If you're anything like me, you envy people who have trouble -gaining- weight.
I thought it'd be nice to know what works and doesn't from you guys. What're your plans for the future, and what has worked best in the past? Maybe you'll pick up something usefeul here.
You don't -have- to answer these, but it'll start up an interesting conversation, maybe.
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
3. How much have you lost?
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
5. What's your motivation to lose?
( If you're trying to gain or maintain, adapt those questions to your situation. )

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Weight Loss
For me:
1. I'm working on running on my treadmill for 30 minutes thrice a week.
2. About 70 lbs. -Cringe-
3. 10. It's hard to get below that, though…
4. I've tried the Hoodia patch and it didn't do a thing. Also, don't make excuses for yourself. It's horrible. And try to get someone to support you…
5. My girlfriend and just being uncomfortable in general.
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?
20 minutes on an eliptical bike, 5 times a week. I'd like to add some weight training to that too.
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
50 pounds.
3. How much have you lost?
15 pounds.
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
It's a good, no great idea to see your doctor first, especially if you have any medical problems. And if you don't, its still a good idea just to get on the right diet/lifestyle plan. Fad diets will ruin you.
5. What's your motivation to lose?
A healthier me! And it'd be cool to be Batman's weight.
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?
i try to go about 3 times a week, averaging about an hour each…
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
10-15 pounds (down to 150)
3. How much have you lost?
0, i've basically just maintained…but the belly did get trimmed when i increased my time running…
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
well, straight lifting will actually cause you to gain weight.
5. What's your motivation to lose?
i just like how i looked…and i've also put a couple inches on the belly that i really dont like…
1. Not very often–I'm on the computer a lot. This is the main reason why I haven't lost any weight lately. My husband and I just bought bikes, and as soon as the weather gets warmer we are anxious to excercise a lot more often.
2. Eventually I'd love to lose 50 pounds or so. I went to Curves for about half a year and the way they have the machines set up is kinda embarassing. You just sit in a circle and stare at each other and don't talk while you work out.
3. I just got off of the "No White Foods" diet and lost 3 pounds in a week. I didn't do any exercise in that week, so I'm sure I could have lost more. But as good as it sounds, it was a very restrictive diet. How many restaurants do you know serve brown rice, hold the butter, or serve buns made from whole wheat flour? (even if it says "wheat bread", it doesn't mean it's made from whole wheat flour.) Even at home, it was hard to make a variety of dinners & lunches with the limited menu. I had that problem with a lot of the diets.
4. I've been on lots of diets–Atkins, Rotational (chicken & fish & chicken), South Beach, No White Foods, etc. Nothing really works for me. I'm hypothyroid. which is the opposite of hyperthyroid (basically, my metabolism is super-slow)…that, combined with the fact that a prescription I take has a side effect of gaining weight.
My husband and I are now trying the "eat less, move around more" approach to living. Because, let's face it–diets make you just plain miserable.
5. Just to be a little more healthy in general. I like the way I look (I've gotten past the whole angsty "I hate myself" crap). I've got a viewpoint of "Live like today was your last day alive" kinda thing, so this is my theory: I figure if you're gonna get hit by a truck on your way home from work today, you might as well die fat and happy, eating the foods you want to eat–than skinny and miserable, eating artificially-flavored cardboard sticks.
Hey neat thread! I've gotten quite skinny/fit, but I wasn't always this way:
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?
I have an exercise trampoline and I'm addicted to jumping on it during music.
It also helps up my creativity.
During summer I go for jogs with my dog, exercise to fitTV, and abwork.
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
I've stored up 2 lbs this winter, need to get me flat tummy back. XP
3. How much have you lost?
Freshman year I was size 11, now I'm size 5.
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
Get a big mirror. Put pics of skinny fit chicks(or men) on it.
Jog with a partner, animal or not. Also music will up your energy.
Get an exercise trampoline for your room.
Eat right- I usually have 4-6 small meals a day instead of biggies.
Diets Only work if you exercise. Sorry it's the truth, HARBL as that is.
(If you have that viewpoint 'Live like today was your last day alive' like Lastcall; your set, no weight loss could make you feel as fulfilled as that! )
Well uh, hopefully someone somewhere found this helpful. :)
Chunky peeps don't know how good they got it. Seriously.
Maybe our culture makes you think being chubby is bad for you, but it's only really bad when you have a "big" problem with it. -pardon the pun.
A lot of the time it's just vanity and aesthetics.
But looking too thin is just as icky, and worse for your health than looking a little chunky.
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?
I exercise at least a little everyday. 20-30 minutes at least. Usually power walking.
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
Don't have a set goal.
3. How much have you lost?
I don't keep track…>>;
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
Don't blame your not losing weight on your lack of self control. If you want to not eat so much junk and/or get off the couch and get some exorcise, you will.
5. What's your motivation to lose?
Cause of some awesome clothes I want and so I can feel better about myself.
Chunky peeps don't know how good they got it. Seriously.
Maybe our culture makes you think being chubby is bad for you, but it's only really bad when you have a "big" problem with it. -pardon the pun.
A lot of the time it's just vanity and aesthetics.
But looking too thin is just as icky, and worse for your health than looking a little chunky.
4. I've been on lots of diets–Atkins, Rotational (chicken & fish & chicken), South Beach, No White Foods, etc. Nothing really works for me. I'm hypothyroid. which is the opposite of hyperthyroid (basically, my metabolism is super-slow)…that, combined with the fact that a prescription I take has a side effect of gaining weight.
How did the South Beach and Atkins work for you? South Beach was fine for me for maintaining, but only after doing the Atkins for 4 months did I really lose anything. Of course, overindulgance in the Mrs' sweets got me into trouble again.
4. I've been on lots of diets–Atkins, Rotational (chicken & fish & chicken), South Beach, No White Foods, etc. Nothing really works for me. I'm hypothyroid. which is the opposite of hyperthyroid (basically, my metabolism is super-slow)…that, combined with the fact that a prescription I take has a side effect of gaining weight.
How did the South Beach and Atkins work for you? South Beach was fine for me for maintaining, but only after doing the Atkins for 4 months did I really lose anything. Of course, overindulgance in the Mrs' sweets got me into trouble again.
With both diets, I lost 10 pounds in a week, and then I plateaued (meaning, I stopped losing weight). According to the Atkins book, the plateauing was due to my hypothyroid (slow metabolism). So it was pretty disappointing. …Which is why I'm going towards the "Eat less, move around more" mentality now.
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?
Three to four times a week.
Each session is thirty minutes to an hour long. I vary the work out each time. One day I work biceps and chest, the next time might be triceps and back. The next day is different and I run every other day for two to three miles.
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
I'm staying the same weight, but losing body fat. Last body fat check was 17% body fat at 163lbs.
3. How much have you lost?
I've lost over 10% body fat
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
Find someone to work out with. Working out by yourself sucks and tends to make me feel awkward. Also, running alone is boring, so if you can find someone to run with, do it.
Also, when you don't feel like working out, that's when you really need to get off your ass and hit it hard. Force yourself and don't be lazy.
5. What's your motivation to lose?
Health and safety. I'm in law enforcement, so it's a matter of life and death for me. If I'm out of shape, I could die faster in a fight rather than have a chance.
Also, it gives you energy, makes you feel good, and helps me to relieve stress, effectively helping me sleep.
I keep up with yoga a few times a week, and I have a gym membership that's tragically going to waste. I could stand to lose a few pounds, but that's purely for aesthetics. I'm in great shape though I may not look it.
A fun tip for people who need communities and the support that those provide:
http://www.sparkpeople.com offers a similar service to WeightWatchers online, but they're FREE. It's a great community for those looking to lose or gain or maintain, etc.
My motivation to lose? Um…I don't really have a valid one ^.^ I guess to be more aesthetically pleasing to myself?
Find someone to work out with. Working out by yourself sucks and tends to make me feel awkward. Also, running alone is boring, so if you can find someone to run with, do it.
I second this. I exercised alone when I went to Curves and it was very awkward, which is probably why it didn't work for me. Now that my husband and I are exercising together, it's a lot more fun.
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?
- Now I make it a point to do AT LEAST 30 minutes a day. However I do it sporadically. During work breaktime instead of fattening myself, I go outside get some fresh air and jog.
And at home I usually do skipping rope in front of the TV or jump up and down for no reason or do sprawls when I feel like it.
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
- I wanna be about 160-170 lbs. I'm at 190 now so thats probably around 20 lbs.
3. How much have you lost?
- I used to weigh 250 lbs when I worked at mcdonalds. WHILE YOU THINK THE FREE POP IS COOL THINK AGAIN. ONE GLASS OF POP IS 6 SPOONS OF SUGAR (and possibly other toxic chemicals). Thats why I only drink pop only about once a month.
I lost most of that weight in the mixed martial arts gym. lol I had this teacher who would train us HARDCORE as if we're gonna fight Tito Ortiz or something… :)
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
- I just say be consistent and chop down your meat intake. If only the human body doesnt need meat to survive I would be a vegetarian. I hate factory farms and the way animals are treated. The best bet of meat IMO is Halal meat. It tastes better too.
5. What's your motivation to lose?
- Better overall health. Especially nowadays when job security isnt really good. God knows when I'd lose my job and my health benefits. Cant afford to get sick. :(
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?
oh jeez. whenever i feel like it, usually about 3x a week. i go as long as it takes to burn 500 calories, depending on what i'm doing.
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
well about 10-15 pounds. i'm at 130 right now. D:
3. How much have you lost?
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
…don't drink soda. it doesn't work. no cake either.
5. What's your motivation to lose?
i'm a fatty fatty? because all my fat is stored in one location and i look OFF BALANCE. like a bad art picture, he he.
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?
Every weekday, hour to an hour and a half. I alternate between running and pushups/situps. Today I ran up a mountain, and back down.^_^
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
Another 20 pounds, or 4%body fat… Ill probably lose the fat, muscle adds so much weight… -_-
3. How much have you lost?
Well, I started off at 220 with a 30% Body Fat, now I'm at 190 with an 18% body fat, and ALOT more muscle mass.
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
I eat whatever I wish, and constantly lose weight. My metabolism is ABYSMAL too. basically, just exercise ALOT, and keep at it. You'll be sore as hell the first few weeks, but you get better in time.
5. What's your motivation to lose?
Well, I want to get back to 170, because I was HOOOOOT then… I put on weight in Iraq due to the lack of exercise.
Well, I want to get back to 170, because I was HOOOOOT then… I put on weight in Iraq due to the lack of exercise.
If you guys were just sitting around, why didn't they just send you guys home?!?! …WHY OH WHY DID I VOTE FOR BUSH…..
And HEY! When did you get back? Welcome back, man. :)
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?
- I do DDR for a few hours every day. The motivational speaker in the background pisses me off enough to keep going.
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
- About 5lbs, whatever will get me to 115
3. How much have you lost?
- 10lbs
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
- Losing weight takes a long time. Doctors say it's healthy to lose 1-2lb a week, and they're right. If you just started exersizing for a few weeks and nothing has happened yet, don't give up. Your body is just adjusting. Also, don't overwork yourself.
- Start eating more meals a day, but make them smaller portions of food. It's not healthy to be too full. Instead of three big meals a day, make it five smaller meals a day. Your stomach can digest better.
- One last thing: don't eat after 9:00! It's the worst thing you can do!
-If it's taking too long and you want to give up, don't stop eating and don't take any chemicals that will help you lose weight (unless your doctor says you need it). The healthiest decision is to just work out 2-3 times a week, eat healthy foods, and deprive yourself from snacking on junk foods.
5. What's your motivation to lose?
-I want to be healthier. I feel like I have been sitting down for too long. Exersizing's a good habit to get into. Plus, the scale at my school gym said I was 'hefty'. Ouch.
That's it.
I work out quite a bit, try to every night when work doesn't get in the way, I also work out in the morning quite a bit but its irregular at best. But when I do work out its for a hour or more at a time. I don't want to loose or gain weight, just trying to tone what I have, and get in a little bit better cardio shape then I am now.
The reason?
Why not?
1. How often do you exercise? How long is each session, etc.?Don't get Iraq syndrome. Everyone is in great shape when they come back. Don't be one of those guys that always says "you should see some of my old iraq pictures!"
Every weekday, hour to an hour and a half. I alternate between running and pushups/situps. Today I ran up a mountain, and back down.^_^
2. How much weight do you plan to lose?
Another 20 pounds, or 4%body fat… Ill probably lose the fat, muscle adds so much weight… -_-
3. How much have you lost?
Well, I started off at 220 with a 30% Body Fat, now I'm at 190 with an 18% body fat, and ALOT more muscle mass.
4. Are there any words of wisdom you can give us as far as things that do and don't work?
I eat whatever I wish, and constantly lose weight. My metabolism is ABYSMAL too. basically, just exercise ALOT, and keep at it. You'll be sore as hell the first few weeks, but you get better in time.
5. What's your motivation to lose?
Well, I want to get back to 170, because I was HOOOOOT then… I put on weight in Iraq due to the lack of exercise.
I hate that guy.
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