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About a year ago I mentioned this project and
got a lot of enthusiastic people getting in touch. Then I got distracted by
jobs and bills and boring stuff. But now finally it's all ready to go!
The idea will be that on the 5th of every month I will
post a 5 page comic script over on the Geek Shack section of for illustrators to use free of charge. And in return all I ask is that
I get sent a copy of the finished piece to post on the site and of course that
I get a writing credit when or where ever the work is used to showcase your

The aims are to allow illustrators to get experience and just focus on
their art without having to spend hours brainstorming their own ideas. It will
also allow me play with storytelling techniques/styles in the set medium of
comics and simply give me a chance to write. So please bare with me, I'm used
to screenplays so there's going to be a learning curve, but I welcome any
constructive feedback people are willing to offer.

The rules I've stuck to are
similar to 2000AD's Future Shocks; five pages and no more than seven panels to
a page. I'm hoping to make the stories as diverse and interesting as I
can. Covering fantasy, sci-fi, horror, drama, history, mythology, etc.

On the
5th I'll post two scripts – because I'm groovy like that. So please spread the
word, contact me if you have any questions and check out the site on the 5th!


P.S - I honestly have no idea why I called it Short Notice. It was
the first thing to pop into my head, so for psychoanalytical reasons and
possibly trace amounts of laziness, I have stuck with it.