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Moonlight meanderer
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I hope this is all in working order- if not, I can edit it.

(:template Template.Character name='Captain Hawke' attach='' age='give or take 300 years' sex='Female' species='Human?' birth='Rome' friends='There is no time for friends in war- only fellow soldiers!' enemies='Zac, Ozone Ocean, Captain Wolfe' occupation='Time-traveling pirate' hair='long dirty-blonde' eyes='ocean blue' likes='Her hat' dislikes='Captain Wolfe':)



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Looks like a pirate.
!!! Personality
Acts like a pirate.
!!! Relationships
Lives to destroy Captain Wolfe, but will enjoy battling other foes that get in her way.
!! Character History
Her entire history is here:
But her Civil War history starts here:
!! Abilites and Equipment
Can time-travel by relocating stars to the places the would have been at the time she wants to arrive at, and is pretty handy with her rapier.
!! Gallery
(:template Template.Footer cat='[[!Drunk Duck Civil War]] [[!Riot's Side]]':)

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(:template Template.Character name=Stich attach= age=152 sex=Female species=Twin tailed fox demon birth=The dimension of Disharike on the planet of Zikrite in the city of Akrall on December 28th friends=Has yet to make friends in the war. Old friends are: Coruko, Fire, Ice, Domi, Cobalt, Rage, Rath, Karoya, Electron, Proton, Sumo Squirrel, Cory, Dr. Numeral, Carbon, Kevin, Chii, Chakra, Spirit, Horror, Or, Ro, Chi, Quez, RC, Kazuro, Zazo, Kyron, the dog Pirates, and David. enemies=Has yet to meet anyone on Zac's side, but has old enemies such as: The entire squirrel army, the entire Otter navy, the king Bizakrin, Zorron, and Crush occupation=Tripple S class criminal, shape shifter, can breath fire, can pull anything imaginable out of pocket, has extra lives, can teleport in puff of smoke, posses people, and travel dimensions. hair=brown and black fur. eyes=yellow green and kinda reptilian likes=blood, explosions, messing with the laws of nature. dislikes=most humans, half breads



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Usualy 5ft 4 inches and humanoid with fox ears that are brown with black tips, brown and black hair, glasses, an emerald green vest with fox tail yin-yang on back, royal blue shirt with black circles with grey fox heads on shoulder, and royal blue pants held up by a black belt with yellow bucle. Two brown fox tails with black ends. Limbs are black from the joints down, but hands are grey-ish. Claws are grey.
Can be made to go to real form with a hard enough hit, which is two feet tall, with brown and black fur, emerald green vest, royal blue t-shirt and opants, and a black belt with yellow buckle. Has half oval shades
When extramly out numbered will shape shift to a fox about the size of Godzilla with a pair of fangs at the back of jaws long enough to puncture a bus. Has black marks around eyes, lips, on chest, ears, and head.
When forced into an extream blind rade hair/fur goes black with red blood style paterns, gains odd marks on face, and attacks anyone and anything for the three hours said mode lasts. Very rare though because fighting vents the rage that would biuld up to this form.
!!! Personality
Crazy, blood thirsty, pyro, enigmatic, relative coward, lazy, forgetful.
!!! Relationships
None as of yet.
!! Character History
Work in progress.
!! Abilites and Equipment
Fire breath, shape shifting, teleporting, modifying anything to a greater level, pulling anything imaginable out of pockets, a gun with the power o a small nuke but presision of a snipper(hand gun)
!! Gallery
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(I forgot a couple things last time. I always forget things…)

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(:template Template.Character name='Lolli Girl AKA Nikai Nockturne' attach='' age='Nikai:16 Lolli Girl:21 (' sex='Female' species='Human ' birth='Where Kujo, Chay-can, and Mutation were born' friends='Chay-chan, Mutation, Kujo, and many more' enemies='none' occupation='Retired superhero though will become Lolli girl again if needed, currently medic' hair='Blonde' eyes='blue' likes='Toasters, saving lives, hitting things with toasters, and much much more' dislikes='Being turned into fanservice'



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Nikai: 16 with blond hair blue eyes, glasses, a zombie shirt, and a striped skirt. Either no tights or grey tights speckled with various colors (matters on weather), Black socks with black pom-poms, black leg warmers, and Sketchers Sport Premium.
Lolli Girl: 21 wih blond curly hair that covers one eye. A black heart under the right eye and a black streak that looks like a scar over the other. Black combat boots, grey thigh high stockings that tie. Black layered skirt. Grey corset with black top and grey arm warmers that match her stockings.
!!! Personality
Happy, energenic, sometimes insane almost, cheerful, sentimental. Deep down she is a little sad but still keeps a smile on for every one. She is definately willing to help any one in need wether Rioteer or a supporter of Zac.
!!! Relationships
Chay-chan: One of Nikai's best friends and comrades that is always cheerful and bubbly. Mutation: Nikai's unoficial fanclub, #1 fan, and under garment bandit. Kujo: Like Chay-chan and Mutation she has been a long time friend even through te years of Lolli girl. Nikai has very little other relationships except that she will make friends with who ever she can.
!! Character History
In The Medics Tent is the main comic has links to any other cameos and cross over with other comics.
!! Abilites and Equipment
Nikai and Lolli Girl:The ability to bend reality but prefers not to use it.
Lolli Girl: Benelli, M4 assault rifle, two tantos, daggers made of diamond, and a costom made katana.
Nikai: Toaster various blunt or sharp objects…O.o… Will still use M4 assault rifle if needed.
!! Gallery

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(:template Template.Character name='The Wanderer' attach='' age='Unknown- Late 20's' sex='female' species='Human' birth='East Coast of America' friends='Everyone and no one. Karen in particular' enemies='none known' occupation='Sorcress, mistress of the magic arts, and keepr of the knowledge arcane' hair='Golden Blond' eyes='blue-grey' likes='manga, milkshakes, comics, rainbows, laughter, jokes, honesty' dislikes='being hit on. being told what to do, people being unfair, people being mean, or rude'



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
A curvy woman of just under six feet, with godlen hair that falls haphazardly past her sholders. She's got a very English face, and is gneraly seen wearing a black leather jacket, black leather pants, a rainbow striped scarf and alot of ribboms.
Occasionaly seen in a bright pink body suit with a skirt and a green cowled cape.
!!! Personality
somewhat childish in her simplicity, the Wanderer likes everyone whos not being mean to her. She's sweet kind, and polite to almost everyone- unless they've done something to upset her. She's got a quirky sence of humor, and will gladly inflict it on other people. She seems spacy at time, the reason for which she atributes to "I know everyhting that has happened, and everything that will happen- I'm just not sure what's going on -now- and knowing things doesn't mean I understand them."
!!! Relationships
the Wanderer will guile-less-lly talk to anyone. In trying to figure out the war, she talked to many people, and would fearlessly aproach them again.
However, she says herself she has no freinds; many people would counter that thinking that they are her friends; and more or less they're right.
!! Character History
!! Abilites and Equipment
The main power she has exibited is an ablity to teleport from one place to another in a swirl of glitter and rainbows. However, she can cast magics to do all sorts of things; fromm conureing the latest issue of Shonen Jump to destroying an attacker's clothes- or blowing their head up. (She wouldn't do that though, that would be wrong.) If you've seen a comic book mystic do it, she has probably attempted it at one point or another.
!! Gallery

(:template Template.Footer cat='[[!Drunk Duck Civil War]] [[Neutral]]'

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(:template Template.Character name='Blade (Or the Mysterious Masked Tomato Warrior)' attach='' age='14' sex='Female' species='Humanesque, but with elf ears.' birth='Stick-figure Land' friends='Elf, anybody on Mr. Riot's team' enemies='Anybody on Zac's team' occupation='Blade is one of the two guardians of Stick-figure Land, sworn to protect her home and keep its existence a secret from the world at large. To help her in her task, she is endowed with special 'Author Powers': the abilities to change the shape of inanimate objects and (uncontrollably) make lightning strike things when she has an idea.' hair='Brown, falls midway down her back' eyes='Green' likes='Tomatoes, cookies, anything nice' dislikes='Mean people, lemons (she's allergic to them), and making people sad.':)



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Long brown hair, green eyes, elf ears. She wears a long-sleeved belly shirt, a pair of khaki capris, tennis shoes, and a long green cape. As the Mysteriious Masked Tomato Warrior, she adds a black mask and changes her color scheme to red and green.
!!! Personality
Blade's a sweetie, but a little ditzy and a bit of a liability at times. Easily distracted, but her ingenuity is sometimes surprising.
!!! Relationships
None so far, but hopes to change that in the future. She set out on her journey after hearing Hero's pirated broadcast to join Riot's team.
!! Character History
Blade has not yet appeared in any event but her own.
!! Abilites and Equipment
Blade has the ability to change the shape of inanimate objects–most specifically, tomatoes. Her weapon of choice, the Tomato Fencer, is made of bits she found in her tomato garden. Occasionally, when she has an idea, she can also make lightning strike something nearby. However, she cannot control where it hits, and it tends to cause more harm than good.
!! Gallery

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EDIT: Fixed the profile pic. Sorry. ^_^;;

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You misspelled my name…It's Stich…no second t….

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(:template Template.Character name='Aeon, the Sable Seamstress' attach='' age='24' sex='Female' species='Human' birth='The pocket dimension, Weft' friends='Ozone Ocean, Zac, fern, Green Tangerine' enemies='None at present time.' occupation='Sorceress, creepy know-it-all' hair='Short, blonde' eyes='Blue' likes='Meditation, solitude, divining the future, knitting, sewing.' dislikes='People who contradict her, those who mock the mystic ways, children, dirty laundry.':)



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
A petite girl in her mid-twenties. She is very fair, with bright blue eyes and short, dirty blonde hair. When at home in her Tower of Mysteriousness and Secrecy she wears elaborate and flowing garments, but when in battle she wears a black leather hoodie and pants with crimson gloves and boots.
!!! Personality
She mainly enjoys being cryptic and mysterious, but she has been known to deliver a few dry remarks during battle. She is inclined to solitude, and has spent much time solo, repelling the unclothed demon hordes from their attempts to invade the pocket dimension she rules and capture her mystical Fabric of the Universe. She has had few close friends in her life, prefering to keep people at arms length rather than see them hurt as a result of her mystic seamstress lifestyle. In large groups she becomes quiet and reserved, but she is always thinking and observing the events around her, and she can be a valuable source of information. She is very patient and meticulous, and has no sympathy for the reckless or unorganized.
!!! Relationships
Although she usually remains aloof, watching the events of Drunk Duck from afar, her Tailor's Tarot indicated that she must become involved with the Civil War brewing. She chose to ally herself with Zac, because knowing the True Name of users allows her to cast spells on them with ease, and because she heard his side had cookies. She knew few of the other fighters well before the start of the war, although she had often admired Ozone Ocean's amazing headgear from afar. She does rule a horde of a few small demons native to Weft, mainly employing them to create cloth and armor.
!! Character History
Her tie-in:
!! Abilites and Equipment
She has a great resource of spells at her disposal in her sanctum, the Needle's Eye, but requires time to research before using most of them in battle. She also has the ability to teleport between her pocket dimension of Weft and Drunk Duck, even bringing others along with her, but she requires a quiet moment to concentrate fully to do so. In battle, she relys mainly on her Tape of True Measurement, which she uses as a lariat, and which she can mystically manipulate to change it's size and length. Her backup weapons are the Needles of Retribution, two long, sharp metal knitting needles forged in the fires of Hell itself. She keeps these tucked in her boots for emergencies.
!! Gallery

(:template Template.Footer cat='[[!Drunk Duck Civil War]] [[!Zac's Side]]':)

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(:template Template.Character name='Shraye' attach='None available yet' age='19' sex='Female' species='Human' birth='Somewhere in the Nevada Desert' friends='Hero' enemies='no specific users at the moment, but she hates Rosencroninny with a passion.' occupation='none, she sells her extra socks("Parting is such sweet sorrow…") on eBay for income' hair='curly, dirty blonde' eyes='light greenish-blue' likes='anything rainbow colored, karaoke machines/KTV time, any nice guy with pretty eyes, prettyboys, cake, white chocolate, puns, nice people' dislikes='dark chocolate, coffee, Rosencroninny/Rosie, P-Patrol, mean people'



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Shraye is at least 5'7", a height in which she considers herself short compared to others her age. She has curly and dirty blonde hair which reaches at least the top of her chest. Her eyes are a light green-blue hue. She wears rainbow colored socks, along with a dark navy blue suit. Inside the suit she wears a white shirt and a rainbow colored tie. The left arm of her suit and the lower right leg of her suit got ripped off due to an previous encounter with Rosencron's minions. She liked how it looked, so she ripped all of her clothes that way. She would never appreciate anyone touching her socks. Ever. Except her prince charming, who has yet to appear. She wears black gloves which help keep anything that's in her hands in her hands. The golden brace she wears can actually be worn anyhwere on the body, but she feels most comfortable with it on her left leg, so she wears it there.
!!! Personality
Shraye likes to talk alot, even when it's unnecessary. It depends on the gravity of the situation going on around her (as she usually likes to commentate on what happens). She loves making puns, sometimes to the point that it makes you want to shoot yourself in the face already. Only sometimes, though, when "she's on a roll". When she's not running her mouth or making puns about whatever is happening, she just sits around and waits for orders from Riot (which is actually possible for her to do) or any fellow Rioteers. When she is alone and away from a karaoke machine, she is silent and reflects on everything that is going on around her. It is still unknown whether she loves rainbow colored socks or karaoke machines more. She refuses to wear shoes because apparently they are a prison for her feet. Her socks are 'blankets' for her feet, so she's fine with them. She easily falls in love (or at least, she thinks she's in love) with prettyboys and any nice guy with pretty eyes, but she is still waiting for the right man to sweep her off her socks. Currently, although she is very dedicated to defending and fighting for Riot's cause, she [thinks she] is in love with Zac.
!!! Relationships
Shraye is friendly with anyone she meets, although as of the moment her only known friend is Hero, who has saved her butt at least once or twice when Rosencron and/or his minions tried to persuade her to register by alerting her.
!! Character History
Shraye has appeared only in her event, Rainbow Colored Socks, and she has been mentioned in A Hero's Story( where Hero sends one of his Afro Puffs to keep an eye on her.
!! Abilites and Equipment
Shraye loves hand-to-hand combat, as she believes that kicking people's butts without weapons proves that you are better than those who would need them. When the need arises, though, she has two weapons: a gun and a sword. Her gun can use any bullet (it can change its form depending on the bullet), and she uses it when she is tired of hand-to-hand combat. She tries not to use the sword as it takes energy from her, creating [energy] waves that harm the enemy greatly (more than the gun). She is telekinetic, but she considers it cheating when she uses it, so just like the sword, she doesn't use this power until she really needs to. Or when she's too lazy to care (usually the case). She usually slaps herself after she uses it for making the mistake of using the power. The brace below her left knee has needles which have a solution inside them that stops her body from feeling the attacks. She will bleed/get bruised, but she won't be able to feel the blows dealt to her and she keeps going. This is considered a weakness by some, but she still wears it (mostly because it's shiny). She cannot fly, but she can still jump higher and longer than most. The gloves she wears help keep whatever she is holding in her hands because without them, everything would slip through her fingers.
!! Gallery¤t=pdno1colored2.jpg

(:template Template.Footer cat='[[!Drunk Duck Civil War]] [[!Riot's Side]]'

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(:template Template.Character name='The Pun-isher' attach='No Image available' age='19' sex='Male' species='Human ' birth='England' friends='The Author' enemies='Who ever he is fighting' occupation='Chef, who is a master of all weapons, explosives and vehicles' hair='Blonde, Spiked on top' eyes='Blue' likes='Video Games, Cars and his Shotgun' dislikes='His Enemies'



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
A well built male with blonde spiky hair and deep blue eyes. He wears black steel toe capped shoes, dark blue jeans, smiley faced t-shirt, leather jacket and his trusty shotgun. A scar from on top of his right arm from a burn he got from an accident in the kitchen.
!!! Personality
A slightly sarcastic, egotistical, Alpha male type. Almost like ‘Dr Cox’ from ‘scrubs’. Always wanting to be the best in his area and will not back down over anything. Loves to speed down the road in his hyper cars and blow stuff up.
!!! Relationships
He does not really know anyone in this war other than ‘The Author’.
!! Character History
Grew up on the army base where he was trained from the young age of 4. Over the years becoming more competent in weapons until he was the master of all in the British forces but when there was no more funding for his training he left the army and went into a kitchen at the age of 15. Where there he learnt all the tricks to the trade.
!! Abilites and Equipment
The complete knowledge of the weapons in the British Army and the ability to drive every vehicle to the top of there capabilities.
!! Gallery.
(:template Template.Footer cat='[[!Drunk Duck Civil War]] [[!Riot's Side]]'

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Let's hope I filled this out right:

(:template Template.Character name='Neila K20' attach='Image URL here, must be 200x300 pixels' age='20' sex='Female' species='Human' birth='Texas' friends='Evil Emperor Nick' enemies='Specific Battle Rivals' occupation='Artist, Student, Telekenetic, trys to be emo but gets distracted by cute things too easily' hair='Long Blonde' eyes=' Hazel color changing, Grey to Green, or Blue' likes='Cute, Adorible things' dislikes=' People misspelling her screen name "Neilak" or "Niela", haveing to tell people her real name, other people being sad, lack of coffee.'



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
About 5' 4" tall, has waist length blonde hair in a tight braid, with bangs cut to just above her jaw line, and very pale white skin. Glasses, a long brown leather trench coat, black shoes with purple soles and shoe strings, and dresses in completely grey/black otherwise.
!!! Personality
Happy, but trying desperately to be brooding. Very Forgetful.
!!! Relationships
Neila had one bad morning and decieded to be moody and emo about it from then on after. She's generally a happy go lucky person though, so she often forgets to be brooding. In some instances she'll be putting so much effort into brooding that she forgets to think or do tasks.
!! Character History
Willow Wanderer's "A Space Between" Pg 1 Cameo
!! Abilites and Equipment
She carries a Jutte, a toothpick, and is telekenetic. She gains energy by drinking coffee.
!! Gallery
To be drawn.

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*EDIT* I messed up, its 5' 4" instead of 4' 4" Sorry bout that v_v Edited 4-14-07

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(:template Template.Character name='Amy Warren' attach='' age='21' sex='Female' species='Human' birth='Denver, Colorado' friends='Michael (Deceased)' enemies='Captain Hawke, Super V Girl' occupation='Martial Artist, Ex-Student, and Vampire Hunter' hair='Long Auburn' eyes='Blue' likes='Human Decency' dislikes='Vampires':)



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
A relatively attractive, physically fit young woman. About five and a half feet in height. Dresses casually.
!!! Personality
Generally stubborn and self-righteous. Extraordinarily straightforward and sincere. Proud. Not very socially adept.
!!! Relationships
Conflict with Captain Hawke and Super V Girl. Has met several others since the war started.
!! Character History
So far:
!! Abilites and Equipment
Possesses extraordinary skill in unarmed combat, considerable prowess with melee weapons, alertness, and determination.

(:template Template.Footer cat='[[!Drunk Duck Civil War]] [[!Zac's Side]]':)

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(:template Template.Character name='Xitius' attach='' age='19' sex='male' species='Human' birth='earth' friends='latrise, trac, kenji, the rock, sai, jinx, swifty, nero' enemies='terra city government, seraphs, demonic and angelic creatures' occupation='nothing' hair='medium length with a long white strip of hair' eyes='brown' likes='swords, guns, girls, destruction, to be alone' dislikes='annoying people, seraphs, government'



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Young looking, normal guy, kinda short, always wheres a white jacket and goggles around his neck, carries a large sword and a gun
!!! Personality
short tempered, lonely, dark, jokey, uncaring, unforgiving
!!! Relationships
doesn't know anyone and doesn't realy care
!! Character History
none so far
!! Abilites and Equipment
one small pistol, several guns clips with one bullet in each, a large sword
!! Gallery

(:template Template.Footer cat='[[!Drunk Duck Civil War]] [[!Riot's Side]]'

Posted at

There are currently more neutrals listed than Zacettes.

WHat's going on, Zackites?

The Author
The Author
Posted at

(:template Template.Character name='The Author' attach='' age='23' sex='Male' species='Human' birth='Greenwich, London, England' friends='The Pun-isher' enemies='N/A' occupation='Web comic creator and computer game hacker' hair='Purple mullet' eyes='Black' likes='Computer games and food' dislikes='Jack Thompson and fat free food'



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Looks fat and unhealthy, but looks can be deceiving. Is very agile and can out dodge the fastest of beings. Never seen with out his black beanie, his custom A black hoody and tinted red glasses on.
!!! Personality
Extremly sarcastic and free spirited. He is only serious when it involves the battle for life and death.
!!! Relationships
Due to his extreme sarcasm he doesn't get on very well with any of the other heroes very well. The closest friend he has is The Pun-isher.
!! Character History
The Author grew up with video games surrounding him. Due to this over exposure to computer radiation, as he grew up The Author discovered that he could rip into the digital dimension and borrow certain equipment for the computer games that surround him.
He decided to hide this power from the world, and took up the mantle of a webcomic author, thus his alter ego was born.
When the internet is threatened by sprite comics, The Author will appear to right wrongs and battle evil. And he is called apon now in the darkness that is the Drunk Duck Civil War.
!! Abilites and Equipment
He has the ability to rip a hole into the digital dimension so he can borrow certain objects to aid him.
He always carries round with him his favourite video games so that he use the dimension rip to take the equipment from within.
!! Gallery

(:template Template.Footer cat='[[!Drunk Duck Civil War]] [[!Riot's Side]]'

Posted at

There are currently more neutrals listed than Zacettes.

WHat's going on, Zackites?

I'm with Zac. Waiting to get put up on the wiki.

Thing is, not many people want to side with registration. Why would they, right?
Hell, I chose Zac almost entirely because everybody was siding up with Riot!

Posted at

(:template Template.Character name='Adariel' attach=' WIKI.png' age='20' sex='M' species='Human' birth='Shaolin Temple' friends='N/A' enemies='N/A' occupation='Combat abilities with sickle and chains/former assassin' hair='brown brushed up with pony tail' eyes='light brown' likes='cookies, pretty girls and comic books' dislikes='annoying talkers and dumb people':)



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Brown brushed up hair with pony tail, always wears a gray shirt, dark colored pants and rubber shoes, around 5'7" in height. carries his sickle and chains in a green bag. With green quartz pendant used for mental focusing.
!!! Personality
Easily annoyed with loud talkers, specially if they're bragging or insulting other people, hates talking to dumb people who cant understand his level of intelligence (near genius). Likes to read and hang out in quiet places, always sketching when time permits.
!!! Relationships
Still working on it for now its N/A
!! Character History
For Main Civil War Page: Haven't appeared yet.
Side Story Page:
!! Abilites and Equipment
Sickle and Chains, combat and stealth abilities learned from being an assassin trainee
!! Gallery

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(:template Template.Character name='Freux' attach='' age='21' sex='Female' species='Human?' birth='Unknown' friends='N/A' enemies='Bite Girl' occupation='Secret' hair='Short/brown' eyes='Unknown' likes='eating bird food, talking to herself, Zac's hair' dislikes='being stalked, being chased, being bitten, molting, people with secret identities. '



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Freux is short and quite thin. She has short brown hair and freckles, and she wears thick black glasses, dark clothing, fishnet hose, and giant hooker boots. Sprouting from her back are two medium-sized black wings.
!!! Personality
Freux has a bizarre personality. She's completely self-centered, paranoid, and talks to herself quite often. She isn't the overly friendly sort and randomly has a very short temper.
!!! Relationships
She currently isn't very fond of Bite Girl.
!! Character History
First appeared here: "". Hasn't revealed any history thus far.
!! Abilites and Equipment
Freux has the ability to fly.. sort of. While her wings aren't large enough to let her really take off, her small size does allow her to make some extraordinary jumps. She wears heavy boots that give her a little more leverage, and carries around two pairs of scissors that she uses as weapons when necessary.
!! Gallery
N/A at the moment.

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Edited mine again.

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(:template Template.Character name='Ocka' attach='' age='28' sex='Male' species='Human' birth='Unknown' friends='His pnly friend is his secretary, Missy Sue' enemies='None' occupation='Bussiness man (owner of O.C.K.A),Robot engineer, and an ex-marine' hair='Black' eyes='blue eyes' likes='Technology, robots, sexy females' dislikes='anyone who supports Zac, rabbits, Tom Cruise, long walks on the beach, and the amish population.'



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Ocka is 5ft. 8in. Has white skin, wears a dark grey and red american general outfit. He has a mullet, and always shaves his beard.
!!! Personality
Ocka is a sane guy, though he can get easily distracted with work. During the civil war he is more excited to test his new combat droids, and his mysterious Chibi gun . He perfers to keep the rest of his life secret for he really trust no one other than his secretary, Missy Sue. Ocka will not kill anyone of the heroes on Zac's Side for he considers it messy and not really needed for victory, though he doesn't mind killing any of the URNA troops for they are expendable. His real purpose in the civil war is to help Riot allow anyone to have thier real name secret if they wish.
!!! Relationships
He has no relationships with anyone other than his Secretary, Missy Sue. He considers her to be the only person he can trust and sometimes has feelnigs of love toward her, but he always hides it.
Ocka has yet to meet anyone else who is with Riot.
!! Character History
Page 2-5 of "Ocka in the Drunk Duck Civi War"
!! Abilites and Equipment
Ocka is able to create armies of droids to do his work thanks to his intellect and money.
His military uniform allows him to be invulnerable to bullets, all forms of melee attacks, and is fire proof. His shoes have mini-jetpacks installed inside them to allow him to fly for 3 hours.
Being an ex-marine, he is good at using practically any weapon, and fighting in hand-to-hand combat. His strength is that of a normal human.
Though he can hold his own, he mainly sends out his armies of droids to do the fighting for him, and always keeps hundreds near him. Each droid is built to attack in different ways (i.e his Slacker bots are more better for melee attacks, while his seekers are built to attack enemies in the air), while his drone bots are the all around droids.
!! Gallery - Ocka and two of his drone bots - Slacker bot - Seeker Bot and drone bot

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(:template Template.Character name='Celrena' attach='' age='22' sex='Female' species='Saiyan' birth='Another Planet but has been placed on earth' friends='Is normally friendly towards most people' enemies='Tries not to have rivals' occupation='A self-proclaimed modern day samurai who has the ablity to move quickly and fly/hover' hair='Medium Length dark brown hair' eyes='Dark Brown' likes='All kinds of weapons' dislikes='Getting forced into something':)



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Celrena is around 5'4, has medium length brown hair that has it mostly in a high ponytail, and has brown eyes. Most of the time she has her Katana strapped to her back and wears arm guards with her arms tapped underneath.
!!! Personality
Most of the time she is pretty cheerful with a relaxed personality. When she is serious or pissed off she seems like a whole other person.
!!! Relationships
Has a watcher over her called Lee who is there to keep an eye on her. Celrena will speak to others to figure out what is actually going on and hopefully find friends along the way.
!! Character History
Celrena is still confused on what is going on in the world of Drunk Duck and find herself on the run without knowing why. She is seeking answers and reasoning.
!! Abilites and Equipment
Carries a Katana and a few other weapons (like throwing knives). She is able to move pretty quickly, but isn't quite as fast as other characters, and is able to hover/fly.
!! Gallery

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I just notice one thing in my old one that was bugging me XD still had the … sorry ^_^;; and I did alittle changes, I THANK YOU in advance ^__^

Posted at

(:template Template.Character name='Zac' attach='' age='18' sex='Male' species='Humans' birth='Orlando, Florida' friends='Zac has too many friends. He considers most anyone a friend. DockWorker, Ozoneocean, PhantomPenguin, Hellfire, Marina, Nick, Fern, Rob, Freux, Persephone, F_Allen, Shisno,…the list goes on and on' enemies='Has a strong dislike of Acadia, Riot, JiminyCricketX, B_K and the rest of the rioteers.' occupation='Amateur Cartoonist. Zac has the amazing ability to draw things mediocre. He has the power of charisma and cute on his side too. Special attacks include: Pretty Boi Punch, Ballet Action, and a magical guitar weilding skill.' hair='Bishie' eyes='Hazel' likes='Cookies, love, and justice' dislikes='Activists and Rap and Country Music':)



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
Zac is a thin, average, almost tiny person. His hair is long, and he sports a soul patch and a 5 o'clock shadow.
!!! Personality
Zac considers himself to be loving and have a decent sense of humor. He uses puns and bad jokes a lot, but simply because he's an idiot. He's uber shy around girls ever since a freak incident a few months before the Civil War began. People often refer to Zac as Emo, but he doesn't think he is…all the time. Zac would also much rather talk things out than fight. Things that annoy him are silly rebellions which serve no purpose but to follow some "just cause".
!!! Relationships
Zac and Riot weren't always enemies. In fact they used to be teammates in a super DrunkDuck Alliance of artists. They fought for the community and networking ideals of a Perfect DrunkDuck Community! However when word broke out about the Registration act it quickly tore them apart.
Ozoneocean is a mentor and supporter figure for Zac. He encouraged a younger Zac to keep up his work and drove him to becoming a more consistent artist. Thanks to Ozone, instead of crap, zac now draws mediocre.
PhantomPenguin and Zac go way back to before the 2nd Crash of the DrunkDuck community. Starting around the same time, both Penguin and Zac always had each others back in case some anonymous sniper decided to show up and gank their respective works. Constant criticism and support between the two built up a great brotherly bond between Zac and Phantom.
Zac can't speak turtleneese, or whatever language the future speaks, but he thinks a fighting kick ass turtle rocks his socks. He can often be seen giving Dash Kameku high fives in battle, as it is a timeless sign of "rock out".
Fern knows how to kill himself and Zac respects that. After 17 comics all ending with a slitting of the wrists, Zac finally realized Fern was probably just as emo as himself. Which Zac thinks is neato!

(more relationships to come later)
!! Character History
Zac's been seen primarily only in the main Civil War event thus far. Though he is mentioned in many of the side events.
!! Abilites and Equipment
Zac carries a pink guitar, which has yet to be used yet. He's trained in the art of Indy Rock, The Golden Age of Webcomic Artist's influence (circa 1998-2002) and has an orange belt in Shotokan. He's also a Shotokan Drop out. He wants go back and learn more skills, like the Hadoken, but is too afraid of his sensei's disapointment in him.
!! Gallery
nothing at the moment

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Posted at

(:template Template.Character name='Mechni' attach='' age='22' sex='Female' species='Human' birth='USA-East Coast' friends='n/a' enemies='Hero, Tantz Aerine' occupation='Mechni used to be a photographer, now she lives off of anything she can find providing she thinks she needs it.' hair='dark brown, curly' eyes='black' likes='pretty things, Zac's hair, pasta' dislikes='foul language, things which give her bad vibes':)



!! Personality and Appearance

!!! Appearance
5'6, average, left arm is a machine gun, right arm is robotic, metal plate under her right eye to aid in picking up radio signals, her mouth is fixed into an everpresent smile.
!!! Personality
She used to have a personality, but her frontal lobe was damaged.
!!! Relationships
She has a bad one, or at least one that didn't start out on the right foot with Hero after destroying several of his afro-puffs.
!! Character History
Appears in drunkduck comics: Waster With Limbs, Proto Culture Comics
!! Abilites and Equipment
She can shoot, summon up ridiculous strength with her right arm, pick up radio signals.
!! Gallery .

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