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The new site is going to take a while, but this page will still be here. I'm having a bit of trouble getting it set up on my hosting but I'm sure I'll get it right sooner or later.

I'm going to change the format of the strip again, I know - I know. Lots of changes but change is good. I realized that I can't properly write the strip they way I want to in such a confined space because if you look a the older once they were much larger and could contain more panels.

So the new layout is going to be 3x2 panels, which will allow for fewer longer panels and lots of room for the vast amounts of text that I like to write in the set ups of the jokes.

Keep checking back because I do update the blog or for more personal/random things you can follow me on twitter. My name on there is encicra.

Anyway things are happening behind the scenes here at MMORPC so check back, and feel free to share the comics if you like them - that helps a bunch.