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Hello! I'm Gina. I live in the LA area of Southern California in the United States of America. I'm more Puerto Rican than American and love other cultures. I'm an Art History nerd but can't draw to save my life. I'm a college student at a Junior College getting my A.A. degree in political science but I'm planning on studying International Relations in university.

My favorite character is Sundae because he's really kind of obnoxious and giddy and I tend to like those kinds of people. Ususally because it's easy to tease them but still… My least favorite charater is Bourbon because he's willfully selfish and cruel not to mention a coward. He doesn't understand that it is not okay to treat people badly while Bubblegum recognizes that the things he says and does is wrong. I hate people who are purposefully self-centered and mean and thinks it's their right. They remind me of my mother.I do like how Bourbon is with his brothers though. He is a good older brother but kindness needs to extend outside of family.

My hobbies include reading, writing and wasting my life on gaia (I know, pathetic). I read many different things from Simon R. Green and Charlaine Harris to Jane Austin and Edgar Allen Poe. I also read manga and a number of very diverse webcomics. I speak some Spanish, Japanese, French and Italian but am not fluent.