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The Loup Garou are lycanthropes who shift from human to wolf. More commonly known as werewolves, the Loup have long been hunters of men.
In the 17th century, the Loup began to realize that keeping a low profile was the only way they could survive, so the strongest of their numbers began to gather the Loup into Packs led by a Primus.
Each Pack has smaller groups spread out over the world each headed by it's own Alpha who is responsible for their pack's behavior and answerable to the Primus.
Most Packs have long forsworn the hunting and killing of humans in order to avoid detection and the inevitable witchhunt. Every so often, a Loup will go rogue and begin to kill, but they are soon hunted by their Pack and brought down, lest the Consortium become involved.
Loup are extremely strong, fast and resilient to damage. Their senses far outstrip ordinary humans whom they tend to view with contempt.
Loup can be killed by silver weapons, beheading or extreme trauma that obliterates the heart or brain completely.
There are currently 12 Packs known by the Consortium.