Just a little game. How will your female characters interact with the one above or the first three in this thread in a random bar? The time will be placed at night.
My character Samantha enters the bar feeling thirsty after fighting a few thugs in an alleyway down the street. She has a little bit of blood around her fist, but that doesn't bother her as much. She just wipes it off with a clean napkin. She turns to a football (soccer) game drinking rum. She belches loudly after drinking 3 bottles of rum while cheering on Atlanta United FC playing against Manchester.
"Show these elites what for!" she shouted slamming her sixth bottle.

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How Will Your Female Character Interact With The First Three In A Bar?
That you mentioned the blood makes me assume our characters would of notice it…
Of course Kimber Lee would notice that Samantha is rather attractive (we all notice that!) but the blood would be the first thing that truly roused Kimber Lee's interest. So, she'd ease closer, and when Samantha started the boisterous cheering over the Soccer game, Kimber Lee would mention that the real reason Soccer is so popular the world over is because it's a relatively cheap sport to get going. "Baseball, Basketball, and esp. American Football, all have extensive equipment and playing field requirements - only wealthy communities can set up the infrastructure needed to play them… But Soccer… All you need is a ball and a flat field! That's why it's a commie sport! *wink*"
She'd wait a bit to see if the little baiting dig took hold and get a conversation started, hopefully a spirited one. Eventually, she'd ask about the blood. If Samantha lied about it (Kimber Lee would know), she call her out on it. Should Samantha tell the truth, Kimber Lee's interest would rocket, perhaps envisioning going out together and finding a few more thugs, perhaps becoming friends! If Samantha was irritated enough to threaten Kimber Lee on any level, she wouldn't back down… That could get very interesting!
Kaida is a mind-her-own-business sort, but if she's at a bar instead of drinking at home, she must be interested in people-watching.
She'd probably listen to the conversation with some interest but try not to be noticed noticing. If she's interested enough, she might have to hide the fact by pretending to read a newspaper. The more interesting Kimber and Samantha appear, the less Kaida would want to involve herself. She would be dressed as inconspiculously and unsexily as possible, of course.
After a few drinks, there's a chance she'd let her guard slip and join a conversation. Sports aren't her thing, but if the topic turns to literature or history, she might jump in.
She is always carrying concealed in case she runs into someone she knows, but if any trouble breaks out, she'll be the first to leave.
KimLuster wrote:
That you mentioned the blood makes me assume our characters would of notice it…
Of course Kimber Lee would notice that Samantha is rather attractive (we all notice that!) but the blood would be the first thing that truly roused Kimber Lee's interest. So, she'd ease closer, and when Samantha started the boisterous cheering over the Soccer game, Kimber Lee would mention that the real reason Soccer is so popular the world over is because it's a relatively cheap sport to get going. "Baseball, Basketball, and esp. American Football, all have extensive equipment and playing field requirements - only wealthy communities can set up the infrastructure needed to play them… But Soccer… All you need is a ball and a flat field! That's why it's a commie sport! *wink*"
She'd wait a bit to see if the little baiting dig took hold and get a conversation started, hopefully, a spirited one. Eventually, she'd ask about the blood. If Samantha lied about it (Kimber Lee would know), she calls her out on it. Should Samantha tell the truth, Kimber Lee's interest would rocket, perhaps envisioning going out together and finding a few more thugs, perhaps becoming friends! If Samantha was irritated enough to threaten Kimber Lee on any level, she wouldn't back down… That could get very interesting!
After a few drinks, Samantha belches again this time she would notice Kimber Lee staring at her a little bit. It wouldn't bother her at all but she would be interested to try to get to know her a little bit. She would notice immediately that she was wearing a Texas shirt, her grandfather's home state, and that she was relatively attractive with a slight muscular appearance. She takes out her Zeta Badge just in case. She turns around and starts off a conversation about the game. I have no doubt that Kimber Lee would call Soccer a commie sport lol, one to which Samantha would be very confused about.
"Isn't cricket somewhat that? Because that game sucks," she would probably say. Since Samantha isn't all too well versed in politics, Kimber Lee would pretty much mention the blood around her fist. She would bluntly say that she had to fight off a Vampire Street Gang called "43rd Street" from harming a young man wearing a blue shirt with the same style similar to hers but with the yellow rectangle on the center.
usedbooks wrote:
Kaida is a mind-her-own-business sort, but if she's at a bar instead of drinking at home, she must be interested in people-watching.
She'd probably listen to the conversation with some interest but try not to be noticed noticing. If she's interested enough, she might have to hide the fact by pretending to read a newspaper. The more interesting Kimber and Samantha appear, the less Kaida would want to involve herself. She would be dressed as inconspiculously and unsexily as possible, of course.
After a few drinks, there's a chance she'd let her guard slip and join a conversation. Sports aren't her thing, but if the topic turns to literature or history, she might jump in.
She is always carrying concealed in case she runs into someone she knows, but if any trouble breaks out, she'll be the first to leave.
I think Samantha would somewhat notice her a little bit on her way into the bar though. She would wave at her and before the game starts she would be a little annoying since she is a little bit socially awkward. She would look at the book she's reading in earnest and pretty much ask her to read it to her until the game starts.
Haha, for some reason I didn't think this would turn into a mini-RP thingy…
Kimber Lee chuckles. "Cricket? The extent of my knowledge of that game comes from The Crying Game - and Cricket is the least interesting thing about THAT movie!!"
At the mention of Vampires, Kimber Lee's first reaction is a raised eyebrow of incredulousness. Despite her own chrysalis, she still found it hard to believe other more-than-human things crawled around in the world. Once a skeptic…
About to respond, her hyper-senses noted someone else watching them, listening, but trying her best to appear not doing so.
"What'cha think?," she says to Kaida, with a wink. "Vampire gangs roving around, or someone's been reading too much Stephanie Meyer?"
Kaida has been working on the newspaper crossword puzzle. She half-listened to most of the conversation but heard all of it.
She looks up when Kimber addresses her. "Are you talking to me? What do I think of street gangs? Or vampires? Or chainsaw decapitation?"
"I think crime is a result of rampant poverty and mismanagement of social programs. It's a damn shame when youths have no guidance and have to do what it takes to survive.
"I think we have enough evil in the world without inventing fairytale monsters.
"I think melee combat is messy and risky. If your opponent has seen you, you've already messed up.
"I think I need a six-letter word for 'nighttime noisemaker.'
"And I think I'll have another beer."
This would be the last time Searsha would ever substitute bartend for Belle. So what if she zapped a vampire and destroyed two tables. Wasn't as bad as Ash and his chainsaw. She was good for it. But Belle had a movie to do, she was in town and here she was.
"Heh, we had a vampire in here. Some guy decapitated it with a chainsaw. "
First there was the super. The cape wasn't for warmth and there was fresh blood on her hands. Used up half the pile to clean it off. And, she had drunk six bottles of rum with no side effects. That was going to be one hell of a tab.
"Texas, You gonna order a drink or what?" Looked familiar. Couldn't be Kimber Lee. Yes, it was. Wondered if she could read her. The Kimber Lee's heightened senses operated similarly to her own as a sorceress. But her manipulation of her surroundings was crude but then it was all brand new. Searsha had been doing it ever since she could remember and all the training.
And gun girl. She was packing and probably had some criminal connections. Might be useful to talk to her. Such connections were always useful and Searshas own past was far from squeaky clean.
Now who turned the station, she had been watching NASCAR.
Kimber Lee literally leaned back, eyes wide; she was completely taken aback by Kaida's witty bullet-point verbal barrage!! Then she smiled, a big one, eyes gleaming. "Haha I really like you…!"
From the corner of her attention, she overheard the bartender make offhand remarks about vampires coming to this exact bar, more about decapitations… Where was Belle? That was the real reason she'd came here…
"Texas, You gonna order a drink or what?" the bartender asked, rather loudly. A stranger might take that rudely, but Kimber Lee sensed no malice or irritation, just someone who was used to getting things moving, someone who eyes looked much older and wiser than her pretty and youthful figure.
Still smiling, Kimber Lee answered: "Shiner Bock on draft, Ginger, and also another bottle of Rum for my new friend Buffy…" she nodded towards Samantha before turning back to Kaida, "…and whatever beer brand Miss Eloquence is having!
Putting the beer down in front Kaida Searsha said, "Your FBI once insisted the Mafia was a fairy tale. Vampires exist. Heck we even have a Slayer on speed dial. She's been pretty busy lately so there's been need of some outside help. "
Back behind the bar Searsha replaced the napkins and placed the seventh rum bottle in front of Samantha. "I'm Searsha, your fill in bartender for this evening and please don't turn the station on the telly without asking, 'kay?"
Searsha had watched plenty of football matches in her time including ones played with freshly severed heads. The Norse always had a macabre sense of humor. Tonight it was her TV. And now she prayed to the Golden Goddess the illusion spell on her claw would hold before a sensitive like Kimber Lee. Be difficult to explain how her left hand would just vanish like that to be replaced by a metal spring loaded claw. And that would require more magic to cloud all the customer's minds. Distraction.
"And speaking of fairy tales, a fairy, an elf and a sorceress walk into a tavern…"
Kaida nods to Kimber. "Thanks. Not many people like me. I'll get you back for the beer."
She takes a sip and shrugs. "Vampires. Why not? I've known my share of monsters that are hard to kill. – Not that I've tried.
"Looks like I've wandered into a supernatural tavern. Too bad I gave up religion, and I'm fresh out of crucifixes."
She lifts her glass, "To your health, immortals."
Kaida watches the game with passing interest. She doesn't understand spectator sports. People arbitrarily picking a side to cheer for. Everyone wants to feel like they are part of something and to have a rival but they don't want to actually be involved. "Guess we all need a way to pass time until we die." She doesn't register that she said it aloud. Thoughts turn to words with a little alcohol.
Kaida writes another crossword answer and looks for a dartboard. She hesitates challenging this crowd to a game. She is bound to be disappointed or to discover some new uncomfortable truth about the world she's stumbled into.
Samantha giggled with Kimber Lee at the mention of her calling her Buffy. She had no idea who Stephanie Meyer was but decided to let it slide. She took another round of rum and turned to Kimber.
"Well yeah, I fight vampires - well not like Blade sadly. These vampires were about to harm another person and I had to step in you know. A hero gotta do what a hero gotta do."
Samantha smacked Kimber's back then belched a loud belch. "Oh, excuse me. 12 beers can do so but so much, right? Hehe."
Then Atlanta United FC lost the game. Samantha freaked out.
"Oh come on! How can they lose to these rich bastards!"
"Those Bastards just might be wealthy because they're better players." Searsha said. Samantha's bloodshot eyes and flushed cheeks told the stand-in bartender that Samantha was finally feeling the effects of her drinking.
"Now you need to lay off the rum, so it's soft drinks or nothing for you. Maybe some food? Jorge makes a mean quesadilla." Searsha leaned close to Samantha "and you have a $127 bar bill right now, so you need to slow down 'fore you fall down."
"I only speak in your own best interests."
With the game over, Searsha picked up the remote and changed the station back to her race. Earnhardt Jr. Had won again. She started flipping channels until she saw a familiar blonde haired head. "Hey, there's a Belinda Brandon movie on Syfy!"
"Heya, I'm Kimber Lee," she says to Kaida as she takes a pull on her draft. "So… crossword puzzles. I'm more in to Mahjong myself… It's sorta Chinese dominoes, but can be played like Solitaire, but I suspect you might know that… There's apps for it!"
She eagerly awaited more whimsical repartee but then she caught the actress on the screen. "Belle…"
A moment of clarity tried to poke through. Something wasn't quite right. Not just vampire conversations, but… something about the bartender… Something seemed clouded. Kimber Lee knew that her friend Socorro (and Jack) could shift people's perceptions of them. She peered closer…
"Sorry to sound cliché, but do you come here often?" she asked Kaida without taking her eyes off the bartender. "I mean… do you know people here - like, the redhead behind the bar?"
Kaida looks up. "Pen and paper are my preferences. I have a Majong set in my antiques collection; can't recall when I last played. I don't keep electronic gadgets around. I don't fancy being lo-jacked."
After taking a sip of beer, Kaida thoughtfully observes the bartender. "Something strange about her? Seems fine to me – if a little eccentric, but who isn't? She seems a wary of you, by her posture. Old enemy? Friend? Lover?
"I'm from out of town. There is no place uglier than my town, even without the vampires." Kaida emphasizes the last phrase with a smirk and touch of sarcasm. "I wanted to go somewhere where I don't know anyone and vice versa.
"Name's Kaida, by the way. You know me now. Good luck with that."
Samantha, finally feeling the effects of drinking too much felt a little woozy though. Though not by much. She was still mad at the Atlanta United FC losing to Manchester. She turns to Kaida who was talking to Kimber Lee.
"Oh crossword puzzles? I love crossword puzzles!" she said with excitement in her voice, "I play it when I'm either bored or when my grandpappy is off doing business."
Searsha remained nonchalant despite Kimber Lee staring at her. And then Kaida, though she was more circumspect.
"Jorge, you come out and mind bar, I gotta piss."
She ducked behind the door marked "employees only" and removed her claw. The illusion spell dissipated and only her stump remained. Belle had gotten her a prosthetic hand for her to use in this time. Searsha couldn't take it to her native time and place since it was made of plastic and fiberglass; materials completely alien, unknown and forbidden for her to return with. She fitted it and put her long gloves over it. Through magic she could wiggle the fingers and flex the wrist but she never needed it before. Thankfully there were only a handful of talented types like Kimber Lee around. The mess that girl could make with the right training. Make the witch of Ashrack look like a jolly holiday. But that was unfinished business, and now all she had to worry about was tending bar. And three eccentric customers.
The moment was taking on a surreal quality, and Kimber Lee felt a distressingly familiar feeling, a small surge of panic. Perception manipulation, talk of vampires, a woman drinking 50 barrels of rum and still standing… Am I dreaming? No, no… She knew she wasn't - that didn't happen anymore… But that meant that lady bartender knew she was watching her, knew she needed to duck out of sight… which meant she knew about her, Kimber Lee… Maybe keeping an eye on me…
Paranoia could be such an irritation.
She glanced over at Kaida again, focusing her senses. Kaida was normal… Well, not normal, but certainly not a freak like this bar seemed to be full of… Like I am…
"I…I'm wondering if we should get out of here… maybe go somewhere else…," Kimber Lee said in a muddled monotone.
Kaida raises an eyebrow and looks around the room. The bartender had looked suspicious and left. This so-called vampire slayer was way too happy and outgoing. She kind of reminded her of someone.
Kimber seemed okay – aside from making conversation with her, which was a little annoying but also saved her from self-inflicted isolation. The vibe was wrong. She won't buy into the supernatural nonsense, but there might be a plot afoot. The last thing Kaida wanted was to get pulled into some kind of plot. For once, it didn't seem to be directed at her, but she had been noticed and addressed by multiple people. That made her uncomfortable even without everyone's insistence on boogeymen men lurking in the streets.
"Yeah, I think you're right," Kaida says. "I'd like to find a place that is more populated but less crowded. I'd hate to get disarmed in a Tatooine bar brawl."
Kaida hands the comic and puzzles page of the newspaper to Samantha. "Crossword puzzle is half-finished, but you're welcome to it. The funnies too. I always enjoy the Lockhorns myself." She folds the rest of the paper and puts it in her bag. Once she's in a less strange environment, she can take a closer look at that estate sale advert in the classifieds.
She then addresses the current tender of the bar. "I'd like to settle up."
Kimber Lee rises with Kaida. "No, no… let me cover it"
She watched as the bartender ran her card, printed her ticket, then passed it to her along with a pen. Soon as she wrote down her tip amount (always 20%) she'd leave here, go somewhere else, with her new friend. Somewhere something crazy would NOT happen… She didn't need anymore craziness… Even though a part of her liked it, the electrifying feeling it brought. It could be so satisfying to ferret out spies, people keeping an eye on her. She'd gotten quite good at it, even as the various agencies kept upping their game, became more sophisticated in their surveillance of her…
Still, it'd be best to just sign the bill. Get out of here… Sign the Damn Bill!!
"I'd like to speak to that pretty redheaded bartender!! And you too, Soccer Mom!" she said with a quick glance at Samantha, voice salty.
KimLuster wrote:
Even though a part of her liked it, the electrifying feeling it brought. It could be so satisfying to ferret out spies, people keeping an eye on her. She'd gotten quite good at it, even as the various agencies kept upping their game, became more sophisticated in their surveillance of her…
"I'd like to speak to that pretty redheaded bartender!! And you too, Soccer Mom!" she said with a quick glance at Samantha, voice salty.
(Do you really want to go there Kimluster? You know I have a few secret agencies in my universe who would be keeping a very quiet, very sophisticated surveillance on Kimber Lee)
Searsha sensed a presence behind her. She spun around claw at the ready. "Just me, ancestor." A woman who was a near double of Searsha said smiling. "Seems you picked a bad night to tend bar." Sara Letalon continued.
"Nothing I couldn't handle daughter," Searsha replied. Close to nearly fourteen centuries separated the two, yet they could be twins. Except one had two hands and slightly darker hair. One used what she called magic and the other had similar skills enhanced by technology.
"No need for you to handle it Mistress, you're needed back in your own world. Activate the crystal and return to Narthatheia, a great adventure awaits."
"You always say that, it hardly an adventure but the same uphill battle. I stocked up on parts and ammunition which is all I really came to do, very well." She removed the prosthetic hand and picked up the pale blue crystal on it's long chain. She reached over and pecked her descendant on the cheek. "Give my best to your daughter."
With a few mumbled words Searsha vanished. Removing her overcoat Sara revealed she was dressed identically to her departed ancestor. With a thought she opened her embedded transmitter and contacted her back-up.
Jorge entered and jerked his hand over his shoulder "Customer wants to speak to the red haired bartender." He did a double take. "You're not one-hand, you're Sara. You think you fool that super?"
"I've made a career out of fooling people Jorge. Except you. What is it?"
"Sixth sense and both feet on the ground. Talk of vampires, think I'll watch From Dusk Till Dawn again, yell anyone needs the kitchen."
And it was Sara's turn. Just how do you assure a mark you've been secretly survielling the whole time that you were on her side and yet not break the complete the wall of security? After all Sara Letalon only liaised with Earth agencies and actually worked for an extraterrestrial power. And Kimber Lee couldn't be allowed to know that. Yet.
(I switched the Sword of Kings Searsha for the Tales of SIG and Battle of the Robofemoids Aordian SIG regional commander chief Sara Letalon)
(Do you really want to go there Kimluster? You know I have a few secret agencies in my universe who would be keeping a very quiet, very sophisticated surveillance on Kimber Lee)
(Doesn't matter what I know - Kimber Lee, the character, wouldn't know that… Any 'enhanced' being she came across she'd have certain assumptions about, likely thinking they're somehow connected with other Godstrain-like experimentations (which she's determined to not let happen)… ;))
Kaida grows uncomfortable. Great, she thinks, Kimber must be one of those address-things-head-on types. Not the best companion for a find-a-secure-hiding-place-and-wait-for-it-to-pass type. Ugh, what's a misanthrope to do?
But it was her decision to go to a bar. And it could be entertaining if she can stay clear of the splash zone.
Kaida excuses herself to the restroom. Heavy coat and shades were still on point. She wouldn't be someone to be recognized or, God forbid, asked to testify. She also didn't risk getting hit on or flirted with on the way home. (Not an issue in theory, but the men she attracts are… well, monsters.) She checks her favorite glock. Loaded. Concealed. Backup pistol? Good.
Now, the decision. Out a window to apparently face roving bands of vampires? Or back to the bar for a show with high risk of getting dragged into an incident.
Using her outdated flip phone, she texts a friend. "At that bar Neighborhood is dicy andthe bar 2 Nothing yet,. but if I dont text in 10 minutes, call cops." She ponders the value of a modern phone.
Kaida feels satisfied. Time for the show. She half smiles at Kimber. "I'll be over here when you're ready to go." She won't admit that she's afraid to walk to the bus stop alone. How absurd. Kaida. Afraid. Of course she's not afraid. She's…responsible. Maybe Kimber needs someone to walk with.
Kaida positions herself at a booth near the door and takes the newspaper out again.
Just as she gets comfy, Kaida can feel hot breathing from under the table. A face appears slowly from there. The face of a man. grimy man. He has long gnarly mac-n-cheese orange hair. Various items of refuse and debris and remains are tangled in it. The man flashes her a toothy, yellow grin and gurgles, "Hey….What'chu got?"
Kaida is a bit startled but doesn't sense a threat. She has known an odd character or two.
"The Finance section and a self-destructive curiosity. I didn't realize this booth was taken. My apologies. I'm just waiting for my friend."
She stands up and leans against the wall near the door. Interesting man. Most she knew only looked like that on the inside.
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