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Moonlight meanderer

Dumb Jokes...

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I am a sucker for a silly joke…'Just love 'em. So, I created a thread to share 'em.

A few of my favortes:

Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
A: No I-deer.

Q.What Does a fish say when he swims into a wall?
A. Damn!

Q.What did one snowman say to the other snowman
A. Do you smell carrots?

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There's a follow-up to your deer joke. :)

Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
A: Still No I-deer!

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Five'll get 'cha ten:

What do you call a mute deer with no eyes, and no legs sittin' in The Vatican?

Deaf-in-Italy, still no i'dear. (HaaHa!)

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If only it could save the world…News just in, dumb jokes save the world.

A Dozen "Silly Jokes"

1. What did one eye say to the other?
Between you and me, something smells!

2. What did the tie say to the hat?
You go on a head, I will just hang around!

3. What did the ghost say to the invisible man?
Long time no see!

4. What did the doctor say to the man who complained he was shrinking?
You will just have to be a little patient!

5. What did the math book say to the history book?
Boy, do I have problems!

6. What did the cherry tree say to the farmer?
Quit picking on me!

7. Why did Cinderella's coach sit her on the bench
Because she ran away from the ball!

8. When is a car not a car?
When it turns into a driveway!

9. Why did the farmer bury all his money in his fields?
He wanted rich soil

10. What do you get when you cross SpongeBob with Albert Einstein?
SpongeBob Smartypants

11. What did the banana do when it heard the ice scream?
It split

12. Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
Because it was feeling crummy

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Moonlight meanderer

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