I know this should probably be in the story ideas thing, but I thought it would be interesting to talk about anyway :P
I think an interesting thing that we could do is have our heroes interacting with each other outside the "Hero" if you will. Since we know that they have a base and we've seen it a few times, perhaps we can really delve into it and have our heroes when they are not fighting. I think it would work with establishing relationships ala Voras crush on Shell and possibly others; as well as show off maybe how they act during their downtime. I know Peligroso would be either doing weights and working on his fists and fighting; or fixing his bike. Plus we can include how confrontagious certain members can be with one another.
Just something I wanted to say.

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Character development / team dynamics
I could even see a whole "Heroes: Off Hours" series, full of side-snippets of what's going on between saving the world. (Probably as a recurring-but-separate feature in the ongoing series rather than a completely separate series).
It's a balancing act, but personally I prefer the character interactions to mostly come through in the secondary interactions of the main story.
IMO, Fukujinzuke in HU Adventures is the absolute master of dropping in the little character moments, like (as SUX said) Vora's dance with the SHELL suit, or Hightide's infatuation with the HU Commander (Oh Natasha, how disappointed he'd be in you were he still with us. :( ). And little inter-character bits like Masao's opinion of Brad Stone's movies. :)
Natasha's gradual unravelling came through really nicely over the course of several stories too without ever being an overt plotline in itself. (Well, until it was. xD).
I'm… pretty much babbling now. xO Short version: Sounds like a great idea to me so long as it doesn't come at the expense of all that awesome superhero action. :)
P.S. Can someone please clarify for me: I always figured Vora had a crush on SHELL's suit, rather than Masao himself.
Vora has a crush on Masao. The way she's dancing around with his armour in that one side-story is mostly her way of living out her fantasies. And yes, it's completely one-sided.
I also personally prefer when the character moments are weaved in with the action in the main stories. Like you say, it's an act of balance.
Thanks for the tip on how to trick Drunkduck's new crud-tastic writing system into making text in proper blocks, irrevenant!
i think it could be fun to have little things here and there! there's such an array of characters, and the HA cast is growing all the time! as long as the main HA storyline stays in focus of corse, i think this could be something fun to play with!
i've been rolling around the idea of a short "show down" type story between Desperado and Bones. im sure i could think of a way to weave that into the story line too, but even as a little side story i think it'd work well. it'll help develop the deeper interactions and relationships between characters too, which we couldnt possibly stuff into the HA story line or else it'll just become bloated and implode in on itself.
I'm down with this idea too. 1-3 pages of "off-duty" shots in its own series would not only give a lot of chances for multiple characters to interact with each other, but it can also be flexible enough for multiple writers and multiple artists to collaborate freely.
… and maybe it can even update at a faster rate than HA *cough* (jk)
PIT_Face: If you have a script, I can help with the art! I need to practice drawing Bones though. Heh heh.
I think the "little things" should really be as big as everything else on this comic. So I renamed this thread (formerly "the little things"), because I think it's really important. In fact, for the next few chapters going into production, I propose
Since the inception of HA, we'd been discussing mainly plot ideas in the stories/storylines thread. What I think we should do next is think about character development FIRST, and then tailor our plots to serve this aim. This is partly because (1) that's what could really make this comic stand out and become more memorable, and as HedonisticActor has said on ch. 7 p. 34, it's what needs to keep HA from becoming one of those "vaguely defined super heroes with lots of neat powers go to stop the plans of vaguely defined super villains with lots of neat powers and proceed to beat the crap out of each other" stories, but also because (2) many of HA's characters don't have their own book right now (or HA updates more consistently than the character's own comics - I'm guilty of that myself), so HA is really the only or primary place where these characters can be developed.
In order to achieve this, we should map out what the characters are about. Preferrably, each creator gives a bit of input about their character(s) here and where they'd like to see them go on the team, especially in light of their relationship to other characters.
So, I'll start giving some input.
What I'd like to see, and have gone over a few times in my mind, is to resolve the issue between Bombshell and Relik that stems from (a) Bombshell's secret agenda, which is hinted at most directly on #6 p. 17, but has been hinted at in several chapters (for instance, we still don't really know who was behind the events in #3, but there have been hints Bombshell was involved) and from (b) Relik's shady attachment to the HU Commander (see #3 p. and following). Now that HU is gone, Relik might feel that the sole responsibility of keeping possible dark forces within HA at bay rests on his shoulders. So he will confront Bombshell, possibly in front of another (or several) powerful member of HA, whom he considers trustworthy - I was thinking of Shell.
Another thing that needs to be resolved on a personal level is the issue of "superhero politics". With the UN version of HU gone, some of the world's most recognizable superheroes are members of HA, but there are other teams which might either simply coexist (the new HU led by Tazer) or be a form of competitor (RISE). Then there are obviously metahuman organizations which are more like gangs - see those in HA #3. I think we need to develop some proper framework of how these would interact. There's probably going to be some sort of stand-off between HA and RISE at the end of the Zombie Queen chapter - I haven't written it yet, because I'm not entirely clear on their relationship. RISE is owned by national government(s), HA is (roughly) dedicated to ideals of justice, help and damage control - there'd definitely be some areas of conflict.
So, input will be appreciated ^_^
Okay I'm good now.
So, Wireless:
Was just one of those kids who didn't really stand out in a crowd. He had a hard life growing up as he lost his parents when he was 10 and basically he and his sister were left to fend for themselves due to no other living relatives and all that. When he first gained his powers all he wanted was to ignore them. Maybe use them from time to time but he didn't really want anyone else knowing about them and he didn't want to make any kind of fuss over them. He just wanted to be a normal kid, but when his lifelong crush was brutally raped and murdered, he suddenly felt this responsibility that if he had the power to make a difference he should.
So that backstory out of the way Wireless' basic emotion set:
-Kind of feels like the world needs to rest on his shoulders. Not that he doesn't want to ask for help, mostly he just feels no one else would look out for him and he doesn't want to impose
-Has a bit of an inner struggle between wanting things to be normal but feeling that he can't just stand by when people are hurting and he can help
-He is ENTIRELY overwhelmed by everything that's happening but doesn't want to show his hand
-He tends to hide his fear by appearing somewhat overconfident/making wise cracks as he fights
-Despite his behaviour he's actually pretty methodical and strategic in his fights and moves, Also if a sacrifice needs to be made he usually wants to be the one to make it but not before making sure that there is NO OTHER way
For how I'd like to see him with the team:
-He'd want to be there if they need his help but his loyalties mainly lie in Canada as he still thinks HE'S the one who messed it up
-He's rather shy so the bolder/more outgoing characters (Peligroso, Imp, etc) he'd probably tend to avoid just out of awkwardness, quieter characters like SHELL he might WANT to get to know but take things really slow. He is INCREDIBLY awkward around women so he'd probably be just awkward around most the female members. Though that being said if he would crush on anyone it would probably be a Vora like character more than Bleeder or Bombshell.
Hope that helps, let me know if you need more info
Thanks for the input! I should add that, while it's vital to have a psychological profile for our characters, like the one you gave, specific suggestions will also be very helpful for whoever gets to write the respective character moments. Because it might be that the writers are familiar with the characters, but still undecided on how to use them. So I'd suggest to use the "team building" thread for profiles, but this thread to pitch specific character interaction.
Character interaction makes sense for this thread. It can help the stories flow. On my characters:
I've often looked at the idea of attraction Astral and Sparkle would have for others. Astral will often flirt with women while in his astral form, regardless of whether they would be receptive. In his physical form, he's quite shy. In any event, he has the biggest crush on Bombshell. He will check her out any time he can. Sparkle, meanwhile, is much more reserved but has a much more schoolgirl-type crush on Brad Stone. She's not enamored with him as Relik, though, due to how spooky the armor is.
As far as friendships, I will say that Astral and Sparkle stick together by their nature, with a sibling dynamic. But amongst other HA members, Sparkle would gravitate towards the younger ones because they aren't as high above her intelligence level as much of the adults. Bombshell makes her uncomfortable because of the intelligence gap, for instance, and the same can go for her interacting with Shell. Astral, meanwhile, will hang around the adults more often, since he can't relate to the children as well.
I'd posit that there could be a good rapport between like-minded characters, though. Astral and Imp might be each other's wingman out picking up women, for instance. I don't know a good character to specifically have interact with Sparkle, however. Sparkle likes to be girly and would more often interact with a character who shares this, but I can't think of any HA character who is incredibly girly. But this is a reason why others can come up with stuff, too.
And there's another thing to mention, of course: What You Believe does establish a rapport between Imp and Spatulator. It's one of my favorite parts of the story, and I hope others expand upon it.
I'd be interested in seeing one or more of Vora's secret, unofficial fanclub members try to go up against Shell in some occassional manhood pissing contest (not literally) while Shell remains absolutely oblivious to what's transpiring (since he has no feelings for Vora and knows that Vora's just interested in the exosuit -i.e. not Masao himself-, nor is he aware of her HA member fans).
And then maybe, some others (who aren't necessarily sure what the pissing contest is all about) just kinda jump in for the sake of part-taking in the pissing contest… and it'd be funny if Vora herself jumped in on it. Oh wait… did I go off on a tangent…?
I really like where this is going!
As for Shadow Fox, I see him as one of the more low-key members of the team. At face-value, it seems like there's something REALLY unsettling and disturbing about him (especially to the more level-headed members of the team– where they feel its best that they just keep their distance).
Those that actually get close enough to interact with him realize that he's not such a bad person that he's made out to be (as well as he makes himself out to be).
As for potential love-interest– I don't really see him getting too involved with any of the current female characters on-board. I see him falling more for like a villain (which could get interesting) but that could be expanded on if (/) when the time comes lol.
so that's my 2 cents
Who would have thought that my little thread would become a super important one :D
Peligroso: I think we can figure out from a psychological view of Peligroso is that he has a bloodlust; he loves to fight and to put himself into that dangerous situation, perhaps one could even say that he sees himself as either an adrenaline junkie…or in a more darker sense that he has nothing to live for (since he lost his girlfriend, a father figure and a family with Los Muertos). And because of that he acts cocky and arrogant, but he's secretly angry and if people ask about his past he just tries to hide it; often perhaps getting angry at that person since it's such a painful thing for him to think about. I feel that if he did talk to anyone about his pain and his past; it's gonna be Bleeder since she has a demon as well, plus she's not exactly a clean cut woman herself; so I think he'd find some solace in talking to her.
The Bujin
The idea behind this guy is that he's going to be a little like the reader in that he's the outsider of this group looking in. He's not really going to be a proper member of the HA - more there to help if they need and vice versa. My initial idea to him was that he is going to be to the HA what Shell initially was to the HU - in that he is a constant reminder that this team is not there just to fight threats, but also to protect the public (and also, follow up on something after they've saved the day - such as rebuilding etc.) I can already see him being one of the only people who Shell can confide with and again, vice versa - I can see them having some kind of bond.
One idea I had is that perhaps HA, with all the darkness (Bombshell's dealings and Reliks mysteriousness etc) could maybe start to be going down a different direction and because he's not really a part of it - The Bujin would be the first to notice and warn them off. I also have a future issue plans for him and I think he could alowly begin to become one of the key "consciences" of the group.
Although he hasn't been introduced yet, I'll go through this. Basically, his name says it all. This guy has a love for wars and battles etc. He'll be one to definitely side allegiances (especially with Bombshell - I can see him being sort of like her "gun") with those he respects in warfare and doesn't care for those. He's not much of a team player and will do stuff his way if needs be. However, he is also not stupid and knows a good fight where other members are needed.
This actually seems like a cool idea, might as well give some input on my character.
I guess for Roof-Rat, he'd be the really snarky and sarcastic to most of the other members and be the type of hero who'd charge headfirst into a fight(which could make him the first to get knocked out depending on who he's fighting). I could probably see him being weirdly into Brad Stone/Relik movies(maybe trying to pester him for an autograph) and I guess he'd hang around the less serious or younger members like Comet Kid or Mr Imp.
Well if my pitch gets aceepted I'd make the primary Character crux be the Bombshell-Nat- Tazer relationship as I feel that's one of the most developed of the ones we have currently. More details will be found in the initial Story Draft I'm working up now for the first Story I've planned.
So not sure villains/R.I.S.E. members are intended for this, but in R.I.S.E, Armond Starion (Riotmonger/breaker) is a former cop. As such, he'd probably be more than a little hateful toward his teammates at the beginning- the guy has a bit of a grudge against people in capes too, since he's gotten his ego wounded by Effex (in Dueling Heroes, to come later, of course).
He's much more likely to open up to another hero that's taken a step on the dark side rather than a villain coming toward the light. Even so, he might surprise me. The fact that he's a R.I.S.E. member alone implies that perhaps his desire to overthrow the existing order and to replace it with a harsher one might be waning.
As for interactions- the guy has some base respect for power, but he tends to associate power with someone to point a gun at, so there has to be some balance. Most likely he'll be the most 'normal' looking of the team, since almost all his abilities involve his armor. Off-duty, he tends to relax by sitting back and listening to some classical music. Especially Chopin.
After reading this, I could not believe that the idea I thought I had was thought about 2 years ago.
Well, I wanted was to create a an HA comic with the introduction of my characters as part of a new storyline called, "Heroes Alliance: auxiliary" basically show life around the few characters that don't get enough "air time". Not so much fighting bad guys, but how all the characters get along with each other and maybe form close relationships.
However, I'm stuck with asking creators if I can use their HA characters or not. Still wait for replies. With having little options, I'm going to ask the same creators, who I got permission to used, if I can use their characters aging.
shastab24 wrote:CD, though you didn't contact me, I will say that Astral and Sparkle would definitely be available to be used.
I have plans for both Astral and Sparkles. Just not yet. Have not thought about villain to take on yet. Or how Solarcell will meet them. Remember these are, at this point, just stories that I'm laying out. Due to the fact that Astral and Sparkles are not part of HA per say, I can't use them right now. They still are a part of the HA universe so they will show up. I'll let you know when.
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