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Moonlight meanderer

Yeah...Another north korea attack...

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A North Korean patrol boat went over the sea border of South Korea few days ago and they had a battle.You might think this might cause WW3 or something but don't worry,This is the third time.Luckly,No south korean got killed.Here's the news


SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea's troops went on high alert Wednesday for possible retaliation by North Korea after one of its navy ships was nearly destroyed and an officer reportedly killed in a skirmish with the South, ahead of a visit by President Barack Obama.

The clash Tuesday along the disputed western sea border was the first such engagement in seven years, sending tensions soaring about a week before Obama travels to Seoul as part of his Asian tour.

The exchange of fire also occurred just hours before the State Department announced a senior U.S. diplomat will travel to North Korea before year's end to try to entice North Korea back into international negotiations on nuclear disarmament. The dispatch of envoy Stephen Bosworth would mark the first direct talks between Washington and Pyongyang since Obama took office in January.

South Korean officials said the North Korean ship was on fire and heavily damaged following a two-minute skirmish off the west coast – the scene of two bloody naval battles in 1999 and 2002. The South Korean ship was only lightly damaged and there were no South Korean causalities, according to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

South Korea's mass-circulation Chosun Ilbo newspaper and other media reported that one North Korean officer was believed killed and three other sailors wounded. President Lee Myung-bak ordered his Defense Minister Kim Tae-young to strengthen military readiness.

Late Tuesday, Kim said in parliament that he believed the North may take retaliatory action. "The president also has such concerns," Kim said.

South Korea's 680,000-strong military was on heightened alert but detected no unusual North Korean troop movements, an officer at the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

Asked if U.S. troops in South Korea had raised their alert level, David Oten, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Seoul, said it does not comment on operational or security issues. The U.S. stations about 28,500 troops in South Korea to deter possible North Korean aggression.

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The way I head it the NK ship went across the invisible sea border and the SK ship shot it up terribly… The NK ship then fired back but failed to do any real damage.

I'm sorry but I don't think this is stuff to crow over. Neither side acted well or heroically, both handled the situation very badly.

As far as I can see NK doesn't want a fight. What's happening is that they're flexing their little muscles on all sides (land, sea, the nuclear weapons issue etc) so they can gain strategic advantage in bargaining with the U.S. China, Japan and SK.
That means hapless sailors and officers are ordered to sail their ships this way and that, but not to shoot first… so that men with no other choice in the mater go to their death for no reason. -_-

If anything it's a sign that NK is failing harder than usual. It's not a sign that war is about to erupt, it's a sign that the leadership is desperate and the country is hardly holding together. If it stays this bad and nothing improves I doubt the country will last much longer. If things continue it will just fall apart.

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eh, the north is always trying to prove they're a little tough guy to hide the fact they're a friggin' mess. nothing really attention worthy here.

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The way I head it the NK ship went across the invisible sea border and the SK ship shot it up terribly… The NK ship then fired back but failed to do any real damage.

I'm sorry but I don't think this is stuff to crow over. Neither side acted well or heroically, both handled the situation very badly.

As far as I can see NK doesn't want a fight. What's happening is that they're flexing their little muscles on all sides (land, sea, the nuclear weapons issue etc) so they can gain strategic advantage in bargaining with the U.S. China, Japan and SK.
That means hapless sailors and officers are ordered to sail their ships this way and that, but not to shoot first… so that men with no other choice in the mater go to their death for no reason. -_-

If anything it's a sign that NK is failing harder than usual. It's not a sign that war is about to erupt, it's a sign that the leadership is desperate and the country is hardly holding together. If it stays this bad and nothing improves I doubt the country will last much longer. If things continue it will just fall apart.

I heard tht the North korea's patrol ship went over the border,so South korean warned North koreans to go away but they ignore it,So the south korea fire some warning shot which accidentally did hit north korean's ship.So the North korea fire back and that's how it begin.No ccasualty in south,and 1 death officers and 3 injury and half-destroyed ship in Noth.These things have already happened 3 time now.Actually,That patrol ship is known to have been in one of the other naval crash.Few people say the reason why North Korea didn't fired a lot is because they wanted to know some naval stragety and other stuff from the south.

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I read somewhere that neither side really agrees where the sea boundary is, so much as it was UN arbitrated in the past?

In any event, I can't say the skirmish really seemed all that relevant given their histories.

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North Korea = a living example of what happens when government continues to expand and take away liberty.

That country is a total wreck. Its got an impoverished brainwashed population with stinking bureaucrats and thugs ruling over them. How sad. I really feel sorry for all the average people in North Korea.

To all proponents of big government, I suggest that you visit North Korea or read the book called Aquariums of Pyongyang. Hopefully you see the light.

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Moonlight meanderer

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