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I am an arachnid, you know. I'm here for any "spider" related queries you may have. To get a question answered, I ask that you follow the guidelines outlined below.

Question Submission Guidelines:

When asking a question, please copy and paste the Spidey Question Category into the subject of your post. After pasting the "category" write a brief question, with a question mark at the end. Simple sentences only, please.

In the body of your post, ask a more detailed version of your question. Use correct grammar and I will answer your question, the best that I can.

Spidey Question Categories:

……For any Biological, morphological and taxonomy questions.
……Ecology, spiders and their habitats.
……For questions about the bahavior of Spiders.
……Obviously, if you wanna' know something about webs and web-spinnin'.
……Interested in the "evolution of Spiders?
……Have a question about how Spiders interact with people? Bites, Arachnophobia, Poisionous spiders? People that eat Spiders? Use this category prefix.
……Legends and symbolism abound about us Spiders, ask about our cultural contrabutions. (Folklore; in literature; comics, manga, and cartoons; motion pictures and television; games and toys, you are never farther than five feet from a Spider.)

Example question:

My thread would look like this: [BIO] How many body segments?

The body of my post would look something like this:


I was wondering how many body segments do Spider's have? Are they all the same?

Your Name or "Alias"

Please use complete sentences in your post and proper punctuation. I will try to answer all questions within the week.