 'weirdo', 'nerd', or 'wapanese'.
that being said, if you're going around randomly throwing "kawaii!", "~desu" or "konnichiwa" just for the sake of it, you're a moron and you deserve all the bitching you're getting… but I suppose it's not your case.
by the way: FLCL should become mandatory school subject!
Subarashii chinchin mono
Kintama no kame aru
Sore no oto ha sarubobo
Iie! Ninja ga imasu
Hey hey let's go kenka suru
Taisetsu no mono protect my balls!
Boku ga warui so let's fighting…
Let's fighting love!
Let's fighting love!
Kono uta chotto baka
Wake ga wakaranai
Eigo ga mechakucha
Daijobu? We do it all the time!
Hey hey let's go kenka suru…
Screw what they think. If they flame you, so what? I think every anime fan has been flamed at one point. It's just something you should accept. YOu like what you like, you do what you do. Don't let someone who's intolerant call you a poser or put you in any sort of catagory. It's hard to escape from that kinda thing in high school,but just remember that most of those kids are hypocrits anyway
Yeah, I get you're coming from. It's like English has this certain je nous se quoi that only wants you to use English only. You can see it in any of your Bildingsroman that the characters must always speak in one language, despite being from different cultures. It's not like we steal words from other countries and languages, e.g. it's not like we use Latin words or phrases to show an example or tell you whether it is morning or night. That's just silly, my amigo. I mean, come on, it's doesn't mean that businesses are wapanese just because they use kanban, or that we're Epanish when we play Uno.
But no, the English language's coup de grace is that it is English, and nothing more. It shouldn't be in Latin, or in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish or anything else. Right?
Well if being flamed pisses you off making a youtube rant of all things doesn't seem like the way to go.heh, tell me something I don't know. XD but it's not the flaming that pisses me off, it's the fact thatwhat they are saying is very hypocritical (I usualy don't listen to flamers. all they say is "ur a fag gtfo the internet"). Also, coming from a different country with different standards, it is hard to understand where these americans are getting it from. In my country, anime is not popular at all, so getting my grubby paws on mangas and DVDs is indeed very difficult. But because we come from a GREAT multicultural society, no one would ever assume you were being a "poser" by speaking another language. If anything, they would be interested. I don't mean to insult americans, but they always seem to be the backbone of things like this. NOT EVERY american, before any patriot starts arguing about how much Bush is great and it's okay for them to be fighting in Iraq. o3o
Also, while in Japan it's socially acceptable to wear shirts or whatever with nonsense English phrases, it's not really the norm in the states. The US is just an intolerant country, plain and simple. We always have been, and we will be for a long time. So for us to see some crazy Japanese character on an anime nerd's shirt we're more likely to call someone out. It's like comparing apples to oranges I'm afraid.Heh heh. But now I'm probably be accused of some sort of racial abuse if I were to agree about the americans, since I come from another country. o3o Like I said, it wouldn't happen and never does happen over here. but then again, anime is not hugely popular. But it is this intolerance that annoys me the most, not the flaming. I was simply using flaming as in being shouted at over the internet, since I don't exactly come face to face with americans. Probably a good reason for that too.
Although to be perfectly honest I only read about half of your post and skimmed the rest, as this whole anime thing confuses me. All I know is FLCL is the sex, and Berserk is one of the most badass things ever. :/At least you were honest :'D
It's because you're an anime fan. A lot of people think that the kind of people who like anime and can speak a few phrases are trying to be japanese or just trying too hard to be something they aren't. Interestingly enough, those who are not such fans of anime aren't considered to be trying.Yeah. I guess you're right about that. But I still don't understand that if my japanese friend was more than happy to teach me a few japanese words (I will NEVER start reciting japanese songs or learn japanese from the internet, because I feel that is very impolite) while people who aren't japanese take it the wrong way.
At least that's the only explanation I can think of from personal experience someone like myself who speaks it somewhat fluently isn't made fun of while another person with the same fluency and an anime obsession is.
Both countries involved here have far different standards. Like lefarce said, it's apples to oranges. And if you don't want to get flamed, the internet is not the proper place.
for me, it's like when I go on holiday, particularly in spain. I like to have a wee phrase book wi me because most spanish people find it quite pleasing when foreingers come on holiday but are being polite by speaking there language, even if it's simply please or thank you. That would be the only time I think I would want to know japanese phrases, but there is no need so I don't even try. The only time I sing along to anime songs is in my bedroom when I'm watching them by myself. I don't think I could put anyone in a position where they had to hear me sing x_____X;
Screw what they think. If they flame you, so what? I think every anime fan has been flamed at one point. It's just something you should accept. YOu like what you like, you do what you do. Don't let someone who's intolerant call you a poser or put you in any sort of catagory. It's hard to escape from that kinda thing in high school,but just remember that most of those kids are hypocrits anywaythe funny thing is I don't get it at school. :'D
I get it from people over the interwerbz, because no one in my country could give two shits. >_>
But no, the English language's coup de grace is that it is English, and nothing more. It shouldn't be in Latin, or in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish or anything else. Right?And yes, I agree with you completely.
It just annoys me with people's intolerance. So many of our words have definitely derived from another language (for example, dentist comes from french. there are obviously tonnes, but this is the one that seemed to stick in my head the most o3o )
But if people want to be dumbasses, I should let them. o3o
Screw what they think. If they flame you, so what? I think every anime fan has been flamed at one point. It's just something you should accept. YOu like what you like, you do what you do. Don't let someone who's intolerant call you a poser or put you in any sort of catagory. It's hard to escape from that kinda thing in high school,but just remember that most of those kids are hypocrits anywaythe funny thing is I don't get it at school. :'D
I get it from people over the interwerbz, because no one in my country could give two shits. >_>
You're worried about what someone over the internet thinks of your interests?
Like what Mishi said, screw them. They aren't worth your attention or concern.
It's like English has this certain je nous se quoi that only wants you to use English only.
you mean "je ne sais quoi"? :P
Oh, you're a sharp one.
Funny thing, really. When I 'sing' anime openings and stuff, I usually sing them in English, so when I sing Hare Hare Yukai, I use the 'English version' of it instead of 'Nazonazo mitai ni chikyuugi wo tokiakashitara' or whatever it is. My friends find that weird. :/
But I'm azn so nobody would tell the difference. :P
No… He probably means the raison d'etre of the English language :)
I love it when people think it's American…
NikiPaprika, I think your problem is that morons use it as a short-cut to putting you down. Certain imbeciles, and other weak narcissistic people live to justify their own existence by trying to put others down in order to make themselves feel and look superior.
-The trouble is that most are indeed imbeciles and not very good at insults. They' pick generic stuff like looks, anime, spelling Fury, sexual orientation, skin tone, whatever.
Be content in the fact that it's generic and meaningless. If you're in a position where you can ignore the idiots; do so.
If not, beat the living **** out of them ^_^
Now, I know it's because they are aware that their music is appealing westerners, so they use english words, despite they don't realise what context they have used it in, or are simply not aware of what the word actually means. I'm sure some of you are perhaps fans of Gaijin smash, and he too gave a good example of t-shirts that contain english logos that they do not even know what they mean (the whole "I love the kids" shirt, or a Morning Musume band member, wearing a shirt saying "Show me your breasts" ). Okay, now this is all fine and dandy, and quite spiffy in ways…
Don't mean to peeve you or rattle your chain… but, I have been here in Japan for over 12 years now, and English words are in just about EVERY song here, not just for appealing to westerners… Many artist ues English words because they think it emphasizes the point… or just to sound cool.
The same way that people have Kanji t-shirts in western countries… It's cool!
Many artist ues English words because they think it emphasizes the point… or just to sound cool
I liked your point here and I wanted to point out that it seems perfectly fine these days to use foreign words to emphasize something or to seem cool or simply have fun. I tend to sprinkle random foreign words in my dialog occasionally… saying gracias instead of thank you and so on.
But the problem seems unique to english speakers using japanese words. I think it may be due to the influx of all this japanese culture these days and the sterotypes of japan/anime-obsessed people that always attempt to speak japanese, draw anime, defend japan as being superior to America or whatever country in every way possible, think asian people are more beautiful, politer, and whatever than any other race… etc etc.
So as long as japanese is correlated with those types of people, the problem will persist for a bit, I think. But if you show off your awesome non-japanese obsessed self, people should back off. :)
It's most likely because there are, quite simply, a truckload of anime fans who randomly chuck Japanese into totally everything in a way which annoys people.
It's kind of weird fun sometimes, such as when an author named her character Kuso without any idea what it meant. No, really.
Hey, you like Japanese culture and anime. There's nothing wrong with any of that. People are just rude because they don't like anime, so they give other people hell for it. This also applies to many other things.
And don't listen to emo people. They're insecure enough to be mad at everyone that enjoys something.
But what I really think sparks the idea of 'Wapanese' are the people that actually have a sick obsessions. Dressing in japanese school uniforms every day, attempting to have a japanese accent, speaking of only anime (an japanese related subjects), proclaiming to be japanese and named neko, and bowing down to a shrine of anime characters would be classified as wapanese. Now, to my understanding, you may be interested in anime and japanese music, but it's not that big of a deal. Trust me, I have seen people that do all of those things. You're not even close to the stereotype.
But it's not like any of us should listen to stereotypes, anyway. They are a waste of time. Even the kids that are sickly obsessed shouldn't care, and do what they want. The last time I checked, every man that cries is apparently an emo fag. Even if they cry about something very important to them. Are they emo? 99%, no. The stereotype expands itself and wraps around all people that have a whisker in relation, and are thrashed because of the stupidity of society.
So don't listen to them. Live your life the way you want to. People have nothing better to do.
There's a red disc in my Renga Studio logo that's supposed to be an "O"; can you guess what it represents? You got it (if you get it, that is)! Hello, and konnichiwa! It is I, Renga, and I'm a BIG fan of Japanese culture, be it modern, popular, or traditional. As an anime fan, my list of favorite anime seldom changes, it just grows (There're about 100 different anime I'm a fan of; it's a ridiculously long list!). 8D
I enjoy listening to anime soundtracks on the computer while I'm creating comics or pictures using the manga technique (It gets my creative mangaka juices flowing). Sometimes, my family would wonder why I listen to those Japanese lyrics when I have absolutely no idea what they mean. And that's understandable. B)
However, all that changed one day when someone on the internet said that people who enjoy listening to anime soundtracks–and think that counts as real music–are pathetic otaku (How could it not be real music, I thought; I mean, I can hear it, can't I?). Being the naive, young (and at that moment, distraught) anime fan I was, I rashly deleted all my anime soundtracks forthwith. After that, I became somewhat depressed because I really liked those tunes, and without them, I couldn't feel creative, and, well, "j-poppy". :( Sure, I could listen to actual Japanese contemporary music like normal Japanese people would, but then I would feel really disconnected from the aesthetic feeling I wanna feel when creating manga-inspired art and stories.
You see, when I listen to music from Japanese cartoons, I sometimes visualize the opening or closing animation if it's a theme song, or a certain scene in an episode if it's an insert song or background music. And sometimes, I imagine my characters in place of the original ones in the animation that accompanies the music I'm listening to. It's also a good and fun way to familiarize myself with the Japanese language (I've already picked up a few words and phrases!).
It wasn't long before I downloaded anime soundtracks to replace the ones I deleted. As my list of favorite anime eventually got longer, so did the playlist of its respective soundtracks on my media player. I even went as far as to buy a Galaxy Fraulein Yuna music CD, because the soundtrack is exceedingly rare on the internet, and I like Chisa Yokoyama's cute singing voice that much! :kitty:
Speaking of Japanese women, I've met a one once who told me that she really liked my comic, which she classified as a boy's comic (That's what it was, all right!). Unlike what most westerners would usually do, not once did she ever say that I was trying to be Japanese. Once the comics my characters will be based on get published someday, I'll be sending her free copies! :)
I'm not at all Japanese, Niki, but I'm definitely proud of my ethnicity and nationality; and I bet you are too! That being said, who's to say what we should and shouldn't like? What're they (the detractors) trying to do; control our tastes so that advertisers can target us more effectively or something? :mad: And nobody honestly believes you're trying to be Japanese; that's ridiculous! I mean, I myself am trying to get everyone on the DrunkDuck forums to believe that I'm a mad scientist who's constantly obsessed with controlling the forums' weather with a weather machine, and you don't honestly believe that I am, do you?
I asked you a question, Niki Paprika.
If someone calls you a "Wapanese poser" in the future…. Smile and say..
no I'm not I'm a Japanophile …
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