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Indeed, what IS so challenging about these concepts? And yet, one need only turn on the boob tube or walk out the door to see we live in a world where they are sometimes thin on the ground. One hopes that we’ll all do our best to make our world a fertile garden where these concepts can flourish!
From the title you may have guessed I’ve been listening to Elvis Costello. Looked up that song on YouTube the other day and had it running through my mind ever since!  ;)
On to the business at hand!!
Zowie!! This week Frolica! begins its permanent schedule, updating three days a week! That means is THE PLACE TO BE every Monday/Wednesday/Friday… for fun and… FROLIC!!
Zowie!! Another busy weekend thanks to my friends Jeff and Dixie, who provided me with some very valuable help with promotion. A little gesture of appreciation will be winging its way to you soon!
Zowie!! The art for Frolica’s! Magnificent March Pinup Calendar is all done! It won’t be posted till the end of February, but trust me folks… it’s worth the wait!!
Zowie!! With all that going on somehow I’ve managed to find time to get cranking on comics as well! Be here Wednesday, for a little insider peek at how I write and draw these things! As a wiser soul than I once said, “Creativity isn’t pretty!”
Zowie!! I want… I need… I desperately desire your artistic contributions for the upcoming Fantastic Frolica! Fan Art Page! Draw Frolica!, Old Dog, or Master Zinger in your own style and send a jpeg to! See the Fabulous Frolica! Manifesto for content guidelines!
Well Fellow Frolickers, that wraps it up for today! I want each one of you to know how very much I appreciate you (yea, i'm talkin' to YOU) coming by to share a moment of your day! Face front, Fellow Frolickers! The future lies before us, and it’s a beautiful place to be!