I'm sure most of us here at Drunkduck actually hold down a job (or jobs) in order to fund the fundamentals of life… money for the internet, drawing supplies, an emergency fund for computer parts/tablets in case something breaks down… However, even if you do enjoy your work there are things about it that are undesirable… sometimes extremely so. What are those for you? I'll start with…
In my line of work, I deal with drunkards, people who want to fight for a reason, people who just want to fight, being called a "rent a cop" (if I was a cop of any kind, I'd be able to leave my post), unreasonable people who think they're above the law/rules of the place you're keeping an eye on, etc… but my number one enemy is boredom. Some nights nothing happens at all. You just sit there 'til morning, then come home and prepare to do it all over again.

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What are the really REALLY bad things about your job?
"IS THIS ON SALE? YES IT IS! There was a sign! Well fine, I don't want it then! You can put it back!"
"I changed my mind on this," or "I don't want all of this stuff, I don't need this, or this, or this…"
(Why did they pick it up? I'll never know)
"I'm doing something obnoxious, and I'm fully aware, so I'll pretend it's cute! Oh, am I troubling you? Oh, meeee! Hahahaha!"
"I bought $180 worth of stuff and I'm going to return it all! It's on fifteen separate receipts, is that a problem? Oh, it is? Oh, meeee! Hahahaha!"
"I can't be bothered to control my brood! If they pull things off hooks, let them! That's your job security!"
(people often have informed me that their poor behavior is my job security, I mean this)
"I'm paying for my $81 purchase in $1 bills! This is so wacky! Hahahaha, as though there's not a line seven people deep behind me! I'm so wacky."
"I haven't bathed in seven months! Ten minutes after I leave, my stench will hauntingly remain"
Ah, and one time I saw a man get so angry that he could not form words with his mouth. I did not know that this was possible until he was standing there before us, gutturally roaring "HRRRRRUH RRRRRRUH RRRRRRRRRUHHHH!" and turning red. People also get in my face and shout, often over a couple dollars, because they've been the victims of "false advertising." That's their special term for "I never did learn how to read signs."
The thing is, I was always a shy and non-confrontational person who never hated people. It makes you that way…
That "being me" does not count as a job.
That I need a job.
That I'm broke.
That I work cheap when I do work at all.
That I know that could be taken as…offensive.
That I couldn't think of anything better to say than offensive.
That my family kinda doesn't want me working out in the real world cause they're super controlling or clingy.
That the above statement is annoying.
That I'm still not being paid…in gum.
I work in a Call Center. That fact alone should tell you a lot. I also work in high level support where the bars are set even higher. There is a whole list of bad things ranging from co-workers to customers to their complaints and even the company and its workings.
Chiefly I am most worn out by:
1. The stress of knowing you are under constant scrutiny, by no less than 3 sources at any given time.
2. Knowing that one slip up, however minor or major could cost not just your job but your career as well.
3. Having to be unfailingly kind to the most uncooperative despicable slobs in the industry who are calling you exactly because they didn't know how to do their jobs, and they treat you like you're less than dirt in return.
I'm an investigator for child services in my area. That should tell you plenty about the things I have to deal with. Take any episode of COPS, Reno 911, Law and Order or CSI, and you have the people I have to deal with. Throw in sodomy, exploitation, poverty and some of the nastiest smells you can possibly imagine, and you have my job.
sodomyIt would be so easy to re-write your post to make you look like a porn-king.
You guys make my work look like heaven on earth!
Umm… I hate getting up every day at the same time and going off to work. I don't like redrawing fonts and I HATE dealing with vague briefs for any design work because that means ten times more work and inspiration from me to get it started and then another 10 times the work when the idiot client sees it and starts making changes so it conforms to some fantasy idea in their thick head… If they wanted something that looked specifically like something else to start with then they should have said! Even if I could read minds there's no way I could pull ideas from heads that dense.
I don't like plaiting my hair back neatly either. It should be wild and free almost always.
I love my job. I get to wake up every day and go to a beautiful, serene park. I get to be creative and design activities to enrich park visitors, chat up guests, extol trivial knowledge, and learn more. My job involves walking shaded forest trails, taking pictures of wildlife, reading lots of books on nature and history, canoeing, etc. Only six people work in the park, and I usually encounter only one or two of them a day. My coworkers and boss are all laid back, and we chat about stuff in the off times. I worked the same job last year, but they upped my title now and got another really talented guy to help me. Plus, my boss is always encouraging my hunt for full time work. He lets me know about opportunities and tells me about how he got into park service. I also get position announcements in my work email. The customers we encounter are always in a good mood because they are enjoying a beautiful park and time off of their own jobs.
The worst thing about my job is that it's seasonal and the wage is low. So, I have to live with my parents because there's no way I could pay rent or anything. I also occasionally have to chat with extremist racist bigots because I work at a Civil War Battlefield, but at least they are generally friendly and in good spirits (the park is the site of a Confederate victory). And there's a lot of sweet talk to get donations and a ton of bureaucracy to get anything done, as I do work for the state. – Oh, and ticks. I don't like ticks. My job involves a lot of ticks and spiders. XD
"IS THIS ON SALE? YES IT IS! There was a sign! Well fine, I don't want it then! You can put it back!"LMFAO
"I changed my mind on this," or "I don't want all of this stuff, I don't need this, or this, or this…"
(Why did they pick it up? I'll never know)
"I'm doing something obnoxious, and I'm fully aware, so I'll pretend it's cute! Oh, am I troubling you? Oh, meeee! Hahahaha!"
"I bought $180 worth of stuff and I'm going to return it all! It's on fifteen separate receipts, is that a problem? Oh, it is? Oh, meeee! Hahahaha!"
"I can't be bothered to control my brood! If they pull things off hooks, let them! That's your job security!"
(people often have informed me that their poor behavior is my job security, I mean this)
"I'm paying for my $81 purchase in $1 bills! This is so wacky! Hahahaha, as though there's not a line seven people deep behind me! I'm so wacky."
"I haven't bathed in seven months! Ten minutes after I leave, my stench will hauntingly remain"
@PIT_FACE: You are HARDCORE. I don't like throwing that word about, but seriously. Fire makes me nervous, it makes me think that your body should not be able to contain that amount of guts.
@ozoneocean: The office design team, past and future (I work at a full-service marketing department) feels you pain. So does my brother (has done design work).
@imshard: My brother and another friend of mine works at one too, right now. It brings out the scary side of the former; he doesn't mentally do well in that environment despite doing well.
But the big winner is Hakoshen. I feel just fine about my job now.
I work for an air-conditiong repair place, We service the whole county so I'm always driving out of town. One of the towns I service is Bisbee: it's built ON a mountain so the roads are so small I can barely move my box car up through there so I have to hike with my tool bag or god forbid use the dolly to bring a whole cooling unit up the mountain roads.
My job as a custodian isn't terrible, exactly. At least, now that I don't have to work next to yuppie/wangster suburbanite brats anymore.
No, the worst thing about my job is coming to terms with the idea that the people in charge really aren't that different from the students. They're hilariously self important and yet, incredibly incapable of most things despite their pay and position. I get a strong feeling that a lot of these teachers and administrators can't actually handle the real world outside their jobs. They're in their own caste system of prima donnas.
"Excuse me, where are the tissues?"
As I'm standing right in front of the tissue aisle.
"I haven't bathed in seven months! Ten minutes after I leave, my stench will hauntingly remain"jeez we have a cart attendant like this. He's baaaaad too. I used to give him benefit of the doubt, "Well, he's out in the sun all day, he's lugging carts around, anyone would get sweaty".
Then I almost ran into him right as he was clocking in for work and he smelled worse than usual. It's like the sweat cancels out the lack of soap he apparently is suffering from or something.
My current job isn't nearly as bad as my prior one. I've bitched about my prior job enough times to fill two lifetimes of bitching. I don't know why I did it for four years.
The new one isn't too bad, but it is one of those places where you have to watch every word that you say. One can be fired based on offending someone's sensibilities, and since there's several hundred people in the building it is pretty much impossible to say something that won't piss off anyone.
I try to keep my mouth shut, for the most part…
@Hakoshen and PIT_FACE: You guys are ultimate bad-asses.
I work for a locally-owned pest control company, so probably the worse things are the exposure to some of the chemicals we use (there's supposedly no immediate health hazard, but there's no telling what the long-term effects could be). Not to mention crawling under houses with god-only-knows what kind of animals could be living under there (we have a running joke between me and my coworkers involving the ventilation shaft scene from the movie "Alien" ).
But the worse part are the homeowners who, having no experience whatsoever with pesticide application, try to tell us how to do our jobs. That, and for whatever reason, that some homeowners think it's aesthetically pleasing to put large thorny, sharp, or otherwise pointy plants right against the sides of their houses, which means we have to squeeze ourselves between them and the wall of the house to put down the insecticides.
"Excuse me, but where are the Mother's Day cards?" They're….you walked right past them, you know with the great big sign that says MOTHER'S DAY CARDS.
I swear, does shopping for gift cards make someone suddenly a four year old again? NONE and I honestly mean NONE of the customers that come in, actually put their cards back in the same place. EVEN WHEN THE RIGHT SLOT IS ONLY JUST ABOVE WHERE THEY PUT THEIR CARD AUGH I HATE THAT. Not to mention that I found a cheery mother's day card in the sympathy section along with 'it's a shame that your dad is dead' cards.
And don't get me started on the douche bags that run off with hundreds of dollars of Jim Shore pieces. WHAT IS IT ABOUT MICKEY MOUSE THAT TURNS YOU INTO A THIEVING DICK HEAD!?
Or the twits who can't read the sign 'Don't touch the Willow Tree statues, ask a sales associate for help'. The sign means, don't grab a statue, bring it all the way across the store just to tell me to get the box in the back. The figures are fragile and so many of them are broken because you can't read a sign.
Or the parents that let their hell-spawn cause all hell to break loose on the store, throwing everything around, touching all of the delicate pieces and trying to steal candy. 'Lets go shopping five minutes 'till closing and have my children ruin all that cleaning you were doing for the past hour! It's not like YOU have to go home! You're just a lowly mall worker!'
And last but most definitely not least, the lousy pricks who come in FIFTEEN MINUTES to closing, spend five of that looking for stuff, then asking if they can get them gift wrapped, which take TEN TO FIFTEEN MINUTES to wrap. That's not the worst part, THEY ASKED TO HAVE THREE OF THEIR STUPID GIFTS WRAPPED FIVE MINUTES TO CLOSING. I seriously wish I could punch every single one of the people that do that in the throat. Really hard.
I think I'm done. I've ranted a good five paragraphs.
The annoying thing is that I don't have a job yet and it seems like everyone else does. When I talk to the folks about it, they tell me I shouldn't want to work now since I'll be working the rest of my life.
Currently I leech off my wealthy parents, which I guess is acceptable at 16 but a lot of people bug me about now having a summer job yet. I'm too busy to get one this summer, it would conflict with tennis and the Mediterranean cruise thing (God I'm pretentious) so right now all I can be is a spoiled teenager. :I
A woman came in to buy a vase, told me she was buying it because her mother had died that day and she thought the funeral urns were ugly, and then made a special point of ensuring I rang it up half-off. I had to haggle with a woman over her own dead mother's urn. Moreover, I'd already rung it up at the sale price, so there was no reason for it, no reason!
Later, I thought "She only wanted to make sure, why shouldn't she want to get the correct price?" It's not unreasonable, but even at a time like that…! -shudder-
"I have a small amount of money, but as opposed to calculating the amount of things I can buy, I'll just pick up some ludicrous amount of items and make you ring them up in different, exciting configurations before not buying most of them! I took my indecisive pills this morning to make it more fun~! I'll be able to last for fifteen minutes at the least. You can clean up after me later on!"
"Could you call fifteen stores to ensure they have these common items that are $1.99 each? I need two! In return, I'll make sure you can't ring up anyone's larger purchase, but I'll do this in a tone implying that it's due to some flaw on your part rather than the fact that I'm thoughtless. Oh, don't come to THIS register, SHE'S gonna TAKE a WHILE." -meaningful, tragic stare-
Trying to find one is the really bad part. I've been looking since January 2009 (the last month I held a job), and I'm still out of work. My parents aren't exactly rich, so I can't always rely on them for cash. I don't like to anyway because I prefer to be more independent and not relying on them so much for stuff. Being 23, still living at home, and unemployed can feel pretty self-defeating and low.
eh…eyebrows are for suckers anyways…
Of course, there is also that. Man, to go out and fight fires without, hopefully, encountering a backdraft? That takes some serious bal…err, ovaries.
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