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Today's page was number 293 so only 7 pages to go until I hit 300. Once it's posted I'll have more to say (such as the very necessary thank you's). To be honest, I'm not even sure what page 300 will contain. I mean, I know what each page coming up has but I haven't worked out which one will actually be page 300. So I don't even know if I'm done it already (I have a number of pages completed, a few left to be lettered, and a few at the pencil/layout stage, and the rest are just thumbnails at the moment).

So, although I won't be making any changes, what would have made for an interesting page 300? Alex pummeling Rod? Job being Job (ie. killing a whole lot of people while ranting)? The Chief being all serious and moody? Or Anthony being Anthony? … Because really, what else has Anthony been doing? :) Or perhaps I should have put a break in there to do a cool full page/cover like shot of something.

Oh well, we still actually have a ways to go before we hit the big event and I hope you enjoy the next few pages. We've had our soap opera pages so I guess it's time to get back to the actiony goodness. ;)