Answer me this, drunk duckers:
What's on your profile?
Do you actually read people's profiles?
What makes you click on someone's profile?
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
I ask all of this because I saw someone with an incredible profile, with a LOT of information about themselves. It made me want to know more! This could be a way to get yourself more pageviews!

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DD Comics!
Your DrunkDuck Profile
My answers:
What's on your profile?
A really stupid, vague blurb about myself (and a plug for Nadya). I should probably put in more!
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Yeah, usually- if they're done seriously or really really funny. :D
What makes you click on someone's profile?
A cool avatar, an awesome post, a comment on my comic, or a cool forum post.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Their name if they're comfortable with it. Their age. Where they live. Their hobbies. What their comic is about, and why they like comics. Random facts about their favorite _______s. :-) Answers to FAQs.
What's on your profile?
A couple of links to two other comics I'm working on, namely:
The Spires
They're not on DD because they don't update that regularly.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
From time to time.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
Usually a comment on my comic or an interesting post in the Forums.
Occasionally just a cool avatar.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Anything, everything and/or nothing!
Depending on the comment/forum post that's prompted me to read the profile in the first place, it could be their age, sex, nationality, occupation or just whether they have a comic of their own on DD. It's more a question of whatever helps to put that comment in context.
What's on your profile?
~Some basics about me and my lifestyle.
~A photo of me with one of my pet rats.
~The interests and inspiration behind my comic
~A link to my DevArt and ComicSpace pages
(I might add more about my comic later.)
Do you actually read people's profiles?
What makes you click on someone's profile?
Usually if they comment on my comic. Sometimes a forum post that makes me curious about them.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
I like to know background info, esp. what country they come from, gender, age, interests, occupation. One or two photos are a plus (but too many are distracting).
What's on your profile?
Just a quick blerp about me. Nothing too revealing and not very mysterious. I feel there's just enough to give people something to read. There are also links to my BlogSpot and MySpace.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Yeah, I kind of often do.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
If someone makes a comment in my comics I'll check them out, or if they have an interesting comic that I've stumbled upon, then I'll look them up. Also, like many others said, if they make a post that catches my interest in knowing more about them.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
1. Age
Why? Because I'm impressed when very young people make good comics and I'm nosy.
2. General Location
I don't want to know exactly what their address is or even their city, but it's always interesting to know what state or country a person is from.
3. Gender
Again, because I'm nosy and like seeing who's making what kind of comics.
4. Quick Blerp About Themselves
Don't need a life story, but I like learning what makes a person tick
What's on your profile?
Quick summary of what Antcomics is al labout, a little about me and why I draw them, a link to my DeviantArt gallery.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Yes, I try to read most peoples'. Especially if they add me to their friends list. Also–if someone friends me I automatically friend them back.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
Catchy avatar, cool comic, they got featured…or as I said, if they friend me. I also like to see how they chose their screen name if they have an interesting one, because many people explain that in their profiles. I like stuff like that.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
~Like I said above, the origin of their screen name
~why they came up with their comic(s) and how
~Like someone else said, age–mostly because if someone really young creates a good comic, it's really impressive and I like to give them lots of encouragement.
~Where they're from
~When and why they started drawing comics
~If they are on DeviantArt or have other websites
What's on your profile?
A link to my comic, a friends list, links to other comments, and a huge profile about me.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Usually… no. I sometimes stumble across a profile and I'll read it, but it usually doesn't matter to me.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
The main 2 reasons I click on someones profiles are:
1. I wanna see their comic, but they forgot to link to it in their signature or something.
2. When I wanna see if someone makes more comics than what is advertised.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Age, gender, a little history about them and maybe some links to other websites they are on (like deviantart or FA). It's also pretty cool to know what they're interested in.
What's on your profile?
A short story about how my comics were first made, and some of my greatest achievements
Do you actually read people's profiles?
What makes you click on someone's profile?
A humorous avatar, or someone who's cool
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Gender, then I don't call them a dude, and they get annoyed, and they scream and cry…
I guess age and name aswell…
What's on your profile?
Some general info about me (where I'm from, my likes and such), and links to my other sites.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Some, yeah.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
I usually like to check up on other people who've commented on my comic.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Age, gender (especially since people mistake me for a guy on the forums a lot, for some reason)…basic stuff. I don't want to know their life stories or anything.
What's on your profile?
stuff…a list of comics I do and have done.
a list of comics I recommend which I change up ever so often to feature in my own way new comics I come across and young artists which need encouragement. A little blurb about me and my comics.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Yeah to some extent when I click on their avatar.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
something they say in the forum or a comment left on someone's comic.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
If given the choice between 3 dances which would you choose:
a. Soulja Boy Dance.
b. Tango
c. Safety Dance
What's on your profile?
General Info…My age, name, some interests and the reason behind my comics. A long with my own personal sayings.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Yeah I do, especially when someone friends me, I like to know a little about them.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
Usually when they comment on my comics, friend me, or do something interesting on the forums.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
General info. Age, Gender(if not maybe name so I could try to figure that out). Some interests and such.
What's on your profile?
Not much just comics and thanks for the add comments
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Not really if i know them i add them
What makes you click on someone's profile?
Thier avatar
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Theyre age and location :D
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
If given the choice between 3 dances which would you choose:
a. Soulja Boy Dance.
b. Tango
c. Safety Dance
Ha, I'm much better at the tango, and I feel slightly less ridiculous doing that than any of the others (though it's still somewhat akin to water buffalos performing Cotton-Eyed Joe).
On my profile, there are random tidbits that make me seem like an actual person rather than just an avatar and bit of my drawing background.
I love reading profiles if the person has actually filled it out - it's nice to be able to associate faces/personalities with the people you meet online - makes them real.
I'll click on profiles of people I see around the forums or if I'm interested in their webcomic.
I just want to know fun things about people (like their favorite pasta sauces or what toothpaste they use) - they don't need to tell me any deep dark secrets or personal info.
What's on your profile?Just the bare-boned basic facts: That I'm interracially married, have biracial kids, that my wife co-writes our comic and that our comic is Due East. (Hey, no peeking! This is pretty much what the profile says!)
Do you actually read people's profiles?
What makes you click on someone's profile?
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Yes, I do.
If they befriended me, as someone else said. Also, if they have an interesting comic or an interesting avatar.
I like to know age, location, if they have kids and what their interests are, especially music and what people like to watch on tv/movies, etc.
What's on your profile?
Not a lot… just some basic stuff I thought up about myself in the first couple days after I joined. I've actually been meaning to redo it, and this thread'll help me figure what should go there.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
When I actually want to know something about the person, yes. I don't look at everyone's, but I do check out those of creators of decent comics, people who write interesting things in the forums, etc.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
… the stuff I said above. If they do anything that piques my interest. Nice art, decent webcomic, amusing or enlightening comments or forum posts… et-cetera.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
I would make a list (age, gender, location, etc), but sometimes I find lack of certain information can be more telling about a person than revealing everything. I just like it when I learn a bit about the person and what they've presented gives me a good impression of their personality. If I'm absolutely dying to know where someone's from or the like, I can always PQ them.
What's on your profile?
A short text about myself, links to my four comics, recommendations, some videos.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
It depends on who it is. I usually read a profile, but not if I'm just looking for new comics to read. I do read new people's profiles though.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
An interesting screenname or avatar, r if they're the author of a comic I like. Or they just ask me to, i'm cool like that.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
What got them into comics, where they're from, if they're single, that sort of stuff. lolflirt
What's on your profile?
Basic information and plugs for penis and werewolf. I also have some videos on mine. I decided to remove some of the really funny ones, such as the salad toss man or a scene from menace 2 society with a crack head.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Not really. I could care less.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
If you comment on penis, I'll see what you're about. Funny posts on the forum, interesting posts, that sort of stuff.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Did they recommend penis or werewolf? Have they got humorous videos that repeat catch phrases and silly lines over and over? Do they have something actually interesting going on?
What's on your profile?
What is in my profile…? A short introduction of myself - including my age and nationality - and then a more detailed explanation of what category my comic fits in. I ought to perhaps add some more stuff, but I have a hard time imagining what people would like to know about me.
Perhaps I ought to write something about WHY I'm into comics…
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Sometimes. They can be an interesting way of getting a new perspective on a comic I'm reading.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
Reading the comic and having my interest caught; reading someone's post in the forums or comment on my/someone else's comic; cool/interesting avatars in the forums.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
What country they're from, any extra info on their comics - any funny info on themselves they feel like sharing. Links to other sites with funny/interesting content. Etc., etc.
What's on your profile?
Do you actually read people's profiles?
If someone adds me as a friend I do, other than that, something has to strike me as peculiar, or outstanding about someone before I will.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
Same as above.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Instant messenger screen names, Age, Country of origin, a pic or two, etc.
What's on your profile?
First up a a bit of information about my cartoon strip and my intentions regarding updating. Also, if something unusual has happened that people should know about regarding the work in progress. This means that I sometimes change what I have posted in this part of my profile section.
Beneath the information regarding my 'toon, I add a bit about myself; my age, marital status, my artistic background - or lack thereof - and why I'm doing what I am doing. Now that some I see that people actually care where an artist hails from, I'll probably go back and admit to being from the United States at least.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
Oh yes, all the time.
What makes you click on someone's profile?
If you friend me, I friend you, and therefore I check out your profile. If you are an interesting person in the forums I eventually get around to clicking on your profile, just to learn a bit more about you; and it tells me something even if a person has zilch - or next to zilch - in their profile block. if I click on an update link on DD's main page, I always also check out the profile if I like the work on display; the same thing applies if I am performing a search for specific types of work and select something interesting.
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Pretty much the same sort of stuff that I have in my own profile. I want to know something about what you are working on and anything that you consider important enough about your project or projects to include. Also I want to know a few things about you, the artist. The specifics are less important to me than the fact that there is something about yourself that you feel like sharing. It's always interesting to get a feel for the human behind the art work.
What's on your profile?
A sad tidbit of information regarding me and my over and over again until the eggplant is fully ingrained.
Do you actually read people's profiles?
All the time. Especially if I'm interested in people. A lot of times you can see people's influences in their comic if you read exactly what they like. Like
What makes you click on someone's profile?
What kind of information do you like to know about DDers?
Faves of all kinds like a myspace page kinda. Age and occupation. Social security numbers for sure.
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