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Moonlight meanderer
The Webcomic Review Forum for the Webcomic Review Comic on the Web
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Since I finally got to read it after that angry posy I did, I can comment on the comic itself.

I agree with most people about the art, although I don't think the problem is necessarily too much details, but not enough contrast to distinguish the main elements in all these details.

I was lost at the beginning because I had totally no idea of what/who/when/how but after a while I didn't mind anymore because the action scenes were good. The way the girl from the other time speaks didn't bother me at all in the beginning, but more it went, more it started to bug me. However, this might be because I found it harder to understand. In general, I think this is a good comic, the only big thing that I didn't like is that it jumps from an atmosphere to another without warning. When one guy appear of nowhere and starts a fight, it's ok. But it kept happening, and then all of a sudden all was solve and the "heroes" are alone again. Maybe it's just my attention that wasn't always all there, but it seemed like that to me.

About the two polemics:

The fact that he tried to take off her pants with his mouth didn't bother me, the fact that it didn't seem possible bothered me. I'm sure he would have done better with his foot if he is a little flexible, but I'm not 100% sure there. With his teeth, he could probably only drag the body with him.

And for the "monthly" bleeding, I didn't care much, except that at the beginning I thought she was having her period and thinking that he just put his face there, which I didn't really want to think about. But other than that, I don't think it was a problem.

Posted at

Ha ha, see HArk the prob with necroposting is the other participants may not read your reply. But whatev, I'll reply.

@ Demontales:

>> I'm also starting to wonder why you wanted to be reviewed if you have such a low vision of Hark and Kev's work.

I share something with a lot of arrogant artists: I like arguing ceaselessly about my work. If you think constant humility is a requisite for online authors, then you won't like me much.

It's not that I'm haughty all the time. It's just that in certain situations it comes out.

My impression of their critique is that their POV is narrower than those of most ppl, to the point where I have very little need to consider their POV. Very little, but not none.

For this case, what Hark has succeeded in doing is inspiring me to add another editor to F2, who happens to be a Bible Belt Christian American (but with a progressive mindset which I also admire to be critical).

>> disclosing completely others doesn't seem so clever to me.

In the past I have acted on criticisms from editors and readers in order to improve my comics, changing my script or the pages. My attitude toward Hark and IFDTS is individual-specific.

>> but not enough contrast to distinguish the main elements in all these details.

Yep I agree. As I get more comfortable with my new CG techniques, I'm going to address that.

>> The fact that he tried to take off her pants with his mouth didn't bother me, the fact that it didn't seem possible bothered me.

That I blame on the art not being clear. He needed 2 hands to pull them down, so he was using his teeth as the "other hand". That's all he could come up with at that moment.

Thanks for reading!

@ Salsa:

Yes, I agree that is an equally valid way of doing the chapter, which would also be less icky to certain readers. But…

Character = Nuada isn't only "not a hero." He's also a guy who does harbor "sinful thoughts" towards Chase. Which is why it subconsciously comes out in these under-stress actions. This is not a normally decent guy suddenly performing some out-of-character fanservice device. Rather this is part of his character, even if his conscious intentions are good.

I think this aspect gets lost because ppl see this and automatically assume it is out-of-character fanservice, because most out-of-character fanservice is like this.

Story = I knew this was close to hentai story elements when I drew it, but I felt that the alternative is worse: A standard field-medic scene which the readers are numb to. I don't want a "Oh ho hum, ofc the main hero won't die… I'll just mindlessly keep reading…"

I felt it better to insert something which causes ppl to have a reaction, whether it's "WTF yuck, hah I gotta see what happens next" or "LOL cool, hah I gotta see what happens next."

Ofc there would be the ppl who go "WTF yuck, oh my immersion is so shattered, this comic isn't for me." But I weighed the risks.

And lastly, 1 of my editors put it well. He said that this device has put a very weird sexual tension betw the 2 characters, for the readers. Now, when the readers see these two characters together, they can't *not* think of that controversial scene. It will be ever-present in their minds.

Basically, the ickiness contributes to the entire story afterwards. For the price of turning off a few readers.

>> I never played the game it was based on though.
Me neither. I did read the translated text files. It really is a great novel. I wish there would be a Western-audience-attuned live-action miniseries based on this novel; it'd be like a combination of Ghost, Time After Time, (dare I say it) Harry Potter, and Highlander.

That story could *really* sell in the Western audience as long as it's tweaked to cater to them. For example, get rid of the high school setting. That isn't important even in the original story.

Thanks for reading!

@ Hark:

>> If I had recognised them, I probably would have held that against the comic more, as using someone else's characters is pretty derivative.

One thing I have started to wonder….if the character's arms were so numb he could not use them to remove her trousers…how could he use them to heal her once he got her trousers off?
What the hell did he actually do to help her after all the sweating and grunting? I guess he put on he bandage with his teeth after sucking out the bullet.

And then you lament on how narrow-minded I am about you? Your reek of bias just like this.

Secondly it has always seemed as if you read every other page of my comic and then gave it a review. And I should value that opinion more than my editors'?

(1) Anyone who automatically assumes "using someone else's characters is derivative" is not my audience. Wow I guess Neil Gaiman is an unoriginal twit when he made League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which btw published way after I started Fight. He's writing about characters fleshed out by other authors, so lazy!

(2) Nuada reassembled his arm AFTER he pulled off her pants and realized that he can't treat her by normal first aid methods. The scene where he overcame his own fears in order to reassemble his arm took 2 pages.

Posted at

mlai, as I mentioned, I dont care about necroposting, but I dont know why you would want to reopen the debate.
You've made it pretty clear that you don't see anything wrong or mishandled in the sequences we didn't like, and you are increasingly dismissing all criticisms as coming from people who are too bias or from a narrow point of view.
I dont think there is any arguement that can be put to you at this point that you will even take seriously, let alone one that would change your mind.

If you are confident that your comic is working great just as it is, then more power to you I say! I don't get a comission if you listen to me.
You've got awesome editors who are really smart and give great addvice? Cool, you listen to them.
I get the impression you like your "editors" because they agree with you, but I am mainly basing that on how hostile you are to disenting views.

Its just starting to seem pointless to go back and forth when you aren't really interested in what you are being told anymore.

But I didn't enjoy the comic at all.
Offensive content or not…it is just really, really boring!

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Moonlight meanderer

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