Finally! I think I've made a decent forum game!
We just talk about wierd dreams we've had. There is just one rule, One dream per post. Thats about it. Hop to it!

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Wierd Dreams
I love talking about dreams, but this it definatly in the wrong categorie…
Err, I don't have many dreams and when I do they are boring, OR they are extremely weird.
At the last weird dream I had (a few months ago) I was at my school, altough it didn't look like it. The building was plane white and looked a little bit like a temple. There were almost no windows so the whole building was kind of dark from the inside. They decorated the place as boring as can be. It was al dark green and all the everything was made out of wood. I was talking to my friends from high school, so it coult've also been my former school (you couldn't tell). We did something bad I guess, 'cause we got punished. We had to get into room were they had all kinds of little wooden baskets stuk in the ground filled with icecubes. We were supposed to go and sit quitly in one of those baskets. There was someone guarding, but he didn't see that my friends just walked over the baskets to the other side were was a big escape door for no reason. When I saw that I got the courage to escape as well, only I wasn't relaxed. I was very nervous and stressed and as I got out the door I ran away hoping nobody would see me. Then there was a noise and other students were running down the halls. It came clear to me that the building would explode but I paid no attention to it because I was to busy not getting caught. I kept looking for a place to hide when I got into a large room were an enormous amount of students were watching a movie. When I got in they all looked my way angrilly and told me to be quit. I ran into another room, but this one was very small. It was the room of a school nurse. I looked through the window and everybody acted like nothing happened, they just all went home. The nurse told me not to worry and a love scene followed….
actually, this could just be moved to gerenal chatting area. would be better.Done.
Weird dreams eh?
I actually had a dream about Drunk Duck the other day! Must have been because of reading Zac's post about a DD dream…
We all lived in a huge bizarre tower, filled with sumptuous rooms: it looked like it was made out of multicoloured flying saucers of varying sizes that had all been roughly impaled on a pole. The tower rose up out of a tiny little island in the middle of the ocean (an obvious symbol for DD's place in the world wide wobbly webisphere). There was some kind of change taking place and we were all scrambling to get the best rooms. I got one of the better rooms near the top. :) It was bigger, had better furniture, and fantastic views.
Everyone looked pretty weird because their shapes were mostly based on their avatars… It was like they were normal people, but wearing really bad costumes. I was wearing 1920's evening wear: top hat, tails, spats, white gloves, the whole deal…
I kept trying to chat up the various gals but was failing miserably. :)
Cool dream, except when it was ending there was some kind of disaster and we were all racing for the roof, for helicopters to pick us up and save us from the doomed tower… :(
leets see a good dreem
my body moves as is an animal, on for legs i see my shadow around me. Cobbled streets piano music is playing the wold is strange yet beautiful, things try to stop me runing. i don't know what places its meant to be night mare freaky people ghastly sites but i love. it as i run wonder why i'm running on for legs something jumps on my back i then run on to legs the piano speeds up keeping on only a few notes stop and look around me there a freack lift and stars,
"i'll take the stars" someone says "the stars rite"then i run to elevator well i thin it one i jump in "what i need to go with you" i eggnorr. What i think looks like jack skeleton. and press 9 on the elevator it gets small then gets bigger opapens to a even mored dusty place not like a blinding at or wood rooms places empty i find a man the dreem stops, this could just be moved to gerenal chatting area. would be better.Done.
Weird dreams eh?
I actually had a dream about Drunk Duck the other day! Must have been because of reading Zac's post about a DD dream…
We all lived in a huge bizarre tower, filled with sumptuous rooms: it looked like it was made out of multicoloured flying saucers of varying sizes that had all been roughly impaled on a pole. The tower rose up out of a tiny little island in the middle of the ocean (an obvious symbol for DD's place in the world wide wobbly webisphere). There was some kind of change taking place and we were all scrambling to get the best rooms. I got one of the better rooms near the top. :) It was bigger, had better furniture, and fantastic views.
Everyone looked pretty weird because their shapes were mostly based on their avatars… It was like they were normal people, but wearing really bad costumes. I was wearing 1920's evening wear: top hat, tails, spats, white gloves, the whole deal…
I kept trying to chat up the various gals but was failing miserably. :)
Cool dream, except when it was ending there was some kind of disaster and we were all racing for the roof, for helicopters to pick us up and save us from the doomed tower… :(

I added some bits. And yes, I know there are some errors in the art (the panel with you out of the dream is missing a chunk of the background). I rushed this, and mixed the layers.
EDIT: Fuck I hate that resize rule… :(
Click the link at the top for the full version. Also, I gave you a pimp hat, as I read it wrong in the first go.
THAT was f**king AWESOME Lefarce! ^_________^
I added some bits. And yes, I know there are some errors in the art (the panel with you out of the dream is missing a chunk of the background). I rushed this, and mixed the layers.
-I would give a kidney to be able to produce a comic page that fast-
Can I stick that up in my fan art section? I would be honoured if I could :)
I don't recall all of my dreams, but the ones I DO tend to be a little..bizarre.
Uhm, let's see…one that sticks out in memory is a dream that started off with me, and a group of friends, as a group of rag-tag heroes. There was an alien that had been terrorizing the world(Weird looking, too; green, with a big snake-like head, and a penguin-like body). I don't recall all the details, but we defeated the alien and set him on a rocket back into space. Just as we were getting set to celebrate, the rocket failed and crashed back down into the city(We were apparently suddenly in Manhattan). The crash released what was inside of the rocket, which was apparently a gigantic, compressed mound of rotten, diseased flesh that released it's disease into the inhabitants of the city. I remember there being a bizarre effect, like fire burning across cigarette paper, turning everything from color to black and white, with only shades of color due to lighting. My friends and I escaped, but eventually everyone was turned into zombies. I was being chased for a while, until I came to a house where a bunch of the zombies, as well as my friends, were demanding I join them. I woke up at that point.
It makes no sense, but…this wasn't a nightmare to me.o.o; I wasn't really scared by the dream.
Huh…dreams, eh? Well I once had this one dream about…hmm…well it was about orange juice. I must have been really thirsty. I was trying to get orange juice that was in the middle of a basketball court, but the people on the court were stopping me from getting the juice. I think it's symbolic or something. Anyway it was an interesting dream, but I think all the basketball players got shipped off the Iraq at the end or something, but Iraq was right outside the place that they were playing Basketball.
It was an extremely weird dream.
I had a really STRANGE dream…
I was basically an sexy elf woman, which is a reoccuring theme with me, snice I seem to feel like my inner self is really an hot elf babe. Anyway…
in this dream, I was an messager of sorts and had arrived at this strange-looking tower, and went inside to look for the person who I was supposed to delever the message to.
inside the tower, there was showerheads with running water EVERYWHERE!! no, I'm not kidding… it seems that inside the tower lived an strange race that needed to be moist all the time, or else they'd be dead from dying.
anyway, as I was climbing up to the top floor, I ended up getting soaked thanks to those showerheads and my uniform was getting really heavy due to the clothing soaking up all the water.. and it was getting hard for me to move, so I was like "fuck this" and stripped down to my nude self! so I just ran up the stairs naked, and reached the top floor where there was just this one big room. in the middle, I spotted the guy who I was supposed to delver the message to..
but it seems that he was realllly busy… with a woman. they were on this bed, making love like crazy.
I was a little embrassed at having come at a bad time, and even told them so. But they competely ingored me, and just kept on going like I wasn't there.
so I just stood there, staring at them and kept on repeating that I had an message for him.
then I just finally gave up on waiting for him to stop so that I could tell him, and just wrote him an note on what the message was, placed it on a table.
I found a open window and dove out of the tower because I just wanted to be out of there quickly as possible, snice that horny bastard annoyed me. I didn't fall though, snice I knew how to fly… so I just flew away, and that was when I woke up.
Weirdest dream I ever had was when I was 5 years old (Yes, I can actually remember a dream I had when I was 5 years old)
I was asleep on the bottom bunk of my bunk bed… my brother was on the top of course.
I "woke up" and got out of bed. The night light was on… but it popped out of the socket.
I looked over at the socket it popped out of. The 3-prong outlet…. which had originally looked like
D= that… now looked angry… like D< that. (I don't know how else to describe it)
It started moving across the wall… moved up next to my brother… and turned him into electrical energy and suck him up into the "D" part of the outlet's "face"
It started chasing me. I ran into my parents' room to try and tell them what was happening.
There was no furniture in the room… and my mother and father were sitting in metal folding chairs.
They were sucked into the outlet.
I ran down the hallway… and a wall appeared behind me… blocking off the outlet.
I ran into the room of… I dunno what to call her… she was kinda our "maid" at the time (7 years after my parents divorced, my dad married her… so… I dunno)
She wasn't there.
All that was there… was a giant desk lamp.
It turned on its light and the light worked like a tractor beam, sucking me in.
It then promptly ate me… and I woke up to our morning alarm.
I remember stomping the ground and yelling victorious insults downward because I thought that Nightmares were physical beings… and if you survived them, they died and went to hell.
…and now you all know why I'm afraid of 3-prong outlets and desk lamps.
Woah! the dream I lad last night was seriously messed up. Guess that Invader Zim (The Most Horrible XMas Ever) episode really got into my head last night. Probably one of the best dreams I've ever had… FOR ONCE!
Alright, so it all began with some random base. I heard some people (One looking like enomosiki) and 2 dark blue Harrier Jets behind them. I don't know what they were saying but a voice out of nowhere gibbered something about Erusea (Bad guys in AC4) and I see those 2 Harriers I mentioned take and fly off into the distance, and the vision blacks out like a movie… as a matter of fact, I WAS in some sort of movie theatre.
Then all of a sudden, all these random robots start coming out of nowhere inside a giant dome. Then there comes another three giant robots on the other side (Obviously labelled as opponents). 2 looked Metal Gear Rays and one… I shit you not, looked like Professor Membrane from Invader Zim, except the fact that he had a huge laser cannon sticking out of its chest.
Boom, boom, boom everywhere! Bullets, missiles, lasers, algebra books, rocks, grenades, ICMBs, and pies were flying everywhere. I saw Metal Gear Rays jumping and flipping across the field like a crazy acrobat, taking down the good guys. And then there was only one remaining and got hit by Laser Cannon from Membrane-bot.
I don't know how they looked like, but the pilots emerged from the mess, and then… Ghostly Dan popped out of nowhere, with a voice that PERFECTLY matched him… except the fact that he was slightly green-ish. He was bouncing all over the field, all happy and jolly with eyes resembling Dan Plushie (The Advertisement comic I drew a while ago), saying some random shit.
I myself yelled "WHOO-OOOOOOOO!" and the guy sitting next to me stared at me. Surprisingly, he looked like Osama Bin Laden, but I was too distracted with the show to check it.
Then this old redneck-ish farmer popped open the emergency exit behind the good guys and said, "You boys needin' a ride?" And the pilots ran for it. Outside, there were CPs (Half-Life 2 Metro cops) with stunsticks swarming from left and right and the helicopter was on standby in front. The pilot was the old redneck-ish farmer… I have no idea how he got there in the first place.
Anyways, all the good guys climbed onto the teleporter in 0.5 seconds and the chopper took off and disappeared into the distance, taking no less than 0.8 seconds. …And they left Ghostly Dan behind… who bloody saved them from destruction.
And then I woke up with "Holy shit" expression.
yea , i dreamed last night that i saw a cute little dog walking on a country road, then the military (i dont know who) came by and shot her up with machine gun fire . later i heard that they brought her back to life using science and chemicals ,but the dog was very depressed because now it was a bachelor dog (i dont know) and he had realy wanted to have puppies. then i was by a lake and saw some kids kicking these talking robotic toy animals into a lake , one by one , and the toys were screaming for their lives , but into the lake they went, i think it was in the future.
it was a pretty average dream realy
I had a really awesome dream. better than that stupid one I posted up above.
I was an elf woman again, but this time I wasn't a messager.. instead, I was an Wavemaster, like that character class from the .hack// series.
and I had like this white blindfold on me or something, as part of my character design. I was dressed competely in white too, with an glowing sliver staff… giving me this cool mysterious look. but I could still somehow see anyway even with an blindfold.
anyway I was just randomly wandering around, killing random creatures sometimes. it was like I was in an game that was an blend of every rpg game I've ever played.. from Conquer online to edumendon, Morrowind to oblivion, and games like .hack//infection..
Anyway, I came upon this villiage that was being randomly attacked by those strange-looking creatures, I dunno what to call them or how to describe them correctly.. but I guess in a way, if I had to be really crude here, I could say that they looked like giant trees with wings and an mouth that looked like an twisted, evil verison of an woman's genitla. actually, I don't think they looked like an tree now that I think of it, as thier branch things coming out of thier heads looked more like ocptucus legs without all the suction things. that's just that was the closest thing I could think of.
ANYWAY.. to make a long story short, I basically cast an flying spell on myself, and then cast tons of offensive spells on them. there was tons of explsions and stuff. I kept that up until my mana ran out, in then which I fell to the ground as seeing I couldn't sustian my spell any longer. and I happed to fall on the leader of those werid monsters, knocking him out. when those monsters saw that thier leader had been defeated, they all ran away…
and then the town held an celebration for me, and actually cooked the leader that I knocked out. and that creature was strangely very delicous, as seeing I didn't think that those creatures could be, conidsering thier appearances.
they also gave me this huge-ass box full of gold and preicous jewels as an reward, which made me happy.
I were able put that right into my pocket without even thinking about it, shrinking it somehow…
and I teleported off to somewhere else, and that was when I woke up.
So you ate monster p**sy? Aurora, I have to say, I find your dreams extra-specially entertaining. But then, as Mazoo says I'm a "Dirty, dirty man!". That was cool :)
The other night I dreamt my house was infested with rats the size of wombats, and they carried upwards of 10 to 15 little baby rats around with them that hung on their nipples… They just ignored my cats, and all my cats could do was kill the occasional baby rat, which the rats didn't care about too much, It was rather annoying, they just moved in and I had no way to get rid of them :(
Do you KNOW how big a wombat is? It's like a big corgi…
This is a really wierd topic to sticky in the general section… REALLY weird. o.O
But I won't go against it, maybe there's a good reason?
In all dreams that I remember, I go lucid. Doesn't matter what dream, could be nightmares or whatever, but I suddenly remember that I'm dreaming, and well, awesome wielding of godly powers occurs.
Its the most satisfying thing when you're being chased by zombies to suddenly summon a shotgun into your hands. A shotgun katana.
Hey, it's my dreams, I can do what I want. :D
I dreamt I beat up Tito Ortiz in a streetfight. Right then and there I knew it was a dream.
I also dreamt about my egg on my plate turning into a chick (baby chicken). That scared the shit out of me.
And then there are sex dreams with various celebrities, anime and comic characters (including my own!!!), and with people I know.
anyways, i keep dreaming im taking an exam and i forget everything.That's funny, I keep on dreaming I've had to go back to highschool to repeat all my classes, but I forget to attend any Geography or Maths classes, so I'm going to fail them and have to repeat highschool agian!
Rinse and repeat.
Funilly I never reapeated any classes in highschool…
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