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Moonlight meanderer

Let's pretend it's the 24th!

Black_Kitty at May 24, 2006, 11:08 p.m.

Yes let's! I'm not late, you're all early! ;P

What's so special about May 24th? It's the day Firefly Cross turned 4 (and not a single missed update!) and Mafital updated with its 250th strip! Congrats you guys!

June 1st is also Megaman the Comic's 2nd anniversary~ Maybe there will be a surprise. ;)

Congratulations Lukee, winner of Top Drawer Idol! You get to moderate Top Drawer!

Missed out on DrunkDuck Fusion 12? Fear not because there's always Lucky 13! This time, instead of working backwards, the 13th Fusion comic will revolve around the theme of superstitions about bad luck. It's a fun community activity so if you're looking for something to do, join in on the fun!

If you're a big fan of Culture Shock then help Hawk out! He's looking for input about what kind of prints he should consider selling in conventions and possibly online. If you've been itching for a Culture Shock print, then here's your chance to speak up!

MisterSpook and I did another Drive By for the Gigcast. This time we reviewed LAX Light Motion Dreams!

Don't forget our beloved Quack Zine!

Guess that's all for now~


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Moonlight meanderer

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