Hey... YOU! I'm talkin' here!
SpANG at Nov. 15, 2007, 1:13 p.m.
Don't forget that skoolmunkee is back to take your news tidbits, but feel free to send 'em to me too. I don't mind doing the occasional newspost either. It gives the impression that I'm actually doing some work! Ha!
Now for some announcements…
oachambers wants to mention that Weirdlings turns 100 on Friday and they are celebrating the whole week with guest artists! Fun!
antcomics tells us that Antcomics is approaching the 50th strip! She'll be posting it next week at the latest (Mon. or Tue.).
I am planning a big fanart piece to show my thanks to all my readers and pay tribute to some of my favorite comics at DD. It's gonna be a helluva project, but I am looking forward to it!
And don't forget that skoolmunkee recently interviewed Fugli of View of Venus! The interview is HALARIOUS!
What's most fun about your comic in particular? Besides the boobs that is.Visit the forum thread to read the rest!
Actually, I think my boob count is not that high. There are a lot of comics on DD that have higher boob quantity and boob quality. View of Venus actually has a boob-basticness rating of only 2.3 and a nipplistic level in the low 30's. Not to mention it's unimpressive, lowly .05 areola to tingling sensation in midsection ratio. Those numbers just don't lie.
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