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I must say, I love STRANGE CASE. I loved it since it first popped into my head three years ago (wow, that seems so much now). I loved the idea of the tragic femme, Lychotia, when she first appeared on paper some six months prior to the comic. She was a real mixture of my fave detectives. Holmes, Poirot, she was the darkside of each and a heavy dose of pulp fun. A heroin addict like Holmes, deeply cynical of life and always the outcast, like Poirot. Brilliant, dashing, yet thoroughly alien. She used heroin to the point of a dual personality, bringing her into Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde territory. She often had to solve crimes she herself committed, becoming the Dr Moriarty to her own Sherlock.

The Lychotia now is the same archetype personality, same failings, just… she gets a nice new paranormal way to vent it.

I'm really proud to present STRANGE CASE to people, and with it Lychotia C. Grey.

I hope everyone can enjoy the ride as much as I will.