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When I was thirteen, I made a sprite comic called Sonic Mishaps. It started in paint, and had… well… the humor content of a thirteen year old. That was seven years ago, and after four years of inactivity, I've decided to pick up the spritesheets again and start anew.
Death by Cutscene is a sprite comic.
Yeah, they pretty much died out after Bob and George + 8-bit Theater ended.
Anyways, this comic will be a grab-bag of interactions and jokes revolving around the video game universe. No game in particular, though I might lean one way or the other, but I'm going to see what I can do to bring a fun, humorous sprite comic to life. Please check it out if you enjoy some of the older gaems or even if you just like game humor at all.
There will be story arcs, we just need to find ways to hide them in our jokes.
Thanks for reading, please check us out.