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Moonlight meanderer
Comic Talk and General Discussion *
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sorry if this was mentioned before but I didnt really read through every post in this thread.

I checked out the site and why does it have to be 800x600 format?

My comics are 600x800 format because I print them on 8.5 x 11 sheets. They're rectangular in a portrait way. Not landscape.

And what about the other comics where panels tend to overlap? (Theres alot of them in DD lol) And those with irregular-shaped panels (not rectangular or square. Could be circle, triangle, or any other shape the artist feels like making it).

So meh. I dont like it.

they claim it's some kind of comic industry standard which is a total lie cause almost 99% of stuff you read is vertical not horizontal. their only reasonning that makes sense is that when viewed full screen it covers the whole screen and you don't have to scroll.

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Alot of things you can get both horizontal AND vertical

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I like the comic format alot. When you put the comic viewer into fullscreen mode then its simply the best web comic viewing experience I've ever had. They have done a really good job with it.

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i dont find it that good to be honest, i mean its good nd all but not FANTASTIC

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Alot of things you can get both horizontal AND vertical

any here on drunk duck?

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I like the comic format alot. When you put the comic viewer into fullscreen mode then its simply the best web comic viewing experience I've ever had. They have done a really good job with it.
100% respectfully disagree.
There are cinematic effects that's unique to webcomics, which are completely lost when one is forced to display the entire page on 1 screen.

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I think Zuda isn't too bad.Some of the strips work some don't.But here on DD I think they do a much better job.You can look at so much more and find what you like.And what suits your tastes much better.Zuda just seems so "rigid" you really don't get that.But thats just my two cents worth.

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You can't really compare Zuda to DD, it's like apples and oranges. DD is a free webcomic hosting site, its best compared to ComicGenesis. DD just has a far better community and a UI that emphasizes community and ease of use for the HTML novice.

Zuda is just completely different. It's simply a hub for print quality comics online. Everything about it stresses just that. DD is very much "Here's some webspace, go crazy" and Zuda is a paysite for a specific type of submisson, with the same type of contract and obligations that any print work would have.

The comics on Zuda aren't bad persay. They're just not webcomics. They take out alot of what makes webcomics such an interesting and attractive medium for creators in liu of something thats more marketable. As an artist I don't like the size limitiation or the flash viewer, but as a reader I appreciate the simplicity and sleak look of it.

The biggest drawback with the comics from the first round is that they were solicited from established or breakout print artists, and not established or breakout web artists. As such you see alot of storytelling that might work in print comics but just don't work on the web. Until you've established a story each page has to be a worthwhile read standalone. Its the reason High Moon has such a big lead, its the only comic you can tell is a good story from each page, all the others have a presentation of "this comic will be good if you give us more pages, seriously" and the internet reader is generally too fickle to realy pursue that.

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FYI, it was our decision to run those ads :) They paid for it… and why shouldn't all forms of the web comic world participate in glorification of the medium?

Volte, I wouldn't have any problem with it if they didn't have a rule against mirror sites. If it was possible to have one there AND one on Drunk Duck, then everything would be fine. As it is, they advocate NOT participating with others for the glorification of the medium, as you put it.

haha nobody should take their property and take it to Zuda… i do NOT recommend it. But creators create, and there is no reason people shouldn't consider creating new ideas for it.

In the end, I want everyone to stay at DrunkDuck. I also want everyone to succeed. Nothing says either will or won't happen.

This is just a little conversation Volte and myself had in the TD. I thought you guys might like to see it, since it's actually relevent.

Oh, and I want to respond to this:

In the end, I want everyone to stay at DrunkDuck. I also want everyone to succeed. Nothing says either will or won't happen.

Zuda says so. Zuda says that only Zuda will succeed.

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I don't know why people view Zuda as competition for Drunk Duck. It's not. Drunk Duck is a free hosting site where anybody can put up a comic about anything, Zuda is essentially a web-based DC imprint. Zuda's rationale for not allowing mirrors is perfectly reasonable: they want people to read your comic on their site. If comics on Zuda can mirror anywhere else then there is no reason for Zuda to exist. Quite frankly, Zuda is paying creators to make exclusive content for them, which draws visitors to their site. If the content isn't exclusive then there isn't a draw to go to their site which makes paying the creator a terrible business model.

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I'm not ready to make a comic, yet.

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Moonlight meanderer

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