So here's the question… you get to sit and have tea and tiny cakes (or coffee and donuts) depending upon preference with 4 individuals… one from each of the following categories.
1. a Web Comic Artist
2. a musician (must be still living)
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok(not tv or film)
4. A nefarious despot/fascist or generally considered EVIL BASTARD, past or present!
feel free to give reasons why if you wish.
1. Karl Kerschl. The Abominable Charles christopher is in my opinion the finest comic on the web, it's funny, touching and visually STUNNING… I'd love to meet the guy who single handed creates something like that.
2. Chris Wollard from Hot Water Music and The Draft. I met him briefly once and I was extremely drunk… I'd like to have a conversation with him sober.
3. Jesus. Ooh I just called Jesus a fictional character… did you like how I did that?
4. Ok Kinda stumped myself on this one… I was saw a Hellboy Jr comic with Idi Amin in it which cracked me up, so I'm gonna go with him.

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your ultimate tea party experience...
I guess I could go for…
1) Ryan Sohmer from Least I could do.
2) Weird Al Yankovic, for no apparent reason.
3) Fine… Robin Hood. He can supply us with crumpets since he's British.
4) Adolph Hitler so that the other four of us could make fun of him since his view of ultimate man was tall, blond and blue eyed man while he himself was short, dark haired and brown eyed. Also for the fact that he lost.
1. Jodi 'J3T' Tong (of Lang Lang and House of LSD…the first and third, respectively, webcomics I ever read)
2. Mark Knopfler (I haven't heard any of his work I didn't like, the man is a legend)
3. Miyazawa Yukino (Of my favorite manga, Kare Kano No Jijiou/His and Her Circumstances…not so much the anime adaption since I haven't seen it yet)
4. Countess Báthory Erzsébet (Elizabeth Báthory, one of histories more prolific serial killers, known as the 'blood countess' among other things. I'd just like to 'thank' her for dragging my good name in the mud).
Jesus. Ooh I just called Jesus a fictional character… did you like how I did that?
allright, are you saying that cuase that's someone you'd really like to meet then? cuase if you're just going out of your way to make some kind of smart ass religious smear in a thread that has nothing to do with it,then that's just dickheadery.
so fuckin sick of people who knock religion just cuase they think it makes em sound smart.
1. a Web Comic Artist
–> Either Mayshing, author of Edepth Angel, or Kerk Urgel, my co-artist for Combatron (Space Warrior)
2. a musician (must be still living)
–>Jamir Garcia of Slapshock.
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok(not tv or film)
–> Combatron or Tinay Pinay
4. A nefarious despot/fascist or generally considered EVIL BASTARD, past or present!
–> Henry Kissinger
1. a Web Comic Artist
-Skoolmunkee, because she's not bad to chat to.
2. a musician (must be still living)
-Robert Plant, because he's seen a lot of music history I'm really interested in (he IS music history), and he's always had a pretty decent brain in his head. Plus, his cool from the 70s will rub off on me.
It will.
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok (not tv or film)
-Shinji from Evangelion.
His tea will be poisoned. :gem:
(he's in a comic:P)
4. A nefarious despot/fascist or generally considered EVIL BASTARD, past or present!
-The Maquis De Sade. He can titillate us with fine conversation :)
At my tea party we shall have scones with jam and cream! because that's what you really should have at a tea party… Oh, and cucumber sandwiches cut into little quartered triangles. We shall have a silver tea service with cups and saucers of finest bone china, the sugar will be in cubes and served with silver tongs, the tablecloth and serviettes will be of fine damask, and there will be a string quartet in 18thC costume quietly playing Vivaldi's four Seasons in the corner.
-unimaginative choice of music, but that's how these things are done.
For the record, I would seriously like to meet jesus and I don't believe him to truly be a fictional character, but i think much of what is written about him is fiction.
I just thinking he was this crazy hippy guy who went around talking to people and telling them stories, sharing ideas. I was certainly love to have a cup of coffee (with a shot of irish whisky in it) and just chew the fat.
1. Leeroy Gibbons. He made three webcomics, and I read all of them. All of them. Don't you dare judge me you stupid pieces of trash.
2. Tchaikovsky. He's been dead for 109 years, but his soul lives inside my heart. Yeah, that's right. I took it, crammed it inside a little bottle, ate the bottle, and now his sole is in my heart.
Do you people have any idea how powerful I am?
3. Minne Driver – just so I can punch him in her big fat face. She ate all my cookies! They were for a wedding shower! All of them! Now, I have nothing to bring! I'll look like a freaking idiot!
4. Leonardo daVinci. I like his hat.
1. a Web Comic Artist
2. a musician (must be still living)
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok(not tv or film)
4. A nefarious despot/fascist or generally considered EVIL BASTARD, past or present!
1. That guy who writes Jump Leads.
3. General Woundwort from Watership Down.
4. Joseph Stalin.
For the record, I would seriously like to meet jesus and I don't believe him to truly be a fictional character, but i think much of what is written about him is fiction.
I just thinking he was this crazy hippy guy who went around talking to people and telling them stories, sharing ideas. I was certainly love to have a cup of coffee (with a shot of irish whisky in it) and just chew the fat.
allright man.sorry to jump on ya like that then. i've seen a lot of ignorance out there and i guess i jump the gun a little bit with this stuff.
1. Myself. By meeting myself in person, I can probably round up the other me's in the same way I did the first time and form a roving gang of Tom Brokaws. Seriously though, I can't think of anyone. I don't really fanboy over anyone to that level where I could see myself chatting with them of my own volition. Yeah, I'm perpetually uncool, sorry!
2. Peter Steele. He protected an old girlfriend I had after a show from some barflies (she was a bartender, I wasn't there), so I've always wanted to thank him for being a stand up kind of guy for that.
3. Mersault from the Stranger (see my profile for a quote from him). He's so wonderfully stoic and amoral to the world's concerns as a whole as if a more intense shade of myself.
4. Stalin or Hitler, a pair of brass knuckles and 10 minutes alone with one of them. With my family's background, you would understand why. We lost just about everything from those twits.
1. a Web Comic Artist
The guy who does chronicles of Wyrden.
2. a musician (must be still living)
Britney spears (so I can poison her tea and watch her die an slow painful death >=( ) Paris Hilton would be a second runner up.
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok(not tv or film)
Granny Weatherwax from the Disc world series. She's a very tough character,and certainly very much a true witch, but I find her fascinating.
4. A nefarious despot/fascist or generally considered EVIL BASTARD, past or present.
Hitler, so I can make fun of him in the most cruel way I can think of. and plus, I'd love to see Granny Weatherwax go at him. She's basically this witch who makes even the worst evil person squirm with her icy cold stare, and her no nonsense approach to everything. yet, despite this she still doesn't stand for evil, and likes everything to be nice and proper. Hitler is anything but that, eh?
the ways she'd deal with somebody who caused the deaths of a million people would make all the existing torture method on earth seem tame by comparasion.
1. I have no idea what webcomic artist I would want to bring to a tea party.
2. Aurora has given me the idea of Paris Hilton. The tea in her cup would be heavily irradiated.
3. What The Dickens from the book What The Dickens. He's cute. And makes me sound gay.
4. Steve Harper. His tea is also heavily irradiated.
My tea party would not be a tea party at all. It would be a revenge party. Well… I would warn What The Dickens before hand. He would be an accomplice.
At my tea party we shall have scones with jam and cream! because that's what you really should have at a tea party… Oh, and cucumber sandwiches cut into little quartered triangles. We shall have a silver tea service with cups and saucers of finest bone china, the sugar will be in cubes and served with silver tongs, the tablecloth and serviettes will be of fine damask, and there will be a string quartet in 18thC costume quietly playing Vivaldi's four Seasons in the corner.And hats! Everybody must wear a hat fancier than their mother's silverware.
-unimaginative choice of music, but that's how these things are done.
I'll go give this a shot…
1. a Web Comic Artist
OzoneOcean. He's the closest webcomic artist to my location.
2. a musician (must be still living)
The "Vocaloid" Miku Hatsune… if you consider being a musical program developed by Yamaha and having a ton of dedicated fans "living".
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok(not tv or film)
Pinky TA from her self titled comic; it'd be interesting how she and her creator would interact.
4. A nefarious despot/fascist or generally considered EVIL BASTARD, past or present!
Emporer Nero so I can slap him… with a dump truck!
I'll go give this a shot…
1. a Web Comic Artist
OzoneOcean. He's the closest webcomic artist to my location.
2. a musician (must be still living)
The "Vocaloid" Miku Hatsune… if you consider being a musical program developed by Yamaha and having a ton of dedicated fans "living".
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok(not tv or film)
Pinky TA from her self titled comic; it'd be interesting how she and her creator would interact.
4. A nefarious despot/fascist or generally considered EVIL BASTARD, past or present!
Emporer Nero so I can slap him… with a dump truck!
can I come to your tea party? sounds pretty damn awesome :p
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok (not tv or film)
-Shinji from Evangelion.
His tea will be poisoned. :gem:
(he's in a comic:P)
I totally wanna see that!
1. I wanna meet theorah and usedbooks, I think they'd be super cool to talk to!
2.Shiina Ringo, because she's one of the only artists where I can actually say I like ALL of her music (plus she's hot and her first name means apple).
3. Fred Weasley from Harry Potter. He was always my favorite character, and I would love it if he brought some pranks to the party!
4. Mishima Yukio (if we can bring him back from the dead). He was a fascist Japanese writer who made an army and tried to take control of Japan's Self Defense Forces to regain the spirit Japan had lost after the war. No one took him seriously and he committed suicide. Although he seems crazy, he apparently was a really cool guy and I also love his writing.
This will be an interesting tea party…
1. a Web Comic Artist1. Amanda. She's like a long lost sister or something. We could talk about our interesting roommates. Plus, she'd be a lot of fun at a tea party.
2. a musician (must be still living)
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok(not tv or film)
4. A nefarious despot/fascist or generally considered EVIL BASTARD, past or present!
2. I don't know many musicians. I'm not really into music. But I'll say Minami Takayama because she does the voice of Detective Conan, and she seems nice.
3. Dr. Watson. He's so cool. He's a friendly and mellow guy, and he could show me how to have a proper tea party. He also has some fun stories.
4. Um, I dunno. Attila the Hun? I don't think he was as bad as history records. I amuse myself by thinking he'd be more like the Attila of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.
YEAH! :)poison Shinji :gem:I totally wanna see that!
Ok then, we'll all have a joint tea party. A mega tea party if you will. ^_^I'll go give this a shot…
1. a Web Comic Artist
OzoneOcean. He's the closest webcomic artist to my location.
2. a musician (must be still living)
The "Vocaloid" Miku Hatsune… if you consider being a musical program developed by Yamaha and having a ton of dedicated fans "living".
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok(not tv or film)
Pinky TA from her self titled comic; it'd be interesting how she and her creator would interact.
4. A nefarious despot/fascist or generally considered EVIL BASTARD, past or present!
Emporer Nero so I can slap him… with a dump truck!
can I come to your tea party? sounds pretty damn awesome :p
4. Um, I dunno. Attila the Hun? I don't think he was as bad as history records. I amuse myself by thinking he'd be more like the Attila of Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.Psst–> Genghis Kahn ;)
I'll go give this a shot…
1. a Web Comic Artist
OzoneOcean. He's the closest webcomic artist to my location.
2. a musician (must be still living)
The "Vocaloid" Miku Hatsune… if you consider being a musical program developed by Yamaha and having a ton of dedicated fans "living".
3. a fictional character from literature, books and comics are ok(not tv or film)
Pinky TA from her self titled comic; it'd be interesting how she and her creator would interact.
4. A nefarious despot/fascist or generally considered EVIL BASTARD, past or present!
Emporer Nero so I can slap him… with a dump truck!
can I come to your tea party? sounds pretty damn awesome :p
Sure, but can you bring a Dragline (VERY HEAVY mining equipment) with you? I don't think this DUMP TRUCK is going to be enough for a good slapping…
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