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Moonlight meanderer

YAY it's Friday!

Black_Kitty at May 10, 2007, 10:14 p.m.

It's Friday! And what better way to celebrate a Friday than a lot of webcomic news?! :D

And that was so not a rhetorical question because all of you should celebrate this glorious Friday by joining Fusion! What is Fusion? A fun round robin style community project! Check it out! :D

And if you're the type that like to listen to stuff as you work, why not listen to The Gigcast's interview with DJ Coffman? For those of you who don't know, DJ Coffman is the creator behind Hero By Night and will be a judge for this year's Comic Book Challenge. In the interview he talks about his own works as well as other things like the Comic Book Challenge and Heroes.

This isn't quite news but I've been looking at the Tips and Tricks forum and saw some really cool stuff. Things like Xerjester's various tips of of the week! (Thanks so much for sharing them Xerjester and welcome back to the Duck!)


I Don't Want To Be The Fat Kid has now hit passed its 25th page!

Scribble has reached the big FIVE-OH! And that's the same milestone that Politics: The Tanker's Way has reached! Congrats you two! :D

Coming closely behind is How Unfortunate which will reach 100th page very soon!

Today is the day Magick will hit its 200th page milestone~

And finally, FantastiTeam would like everyone to know that they're hitting 150th strip this Saturday!


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Moonlight meanderer

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