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Hello everyone.
So, here's my deal. I have my story, I have the script for the first chapter and some plot for moving forward, I have sketches for all the main characters by my original artist, but she had to drop out of the project because of her increased schoolwork and now I'm sitting on a ready script with no artist.
Initially I though of this as practice for my writing skills, but it has evolved way beyond that and I'm now even considering Comixology Submit, but for that I need some finished work.
About the story. It's a fantasy-adventure about teenagers (so you can be sure there will be romance too) I still can't find a decent title, so for now I'm sticking with the title of the first chapter, "Heartless".
The story begins when Alyssa, a schoolgirl, gets attacked by a gang of teenagers, led by Eric, her biggest crush and resident bad-boy and while she's trying to escape, she discovers that they are linked by a magical connection. The rest of the cast is comprised of her boyfriend, Daniel, 3 of her best friends and the 3 members of Eric's gang.
I write in full script format and the chapters are not necessarily 22-page issues. I write each chapter as long as I feel it needs to be. That means that the first chapter is 18 pages long, but the next could be 15, 25, or 50 (not likely)
So, I'd love to hear what you think and I'd love to get to work as quickly as possible, because this started as a simple exercise and now I have pages of notes for future chapters that I need to get off my head and into paper. Hoping to hear from you soon. Message me for any questions…